Valkyrie- Rebellion

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Valkyrie- Rebellion Page 11

by Lucas Marcum

  There was a pause, then a crewman answered, “Intel, Seaman Donner.”

  “Donner, this is Admiral Burrill. Get me Captain Ibson or Mr. Borboa, whoever’s closer.”

  He took a sip of coffee and continued reading the operations plan as he waited.

  A moment later the handset clicked, and the voice of the intelligence officer came on, “Captain Ibson.”

  Without preface, the admiral demanded, “Straight talk, son. Will this crazy idea of hers work? This is, hands down, one of the strangest engagement plans I’ve seen in thirty plus years in the Navy.”

  After a moment’s hesitation Captain Ibson responded, “Yes, sir. She’s crazy, but crazy like a fox. It might work.”

  With a grunt, the senior officer responded, “‘Might’ is not a confidence inspiring word, Captain.”

  “I agree, sir, but she’s essentially going in unarmed. Those cutters are outfitted for chasing smugglers, inspecting cargo ships, and rescuing solar yachts, not going head to head with Elai heavy cruisers.”

  With an icy note in his voice, the senior officer replied, “I’m well aware of that, Captain. If we had any other options, I’d use them.” He paused, then asked in a gentler tone, “Will the screamers work like she says they will?”

  There was a moment of hesitation from the other end of the line, then Captain Ibson responded with a sigh, “Theoretically, yes. They’re a broad spectrum, directional laser/maser jammer unit, and if the power supply holds, it should be able to pump out a godawful amount of interference. It’s enough unmodified to blind almost anything outside of our biggest cruisers, so we know it works. With the proposed modifications from Commodore Halsey, they could outright cook a lot of sensor systems on ships.” There was a pause, then he added, “There’s a lot of variables, though, sir.”

  Drily, Burrill replied, “You don’t say. Such as?”

  “Well. There’s the problem of the Elai just firing a missile at them to take them offline. There’s also the power requirement. It’s also important to remember that the Elai are damn good at electronic warfare. In fact, in most major engagements so far, they’ve maintained communications superiority through selective jamming, at least until we took their jammers out.” The intelligence officer hesitated, then added, “Sir, this may work. She might be able to get inside like she thinks she can and be able to hurt them. It also might not work, and they could get ripped apart before they get a missile off.” He paused again, then continued, “Halsey knows it’s just her task force and the fighters from the Jade Emperor out there. She knows the risk, and in her opinion, this is the best we can do with what we have.”

  Admiral Burrill was silent for a moment, then said, “And what do you think?”

  There was another long pause, then the intelligence officer said, “I hope she’s as tough as her ancestor, sir. I think she’s in for a hell of a fight.” He hesitated again, then added, “Even if it does work, the cutters won’t last long in close quarters against those cruisers.”

  Burrill nodded silently and broke the connection, suddenly feeling every minute of his sixty-two years.


  “Semper Paratus”

  Aboard the UEAN fleet carrier Jade Emperor

  Approaching Point Green, Trans Martian Space

  Captain Lin Yi checked her watch and said to the slender, shaven-headed woman next to her, “Thirty minutes, Commander. How are the squadron commanders making out?”

  The Martian native and commander of the Jade Emperor’s space wing grimaced and responded, “They’re angry. I must admit, I didn’t see that coming.” She indicated the massive display that dominated the front of the compartment and added, “They don’t like the plan, but not because it puts them at risk. They’re mad that the System Guard is leading the charge. They think they’re going to their deaths, and that it’s not fair to the sailors on those cans to put them out there.”

  Captain Yi nodded and said, “I’m not sure they’re wrong, but we have few options left.”

  Commander Degasi shook her head. “I agree. They’re going to get hurt.” She sighed and absently stuck her hands in her pockets. She stood silently for a moment, watching the status on the big display update, indicating the fighter squadrons reporting readiness data from the massive flight deck of the battered carrier.

  One of the watchstanders in front of the two women said, “Captain. The chief engineer is calling.”

  Moving to her command chair, Yi tapped the key and said, “Huntington. Updates?” The chief engineer’s face was worn, his freckles standing out plainly on his drawn cheeks under sunken eyes.

  In his distinctive Southern accent, more pronounced than usual due to his exhaustion, the chief engineer replied, “Ma’am, you got all the catapults online, and can do full power combat launches. The secondary weapons are all up and functional, and that big ole hole in decks three ‘n four is patched and reinforced with as many girders as ah could beg, borrow or steal. I had ta’ do a lotta bracin’ and patchin, probably added another twenty thousand tons ‘a mass in plassteel ‘n layered hull armor, but you’d best believe she’ll hold.”

  With a stiff smile, Yi nodded and replied, “So. We can launch, we can move, and we can take a hit or two. All I needed, Commander Huntington. Excellent work.”

  The man nodded, and added, “It’s such a mess ’a repairs that damage control is gonna be a got-damn nightmare, so please try not to get any more holes poked in the old girl, ma’am.”

  With a solemn nod, the captain replied, “I will do my best.” She paused and then said softly, “This is going to be a tough fight, Keith. If I don’t get the chance to speak to you again, it’s been a privilege working with you.”

  The man grinned broadly. “Shucks, ma’am. You can keep that Chinese fatalism. I plan on livin’ through this, and ah’ll be doin’ my damn best to make sure you do, too.”

  “American optimism?” She smiled fondly at the man.

  With a wink, the worn-out engineer replied, “You betcha. You be careful up there, Lin. I’ll be in touch.” His image vanished.

  Behind her she could hear Captain Degasi giving orders. “Set flight deck condition red. Get the first and second squadrons in the launch rails. Prepare for launch operations. Space boss, the flight deck is yours.”

  The lieutenant commander currently assigned as the space flight operations director, known as the ‘space boss’, nodded smartly and began snapping orders into his headset, directing the flight crews on the hangar decks into action.

  Degasi turned to Captain Yi and nodded. “Time, ma’am.”

  Yi nodded and said to a watchstander, “Sound general quarters. Prepare for flight operations.” The sailor responded immediately, and moments later the booming voice echoed through the ship, sending the thousands of sailors to their battle stations, damage control personnel to their equipment, and pilots to their aircraft. The hammer on the weapon that was the UEAN Jade Emperor was cocked.


  Aboard the United Earth Alliance System Cutter Dragon

  Flagship of ‘Task Force Mythic’

  Point Green, Trans Martian Space

  “Commodore, the fighters have checked in and are forming up,” the watchstander called out, drawing Commodore Halsey’s attention to the display. The holodisplay in the front of the cutter’s bridge blinked and updated. The cutters had formed into three groups, each with three of the light, fast ships, and a squadron of strike fighters. One of the groups had four of the fast vessels, with the Dragon making up the fourth ship.

  Squinting at the display, she mused, “I’ll say this about the Jade Emperor. Those are badass squadron names.” She pointed at the display and remarked, “Although I’m a bit disappointed that we didn’t get ‘Raging Dragon’ flight assigned to us.” Turning to the operations watchstander, she ordered, “Ok. Gimme the breakdown.”

  The young man responded confidently, “Yes, ma’am. Mythic One is Hobgoblin, Chupacabra, and the Leprechaun, with Raging Dragon Flight i
n support. Mythic Two is Gargoyle, Banshee, and Wight, with Iron Lotus in support. Mythic Three is us, Gremlin, Kobold, and Sprite, with Tiger’s Claw in support.” As the officer spoke, each group flashed in the display. The display shifted slightly, with the symbols for the fighters vanishing. The commander reported, “The fighters have engaged stealth systems and moved into close formation.”

  Halsey took a step forward and squinted at the display. “Is this the distance right? Ten meters?”

  The watch stander grinned and replied, “Yes, ma’am. Those fighter guys aren’t afraid to get close.” He tapped a control, and a section of the display lit up with one of the portside docking camera views. Filling the display where normally open space was visible was the dark bulk of an Apparition space fighter, so close that Halsey could see the pilot and copilots’ helmeted heads moving through the cockpit windows. The young officer added, “Their primary flight controls are slaved to us at the moment, so if we need to maneuver, they’ll maneuver with us. Theoretically the Elai won’t know they’re there until it’s too late.”

  With an impressed nod, she grinned and announced, “They get any closer, and they’re gonna have to light my cigarette afterward.” There was a muted chuckle from the crewmen on the bridge of the cutter.

  Captain Takeda spoke from his command chair in a calm tone, “Commodore, ten minutes to screamer range.” He gestured at the handset in her chair arm and said, “Now or never, ma’am.”

  With a nod, Halsey moved to her chair, sat, and took a deep breath. She nodded to the crewman on the communications panel and picked up her microphone.

  “Attention, Task Force Mythic. This Commodore Halsey. We are about to go into action against a numerically superior enemy with better weapons and armor. We all realize this fight will be tough; some of us are going to get hurt, and some of us are going to die. However, we’re the last thing between them and Mars.” She hesitated, searching for the right words, then continued, “The Navy’s counting on us to stop them, and so are those civilians on Mars and Earth.” Stopping to swallow hard, she continued, “I had an ancestor who once said, ‘There are no extraordinary men, just men that are forced to deal with extraordinary circumstances.’ Well, he was wrong. You are extraordinary men and women, and it has been the honor of my career to lead you. Semper Paratus, and give ‘em hell. I’ll see you on the other side. Halsey out.”

  She firmly set the handset down and looked over at Captain Takeda. The usually inscrutable man was smiling slightly. He nodded and quietly said, “A fine speech, Commodore.” He smiled slightly and added, “My ancestors who faced yours in battle were most unfortunate men. I, on the other hand…It’s been an honor to serve at your side.”

  With a tight smile, she replied, “And I yours, Captain Takeda. Are we ready?”

  “Six minutes, ma’am.” He turned his attention to his display and added, “All fighter wings and groups report ready to execute ‘Blinding Star’ on your command.”

  Nodding firmly, Halsey replied, “Very good, Captain. Communications!”

  The crewman on the comm station replied, “Yes, ma’am!”

  With a tight smile, the petite officer ordered, “Send a message, unencrypted and in the open, to SOLCOM. Message reads: ‘Task Force Mythic engaging enemy. Now the world knows.’ End message and transmit.” She sat back in her chair and fastened her lap belt.

  “Yes, ma’am. Sending now.” The crewman tapped the console, sending the message, as the group of vessels hurtled through the dark toward the enemy.


  Aboard the UEAN Jade Emperor

  Rendezvous Point Green, Trans Martian Space

  “Message reads, ‘Task Force Mythic engaging enemy. Now the world knows.’ There’s nothing else.” The nervous looking lieutenant commander sounded apologetic.

  Captain Yi silently shook her head in acknowledgement, dismissing the man. She turned to the commander of the air group, Captain Degasi. “Captain, what’s the range on the Banshees?”

  The fighter pilot frowned and looked at the large holodisplay. “Not enough for that. They’re mostly designed for close air support.” She stared a moment longer at the display, and then added, “Unless you’re willing to get a lot closer than most carrier captains consider safe.”

  Captain Yi stepped to the small holo table between their command chairs and tapped a few keys, then said, “We don’t have to stop them. We only have to slow them down. What do we have to offer? Firepower, which is mostly with the dispatched fighters, or…” she tapped a few keys, making a parabolic arc brushing the enemy formation appear in the display, “bait.” She gave the other officer a moment to consider the course of action, and then added, “This will take us just outside their range, but close enough to let the Banshees in to hammer them.” She tapped the display and added, “They’ll either have to divert some of their cruisers to deal with us or let us hit them. They also can’t afford to leave us at their rear, so worst-case scenario is they peel off a couple of cruisers to chase us, and that’s better than nothing.”

  The shaven-headed woman scowled and replied, “No, the worst-case scenario is they blow our already damaged ship out of space with those big-ass missiles of theirs.” She stared a minute longer, then sighed. “All right. No other choice. We have to buy time to let the heavies get here. First Fleet’s gonna be batting cleanup on this.”

  With a nod, Yi straightened up and ordered in a firm voice, “Helm, come to zero three zero, mark four. Ahead emergency full.”

  The helm officer seemed startled but repeated, “Helm to zero three zero, mark four. Emergency ahead full, aye.” Yi could feel the thrumming under her heels as the battered carrier picked up speed and changed course, accelerating toward the enemy.


  Aboard the United Earth Alliance System Cutter Dragon

  Flagship of ‘Task Force Mythic’

  Point Green, Trans Martian Space

  “In range, Commodore,” the watchstander said distantly but clearly.

  Halsey snapped, “Execute Blinding Star! Ahead full, weapons free!” As the cutters’ engines surged to their maximum power, hurling the light ships forward, the massive, drum-shaped system mounted on the nose of the cutter came to life. The device shot a ruby laser embedded in a beam of microwave energy toward the Elai cruisers. The powerful combination of optical and electromagnetic interference would be devastating to most ship sensor systems. As the beams locked onto their targets, the Apparition fighters rolled out from next to the cutters and accelerated, launching anti-ship missiles as they went.

  “Defensive missile fire detected!” The petty officer on the sensor station’s voice cracked as she said, “They’re volley firing!!”

  The other sailor at the sensor station reported in a high, tense voice, “It looks like…seventy-eight missiles, all from the cruisers. They’re blind-firing them at the screamers!”

  Captain Takeda’s calm voice cut through the tension on the bridge like a knife, “Forward cannon, weapons free. Engage breakthrough missiles. Maintain course and speed.”

  Ahead of the speeding cutters and fighters, the missiles launched by the fighter wings began to detonate as they passed the Elai missiles. There were multiple bright flashes as the nuclear weapons went off, followed by smaller bursts of light as the Elai missiles were caught in the blast.

  Several seconds later the sensor crewman reported, “Missile countdown to eighteen. In particle cannon range in ten seconds.” Simultaneously the operations watchstander said, “Close engagement range with the Elai in sixty seconds. The fighters are launching the second volley.”

  Halsey forced herself to take a deep breath as the tiny red blips indicating the massive Elai anti-ship missiles raced toward the dots that indicated her small group of ships. She could feel the peculiar humming in the walls of the tiny cutter as the particle beam cannon in the nose started to fire. For what seemed like an eternity, the walls and floor trembled with the power surging to the cannons. Then suddenly, the vi
bration stopped.

  “Splash three! Clear!” the sensor watchstander shouted, then said in a more controlled voice, “No more missiles inbound on the Dragon, Captain Takeda.”

  With a nod he replied, “Very good. Fore and aft missile batteries, weapons free.”

  The display updated in the front of the compartment. The symbols for three of the cutters, the Banshee, Wight, and the Kobold, were gone, replaced with the ‘Lost signal’ emblem. Halsey’s jaw tightened, and seeing the shock of the bridge crew, she stated firmly, “We’ll mourn later. For now, we have a job to do.”

  The crewman on the sensor station called out in a tight voice, “Thirty seconds to contact with main enemy fleet.”


  Aboard the UEAN Jade Emperor

  Approaching the enemy fleet

  Trans Martian Space

  “Two minutes until launch distance. All fighters on the launch rails, Flight deck at condition red.”

  Captain Yi indicated the display. “Who is Voodoo Flight? I don’t remember them on the load manifest.” Captain Degasi squinted at the display and answered, “That’s VMFA 221. It’s a six-stick flight of Banshees that were on Mars for some training and were rushed aboard.” She then added, “The Banshee flight leader requested their call sign be changed to ‘Voodoo Flight’. It was the ‘Snake Eaters.”

  Captain Yi raised an eyebrow and asked, “Dare I ask why?”

  The Space Group commander replied, “He says Voodoo Flight has unfinished business.” She shrugged and added, “Their lead pilot, a young lieutenant commander whose name escapes me at the moment, lost his entire flight on Paradise, save himself.” She tapped a control, then added, “He and his whole flight practically fought to get aboard before we left orbit. We had space, and not enough fighters, so we brought them.” Yi nodded thoughtfully. Degasi continued, “I’m not sure how useful short-range fighter/bombers will be, but they carry a lot of ordinance, and even if they only manage to distract the Elai, that might be enough to let the cutters do their jobs.” She regarded the display thoughtfully and added, “I guess we can all understand not wanting to be sitting on the ground for this one.”


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