Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1) Page 1

by Izzy Williams

  Rider Forbidden

  Book 1 in the Badger’s Mount series


  Izzy Williams


  I dedicate this book to my readers. Thank you for your support and your lovely comments, they mean the world.

  Rider Forbidden

  (Badger’s Mount #1)

  Published by Izzy Williams

  September 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, copies in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the author/publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each participant.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.


  Chapter One

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Connect with Izzy Williams

  My other books:-

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  I pull up into the pit after my practice run and slow to a stop. My team makes their way towards me and I hand one of them my helmet.

  “It leans to the left Harry,” I tell my manager, as I dismount from my bike. My new BMW bike is the shit, but it needs a little tweaking.

  He nods, “Yeah, I saw that. We can fix that, not a problem - other than that?”

  I grin at him, “Other than that, I fucking love it.”

  He slaps me on the shoulder as we walk away towards the changing rooms. It's freezing this morning, which is what you’d expect in January - but it doesn't stop me working up a sweat in these leathers. People don’t realise how much energy it takes to ride. I have to be at optimum fitness all the time. The gym is my friend.

  As I walk with him, a pretty little thing approaches. “Oh, that was so good, I can’t wait to see you race for real.” She sounds breathless.

  I smirk, hmmm . . . maybe tonight’s bit of fun right here?

  “Thanks sweetheart. You work here?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I'm just visiting. I’m Mandi, with an ‘I’.” She hands me a piece of paper. “My number, just in case you’re at a loose end while I'm here.” She smiles at me and I watch her walk off, no doubt swinging her hips on purpose so that I’ll watch her arse as she walks away. It works - I do just that.

  “Thanks honey, I might just give you a call.” I called after her.

  Harry shakes his head at me. “You know, too much use and it'll fall off.”

  I laugh, “Rubbish, keeps it in shape. I can't help being irresistible.”

  I mean all these women throwing themselves at me - like I'm going to turn them down. Why would I?

  Harry doesn't get it, he's old, in his late fifties, settled down after his kids were born - which was a long time ago now.

  He leaves me to it while I get changed. As I leave the dressing room I run smack bang into Denny. “Hey, good run bud. Saw it lean, I’m on it.” My head mechanic won't let me down, best not seeing as he's my best mate too.

  “Yeah, we’ll sort it. You coming to the pub later? Think there are a few of us going to be there?”

  He smiles “Yeah, see you there?” Denny is the yin to my yang, quiet where I am loud, sensible where I am stupid as fuck.

  I nod, “Yeah, told mum I’ll go for dinner but after that I’ll come and meet you guys, Horse and Cart as usual?”

  He nods, “Of course - see you there later then.”

  I get to mum’s and dad’s house on time. Mum looks after me with a freshly cooked chicken dinner. Mum and dad are my number one fans in everything I do - they come and watch every race. Adopted parents actually, but you wouldn't know - they’re mum and dad to me. My own parents might not have wanted me, but they sure did.

  A couple of hours later I turn up at the pub, I spot the gang, give them a nod, then head on over to the bar.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” It's the usual barmaid, I can't remember her name. Sweetheart is usually a safe bet. In bed too, its a rule of mine while I'm fucking, use sweetheart - you can't get yourself into shit by saying the wrong name. This one for example, think I fucked her about a month ago - she was OK - not sure I’ll go there again. She’s still into me though, I can spot the look a mile away.

  “Hi gorgeous, what can I get you?” she winks

  Yup, definitely still into me. “Can I have a pint and six shots? Anythin’ll do.”

  She bends forwards to get the glasses for the shots, purposely giving me a glance at her cleavage. Sorry honey, I've already been there, done that.

  I pull out my phone and check for messages. I have one from Harry.

  Phone me asap, news you're not going to like.

  Oh great, what the fuck’s gone wrong now? Hope it's not a problem with our sponsor - it was so hard getting a sponsor in the first place. I know I'm good, but I still need my big win, getting someone to take a risk on me has been hard. Now BMW has come on board with me they're more willing, but it's not too late for something to go wrong.

  The barmaid serves me the drinks on a tray, I give her my card to open a tab and make my way to the guys.

  Denny stands up. “What the hell Jack? I can't get hammered tonight.”

  “Why not? It's Friday.”

  “Just because you’re not riding tomorrow doesn't mean I have nothing to do.”

  “Stop being a fucking pussy and get the drink down you.” I nod to the other guys by way of hello. “I have to phone Harry, I’ll go outside. Be back in a minute.”

  I go outside the pub, it's freezing. I hit dial on Harry, he picks up straight away.

  “You're not gonna fucking believe this Jack.”

  “What's up?”

  “Greg, the owner of Star Enterprises?”

  My heart sinks, that's our main sponsor. Without Star Enterprises, I have no race team. “Yeah, what about him?”

  “His daughter is coming to shadow our team - I think that was how he put it. His daughter who’s lived somewhere else for fuck knows how long, has now decided to return home and daddy has given her a job. Our problem is that her job is to follow us around and report back to him.”

  “Jesus Christ, you have got to be kidding me?”

  “No, I'm so mad.”

  “So some stuck up, rich, daddy's girl, is
gonna be watching my every move? Fucking great. Why has he done this?”

  Harry sighs. “I don't know . . . there have been rumours, that your heart isn't in it, that you play around too much.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” No one is determined to win every competition as much as me.

  “I know its not true son, I know you like to play - but you're serious when it counts - apparently they don't know that.”

  I sigh. “When is this happening?”

  “She starts Monday, I think they've sprung it on us at the last minute on purpose.”

  Shit, this is all I need, now I'm seriously pissed off. “OK, I guess we'll just have to deal with it, won't we? There's nothing we can do. She’ll see how serious I am when she starts. It'll be like having a fucking spy in the camp - but at least we'll know who it is.”

  He laughs. “Yeah I suppose. Anyway, have a good weekend kid.”

  “Bye Harry.”

  That has made me feel like getting smashed. Think I might give that girl a call that I met earlier today, sure she can make me forget my problems for an hour or two.

  That's my plan then, get smashed with these guys then late-night call to wherever the hell she might be ‘with an I’.

  I make my way back into the pub.

  Chapter Two


  I walk into the supermarket, thinking of the few things I need to tide me over, I fucking hate shopping. My housekeeper always does this shit for me, but she's away on holiday. She has left me meals in the freezer but I’m out of milk, bacon, and a couple of other things.

  It's busy, I know it’s a Saturday night, but don't people have better things to do than shop? I inwardly groan when I think of last night - I barely remember what I did, or who I did. I know it was that girl from the track, what was her name again? She was very energetic, I remember that. It's a good job I have it ingrained into me now to be careful, made that mistake in my teens, one missed period later and a very scared teenager, I decided that it’s a condom from then on - no exception. Luckily, it was a false alarm, but Jesus it woke me up.

  I head on down the bakery aisle and my eyes land on an exceptionally fine arse bent over, picking something up from the bottom shelf. Perfectly moulded in a pair of fitted jeans, hmmm . . . I could stand here and stare all day.

  I head her way as she straightens up. Her long blonde shaggy hair bouncing around her shoulders. She has on a fitted jumper that shows off her little waist. Killer curves. Oh yeah, I need to know what this girl looks like from the front.

  She places some Danish pastries in her trolley as I pass her. I ‘accidentally’ drop something at her feet - a block of butter. It startles her and she bends down to pick it up and hand it to me. As I come face to face with her, I'm pleased to see that she doesn't disappoint me. Beautiful brown eyes look up at me. Christ, she looks like a Disney princess with those big eyes!

  I give her my best panty-melting, knicker creaming, grin as I take the butter off her, making sure to brush my fingers with hers as I grab a hold of it. “Thanks sweetheart.”

  She looks a little taken aback. That's right honey, soak it in - I'm hot, I know it and I'm totally using it to my advantage right now. Hotness is my superpower.

  “Oh . . . you're welcome.” She gives me a little grin and then hastily gets back to her shopping.

  Nice to have a bit of eye candy while doing the most boring task on earth. Sooner Sonia comes back from her holiday the better.

  I finish off doing my shopping as quickly as possible and head off to the checkout. I sigh when I see they all have long queues; I pick one and start to wait in line. This is boring shit. I see that the person going through my checkout right now is hot Danish girl. I watch her as she bends and adds things to the conveyor belt. She only has a few things; it doesn't take long. She is hot - not the kind of hot that shoves it in your face - the kind that's hot without even trying, even the way she moves sorting her shopping is sexy as fuck.

  I quickly realise that there’s a problem with her at the checkout, she’s all flustered and the person in front of me is sighing. I crane my neck to try to listen to what she is saying.

  “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry . . . I don't know where it is. I could have sworn it was in my phone case. I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to put everything back. I only have ten pounds cash on me.”

  How embarrassing.

  Time to be her knight in shining armour I think. I step past the person in front of me and hand the cashier my card. “Here you go.”

  I smile at Danish girl. “This is on me.”

  She flushes with embarrassment, it's so fucking cute. “Oh no . . . no way - I couldn't possibly let you do that. I'll go home for my card and come back later.”

  I shrug. “It’s no problem - I have my card right here, these few things won't break my bank - it's fine, honestly.”

  I hear the guy who's waiting behind her sigh loudly, she hears it too as I see her glance over my shoulder. She's under pressure to decide. Doing it my way means she doesn't have to come back later.

  Her shoulders droop. “OK, thank you - but I will transfer the money to you when I get home, I’ll get your details.”

  “It’s no problem sweetheart.” I flash her a smile.

  She packs her things in her bag, lastly placing the Danish on top. It's making me want to eat a Danish so bad. Wish I’d bought one now.

  I pay and she turns to me. “Thank you so much. I . . . I don't know what to say.”

  “You don't have to say anything, consider it a late Christmas miracle.” I smirk and then give her a wink.

  She looks at me for a few seconds and then nods and gives me a small smile.

  I go back to my place behind the other guy and wait for my turn to be served.

  Once I’ve paid, I make my way out of the store and see Danish girl leaning on the wall by the exit. Christ, she’s hot. She straightens when she sees me. She waited for me.

  I make my way over to her and hold my hand up to stop her from speaking. “It’s no problem Danish - it's forgotten.”

  She looks confused. “Danish?”

  I give her a sheepish grin. “Sorry, you had a Danish in your shopping, I don't know your name.”

  “Oh right, OK” she smiles

  “This is the part where you give me your name?”

  “Oh, I'm Robyn.”

  “Jack. Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise . . . so Jack, please let me pay you back for the shopping, that was getting embarrassing and you really helped me out. Can I have your phone number?”

  “You want my number?”

  She flushes with embarrassment. “I . . . I mean so that I can transfer you the money, do you have it set up on Paypal that I can pay you with your phone number?”

  I laugh. “Oh right, for a minute there I just thought you found me irresistible.”

  Her eyes widen, I've embarrassed her again, I like that. Does that make me sadistic? I like getting a reaction out of her, it's amusing.

  “No . . . sorry.”

  I think for a second or two. “I'll tell you what, there's a Costa across the road there, how about you buy me a coffee and we call it even?”

  She frowns “Why would I do that? I can just transfer you the cash.”

  “Maybe I’d like to have a coffee and a chat with you, more than I’d like to get paid for the shopping?”

  She looks hesitant, she checks her phone. “I . . . I don't have a lot of time.”

  “Come on . . . ten minutes, I'm bored. Its Saturday night, everyone is busy and I've just been shopping for crying out loud. Come on. . . brighten up my Saturday night - more than you already have? Please?”

  She is fighting a battle, it's written all over her face and her body language. Which decision will win out?

  “OK, I have ten minutes.” She looks at me from under her lashes. I can't make up my mind whether she has no idea how hot she is or she’s just a pro at playing the innocent girl thing. I hope its the first one.
I'm bored with women who play games.

  I give her another grin. “Great, come on. Let me take your bag.”

  She shakes her head. “No, it's fine thank you, I've got it, it's not heavy.”

  I let her win that battle and nod towards Costa. My Saturday night might be picking up after all!

  We cross the road in silence and enter the coffee shop. It's busy for a Saturday night - who knew? I spot an empty table in the corner, glad I've got my baseball cap on, it's not like I'm a movie star or anything but sometimes I get recognised, but for some reason, I don't want to be recognised tonight, I just want to talk to this girl.

  I motion towards the table and we go and take a seat. “What’s your poison?”

  She frowns at me. “I'm getting these, remember?”

  I sigh, “Fine, I’ll have a double shot Americano with cream please.”

  She nods and heads off to the counter, I sit down and watch her interact with the guy behind the counter. He's a lot younger than her but definitely giving her more than friendly assistant banter, can't say I blame him. I've got a feeling that must happen to her quite a lot, she’s being friendly back, maybe she doesn't realise he's flirting? No woman wouldn't know that, surely.

  After a couple of minutes, she comes back with the coffees and sits down. I need sugar so I stand up. “Sugar?”

  She shakes her head. “No thanks.” She waves her phone at me. “I just have to send a quick text to someone.”

  I nod and go and get the sugar, wondering who she has to text. It was stupid of me to think she wouldn't have a boyfriend. Shit.

  I get back and start pouring my many sugars in my coffee. She’s put her phone down but leaves it on the table. Her eyes widen when she sees how many sugars I'm putting in. “Wow, you have a lot of sugar.”

  I wink at her. “Keeps me sweet.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, ah a bit of sass - I like it.


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