Daring Forever: Vol 2 (The Forever Series): New adult college romance

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Daring Forever: Vol 2 (The Forever Series): New adult college romance Page 10


  I love when he smiles. I love when he relaxes from his usual rigid state and just has fun. I love the way he teases and tests me. I love the challenge he presents. I love his strong silent confidence. The way he cares about the people in his house and their safety. I love when he's vulnerable, sharing parts of his past that are shaming and hurtful to him. He's so amazing and he has no clue. He's also frustrating and so damn stubborn, taking care of everyone else but never himself.

  I wish I could free him, save him. I wish I knew someone who could help. I hate that I don't, and I wish with all my heart that he could push past his fear of escaping his family.

  I don't understand why he won't just try. But then I've never lived his life. My mother wasn't murdered by my father. I wasn't tortured and abused.

  I slump. Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. My mother spent my life pushing me in the direction she wants because she thinks it's for my best. How is what I do to Sebastian any different?

  He doesn't need another person telling him what to do. He needs compassion and understanding. He needs a better friend than I have been to him.

  My stomach tightens with a mound of guilt. From now on, I will not judge or push him to do or be more than he is capable. I'm responsible for my own life and no one else's. I will support him and be the friend he deserves until whatever happens, happens. Whatever heartache or hurt comes when the friendship ends, if it ends, is part of the deal of being his friend. If I can't offer him that then I have no business being in his life at all.

  Determined to prove this to him—and to myself—I turn off the water and scamper to get the towel from the cabinet. When I swipe my shirt and shorts from the floor, I find them soaked. I must have dripped on them when I got out of the shower.

  With the towel wrapped around my body, I poke my head out the door.

  Sebastian sits on the couch, playing a sports video game. He looks back at me.

  "My clothes are wet," I say and bite my lower lip. "Can I borrow something of yours? Please."

  "Of course." Standing, he heads for the dresser by the bed and brings me a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. "If you want something else let me know."

  "These are great. Thank you." I try not to stare at his abs or how his pants hang low on his waist as I take the clothes. Our hands touch and a shiver runs through me.

  He notices and his gaze roams over my damp body. A low growl sounds in his throat. "This is hard."

  "I know."

  "I want you here, but it's not fair to you, and I know that. Shit." He runs a hand through his hair. "I keep trying to push you away."

  "I know that too."

  "You should hate me after what happened today."

  "I tried," I confess and then laugh. "I even tried to drink you away."

  He shakes his head, his eyes closed with so much pain.

  "Can we be friends? I want to be your friend."

  His lashes flick up and he stares at me with concern. "Friends?"

  I nod and lean against the door frame.

  "I don't typically think about friends the way I think about you."

  "Me neither. But we can work through that, right? We have to." My throat tightens around the words as if to suck them back down.

  "It's hard when you make me want things I shouldn't."

  Oh? "What kind of things?"

  He rests his arm against the door frame above my head, leaning over me with his big body, and plays with a loose tendril of my hair. "Everything in my life has been chosen for me, even my clothes. You are the first thing I've chosen for myself. You weren't forced or expected or threatened to know me. You just happened when you almost smashed my face with the door."

  I giggle at the memory.

  "You came out of nowhere and crashed into my life, changing it and making me think in ways I never have. You made me hope for more and that's a dangerous thing in my world. I wanted to hate you for it, but I couldn’t. You were already under my skin."

  He makes it impossible for me not to want him. I curl my fingers into fists to keep from grabbing his shirt and pulling him to me. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"

  His brows tighten. "When?"

  "You said we could talk in the morning when you tucked me into your bed. Thank you for that by the way."

  "You remember that?"

  "I remember everything you say."

  His gaze lingers on my face in wonder. He slips his finger under my chin and tilts my head back. At the same time, he bends to me, seeking my lips for a kiss I know I won't be able to refuse.

  My pulse climbs, my insides tighten, and my brain screams, yes. Somehow, I muster enough strength to put my hand on his chest, stopping him. "Wait."

  He pauses, his mouth mere inches from mine, our breaths mingling. "We could never just be friends, Ainsley," he murmurs across my lips. "But I'll respect your wishes if you want to leave. I'll back away and go down stairs, assuring you don't see me again. It'll kill me, but I'll do it for you."

  Oh, hell. How can I refuse him? He's everything I've ever wanted, and he's temporary. But then so am I. I’m leaving at the end of this semester. All I need is one college to accept me and then I'm gone, living my dream. We both have obligations. His to his family and mine to myself. In a way we're the same. Besides, if I say no now, I'll regret it and find a way to see him again—to be with him. I want that almost as much as I want to move.

  I meet his waiting gaze and grab his shirt, like I wanted to before. Then, I pull him to me.

  He sighs with relief, whispers something like, "Thank the Lord," and winds his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. His hand cups the back of my head in support and then his lips are on mine. The passion in his kiss reaches my soul, letting me know this thing between us isn't going away and is worth whatever we give it until we're unable to give anymore.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek from the next book in the Forever Series. CLAIMING FOREVER vol 3, available for pre-order! https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07NQKQZ88?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070


  Chapter 1

  I RUN MY fingers through his hair and lock my hands behind his neck so that my body is flush with his. Our tongues twirl and I love how familiar it is, how familiar everything about him is. The newness of our encounters has shifted into a comfortable reuniting. I haven't had this with anyone before.

  I know his hands, his taste, the feel of his skin, the warmth of his breath and body. I know the curves of his muscles and the sounds he makes when I slide my fingers across them. And he knows me well too: touching me, rubbing me, pushing me, and kissing me in all the places I love. Places that make my nails dig into his flesh and push moans from my throat in an unabashed way.

  "Sebastian?" I breathe and lean away from his lips even as my hips seek more of him. "How far will we go this time?"

  He sucks on my bottom lip and tightens his arms around my waist like he can't bear to part with me. "I don't know."

  "Why don't you know?"

  He releases a soft groan. "Why does it matter? I won't force you."

  I pull back enough to make eye contact with him. "I know you won't. But it seems like you don't want to take me either." And I don't know why that is.

  He chuckles and kisses my neck. "If you keep talking like this, I promise to take you right here and now." He cups my backside and rubs me against him in just the right spot.

  I shudder, squeal, and moan.

  He lets out a sigh laced with desire. "I love the sounds you make. I want them only for me. Forever."

  Forever? "You mean for now, only for now." I cling to him, one hand gripping his silky hair, the other clamped on his bulging bicep.

  "Forever," he repeats with urgent need and clutches my hips to hold me closer. "Say forever. Just let me hear it. Please." He nips my earlobe and kisses the skin beneath.

  "Forever," I breathe.

  He swallows the word with a reverent kiss, and his movements slow. "It w
ould be just us," he murmurs and hoists me up to wrap my legs around his waist, the towel still tight around my body.

  "Yes." I cup his cheek, kiss his lips.

  "Against the world." He carries me toward the bed and sets me on the edge of the mattress.


  "Following our dreams." He undoes the bun on top of my head and watches as my hair falls around my shoulders. His gaze flits about my face and then holds mine, waiting for my answer.


  "Lie down."

  I scoot to the middle of the bed and fan my hair above my head on the mattress. Will he take off my towel? He hasn't yet. Should I? It'd be bold, given that I'm completely naked.

  The video game he was playing must be paused because the light coming from the TV no longer flickers. Instead, a purplish glow paints the room with a dreamlike effect.

  Standing at the foot of the bed, he stares down at me in that wondrous way. Amethyst hues bathe his tan skin. Do I look like that too? Is that why he seems in awe?

  "What are you thinking?" I ask.

  "Things you don't want to know." His gaze devours my body.

  "Oh. So, sexual stuff?"

  "Not all."

  "What else?"

  "How beautiful you are." He undoes the button on his loose jeans and tugs down the zipper.

  "You wear jeans now?" I didn't think he owned any.

  A tiny grin curves his mouth. "I’m rebelling."

  "By wearing jeans?"

  "It's more than that." He slides down his pants and kicks them aside.

  I gasp. He's never taken his pants off before, and wow. Sebastian in only black boxer briefs is a sexy sight. I smile and bite my lip, anticipation curling low and deep, making it hard to breathe.

  He climbs on the bed, resting on his side, and tucks me up against him. With his free hand, he traces circles on my chest above the towel.

  My skin tingles beneath his gentle touch. "What's the more than that?"

  "Ideas. You."


  "I’m taking a big risk having you in my life, but I've decided it's a risk I want to take." He trails his fingers down my arm to my wrist. "But I need you to understand that in doing this I’m opening you up to my father and everything bad in my life."

  "I know."

  He cocks a brow. "Do you? You met my father and saw how he behaves. That was him on a good day. He's a cruel, merciless man. I’m going to do everything I can to keep us a secret, but it's still a risk, a dangerous one."

  I think about that. "I don't want anything worse to happen to you." I trace the tattoo and scar on the back of his arm.

  "And I don't want anything to happen to you. Both are possibilities if we're not extremely careful. Here it's safe. The RV is safe too. The body shop is not—not anymore. And the rare times we are in public, we need to be watchful. This is how it's been for me since I was born. If it's too much to ask, you can tell me."

  It's a hell of a lot, but not enough for me to stay away from him. "I want to try."

  "Then we have an understanding?"

  I nod. "Yes."

  "You can always change your mind."

  "I could." I agree and bend my knee, resting my foot on the bed so I'm angled toward him more. So he knows right now, in this moment, I'm with him, just as he's here with me.

  Pre-order CLAIMING FOREVER vol 3 now!

  Continue Ainsley and Sebastian's story in CLAIMING FOREVER volume 3! https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07NQKQZ88?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070

  Sign up for the author’s mailing list to get updates on the box set of the FOREVER SERIES coming soon, and upcoming new releases! ––––––– Click here to get started: https:// www.taragallina.com/

  Keep reading for a sneak peek from the next book in the Forever Series. CLAIMING FOREVER vol 3, available for pre-order!

  The Forever Series Collection

  Risking Forever: Vol 1

  Daring Forever: Vol 2

  Claiming Forever: Vol 3

  Sebastian – Risking Forever: Vol 1

  Sign up for the author’s mailing list to get the FREE bonus read, SEBASTIAN- RISKING FOREVER in his POV, and for upcoming new releases! Click here: https:// www.taragallina.com/

  **WARNING – Sebastian's POV has spoilers that aren't revealed in RISKING FOREVER Ainsley's POV until mid-novel of DARING FOREVER. If you don't want to ruin the anticipation built in the series, wait to read Sebastian's novel until after you've finished RISKING FOREVER and DARING FOREVER.

  A Special Thanks

  If you enjoyed this novel, please give a special thanks by leaving a review on Amazon.


  I want to give a big shout out to all the readers in the world! Without you, books would be undiscovered and unenjoyed!

  I need to thank my husband for always supporting my writing career no matter how obnoxious or stressed I become. I love you for understanding my dedication and determination toward an industry that can make you question your sanity.

  Thank you to my incredible sons for always making me laugh, for leaving me be when I’m writing, and for accepting take out dinner without complaining—which could be a blessing considering my cooking skills.

  I've had writer friends, critique partners, literary agents, and other people related to the industry come and go from my life throughout this journey. I learned valuable tips from each and appreciate the time they dedicated to my work, especially the writers who've stayed in my life—local and distant online buddies. You rock!

  Lori, the time and information you've shared with me (from the beginning even as one of my first critique partners) has been immensely helpful and is always appreciated!

  Tawney, you've read this novel more times than I can count and still love it! Thank you for your continuous enthusiasm and support.

  Ditto to you Lizzy—my sister from another mister. You've been with me from nearly the beginning of this journey. You've listened to me moan and groan on more than one occasion, given me helpful advice, and you still find ways to help and inspire me.

  Lastly, I want to thank the people behind the scenes—Racquel Henry @ Writer's Atelier for her proofreading, advisors, editors, formatters, etc—for their time and services toward making this book and others I've written the best they can be. Anyone can put words on paper or a laptop, but it takes commitment and a small village to finalize a book! I am so very thankful for everyone involved!

  About the Author

  Tara Gallina grew up breathing the salty air in a small town near Clearwater Beach, Florida. The sun and sand were her playground, bathing suits and jean shorts her go-to wear.

  After moving to Orlando, FL with her hubs, she left the workforce to enjoy motherhood and rekindled her love of writing. While romance is one of her favorite genres, she writes young and new adult and has a soft spot for retellings.

  She has two furry writing companions who often steal her seat when she's working: a mini shih-poo named Bella, and an exotic cat named Tigerlily but who answers to Kitty because the menfolk in the house like it better. Speaking of kitties, she is obsessed with Hello Kitty, has a pink office, thinks everything is better with sparkles, freezes in temperatures below seventy, and is happiest when visiting local hotspots like Disney World or Harry Potter with her family.




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