Felicia's Spirits

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Felicia's Spirits Page 13

by Marie Higgins

  Suddenly, a nicely dressed man stood in front of her, facing her and blocking her way. She lifted her gaze and peered into the eyes of the man who would always be in her heart. Folding his arms across his muscular chest, he gazed at her with a sparkle in his eyes and a tilt to his perfect mouth.

  “Please tell me you were not roaming around town looking like this.”

  He scanned over her body from the top of her hooded ratted cloak, down to her dirty, worn boots. Although she dressed horrendously, her stomach still fluttered with butterflies from seeing desire coat his eyes.

  “Bash, what...” She glanced around them, realizing they stood just outside her home. “What are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you, of course.”

  She smiled. “And how, pray tell, did you know the beggar woman you had just accosted was me?”

  “Because I know a disguise when I see one.” He winked. “However, I must admit that your disguise did throw me off for a moment. But then I noticed the familiar forlorn look on your face. I knew that once I looked into your eyes, I would know if it was you.”

  “My eyes give me away?”

  “For me, yes.”

  Her heart softened. “Well, you’d better stop talking to a beggar woman. I need to sneak into my house before I’m spotted by anyone else.”

  He nodded. “I would like to come see you in an hour. Is that possible?”

  “Yes. I shall be ready for visitors by then.”

  He nodded. “Then I bid you a good day.” He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out two coins. “And this is for your troubled life,” he said louder, dropping the coins in her bucket before turning and walking away.

  She tried not to grin. Leave it to Bash to make her lighthearted. A knot of emotion lodged in her throat. She would certainly miss that when she framed him for those robberies.

  Mentally, she pushed the depressing thought from her head. No. She wasn’t going to frame Bash. Tomorrow she would follow Mortimer and turn him in to the authorities – and bring her mother home! Positive thinking was the only way through this heartache.

  She snuck back into her house and hurried up to her bedchambers as she pulled off her disguise. Not more than forty-five minutes later, she sashayed out of her room and down the grand stairs, feeling like royalty. Edwin had purchased many fine gowns for her while they were married, but it wasn’t until Sebastian entered her life once again that she finally started feeling like a real woman instead of a commodity.

  Just as she reached the bottom, there was a knock at the front door. Her heartbeat accelerated and she quickened her step to the door. Instead of seeing Bash, she locked gazes with the little beggar girl who worked for Mortimer. Felicia’s throat turned dry and she swallowed hard.

  “Good day, my Lady.” The girl nodded. “I have a note for you.” She stretched forth her hand.

  Felicia’s limbs shook as she took the letter from the girl. How did she know where Felicia lived? Unless... Mortimer had told her. That was the only explanation.

  “Thank you,” she told the girl.

  The small agent continued to stand at the door. She shifted from one leg to the other. “I’ve been instructed to wait until you read it before leaving.”

  “I see.” Felicia nodded and opened the letter. The writing was very familiar, and brought back memories of the times she’d received missives from Mortimer. Written across the page in large letters: Stop trying to find me! Remember our deal and stick to it, or you won’t like the consequences.

  Felicia tried to hold herself still. She didn’t want the girl to see her cry – or hear her scream. Instead, she kept a well-practices fake smile on her face when she returned her attention to the girl. “Tell him that I remember, and that I will do it.”

  “Thank you, my lady.” The girl then turned and hurried away from Felicia’s house.

  She closed the door and on shaky legs, moved into the sitting room. Fresh tea and biscuits had been brought in, thankfully. She poured herself a cup and drank it. The cup shook from her unsteady hand.

  Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away. Mortimer had known it was her. But how? Then again, that man knew everything. Why did she think she could best him when it was obvious she could not?

  Another knock shook the front door, making her jump. It was Sebastian. She could feel him here. He would calm her, she had no doubt. And she looked forward toward his comforting care.

  Before she could get up, Alberto passed in the corridor, on his way to the front door. She breathed slower, hoping to appear more in control. Sebastian’s voice floated through the morning breeze. She smiled, and yet her heart tugged with pain because of what Mortimer wanted her to do. But she must do it. She prayed he’d understand and not hate her too much.

  However, she’d hurt him once before. She doubted he would forgive her the second time.

  SEBASTIAN WAS SURPRISED to see an encouraging expression from Felicia’s butler this time. Of course, the servant probably suspected that Sebastian had known the whole time that she hadn’t been here when he’d called on her this morning.

  “She is waiting for you in the sitting room,” Alberto said as he pointed the way.

  “Thank you, my good man.” With a bounce to his step, Sebastian ambled into the room... and stopped as soon as he saw her sitting on the sofa. She smiled at him, but he knew it was fake, especially when her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Something was wrong, but he received the impression she wanted to hide it from him.

  “Bash, come in and have some tea with me.” She leaned over to the table in front of her and lifted the dainty silver kettle.”

  “No, my dear. I’m not in the mood for tea right now.” He sat beside her on the couch. Once she’d set the kettle back on the table, he took her hands in his and rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles. “What I am in the mood for is some serious talking.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Serious talking? Whatever for?”

  “Because something is wrong, but you’re trying to hide it. I want you to be honest with me from here on out. We are working on this case together, and so I don’t want there to be anymore secrets.”

  She hesitated before nodding. “You’re correct, of course. I am trying to hide my feelings.” She shrugged. “I’m trying to be strong, but I’m failing miserably.”

  Her eyes watered over again, tugging at his heart. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him. She came willingly, cuddling next to him and resting her hand on his chest.

  Her body was too stiff as if she really didn’t want to be this close to him. Sebastian wouldn’t believe that. He knew how much she melted whenever they were together.

  He stoked her cheek, lovingly. “Tell me what’s wrong, my dear.”

  Her breathing deepened. “I... I... I’m just worried about my mother.” She tilted her head and peered into his eyes. “As each day goes by without us getting any closer, I worry that Mortimer is doing something dreadful to her. I’m feeling desperate to do anything to find that man and rescue my mother.”

  “Has he sent you a ransom note or anything?”

  “No, there has been no note. It’s just that I know that man so well, and he’s playing with our minds.”

  “Tell me,” he said, moving his thumb down her face, closer to her lips, “to your knowledge, has he ever killed before?”

  Her breathing slowed and her body began to relax. “Not that I know about. Usually when we’re finished with a case, he pulls us out quickly and sends us somewhere else, far away. It’s not often I’ll run into someone I’ve worked with.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “Apparently, I’m special, then.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Do you believe he’s capable of murder?”

  Closing her eyes, she rested her head against his chest. “I just don’t know. He has frightened me before, but I don’t know if he’s capable of killing. However, I believe he’s capable of torturing someone just to make them confess.�

  “Then let’s pray your mother isn’t holding any secrets from him.”

  “I pray for that constantly.”

  She grasped his hand, pulling it away from her face, only so that she could hold it. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

  “What did you do this morning?” he asked. Her body stiffened again, which confused him. “Were you able to find that beggar girl and follow her as you’d planned?”

  “Oh, that.” Her shoulders relaxed. “No, I wasn’t able to do that. I mean, I went to the marketplace, but she was not there.” She paused briefly. “What about you? Did you talk to the police?”

  “Yes, I was able to speak with an officer, and as luck would have it, he is associated with someone who had worked with the Prime Minister. The officer will check with his contact to see if the man knows anything about Mortimer.”

  “I hope he does.” She titled her head and met Sebastian’s gaze again. “We really need to stop this man from ruining so many lives.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more.” He gave her a relaxed smile. “And, did you know that the police here in Capri, also know about the topaz diamond?”

  Felicia’s eyes widened. “They do?”

  “Interesting, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, very. But do they have any leads?”

  “The officer didn’t tell me. But I did tell him about you and how you and I are working on this together.”

  She lifted her hand to his face, cupping his cheek. “Bash, do you still believe I’m the thief?”

  Studying her face, he paused. This very question had been running through his head too much lately. But deep down inside his heart, he knew the answer. “No, you’re not the thief.”

  An expression of great relief swept over Felicia’s beautiful face and she gave him a genuine smile. Happiness twinkled in her eyes.

  “Oh, Bash. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  He turned his head slightly to kiss the palm of her hand. “I think I do. The evidence beamed in your lovely eyes, my dear.”

  Suddenly her expression changed. Tears formed in her eyes and her bottom lips trembled. She turned her head and pressed it against his chest again. His heart tightened with doubt. Why was she acting in such way now, when only moments ago she’d been happy? Something wasn’t adding up, and his keen mind couldn’t solve the confusing puzzle.

  “Felicia? What’s wrong?” he muttered as he pressed his lips on her forehead.

  “I... I’m just very emotional today, I suppose.”

  He wrapped both arms around her. “Allow me to take it away. I confess that seeing you this way breaks my heart.” He kissed her moist eyes. “Please don’t cry.” He moved his lips to her wet cheeks. “Oh, my love. Please stop crying.”

  Just as he dropped his head lower, she tilted back as her mouth met his. His heart soared, knowing this was what she wanted too, and yet at the same time, agony consumed him for whatever had made her despondent. He’d do anything to see the twinkle in her eyes again and to hear her laugh. He wanted her to look at him as if she’d never seen another man as handsome as he. It was easier to handle her that way. But he’d never been able to stand seeing a woman crying, especially one he had strong feelings for.

  The kiss wasn’t wild. Instead, tenderness poured out of her, melding with his body. And yet there was a desperate urgency with every stroke of her tongue and peck from her lips as though she thought this would be their last kiss. He tried responding with his mouth that he wasn’t about to let her go. Ever.

  His heart beat in an impulsive crazy rhythm, making him want to carry her up the stairs to her bedchamber and finish what they had started here on the sofa. No other woman belonged with him – not like Felicia. They had been two souls searching for each other too long now. It was time to make their relationship permanent.

  “Oh, my darling Felicia,” he muttered against her lips. “My heart grows with emotion every time we are together.” He kissed her briefly. “Felicia, I think we should continue this upstairs in your room.”

  Blinking her eyes open, she stared at him as her chest rose and feel quickly from ragged breaths. “Wh-what are you saying?”

  “You know what I’m saying.” He smiled. “I want to love you completely.”

  “Oh, Bash.” She leaned her face against his as more tears poured from her eyes. “Why are you so wonderful? I certainly don’t deserve you.”

  He chuckled silently, only his chest shaking. “Actually, my dear, I think we deserve each other, because you are just as wonderful.”

  “No... no...”

  He pulled away and peered down at her face. Using the pads of his thumbs, he dried the tears from under her eyes and her cheeks. “Felicia, you mean more to me –”

  Suddenly a loud knock came upon the front door. She jumped and sat up straight, finishing wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Are you expecting company?” he asked.

  “You were the only one I was expecting.”

  Alberto passed the sitting room on his way to the door. Sebastian listened. A man was at the door requesting to see Lady Adler. And then, Sebastian heard his name. He sucked in a breath and looked at Felicia. “Who knows that I am here?”

  She shrugged and stood. He rose to his feet along with her, facing the door. But as he glanced at her, the expression on her face was one of guilt. He’d prided himself on reading people, and right now, Felicia looked like a sinner going to church.


  Alberto stepped to the door and bowed slightly. “Lady Adler. Officer Rossi would like a moment of your time to speak with you and Mr. Harrington.”

  Felicia’s body shook as she inhaled a worried breath. “Officer Rossi? Do you know what he is here about?”

  Sebastian placed his hand on her arm. “My dear, Felicia. That is the officer I spoke with this morning. He has probably come to update us on what he has discovered.”

  She expelled a relieved sigh, but for the life of her, she couldn’t stop her body from trembling. She had first feared that Mortimer would show up at her house, and then in a split second, she worried that the police office might have found her mother, dead. There were so many possibilities that could bring a police officer to her door, and her mind swam with most of them. Thankfully, Bash knew more.

  “Then please, Alberto. Show the officer into the sitting room.” She smoothed her hands down her gown, hoping she didn’t look as disheveled as she felt. Although, she feared her mouth would look as if she’d been kissed good and hard, since that’s exactly what happened. And she still felt breathless from Bash’s mouth upon her and his startling confession that she didn’t know quite how to answer. Thankfully, the officer arrived so she didn’t have to answer Bash yet.

  When the Italian officer stepped into the room, Felicia gave him her best fake smile. The overweight man stopped in front of her and bowed.

  “Lady Adler, thank you for allowing this unexpected visit.” His attention shifted to Bash. “Mr. Harrington, I’m glad you are here, too. I have some information about that man you are both looking for.”

  “Please, Officer Rossi,” she motioned toward the brown leather chair, “have a seat and tell us what you’ve found.”

  She sat on the sofa and then the men sat, Bash sat beside her, but thankfully, not scandalously close.

  The other man entwined his pudgy fingers together and met Felicia’s stare.

  “I spoke with my contact who had worked for your Prime Minister. It appears that Leonard Mortimer doesn’t work for the Prime Minister any longer, and he hasn’t for years.”

  Shock passed through her and she hitched a breath. She and Bash traded glances before she met the officer’s gaze again. “This is startling news, I must admit. I had been one of his agents, and he continued to tell us that we were on a mission for the Prime Minister.”

  The officer shook his head. “Mortimer is working alone.”

  “I wonder where he gets the funds to pay for assignments now?”
she wondered aloud.

  The officer shrugged. “I cannot tell you, my lady. All I know is that Mortimer had messed up some assignments, which made the Prime Minister appear guilty. Mortimer was fired not long after that.”

  “What have you discovered?” Bash asked.

  The officer moved his attention to Sebastian. “According to my contact, the Prime Minister is also after Mortimer, and has been for the past year.”

  Shock shook through Felicia again, and she sat up straighter. Perhaps there was hope in finding this man after all. “Then let us pray we catch this criminal and stop him from making a laughing stock of the Prime Minister, and from wrecking anymore lives.”

  The officer scratched the top of his balding head as he nodded. “If you are correct about Mortimer being in charge of the robberies around here, we will be very happy to catch him and lock him up.”

  “Quite right,” Bash said. “If you will allow me to work with some of your men, I’m certain Mortimer will be caught quickly. I alone cannot catch him because the man knows to stay out of my sight. But your men...” Sebastian sat back in his chair and folded his arms. “Mortimer won’t suspect your men will be searching for him.”

  “I believe we can arrange that.”

  Felicia didn’t dare become too excited, because it still might take a while to find Mortimer. After all, he’s the master of disguise, and he knows how to hide himself well. “Please let me know if I can be of any help. As I’d mentioned before, I worked with him for years. I might be able to assist your officers.”

  “No, my dear.” Sebastian shook his head as his gaze met hers. “If Mortimer knew you were helping the police, he might harm your mother. We cannot risk that happening.”

  “Mr. Harrington is correct,” the officer said. “The only way you can assist us is by staying out of our way.”

  “If you think that is the best way.” Her voice shook, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to catch Mortimer without her.

  “It is, my lady.” The officer nodded.

  The man stood, and Sebastian rose to his feet, too. Felicia remained on the sofa with her cold hands folded on her lap.


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