Turning Wolf

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by Kyrii Rayne

  Wolf Wars Book 1

  Turning Wolf

  Kyrii Rayne

  Dreamstone Publishing © 2019


  Copyright © 2019 Dreamstone Publishing and Kyrii Rayne

  All rights reserved.

  No parts of this work may be copied without the author’s permission.

  ISBN: 978-1-925915-32-7


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

  Table of Contents

  Turning Wolf


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author

  Here is your preview of Captive Wolf - Wolf Wars– Book 2

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Other Books from Kyrii Rayne

  Other Books from Dreamstone Publishing


  “Our research has finally borne fruit. It is a virus, as we’ve always thought. And now we have managed to culture it in the lab. Further research may lead us to some way to counteract it. But that research will need subjects. And we haven’t decided yet, how we can best get some.”

  The man standing at the front of the meeting room smiled as the crowd in the room applauded. Some one yelled out a response.

  “It’s a great achievement! Now we have that to experiment with, one day we will be able to wipe them all out, with something far more efficient than men and guns. Gives me hope that what I do is not in vain, that, one day, werewolves will be extinct.”

  There were more cheers, then the meeting broke up as the men turned to the drinks table to celebrate.

  Two men spoke quietly to each other, as they drank.

  “Haven’t decided yet how we’ll get subjects – seems simple to me – pick up some low life types off the street, or the kind of girls who’ll go with anyone, keep em somewhere secure, inject em with it, and see what happens. If they turn, then we test cures or methods of killing them on them.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think the boss’ll go for that – he’s got some sort of ethical objection to a lot of things that’re sensible.”

  “True… a man could be tempted to do his own experiments, now the virus exists, couldn’t he?”

  “He could indeed…”

  They downed their drinks, and wandered off.

  In the shadows near where they had stood, Garrett still leant against the wall, drink in hand. A shudder went through him. He’d signed up for this after his wife’s death, but, over time, revenge had worn thin – he was coming to realise that it solved nothing – nothing could bring her back, or change what had happened.

  This, now, the conversation he’d just overheard – that horrified him. It was one thing to kill those who had been turned, before they could kill others, it was entirely another thing altogether to consider turning an innocent person on purpose, just to experiment on them.

  If others thought the way that those two, Tim and Eddie, did, could Garrett continue doing what he did? And if not, what would happen?

  He guessed that he’d find out, over the next few months, one way or another.

  Chapter One

  Garrett stretched as the covers grazed his neck and chest. He took in a deep breath. The fingertips brushing against his chest tickled. But he fought the urge to laugh. A draft of cold air hit his skin as the covers lifted and fell again.

  He let out a small moan and slid his hands under the covers. Allyson's soft hair brushed against his goosebumps and woke his nerves up as she kissed his chest. He pulled her up to him and tucked her hair away from her face.

  "Good morning," he whispered.

  She smiled and nuzzled her lips against his neck. Why fight it? He asked himself as she lifted a leg and slid her body up over him.

  Her hips rocked. Fingers gripping his chest. Moans danced in her throat as she took control of the morning.



  It wasn't going to take long for Garrett to get caught up with her.

  By the time they finished, the sun was already peeking into the window. Allyson's job didn't allow for much spare time between shifts. But she knew how to make the best use of her time when she could.

  She kissed him as the trembling calmed down. Once the shivers stopped, she jumped from the bed and started toward the shower. Garrett listened to the water running across the hall and stared at the ceiling.

  That was new, he thought.

  "Hey," he called into the bathroom as he brought in the towels. "What was that all about? I thought you hated morning sex."

  "I do, but you don't."

  Garrett cocked an eyebrow and laughed.

  "Yeah well."

  Oh damn, he stopped himself from saying anything further. He had to stop, or the reasoning would gnaw at him the rest of the day.

  Allyson didn't seem to notice.

  "You coming in here or what? The water is perfect."

  He sighed and dropped the towels off at the counter. Steam was already blurring his view in the mirror. No use fighting her now.

  Better to just get ready for his day.


  There's that look again! Allyson thought. I hate that look.

  "You know, Garrett, if you want to break up with me, you can. You don't have to stick around just because you feel sorry for me."

  Garrett stared at her, blinking his blue eyes in amazement.

  "Um, I'm not. I mean I don't. Uh. What is the right response to something like that?"

  She stared at the floor in front of the mailboxes. The apartment building's mailroom always felt cramped and tiny. Awkward silence made it shrink even more.

  "Sorry," she muttered.

  "Allyson, you're way too hard on yourself." Garrett shrugged his broad shoulders. He stood almost a full foot taller than Allyson. Which she loved. It meant every hug allowed her to hear his heartbeat. "I will never understand why you think the only reason I would be with you is because I feel sorry for you. Believe me, you have more to offer than just pitiful eyes." He wrapped his free arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead. "And I love your pitiful eyes. Those grayish blue, big beautiful eyes."

  Allyson forced a smile and shrugged before returning his hug. The two headed outside.

  "Sorry. I guess I'm just a little tired. Like I didn't get enough sleep last night."

  "You're still not sleeping?"

  "It's no big deal. Just a couple nightmares. Silly really."

  Garrett leaned against the side of his pickup truck and studied her.

  "What kind of nightmares?"

  "Just, you know. Normal, everyday, showed up in front of the classroom naked, nightmares."

  "Allyson. What kind of nightmares did you have?"

  "I don't know. They were all jumbled up. People screaming. I was running through trees. And then I went on that game show for singing? Except that after I won, I got nervous and started crying and the judges changed their minds."

  He chuckled.

  "Oh come on, Allyson. Maybe I should stay home today if you haven't gotten any sleep? I mean, there's nothing really pressing that I need to get done today. Nothing that I can't do from right here."

  "I knew I shouldn't have said anything," she said. Guilt waved over her as he closed the truck door and walked up to her. "Now you're goi
ng to worry about it and there's really nothing to worry about."

  "Are you sure?"

  He caressed her jawline with his large hands. She loved those hands. Always warm. And while the skin was thick and overworked, they still felt smooth against her. She gazed into his deep blue eyes, set inside a perfect frame of long blonde eyelashes.

  "I promise," she assured him.


  With her assurance, Garrett hopped into his pickup truck and drove out into traffic. He hated leaving her, especially after hearing news about nightmares coming out of the blue. And the strange mood swings. Morning sex followed by chastising? After weeks of watching over her, he thought he knew her patterns better than that.

  Going to have to pick up some stronger sedatives. Really knock her out so she can sleep through those nightmares. With that thought in mind, he pulled into the drugstore. His phone rang before he could leave the truck.


  "Hey, Garrett. You got plans tonight?"

  Garrett checked his watch and looked up at the sky.

  "What do you want, Eddie?"

  "You know what I want. You haven't checked in with the family for weeks. We want to know if you got your target."

  Garrett took in a deep breath and stared out at the crowded parking lot.

  "I already told you, Eddie. I'm done with that now. You come anywhere near me or Allyson, and I'll fucking kill you. Do you understand?"

  He hung up before Eddie had a chance to answer him.

  Fuck. He stepped out of the pickup truck and trotted up to the door.

  That's the last thing I need is for him to show back up here. Not yet.

  Chapter Two

  "Excuse me, Ma'am?" Eddie hung up his cell phone and walked up behind Allyson in the parking lot of her apartment building.

  Allyson jumped, letting out a small scream. She whirled around faster than Eddie had anticipated, nearly knocking his phone out of his hands.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to startle you."

  She took in a deep breath and held her chest.

  "You're fine. You're fine. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little jumpy. Um, did you just call me Ma'am?" Allyson met the stranger's smile with mixed emotions. "I hope I don't look old enough to be called a Ma'am."

  She still had to stop for gas and coffee on her way to work. She didn't have time to stand around making small talk with some stranger. Especially one who thought she looked old.

  "Oh no, Ma'am. Not old enough. Respectable enough, though."

  Nice save. She let her gaze soften.

  "All right. How can I help you?"

  "My name's Eddie. I'm new in town and, trust me, I know how creepy and stalkerish this sounds, but I was thinking you are just one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And I would love to take you out for dinner. Maybe tonight?"

  He reached behind his back and checked the gun tucked into his waistband. A neighbor walked outside and waved at Allyson.

  "Hi Rhoda," Allyson called out.

  "I mean, maybe I can get your number?"

  Eddie withdrew his hand from his gun and kept talking as if nothing had happened.

  Allyson's laugh jumped out of her mouth, despite her attempts to stifle it.

  "Thank you, very much, for the compliment. And you're very charming. But I actually have a boyfriend."

  Eddie pursed his lips into a frown and nodded.

  "I suppose I should have known that."

  His mind started racing as his eyes darted around the parking lot.

  Her thoughts jumped to how she could be polite and quick at the same time.

  "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I'll be seeing him tonight."

  "Oh yeah? Big night out on the town? He's not one of those big, jealous types is he? Think I can take him?"

  "Oh, more like a quiet night on the sofa," she said with her best fake smile. She sat behind the steering wheel and fiddled with the seatbelt, trying to hint at her need to leave. "But as for the big jealous type, I don't know. No one's ever tested him on that. But I imagine he could hold his own."

  "Of course." His laugh was as charming as his southern accent. "Well, thank you for not laughing too hard at me. And I wish you the best of luck with your boyfriend tonight."

  She smiled.

  "No problem. It was nice meeting you, Eddie."

  Eddie waved and watched Allyson as she drove away. He grabbed his phone again and started dialing.

  "Hey. Yeah, it's me. I found him. Yeah, he's in Seattle. He abandoned his target. No, I don't need any help. I can take care of Garrett Briggs."


  "I'm telling you, Allyson. You're probably making something out of nothing. He's damn near perfect," Theresa said as she stared at the menu.

  "Yeah, Theresa, he is pretty perfect." Allyson said.

  She stared at the server carrying food past their table. The smell of raspberry vinaigrette and lemon made her stomach flip. In the corner booth, four children realized that they outnumbered the one and only adult brave enough to bring them into a public place.

  They were screaming and laughing hysterically. Adding to Allyson's headache like nails to a chalkboard.

  "How did you two meet, again? Maybe I can find a man there."

  Theresa's question snapped Allyson's attention back to the conversation.

  "Sure, that ought to be easy enough." Allyson laughed. "Just get out of work late one night and get yourself mugged and left for dead. Then wake up in the hospital and find out the man who found you and brought you in just happened to be the hottie who moved into the apartment a few doors down from you."

  "Oh my God, you're right. No way I could pull that off." Theresa laughed. "Did they ever catch the guy who mugged you?"

  Allyson shook her head.

  "No, not yet. The DA swore he would keep me updated with any leads. So I could go in and try to identify him if they need me to. Garrett thinks I should just forget about it. He says that if I keep calling the police for updates, I will just drive myself crazy. I should let them do their job and trust the system."

  "For what it's worth, I think Garrett's right. No use getting yourself all worked up and then getting let down all the time."

  "I suppose. I just wish that they at least had one lead. Some information. Anything. I can't believe no one saw anything in broad daylight. I still get jumpy when I'm by myself. And Garrett is great. Understanding. But he's a little paranoid, too. Always looking over his shoulder. Checking around the corners."

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up," said Theresa.

  "No, you're fine. Don't worry about it."

  "So, come on, spill. How are things really going between you and Garrett?"

  "Oh, girl." Allyson couldn't stop the smile from taking over her lips. "He is... so strong. I mean, not your normal strong, either... but really strong. Like, sweep me off my feet and carry me up the stairs in one arm strong."

  Allyson's eyes gazed out into the distance as she talked. Without realizing it, she twirled some of her reddish colored curls around her fingers as she bit her bottom lip.

  "Damn girl. You're smitten. Look at you. You're over there daydreaming.”

  "I know. I am. He's so--. Mm. And yet...."

  "Yet what?"

  "It's just, he's weird. You know?"

  "I'll say. Anything that comes straight out of a fairy tale is weird. Knight in shining armor saves damsel in distress, falls in love with her, and their fated love is thwarted by weirdness."

  By the end of her story, Theresa's eyes and frown sank into a sarcastic smirk.

  "Sure, if you can call white tee shirts and jeans shining armor." Both girls laughed as the server walked over to the table and placed their beverages in front of them.

  "I miss this. We should go out more often." Allyson sulked into her soda.

  A few minutes of silence passed between them. Only the crunch of nachos and slurps of carbonated beverages filled their ears. Allyson took in a deep breath befo
re she broke the silence.

  "Okay, so getting past the whole ‘he seems weird’ thing, I really am worried, though. I think he's cheating on me."

  "Who? The knight in shining armor?"

  "How many men do you think I'm seeing? Yes, the knight in shining armor."

  "Okay. So why do you think he's cheating on you?"

  "Well, for one thing, he keeps getting these phone calls. And whenever I ask him about his job, he gets all secretive. Like he doesn't want to tell me what he does. Same when I ask him about his family. Or college. He just gets all quiet and then changes the subject real quick."

  "Eeek, yeah. A man who never wants to talk about his past or his family? That's not a good sign. Have you tried asking him about these things?"


  "And what did he say?"

  Allyson sighed and pushed the food around her plate with her fork.

  "He just says it's not that interesting and that he would just bore me with it."

  "Well, that doesn't mean he's cheating on you. There are any number of reasons why he doesn't want to talk about his past. Maybe something bad happened? You know? Like maybe there was some abuse or something. I mean come on, you're a nurse.

  You've met all kinds of crazy types who don't want to tell you about their family history. Or don't know about their family history. It doesn't have to be cheating."

  "I guess not. But how does that theory go? The simplest explanation is usually the truth? And maybe he's not cheating on me. Maybe he's cheating with me. Maybe he shares his life with his real girlfriend and I'm the hoe on the side. You hear about these guys who have two different families living two different lives all the time."

  "Where is he going to keep a whole other family? In that tiny apartment?"

  "No. I'm pretty sure they don't live there. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have another place somewhere."

  "You think he can afford a wife with kids and a house somewhere plus an apartment in that overpriced building you live in? Have you been under a rock during this latest recession? Ain't no way he can afford to have two separate lives."


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