Hunter's Moon

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Hunter's Moon Page 8

by McKayla Schutt

  “Prohibere.” She froze the bitch and lifted her into the air before sending her flying into a large tree. The other witch fell into a heap as Luna broke the spell. Get up from that bitch! Lane struggled to get up himself still but couldn’t get to his feet. Steve stood up ready to fight but Luna had other ideas.

  “Dolor.” Part of Luna enjoyed the painful screams coming from Steve as he dropped to his knees. When she let go of the spell, her mother froze him in place near a tree.

  Luna dropped down to Hunter’s side, almost every bone in his body had been broken. If Jina had received the spell it might have killed her. He still struggled to breathe and she didn’t know what to do.

  "Reset the breaks." Hunter hissed out with his eyes closed.

  "I'm so sorry." Luna took in a deep breath as the magic still pulsed from her body like a heartbeat. She grabbed his arm. “Valetudo Basar.” She repeated the spell as her magic pulsed from her fingers into his broken arm. Light popping almost shattered her focus as the wrist mended moving up to his larger bones. A scream of pain rang from Hunter as the top half of his arm snapped into place. Jina slowly made her way around Luna and leaned in close.

  "Honey, you need to hurry because Havina's time is winding down and I don't know if I'll be able to bind her magic again," Jina whispered into Luna's ear. Luna turned to see a smile forming on the bitch’s face as she still struggled to stand. Great, that’s all we need is for the witch to get her magic back! Luna wanted to curse but she focused on her mate instead, she had maybe a minute before Havina managed to stand on her own feet. With a quick smirk, Luna waved her hand pushing more energy to shove her back into the tree. A groan sounded from the bitch giving Luna hints of satisfaction.

  Luna raced to Hunter's other side and grabbed his hand, repeating the spell. Pop. Snap. Crack. Each bone moving back into place caused him pain but she didn’t know how else to help him. Each cry of agony sent a knife into Luna's soul. She hated hearing the agony coming from her mate. Another quick wave of her hand pushed Havina and Lane back down, they had managed to get to their knees this time. The blast had bought her a bit more time.

  She took a deep breath and moved to his legs, grabbing both and the same time. Using too much magic could leave her defenseless or worse, kill her but she needed to heal him. I can do this, I’m strong as hell! “Valetudo Basar.” She pushed her magic out stronger than before as she repeated it three times. Light pops sounded by his toes followed by two loud snaps for his larger bones.

  "Fuck!" Hunter yelled. Havina chuckled.

  "Your efforts are pointless." The bitch sneered.

  Luna felt a blast of wind slam into her chest sending her away from Hunter, she gasped for air as she slammed into the ground. Lane had finally regained his energy and stood toe to toe with Jina. She broke the hold on Steve and threw both of them back. Luna scrambled to her feet and stumbled toward her mother and mate.

  "You get a reprieve for taking the hit for me." Jina placed her hand over his chest and hissed the same spell as Luna. Hunter yelled as his chest expanded.

  Havina’s crackle laugh sounded as she lifted her hand, a ball of fire hovered over each palm. This is going to fucking hurt!

  "Enough!" Cherish popped in between Havina and Luna, her voice boomed so loud Luna winced. Luna reached Hunter, his breath came out more even now.

  "But she-" Havina started but Cherish put up her hand.

  "Stay still." Cherish waved her hand, a syringe appeared next to Havina’s neck. A needle dug into her flesh from Cherish's palm. With a wave of the older woman's wrist two other syringes appeared and sunk into Lane and Steve's necks.

  "I'm binding your magic for a month for causing all of this while your boys will not be able to practice for two weeks." She paused and turned to Lane and Steve. "If you try and attack the wolves without being attacked first I’ll bind your magic for two months." Her anger boomed from her, Luna didn’t move an inch.

  Havina grabbed her sons and shuffled away the way they came then Cherish turned toward Jina. Cherish opened her mouth and sighed. Her shoulders fell as she stared at Jina. Luna didn’t understand what was happening.

  "I understand." Jina nodded.

  "What's going on?" Hunter blinked a few times and tried to stand but Luna pushed him back down.

  "We need to leave in the morning." Her eyes held so much sadness, Luna had the urge to comfort her.

  "We? Wait you're coming with us?" Luna asked her mother.

  "That family will never let things go and it won’t be safe for your mother to stay here." Cherish adjusted her long jacket. "I'm very sorry it came to this."

  "Can you walk, Hunter?" Jina asked. This was the first time she had called him something other than mutt and Luna had to blink a few times. Hunter nodded and slowly stood. "Thank you for saving me."

  Slowly they scooted back to Jina's home. Cherish said good night after casting a protective spell on Jina's home after they slipped in.

  "I can't believe this will be my last night here." She rubbed the door frame and sighed. "Get some sleep you two." She walked away without another word. Luna gave her space. Hunter shuffled into the small bedroom they would sleep in.

  "Luna, I'm sorry the family feud spilled into your life." He fell onto the bed with a long sigh.

  "It already did." She joined him. She had one more question she wanted to know about. Are we staying together when we get back or going our separate ways? But she kept her mouth shut.

  “Your heat is fading quickly.” His words filled her mind as she drifted off to sleep. Images of what their baby might look like flitted through her mind. Soon she would have a little baby trying to walk around her home...Luna’s dream-self looked around but didn’t see a home, but a cage. Fear zipped down her spine and Luna bolted up. Hunter moved in his sleep but didn’t wake up. Will he stay? Will we raise the kid together? More questions filled her mind as she settled back into bed. Her life would change soon, but she had no idea if it would be good or bad.



  LUNA WANTED TO GET out of bed but on the other hand she didn’t know what headed her way. She stared at the ceiling while her mind wandered to what her and Hunter talked about.

  "How is Dominic?" Jina’s voice broke Luna’s thoughts.

  "He's been lonely for so many years, he just throws himself at work." Hunter’s voice carried through the thin wall. The shuffling noise she had grown used to stopped. She magiced her dirty clothes off and magiced new ones on. She didn’t have the mental strength to deal with mundane things like getting dressed. Luna jumped out of bed and headed out to see everything packed in the car except the furniture.

  “Let’s eat before we head out.” Jina pulled out plastic bowls and spoons for cereal.

  "So where do you plan on staying?" Luna asked her mother.

  "I'm not sure but I'll stay in the city for a day or two before finding a new coven." Jina sighed heavily.

  Luna pushed some of her hair back. She debated the idea on trying to help get her parents back together. After all it only seemed to be Lina’s grandparents who were against it, they were dead.

  "I wanted to let you know something I've regretted for years." Jina scratched her head. "You're Aunt Celina mated with a wolf and had a little girl, Alia. Just after Alia turned five, Celina left her with me. I felt betrayed when she left me to find her mate again.” She swallowed hard. And never met Luna’s gaze. “So, I told Celina, Alia died in a fire, so I could raise her myself."

  Luna blinked a few times and Hunter’s mouth fell open. For a moment, he managed to recover as he shoved the spoon in his mouth. Luna had a million questions running through her mind.

  "Does Alia know about her mother?" She blurted out the first one of them.

  "Yes, they met a few years ago. I had planned on telling her everything the day after her birthday but there were some complications with some seekers." Jina shook her head. "If I had known what had happened to her I would’ve killed the seeke
r myself." Jina explained how a seeker tried to force himself on Alia and she killed him by setting him on fire. She left because she didn't think the coven would believe her side. What a big freaking mess!

  "I’d kill anyone if they pulled that shit on you." Hunter growled. Luna didn’t really see her mate as the killer type, but the sentiment sounded nice all the same. She wrapped her arm around his side and leaned her head on his shoulder sending warmth through her heart. Maybe everything can work out. He kissed her head.

  "I want to give you this." Jina handed over a sticky note with a number on it. "They don't take my calls, but they will probably take yours."

  "Thanks, I’ll call them on the way back." Luna glanced at the note and found two phone numbers with the name of her aunt and cousin. She collected their bowls and trashed them.

  Jina pulled Luna into a quick hug and patted Hunter before she strolled to her car. Luna turned to Hunter.

  "We didn't really get to talk about us while we were here." Luna adjusted her shirt. "But I trust you especially since you saved my mom.” She licked her lips. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  "We should get out of here before we get into trouble for overstaying our welcome." Luna giggled. Hunter kissed her quickly before getting her into the car.

  He climbed in and quickly caught up to Jina's little car. Once they crossed the border Hunter started wiggling in his seat a lot. Something didn’t feel right, as they inched toward the city. Luna scanned the area but didn’t see anything abnormal. She licked her lower lip and tried to relax. I need something to do! Luna pulled out her phone and the sticky note with her cousin’s number. Talking to the cousin she didn’t really know would give her plenty to do, and an opportunity to piece together her family a bit more.

  "I think I'm going to call Alia. What do you think?"

  "Couldn't hurt to try." Hunter shrugged. Luna thought about it then steeled herself to possibly being rejected for her mother’s actions. Hunter tapped on his phone and she almost took it from him, but he stopped quickly. Instead of wondering who Hunter texted, she dialed the number. After two rings a woman answered with a simple hello.

  "Hi, my name is Luna, and from what I’ve been told you might be my cousin.”

  “Cousin? Who’s your mom?” The confusion in her voice came over loud and clear.

  "Jina Lyco." Luna waved at her mother as Hunter passed her and took the lead. Jina gave a short wave and nod.

  "Wait what? I didn’t know Jina had a daughter.” Alia asked. Luna dove into a big explanation of her birth and how she was given to the scientists.

  "I knew the bitch Kerine was crazy but to give you away, I wish I could kill her again." Alia growled through the speaker.

  "So, it's true, you're in Nevada. The Moon Coven, right?" Angel had mentioned it to Luna before she had left.

  "Yep. Between you and me I still can't believe how big it's grown since it started." Alia laughed but then stopped. "How is Jina?" Anger lowered her voice.

  "Well, she was just kicked out of her coven for protecting me and my mate."

  "You're mated. Oh, that's wonderful. Is he cute? Not an alpha I hope. We don't need Derrick on edge when you come visit me."

  "No, I'm not an alpha," Hunter said. They made quick introductions as Hunter turned the car into his neighborhood.

  "Oh, this is so wonderful. Well, I'm glad Angie and Hector saved you from those fuckers." Her voice turned more cheerful. Luna’s mind filled with the memories of the last time she saw Angie. She had been struggling to control her new magical abilities.

  "How is she?"

  "She's doing great with her little twins running around." Alia paused, and a girl's voice sounded in the background. "Sounds like my mate, Olsen needs some help. Let me know when you can come visit us."

  "Sounds good." Luna ended the call after quick goodbyes. She liked the idea of meeting her cousin and seeing Angie once more.

  Hunter pulled into his driveway and pulled Luna's hand into his. "Are you ready for this family reunion?"

  Jina parked on the street and climbed out of the car. Luna bit her lower lip, she didn’t know how Dominic would react to seeing his mate after so many years.

  "As ready as I’ll ever be." Luna stiffened in her seat and Hunter followed her gaze. Tommy stormed their way. She had a bad feeling about this. Hunter jumped out of the car and Luna followed close behind him.

  "You brought another witch into the fucking city?" Tommy yelled, his fists clenched at his side.

  "Tommy stop this shit. Aren't you in enough trouble for attacking Luna?" Hunter growled.

  Dominic's front door opened, and the alpha and Dominic stormed out. Luna stood next to her mother and Hunter blocked off Tommy's advance toward his mate and her mother. More faith in her mate grew in his attempt to keep them from harm.

  "You're the fucking reason she is here." Hunter jammed his finger into Tommy's chest.

  "How the fuck is this my fault?" Tommy’s contorted features would’ve made Luna laugh if he wasn’t trying to hurt her or her mother.

  "If you hadn't been trying to start shit with the witches, they wouldn't have attacked me. You put my life and Luna's life on the line for something that happened years ago. Grow the fuck up." Hunter clenched his fists.

  "Jina?" Dominic's voice caught Luna's attention. He seemed to be both confused and pissed. Tommy punched Hunter in the face and Luna barely managed to keep herself back and not attack Tommy herself. Hunter stumbled back but regained his balance quickly.

  "Enough!" Brauc growled, his alpha side pulsed through the air making it hard for Luna to breathe.



  HUNTER’S WOLF COWERED in his mind with the amount of energy pulsing from the alpha. He wanted to punch his brother back but didn’t need to piss off Brauc even more. Fucking bastard managed to get the cheap shot and Hunter really wanted to kick Tommy’s ass. Jina's focus seemed to be all on Dominic.

  "Tommy, I want you to go home and tell your parents I want to speak with the whole family. Make sure everyone’s ready when I come over." The alpha voice came out stronger. Hunter didn’t know if they considered him part of the family or if they were sufficiently kicking him to the curb.

  "This is a family matter not pack." Tommy shook his head. Brauc grabbed Tommy by the throat and brought him closer. Hunter didn’t feel sorry for his older brother; the guy didn’t know when to shut up.

  "This is not up for a fucking debate. Do I make myself clear?" Brauc's words barely came out more than a growl but Hunter understood them. Tommy nodded and Brauc dropped him onto the ground. His brother hesitated then scurried back to his parent's home and slammed the door. The window fluttered but Hunter didn’t see anyone watching him.

  Brauc turned to Hunter but then looked at Jina. A warmth surrounded him, but he didn’t know where it came from. What the hell? He glanced around to see a shimmer surrounding him. It blocked out the sounds from his house making his wolf pissed off but his human side was partially glad not to hear what they were saying about him.

  "I'm not going to hurt him." Brauc glared at Jina who slowly put her hand down and the shimmer vanished. His mother-in-law seemed to be taking a liking to Hunter and he liked the idea of someone actually wanting to protect him. Even if my own family doesn’t want to do it anymore. A bitter film coated his tongue at the thought.

  "Let's all go into Dominic's home for some coffee." Brauc clapped Hunter on the shoulder and Luna followed close behind. He needed to keep her close especially with his family living across the street. Having her injured at their hands again sent his wolf into a rage, he almost shifted.

  "This is getting out of hand." Brauc sighed heavily after he crossed the threshold. Hunter shoved his hands through his messy hair and met Luna’s gaze as she stepped inside.

  “My family won't back down." Hunter shook his head and ground his teeth.

  "If they won't back down, I don't know if I can truly protect you like you both deserve.
This is my pack and I'm not afraid of hard times, but I can't be constantly over here for this shit either." He shook his head once.

  "Then where do we go?" Luna met his gaze, he didn’t really have an answer to her question. He strolled over to her and pulled her into a quick hug. Having her close calmed his wolf for a few moments. He didn’t like the stress pulsing from her body.

  Dominic slipped into the house but stopped short of crossing the threshold, his head turned toward the street. "Come on in, I won't bite." Dominic smirked as he turned.

  Jina inched into the house and looked at Luna then leaned against the counter.

  "Dominic, I need to talk to you." Brauc motioned toward the kitchen and Dominic followed right behind.

  "So, what is the plan?" Jina asked Luna. They couldn't stay in Brauc’s pack without risking their lives every day. Hunter wanted to throw something but tried to keep calm for Luna’s sake.

  "We don't know." Hunter answered. He honestly didn’t know where they could live, the only place he knew was Columbus, Ohio, the place he was born and raised.

  "What if..." Luna paused and nibbled on her lower lip. "No, it's crazy."

  "What?" Hunter raised his eyebrows. He wanted to know what thoughts were running through her mind.

  "We could go to Alia's coven. Her mate is a werewolf." Luna looked at Jina, who nodded like Luna said it as a question. His wolf perked up as he tried to work out what direction Luna headed.

  "Then they don't have issues with couples like us." As Luna spoke Jina glanced at Dominic. Hunter noticed the pain in her mom's eyes as she stared at her mate. They would have a lot to deal with but he didn’t want to get into the middle unless forced.

  "Do you think they would accept us into the pack and you into the coven?" Hunter asked. He didn’t want to get his hopes too high. Almost seems too good to be freaking true.


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