All of Me (The Trust Me Series Book 3)

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All of Me (The Trust Me Series Book 3) Page 18

by K E Osborn

  He kisses me passionately and then tugs at my panties, pulling them to the side. I feel nothing but lust, my clit’s throbbing, and I know I’m already wet for him. Aiden positions himself over me and thrusts inside, wasting no time. I moan quietly as he continues to kiss me, smothering the noise. Moving his hips around and down quickly, we both know we could get caught at any second, and it does nothing but add to the excitement. I hold onto his back with one hand, and my other is in his hair while he pushes inside me.

  I try my hardest to be quiet, but as always, the pleasure builds while he thrusts deeply into me. He muffles my moans again with a kiss while he continues to thrust. I wrap my legs tightly around him. He’s inside me so deep that my entire body tingles with pleasure. I feel the heat in my core rise quickly. Aiden starts to moan quietly, and I know he’s right on the edge with me. I clench my muscles tightly, and my body shakes as I explode in my climax and clench his dick. The feeling of my core constricting around him sends him over the edge, and he comes hard inside of me. Aiden’s breathing is as erratic as mine, and we both fall from the quickest fuck known to man.

  Kissing me passionately, he lays on top of me for a minute or so, then slowly he pulls out of me, then stands. Buttoning his pants, he straightens out his shirt while I stand and smooth down my clothing.

  I tousle his hair as it has gotten a little disheveled while he smooths down mine, making it look a lot less like just-fucked hair, then he hugs me tightly.

  “Presentable?” he asks, still holding on to me.

  “Yep. Me?”

  “You, Miss Taylor, are perfect. I’ll miss our hot office sex. I love smelling you on me for the entire day. I think I’ll need a separate section in my new office with a bed and ensuite so we can have hot office sex all the damn time.”

  I laugh and raise my eyebrows. “Don’t tempt me.”

  Aiden walks backward to his desk, grinning mischievously, and I blow him a kiss.

  I walk out to the bathroom to clean up. I comb my hair with my fingers and wash my arms in an attempt to cool myself down. It always amazes me how worked-up Aiden makes me—just a kiss and it sends my body into meltdown.

  Finally, I finish adjusting myself and leave the bathroom. I forgot in my distracted mind that Niall could be waiting to pounce on me, and as soon as I open the bathroom door, he’s there. Waiting.

  Niall glares at me with a disgusted and appalled look on his face. As I try to walk past him, he laughs maniacally. The sound makes me shudder.

  “Well, well, well… got ourselves a nice new house, did we? I heard you’re having a housewarming tonight?” I raise my eyebrows in answer. “I hope you’re happy because I know Aiden won’t be when he realizes what a gigantic mistake he’s made with you. He’ll see through the batting eyelids and your persuasive ways, you gold-digging whore. I know your kind, you’re just like Callie, only after one thing, but you won’t get it. You won’t get his money. Not if I have anything to do with it. You will sign a prenup that makes sure you get nothing. Do you understand me, girlie?” Every word he spits is like venom, so I frown in disgust.

  But this time, I’m not afraid.

  My heart doesn’t pound frantically.

  My breathing is at a normal rate.

  If anything, I’m relieved he no longer has any power over me.

  So, I smile at him, and he furrows his brows. “You’ve had your say, and now it’s my turn to talk.”

  He curls his lip up at me. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m talking now, Niall, not you. So shut the fuck up and listen… I’ve tried being nice to you, but you don’t play fair. Well, guess what? I’m done being polite seeing as you’re incapable of returning the gesture. Aiden loves me. I love him. Nothing you say or do will tear us apart. I’m here, forever. Like it or lump it, I really don’t give a flying fuck. I will not put up with your intolerable bullshit anymore. So, go right ahead, asshole, keep pushing my buttons, and you’ll see what I’m really capable of. Go on… I dare you,” I say quietly into his face, staring directly at him.

  His brow furrows and his nostrils flare. “You can’t talk to me like that. Remember about your little friend in St. Luke’s?”

  I lean in close, narrowing my eyes on him. “Do it… see if I care,” I rebuke, staring him down.

  The old bastard stares right back, but I’m not giving in. I continue staring Niall down until he finally admits defeat and looks away.

  “When did you grow a damn backbone?” he asks.

  “I always had one, I just didn’t realize I could use it.” I shrug, knocking him with my shoulder as I walk past.

  “Stupid bitch, you’re nothing but a money-hungry wench, and you know it,” Niall snaps.

  Aiden appears out of nowhere. “For God’s sake, Father, will you shut the fuck up? Jeni, baby, go wait for me in the office.”

  “No way. Thanks for standing up for me, Aiden, but I got this.”

  Aiden looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

  “Niall, you have no power over me. Therefore, any of your ridiculous threats and abusive words mean jackshit to me. I tried to be nice, for Aiden’s sake, but I won’t put up with this crap from you any longer. I’m a better person than you’ll ever be. For once in your life, shut your stupid fucking mouth and act like a normal human being.” The asshole tries to say something, but I don’t let him as I put up a hand. “You act all high and mighty, but really, you’re nothing but a lonely old man, which is completely your own fault. I’m taking control over my life, and for once, it doesn’t include you belittling or abusing me. I won’t let you do it to me anymore. Your playtime is over. Stop acting like an imbecilic child and grow the fuck up! Oh, and one more thing, Niall… go fuck yourself, you arrogant prick.” I shrug and walk away leaving Aiden and his father standing there with their mouths wide open and their eyes bulging out of their heads.

  Holy fuck! That felt so damn good.

  I can’t believe I had the guts to say all that to him, but I feel so amazing that I walk back toward the office with a pep in my step, and Brielle notices.

  “Someone’s in a good mood,” Bree says.

  “Can’t help it. Life’s good, and I just told your father to go fuck himself,” I admit, standing by her desk.

  “You stood up to Father?” she asks with a surprised grin on her face.

  “Sure did. And I feel G.R.E.A.T. Great!”

  “Wow! Who are you and what have you done with the real Jeni? Don’t get me wrong, I love new Jeni. Well, technically she’s the old Jeni. Oh crap, you know what I mean. It’s nice to have you back,” she gushes.

  We watch Niall slink back into his office. He turns, scowls at me, then slams his door. I bite my bottom lip to keep from grinning at him. I don’t want to antagonize the old bastard, but shit, it feels good to get one over him for a change.

  Aiden walks over to me smiling so brightly it makes me melt. “That was fucking epic,” he declares, pulling me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “I probably shouldn’t have been so rude, but he fucked me right off.”

  “No, baby, what you said was perfect. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m so in awe of you and how strong you’ve become. You’re back to the old Jeni, the one who called me a moron for crashing into her car. I’m undeniably proud of you for standing up to Father. I have to admit, it was pretty damn hot watching you worked up like that.” He waggles his eyebrows. I giggle, then Aiden quickly pecks my nose and walks back into his old office to finalize his packing.

  Getting ready for our impromptu housewarming, I find myself in lighter spirits. Aiden is placing drinks in the outside refrigerator when the doorbell chimes. Together, we walk to the door to greet Killian and Daniel, who are standing with a bottle of Moët & Chandon champagne.

  “Happy housewarming, big brother,” Killian says chirpily.

  Daniel’s eyes open wide. “Wow! This place is really cool,” he chimes, walking through and hugging me.

  “Thanks. We th
ink so, too,” I reply.

  We all walk to the deck, and the boys take a seat. “Drink anyone?” Aiden asks.

  The doorbell rings again, and I go to fetch it while Aiden tends to the drinks.

  I open the door to Bree and Logan. “Oh. My. God…” Bree coos, and I laugh at her. “Well done, sis. This place is fantastic.”

  “I know, I absolutely love it.”

  Soon after, Callie, Mike, my mother, Sarah and Chris arrive.

  “This is beautiful, Jeni. It looks great from the outside,” Mom gushes.

  “Well, let’s show you the inside, it’s even better,” I tell her as they walk in. “Head through the kitchen to the deck, everyone is out there.” I point the way. “What do you think, Sarah?”

  “All I can say is holy fucking crap on a stick. You did good.” I chuckle and smile.

  “Welcome to our home, everyone,” I call out as I walk out on the deck with Sarah by my side. They raise their glasses, then take a sip.

  “Should I get the meat ready for the barbecue?” I ask Aiden, and he nods.

  I prepare everything and then finally sit down to a well-deserved glass of champagne.

  “This place is incredible, Jeni. You scored well with Aiden, didn’t you?” Sarah quips, making Mom and Callie laugh.

  “I think Aiden scored well to get Jeni, personally,” Callie comes to my defense.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  The boys are at the barbeque pit drinking beer and joking while Killian does a comedy reenactment of Hamilton, the musical. I have no idea why, but it’s quite entertaining.

  Unwinding from the day, we enjoy our food and drinks with casual conversations. After we finish eating, we move by the pool where tiki torches light the surroundings with a warm glow. It’s then I notice Mike and Callie sitting on their own.

  Mike sneaks in a sly kiss or two, thinking no one is watching. It warms my heart how much he adores Callie. It’s truly a blessing to see her with someone who appreciates her for what she’s worth.

  Aiden rests his head on my shoulder while I sit on his lap casually observing everyone.

  Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and I look at Aiden with raised eyebrows.

  “Did you invite anyone else?” he asks.

  “Nope, I have no idea who it could be,” I say, standing.

  We both excuse ourselves and walk to the front door. Aiden opens it, and Niall’s standing there with a bottle of Macallan whisky in his hand. I can’t help it, my lip turns up in disdain.

  “Happy housewarming,” Niall mutters, reaching forward to shake Aiden’s hand. Aiden looks down at his hand and groans. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” the old bastard has the audacity to ask.

  “Fuck no,” Aiden retorts, but Niall barges through anyway, looking around as he makes his way out to the deck. Aiden and I follow cautiously behind him. The first thing he notices is Mike and Callie completely loved up, holding hands and gazing at each other with affection. I glance at Aiden who’s watching his father. Niall’s body puffs up twice its size, his face turning bright red in obvious anger. His nostrils flare while I tense at his ire.

  “Well, it didn’t take you long, did it, Callie?” Niall screams out, immediately gaining everyone’s attention.

  Callie turns around, and Mike lets go of her hand.

  “So, you’re all here celebrating without me? Callie, what are you doing with Mike? You know he’s just the help. He’s worthless. Something Jeni knows all about.”

  Mom stands, walks to him, pointing her finger in his face. “Now wait just a minute, Niall, don’t you talk about my daughter like that. Remember we had this conversation once before? Look where you are now.”

  “And don’t you think for one second that Mike is beneath you. You’re not even half the man Mike is,” Callie calls out, defending Mike.

  “Just fuck off, Father. No one wants you here,” Aiden antagonizes the old asshole further.

  Niall frowns deeply, his nostrils flaring. “This is my son’s housewarming, and I’ll be damned if I get kicked out.”

  Aiden shakes his head. “As your son, whose housewarming it is, I think it’s best if you leave. This is bound to end in tears.”

  “It should end in tears. Your slut’s tears. She’s the reason Callie left me. If it weren’t for that over there, Callie would never have been angry with me at your birthday party, and she wouldn’t have left me. It’s all that thing’s fault. And it’s her fault that you’re being taken from me, too. You would never have left the company if it wasn’t for that. Can’t you see that insignificant little whore is tearing our family apart?”

  Aiden’s top lip curls up. “Fuck off! Jeni isn’t tearing our family apart, you fucking-well are!”

  Niall glances across at his family, who are all staring at him. He throws his hands in the air in frustration. “Well, fuck you all, especially you, Mike. I trusted you. And all this time you’ve been fucking my wife. What kind of man are you? Don’t answer that, I’ll tell you… you’re a backstabbing pain in my ass who’s so worthless he tries to latch onto my wife because she has money. Well, guess what, that’s my money, and neither of you are getting any of it. In fact, none of you will be getting my money. You can all kiss your inheritance goodbye.”

  Mike stands and storms over to Niall. His nostrils flare and his fists clench. “Niall, I’m no longer your employee, so I don’t have to be polite. I love Callie. I have for years, and you know it. But unlike you, I’ll treat her right, and I definitely won’t disrespect her as some sort of convenience. Callie’s a beautiful, strong, independent woman. She brought up your children, and in the process, had to put up with your shit. Well, she doesn’t have to suffer in silence anymore. You’ve lost the respect of everyone who ever loved you. You did that on your own, without any help from Callie or Jeni. So, if you want to blame someone for your pathetic existence, then blame yourself.” Mike’s seething.

  Everyone’s watching Niall intently. The tension in the air is so thick as it waves around us, circling the air in hostility.

  Niall’s lip curls upward as the anger rolls off him in waves. Suddenly, Niall pushes Mike in the chest, making him step a few steps backward.

  Killian and Daniel get up quickly and rush over as Mike shoves Niall back just as hard.

  Holy hell, here we go!

  I don’t want Mike to get hurt.

  Aiden stands in between them, pulling Niall out of the way, but Niall lunges at Mike, growling as he goes. Aiden jumps between them again, and Niall’s clenched fist lands firmly in Aiden’s stomach.

  I gasp, my heart lurching into my throat as I rush over to Aiden while he haunches over to catch his breath. I rub his back trying to soothe his pain as he breathes heavily. Mike instantly throws a punch at Niall, connecting right with his already bruised jaw. Niall lunges forward, pulling Mike to the floor.

  Callie screams, “Niall, get off Mike right now,” while we watch them wrestle on our kitchen floor.

  “Dad, let Mike go!” Brielle yells as I begin to inwardly panic. I’m so angry at Niall right now, I could punch him myself.

  These grown-ass men are making fools of themselves.

  This is ridiculous!

  Making sure Aiden’s okay, I walk over to Niall and Mike, attempting to get between them. “That’s enough,” I yell, pulling at both of their shirts, but as I do, Niall focuses his aggression on me.

  There’s a glimmer in his eyes, the same I saw in Jason’s before he attacked me, and I freeze. His eyes turn sinister, the darkest of onyx shades I’ve ever seen. A vein pops out of his forehead, and he lunges, grabbing me around the throat. His fingers interlock tightly, digging in as my eyes bulge out of my face. He’s cutting off my airway as I cough and gasp, trying frantically for breaths that simply aren’t coming. Niall’s eyes bore into mine as my heart races so fast I can’t think straight. I choke out some sort of sound while clawing at his hands trying to stop him. But it’s his eyes, they’re not him, he’s not there as he chokes me so hard,
I know he won’t stop until I’m dead.

  “You did this to my family!” he yells.

  Aiden rushes forward, clawing at Niall’s hands to free me, but he’s unsuccessful. “Take your hands off of her now,” he screams.

  “You did this. You’re nothing but a worthless pig,” Niall yells in my face, spittle hitting my cheeks while he’s shaking me and lifting me. I’m lightheaded as my throat closes over, and I begin internally panicking as my feet struggle to reach the floor.

  Aiden and Mike both try to free me from Niall’s tight grip while I watch Aiden’s terrified eyes with my equally petrified ones.

  “Niall! Let her go. Let her go, right now,” Callie yells out.

  I watch my mom try to get to me, but Daniel’s holding her back.

  Lack of oxygen is becoming an issue.

  “For fuck’s sake, you’re acting just like Grandpa Patty right now, and I know you don’t want to be reminded of how much like him you’ve become. Now let my fiancée go, or so help me God, I’ll grab a knife and cut your fucking arm off,” Aiden warns.

  I’m so scared that tears stream down my cheeks.

  For some reason, Niall finally lets me go, and I fall to the floor on my knees, struggling to catch my breath. Bree and Mom run to my side as I grip onto my neck feeling it swell instantly.

  “Fuck this shit,” Aiden says, and I watch him punch Niall in the face. Blood splatters across the floor as Niall’s knocked unconscious, collapsing in a bloodied heap.

  Rushing to my side, Aiden cradles me in his arms. “God, baby, are you okay?”

  I try to catch my breath while he kisses my forehead. My heart’s pounding so fast I’m dizzy—it’s either that or the lack of air supply.

  “I’ll never forgive him for this. If he thought I hated him before, now I completely disown him as a father,” Aiden mutters, rocking me back and forth in his arms as I grip onto his collar tightly holding him to me for comfort.


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