Hunter's Moon

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Hunter's Moon Page 10

by McKayla Schutt

  "What?" Luna rubbed her hands over her eyes and stretched. He still couldn’t believe he found his perfect mate, smart, funny and powerful as hell.

  "I think your scent changed from last night." Hunter let the words fall from his mouth as he stared at her stomach. He sniffed the air again; the new aroma had a lingering note of his trace. It only took a few days for the scent to change signaling the little one growing inside her belly. His wolf wagged his tail and the idea of having pups on the way.

  "Wait, you think I'm pregnant?" Luna placed her hand over her stomach. Being with Luna had taught him so much about love and how conditions didn’t need to be made.

  "I'm about eighty percent positive.” Hunter leaned forward and sniffed her neck. His nose had played tricks on him before. She jumped out of bed and hustled to the bathroom. For a second, he worried she would be sick from morning sickness but then he heard plastic tearing, so he didn't go in. Moments passed, and she finally opened the door. A small stick twisted in her hands with her eyes completely focused on it.

  "Holy fucking shit." Luna finally met his gaze. "Your nose is right." She laughed and tossed the stick at him. He caught it to find a pink plus in the window. His heart lept in his chest. Soon he would be a dad.

  "When did you get this?" In nine months they would have a little one running around. They needed a place to settle. It’s a lot of responsibility. His wolf reminded him.

  "My mom recommended it two stops ago, in Denver." Luna shrugged. "How do you feel about this news?" She leaned against the door jam.

  "You should already know the answer." Hunter raised one of his eyebrows. She licked her lips which made his cock harden. She knew how to torture him and he loved it.

  "What can I say, I like to hear you say it." Luna nibbled on her lip. He stood and pulled her into his arms.

  "No matter what happens in Austin, I’ll be here for you." He kissed her soft lips, the need to take her back to bed rolled through his body. His wolf pushed images of the night before into his mind. "Now you better get changed before I take you on the bed."

  Her eyes flickered up and she met his gaze. "What if I want you before we leave?"

  "You told Derrick we would meet him in an hour, we can't be late." Hunter didn't want to tell her no, especially since he wanted to celebrate. Maybe a quickie could work. His cock throbbed at the thought. The doorbell rang, and Luna sighed.

  "Later, no matter what we will be in bed together." She sashayed back into the bathroom leaving Hunter with a raging hard-on. Hunter barely resisted following her round ass into the shower. He adjusted himself in the shorts and shuffled to the front of the little home. The place was cozy but lacking something, Hunter couldn’t place. Maybe some of his stuff but he pushed the idea out of his mind. He took a moment and tried to focus on non-sexual things like cars. Dominic and Jina were talking when he opened the door.

  "Where is she?" Jina looked past Hunter, who opened the door even more to let them enter. After a few days on the road, Jina had warmed up to him but she slipped sometimes. Only time would tell, if they would truly get along.

  "Just climbed into the shower." Hunter pointed toward the bedroom. Images of her naked in their made him twitch. His wolf enjoyed putting more images there about her under him. Damn it, not right now. He stifled a groan.

  "Did you just get up?" Jina shook her head and strolled in. Dominic followed close behind, his nose raised before he turned to Hunter.

  "Is she?" His face lit up and Jina stopped walking by the lone couch.

  "Is she what?" Jina raised an eyebrow. Hunter closed the door. His stomach tightened, he didn’t want to be the one to break the news.

  "Maybe she should tell you." Hunter put up his hands. Luna sauntered out in her white dress clinging to her body. Ideas of taking it off her caramel body surged forward. He swallowed hard and tried to push down the urges. If they didn’t have a damn time constraint I’d have her in my arms.

  "What on earth is going on?" Jina looked from Luna to Dominic then Hunter.

  "Mom, I'm pregnant." Luna laughed. Dominic rushed over and picked Luna up into a big hug. His mind wandered back to his own parents, they would find this news to be the worst. Maybe not Grandma Reva. His wolf pitched in and Hunter wanted to call her but decided to wait.

  "I'm so happy." Dominic kissed her head. "I never in a million years thought I’d be a grandpa."

  At least I made Dominic happy. The thought brought him a sense of peace he never expected.

  "Are you ok mom?" Luna turned to Jina. Hunter followed her gaze, Jina had tears streaming down her face as she stared at Dominic and Luna. She gave a quick nod and joined them in a family hug.

  "My family is growing and I'm... I'm at a loss for words right now." She gave off a half laugh. Jina turned and waved Hunter over, slowly he walked toward his little family. His mate smiled brightly, and his wolf wagged his tail inside his mind. This is what family is supposed to look like, with lots of love.

  "Congratulations, Hunter. I'm proud of you and I'm glad Luna found you." Dominic patted Hunter on the back. The man had always been like a second father to him so hearing those words made his heart swell up. Hunter hoped for his and Luna's sake they had worked out their issues. He wanted him close, especially with the new addition coming.

  "Crap, we need to go." Jina glanced at the clock. Everyone rushed around getting ready and soon they all climbed into Dominic's pickup truck. Taking one car seemed to be more responsible and if they answered with yes, they would come back to get the rest of their stuff.

  Luna leaned on him in the back seat while Jina sat up front. They inched toward the border and once they cleared a hill, Hunter spotted three pickup trucks. A red wolf paced. Dominic parked the car and Hunter’s mouth dried like the desert around them. Here goes nothing. I hope this fucking works!



  "IS THAT ANGIE?" LUNA scrambled out of the truck with Hunter close behind. After a few years, she barely recognized the wolf who saved her life. Dominic and Jina jumped out soon after and stuck close together. "Oh goodness, Angie you look amazing."

  Angie had grown out her brown hair and it looked good as she sprinted to Luna and pulled her into a hug. Her brown eyes turned toward Hunter with a quick smile.

  "No, you look way better since I last saw you." Angie played with Luna's curls, normally it would bug her but Angie had a free pass. Saving my life and all. "Since I've actually met you, I'll make the introductions but first who is your mate?"

  "This is Hunter." Luna grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. She liked having him near.

  "Nice to meet you." Angie offered her hand to Hunter and a wolf behind her growled, Luna knew to be Hector. Hunter shook her hand quickly and let go. "Hector, stop it." Angie let go of Luna and turned to a man with honey brown eyes staring right at Hunter. The alpha cleared his throat, the strength pulsing from his body made it clear who was in charge.

  "Olsen please stop pacing." A woman hissed toward the red wolf.

  "Luna this is Derrick, he's the alpha. And his mate Maria. From what I understand, this is your cousin, Alia and her mate, Olsen." Angie shook her head and then smiled. Determination filled Alia’s blue gaze as she headed toward Jina. Luna’s heart lept into her chest, she had no idea what came next.

  "For years I've tried to understand what you did and why you did it. I can't forgive you for what you put my mother through, but I can forgive you for not telling me about my mother." Alia turned to Luna. "As for you, I spoke to Angel, you’re old elder told me I would be crazy not to let you in. The coven side is willing to accept you but for the pack, you need to talk with the alpha. Same goes for you two."

  Luna's soul settled a tiny bit after hearing Alia’s words. She turned to look at Derrick, the huge alpha. His bright blue eyes studied Luna and then each member of her little family. Everything hinged on this alpha letting them stay.

  "I've heard good things about Dominic and Hunter." Derrick started
and inched toward Luna, his intimidating presence made her look down. She didn't want to meet his gaze and it would seem like a challenge to him if she did. He sniffed the air and then glanced at Hunter then back to Luna.

  "Do you have a wolf?" Derrick asked.

  "Yes, I do." Luna nodded. Derrick scratched the back of his head and turned toward Jina.

  "Do you?" Everything depended on his answer.

  "Me? Nope." Jina shook her head. Luna tried to take in a good breath, but it became more difficult the longer Derrick stood so close.

  "I want to make this clear, if you want to be here, there will be no funny shit pulled here. No fake fires and if you cross me I’ll put you down." Derrick growled.

  "Understood." Dominic and Hunter spoke in unison while Luna nodded. Jina took in a shaky breath.

  "I understand." Jina spoke after a few seconds. Luna studied the alpha for a few minutes. He strolled over to his mate and they whispered, which made Luna’s pulse quicken. Her head spun, and she worried she might black out. He took so long. She didn’t know where they would go if he denied them. Hunter wrapped his hands around her waist bringing her close.

  "No matter what we will figure it out." Hunter kissed her shoulder; his words brought her some peace but not enough to completely calm her down.

  Derrick turned to face them, and Luna held her breath.

  "Welcome to the pack all of you," Maria said.

  "Damn it woman, that's my job." Derrick growled toward his mate.

  "You were scaring Luna half to death. The woman is pregnant, you shouldn’t be stressing her out." Maria smacked his arm. Luna let out a shaky breath.

  "Welcome. Tonight, you can officially join the coven side. You all look tired." Derrick pointed at Hector and Angie. "Follow them and they will show you to your home." Derrick picked Maria up and carried her to the truck while whispering into her ear. Her reddened face spoke volumes and Luna wanted to laugh. Things had worked in their favor for the first time since she met her mate.

  She turned to her parents. Only one final thing hung in the balance.

  "I want to get a fresh start with you. I’ll be at your side if you want me there." Dominic stared at Luna’s mom.

  "I’d love for you to be at my side." Jina threw herself into his arms. Luna’s heart settled. She was so overwhelmed she didn’t catch the last words they said to each other.

  "I'm glad you’re all here." Alia smiled before climbing into the truck. The red wolf, Olsen raced away like he wasn't too happy with them being there. She pushed back the thought. If he doesn't hold any grudges toward them, everything would be okay.

  They climbed into Dominic's truck and followed Angie and Hector in their truck. After a few minutes they were officially in the small town of Austin. Her mind pulled at the memory of first starting her mission to find her family when she climbed into the car. She never thought she would end up back in Nevada with a mate and her parents.

  Hector pulled his truck into a drive way and climbed out and motioned Dominic to park on the street.

  "Hunter and Luna, you will be right there." Hector pointed to the house next door. "Dominic and Jina, your house is right next door."

  "Living next to your parents isn’t something I had planned on." Hunter laughed and kissed Luna's neck.

  "It's perfect." Luna hip bumped her mate. Hector grabbed Angie and guided her toward their home.

  "What about the girls?" Angie asked and pointed toward her right.

  "We can get them in a half hour. I'm sure your brother will understand." Hector picked her up. "You're about to go into heat again. I need to get every second of you I can before then." The door slammed, and Luna giggled.

  "Do you think you’ll be happy here?" Luna turned to Hunter.

  "You're at my side, so yes. I'll be happy." Hunter winked. Dominic and Jina walked toward their home and they waved before entering the house. Luna followed Hunter and as soon as she crossed the threshold Hunter pinned her to the wall. Heat pulsed through her body.

  "I can't wait any longer." Hunter kissed her. Luna snapped her fingers and their clothes vanished.

  "What about a bed?" Luna asked as he trailed kisses down her neck to her shoulder.

  "I can't wait that long. Couch or the table?" He palmed her tits making her moan.

  "Table." She gasped when he grabbed her hips and lifted her up to set her on the table.

  "Soon we will break in each room of our new home and I can't fucking wait." Hunter moved his hard cock along the wet seem of her sex. His groan sent more heat through her core.

  "I can't either." She wiggled her hips making him groan again. Slowly he inched into her core and she moaned. He kissed her like he was starving, and she loved it. She wrapped her hands onto his arms when he started to move. Her body and soul were all his, everything was perfect.

  Pleasure rushed up her body as he picked up his pace. She wanted it to last longer but her orgasm built fast with his strong thrusts. He moved his hot mouth to one of her nipples making her cry out in pleasure. When he licked her other nipple, her orgasm flooded her body. Her pussy clamped down on his cock as she rode out the waves of pure bliss.

  He moaned against her as he spilled himself into her body. Together they slowly came down from their release. Luna sighed and relaxed against the wood table.

  "I love you, Luna." Hunter kissed her. Her body felt weightless as all the worries she had carried floated away.

  "Hunter, I love you so much. I hope one day you won't get tired of all the love I send your way."

  "Never." Hunter kissed her again. "Now, let's check out our home." He helped her off the table.

  Most of her life she had been stuck in a cage, being used as a blood bag to kill others, now she had her own life. Her family was together, and she would soon be raising her own little one. Life couldn't really get any better.



  HUNTER ADJUSTED HIS hair while looking at his mate, she took in a shaky breath and doubled over. He cursed his mate's stubborn side as he crossed the room.

  "You need to sit down." Hunter lifted her up then after two swift steps, placed her on the couch with ease.

  "But it's going to be this big event here and I want everything to be perfect." Luna placed her hands on her hips. Her swollen belly wiggled with their little girl growing inside.

  "The house is clean, and the food is coming. What more do we need?" Hunter wanted to throw his hands in the air but barely resisted. Luna took to glaring at him instead.

  "This is the first time I’ll be meeting my aunt and uncle. And the first time my mom will be talking to her sister after three decades."

  "They talked on the phone a week ago." He shook his head.

  "Doesn't count." Luna folded her arms and placed them on her belly. Hunter walked over to the front door and opened the door before Jina knocked. She shook her head and strolled past him to sit next to Luna.

  "You should be relaxing my dear." Jina rubbed her arm.

  "When she's nervous, I've noticed she over cleans." Not a speck of dust coated the entire three-bedroom home.

  "I don't know what you’re talking about." She lifted her chin while her hand wiggled around. Hunter turned to find dishes from breakfast flying around in the sink then moved back to the cabinet.

  "I told you I planned on cleaning them." Hunter pointed toward the table.

  "Well now it's...done." She stopped moving her hand then smiled.

  "You have a lot of patience, son." Dominic patted Hunter's shoulder and chuckled. Luna stood and waddled over to her dad for a hug.

  "Thanks dad." Luna winced. Hunter watched her carefully. Over the last two weeks he had been on the watch for real contractions but so far it had all been the practice ones as Luna called them.

  "When is Alia coming over?" Dominic asked.

  "In an-" she took in a sharp breath. "Hour..." Luna let out a shaky breath. Hunter glanced at Jina who nodded.

  "Honey we might have to delay this litt
le party." Jina stood and rubbed her back.

  "No, it's just the practice ones I'm-" Luna doubled over in Dominic's arms. Hunter’s heart raced with both nerves and excitement. This could be the real deal! His wolf wagged his tail and started bouncing around till Hunter shook his head to calm his beast down.

  "This one is three in the last five minutes. You're not fine." Jina shook her head.

  "Mom, this is important. You haven't seen your sister in years and I've never met her."

  "You did when you were a baby," Jina said. Even Hunter knew it was a weak attempt to break Luna from her stance.

  "That so doesn't count." Luna whimpered making Hunter's wolf start pacing. The doorbell rang, and Hunter resisted the urge to ignore it. "I'm ok. I'll sit down, and they will pass." Luna waddled back to her seat on the couch. Hunter backed up while keeping his eyes on his mate. He turned and opened the door and found Alia holding their youngest, Oliver and Olsen behind talking to their oldest Aura.

  "I thought we would come earlier since he decided to stop napping." Alia smiled and strolled in. An older couple stood behind Olsen.

  "This is Celina and Pico." Olsen nodded toward Hunter. "This is Hunter, Luna's mate."

  The alpha scent pulsed from Pico while his brown eyes were focused on Hunter. He nodded once. Celina’s blonde hair caught some wind and it covered her face for a brief moment.

  "Welcome. Luna is excited to meet you." Hunter waved them in. Celina’s light blue eyes lit up. He inhaled deep to calm his racing pulse.

  "It's nice to finally see you again." Celina smiled, and Luna stood. Within seconds she doubled over. Hunter dashed to her side and held onto her as her body shook. A gush of fluid hit the ground and Hunter sniffed the air.

  "Her water just broke." Jina announced and rubbed her back. His heart picked up again with the news, soon his daughter would be here.


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