The Billionaire Barista

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by Dakota Hart

  I didn’t know what I was saying, I was drunk and in love and letting my emotions run wild. Thankfully, he felt the same

  “You’re mine now Casey, I’m never letting you go” he whispered, his hands curling around my back and cupping my ass “and I’m yours, forever.”

  My heart soared, I knew when he spoke those words that they were true, without question. His name was tattooed on my heart and we weren’t ever going to let each other go, I was sure of it.

  He squeezed and massaged my butt cheeks and I slid my fingers up and down his hard rod, feeling the veins under my fingertips throbbing and pulsing at my touch.

  Finally, my caressing became too much for him and he pulled away - but only for a second. Instantly he pushed me onto my back, hard, holding my hands together above my head and pushing my legs apart.

  I was trembling with anticipation, my sex was dripping, my body was screaming for him.

  “I’m yours Aiden” I said, steadily “please, please, please” I was begging, dying for him to finally become one with me.

  At last, he did. In one swift motion he pulled my legs apart wider and thrust his manhood deep into my slick tunnel. I cried out immediately, he was so big and filled me so completely. We fit into each other perfectly, like we were meant to be like this, always.

  “Oh Aiden, yes, baby” I moaned, already on the verge of orgasm from the excitement. It was explosive having him inside me at last. We started to move in rhythm, clutching each other desperately like this was the only thing that mattered in the world. It felt like it was. At that moment I would have given anything to keep this feeling.

  We found our sweet spot and he started to drive into me, pushing deeper until I could feel him shaking my very core. This was a totally new experience, I’d had sex before but not like this. Our bodies moved as one, he looked deep into my eyes while he made love to me and our souls connected, it felt as though we were bonded.

  I wrapped my legs tight around him, trying to pull him into me as deep as I possibly could, reveling in the feeling of his length ravaging me.

  “Deeper, more, I need to feel all of you” I moaned.

  He needed to no encouragement, our sensual, emotional lovemaking quickly turned into something more…savage.

  Aiden pulled my legs apart wider, ferociously driving his rigid cock into me. Pounding and thrusting with a barbaric kind of wildness, pushing me to the edge of oblivion. I screamed his name til my throat ached, wanting the world to know the cause of this passion, the man who was changing me down to my molecules.

  I felt my orgasm build inside my like a supernova, bigger and more explosive than anything I’d ever felt.

  “I’m almost there, Aiden” I told him, barely able to form a coherent sentence.

  “Come for me, my angel” he said, thrusting so hard I thought he would pierce my very soul. He held onto my legs and lifted me slightly from the bed as he pulled my hips down onto his groin, penetrating me over and over again.

  I thought my orgasm at the warehouse was as good as it could get but I was so wrong. When I felt these waves of pleasure come across my body it was like a tsunami, I thought I might pass out from the ecstasy. It started at the point where his shaft was buried in me and exploded outwards to every part of my being. I screamed until I was hoarse, sweat running down my back, my hair flailing in all directions.

  Finally, I whimpered quietly, my orgasm starting to ebb away, my slick lips still sensitive. He slowly started to pull out of me and I cried out

  “Oh, please, no!”

  I couldn’t help it, I never wanted him to leave me again.

  Chapter: Aiden

  Everything looks different in the light of day. This was my first thought on waking up with Casey lying next to me. She was sleeping quietly, her golden hair framing her angelic face. A perfect angel in my bed.

  I sat up quietly and put on a robe, walking out onto the balcony to feel the crisp woodland air. I took a deep breath of the cold tree scent and looked out on the nature around me. It was beautiful, but I didn’t see it.

  I was confused and broken inside. After Aimee, I hadn’t known what to do with myself. I felt like had nothing, like I was nothing. I had thrown myself into my work, building this business up from a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, to a growing empire. I had spent every moment thinking about that and running away from my emotions.

  Then I met Casey and everything changed. It was like all these things I had locked away inside me were clamoring to get out. Good things and bad. I kept trying to close the door, put everything back in Pandora’s box, but I couldn’t. Not when Casey was around, constantly teasing it out of me again. I knew what I had to do. Last night had been…incredible. More amazing than any night had a right to be. But I had let things get too far. Given my emotions too much space to run wild. If I didn’t stop this now, I would belong to Casey forever. I couldn’t risk my heart like that, not again.


  When Casey came downstairs in the morning her hair was mussed up and she was wearing one of my work shirts. It barely covered her sensuous legs and I almost lost my resolve. The feelings stirred in my heart when she smiled at me and said

  “Good morning stranger”

  It was too much, I turned away from her and went back to the eggs and toast I was making.

  She tried again, a little less confident now

  “Smells delicious, what are you making sexy?”

  I wanted to kiss her everywhere, to pick her up and put her sexy ass on my butcher block and storm her body all over again but I didn’t. I pushed it all down, the way I had so many times before over the last few years and said coldly

  “Just some eggs and toast, do you want coffee too?” “Mmm yes please, especially if you’re making it” she said.

  She came up behind me and put her arms around me, running her hands through my hair. I had to say something, I knew it was now or never.

  I removed myself from her embrace and walked to the other side of the room, turning around and sitting on one of the barstools.

  “Look, Casey, I think we should talk.” I said, firmly.

  She looked horrified, shocked. Her face fell and her shoulders slumped. She sat down on a barstool nearby, clutching the shirt close to her.

  “Okay” was all she said, and my heart broke a little more.

  “I’m just, not in the right place in my life right now for this.” I said, not sure how to explain.

  “For, breakfast?” she said flippantly.

  “Come on Casey, don’t be like that. I’m trying to be serious.” I said, frustrated now. I knew why but she was making this even harder.

  “Me too, and this is silly.” she said, angry now “Last night was amazing, what’s going on, what’s your problem?”

  I was upset now, this wasn’t how this was supposed to go

  “I just don’t think we should make this more than it was” I said, not looking her in the eyes.

  “Are you kidding me?” she said, very upset “You sweep me up here in this big dramatic dinner and fancy house and now you’re acting like last night was nothing?”

  “Casey, you don’t understand. Please, let’s just keep it casual.” I said, cold as ice.

  “Casual?” she clutched the fabric of my shirt to her chest like she’d been wounded. She was quiet now, sounding like she might cry.

  “What don’t I know?” she asked.

  I knew then I had to tell her, I owed her the truth at least.

  “I’m so fucked up, you don’t understand” I said, my words tumbling out of me in a flurry “Aimee, my wife, we bought this house together, we built this life together and then…she died. Three years ago now, but it feels like it was yesterday to me. I just can’t Casey, not right now.”

  I turned to see her reaction but her head was bowed.

  “Okay” was all she said to me before she bolted upstairs, but I heard the sound of her muffled crying.

  Chapter 19: Casey

, you have to dance” Marc said, flopping down beside me and handing me a cocktail. “You’ve been moping around the house for a week and I can’t take it anymore.”

  I looked around the dimly lit club with sad, lifeless eyes. I nodded aimlessly at Marc and forced a smile. He rolled his eyes and pushed the cocktail toward my mouth.

  “Come on, you’ve gotta move on sweetie!” he said.

  I knew I should move on, it was just a couple dates. Just some guy that didn’t work out.

  But I just kept replaying all the moments between Aiden and me, all the electric currents, the magic, the way he looked in the moonlight. It didn’t feel like nothing. The way he had looked at me, the way his touch made my heart beat, he wasn’t just some guy. He was the guy, and now he was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I thought about calling him, or sending him a flirty text, but Marc had taken my phone away from me before we went out. He’d said that he knew exactly who I’d be texting the minute I got a drink in me and that drama was the last thing I needed in my life right now.

  He was right, of course, but I yearned to be with Aiden. My heart was broken and I didn’t care about getting drunk and dancing. I really didn’t care about meeting someone new, all I wanted was Aiden and there wasn’t anything Marc could say to change that.

  “Look, I know they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new but I’m not interested, okay?” I said.

  Marc side-eyed me hard and said “Honey, I really don’t think anyone in this bar is interested in you either, I’m just suggesting you dance and have fun.”

  I looked around at the gay bar, full of drag queens and glitter and laughed, maybe the first really good laugh I’d had since Aiden dumped me. Just at that moment “What Makes You Beautiful” came on and Marc turned to me, his eyes lighting up.

  Even though I mostly listened to indie and Marc mostly listened to pop when we met in college we had bonded over our mutual love of One Direction. This song was kind of our anthem, the song of our friendship. I knew I didn’t have a choice now, I had to push past my own pain and be there for my friend.

  I decided right then that I was ready, to start living for myself again, not feeling like I was less than a person because Aiden wasn’t in my life. I knew, deep down, that part of me would always be missing without him. But that didn’t matter now, if he didn’t want to be with me, that was his loss.

  I grabbed the cocktail and tipped the whole thing back in one go.

  “Yassss queen!!!” Marc screamed as he grabbed my hand.

  We bounded onto the dancefloor and started dancing and screaming the lyrics together in unison.


  I woke up semi-catatonic on the living room couch the next morning. I groaned as I got up

  “Ughhh, what time is it?” I said, sitting up.

  Greta was in the kitchen making herself something strange out of strips of beef. I guess it was the weekend.

  “It’s 11:21” she said crisply. Little had changed in our relationship since I had moved in, with the exception that I didn’t care anymore. I guess after losing Aiden I didn’t care about a lot of things anymore.

  I sat up and looked around for my phone. Shit. Marc still had it.

  “Where’s Marc?” I asked.

  Greta just shrugged and walked away carrying her strange concoction of raw beef, Japanese sprouts and a dipping sauce.

  I hopped up and headed to the bathroom, then I went and knocked on Marc’s door. No answer. My head was starting to pound, I could really use a coffee right about now. But no, I wasn’t going to Outlaw and that was the only coffee place in easy walking distance. Ever since the breakup I had assigned Marc to get the daily coffees for us since I didn’t want to run the risk of running into Aiden. He had reported back that he hadn’t seen Aiden working again, but I wasn’t willing to take the risk.

  Just then I heard the door opening. I walked into the living room and there was my best friend, walking in holding a tray of coffees and my cell phone.

  “Oh thank goodness, you’re an angel!” I said, quickly grabbing a coffee and my phone. Marc and I plopped down on the couch, he was dressed but looked terrible. I’m sure I looked pretty bad too, in that good way when you’ve had way too much fun the night before.

  I started scrolling through my notifications while Marc nibbled on a croissant from Outlaw Coffee.

  “Oh my god!” I shrieked.

  “What? What is it?” Marc said, alarmed.

  I turned to him, my eyes wide “Aiden texted me.”

  “Oooh girl yes! I knew he’d come crawling back for this” Marc said, waving his hand over my body “what did he say?”

  “Oh, it’s a work thing” I said, all my hope fading immediately. “He’s just asking if I can do the shoot for Outlaw this weekend.”

  I handed Marc the phone so he could look over the text and assess it. He handed it back to me, his face grim

  “I’m sorry sweetie” he said, putting his arm around me. “Maybe he wants to see you but it honestly doesn’t look good. What are you gonna do?”

  “I really need the money” I said “sales have been slow lately and I’m still paying back my credit cards for the move. What choice do I have?”

  He nodded woefully. Then perked up

  “You should wear something sexy! Show him what he’s missing.”

  I smiled at him “You always have the best ideas” I said.

  Chapter 20: Aiden

  I knew it was stupid, asking Casey to work for me. But I didn’t know what else to do, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and I knew I couldn’t be with her. She was like some terrible drug, I just needed a fix, just to see her for a little while. That would be enough to sustain me, I figured. I just needed to be around her, for a few hours. Then I could get over this.

  I asked her to meet me at the warehouse and shoot some promotional photos for my company. Now, it was the day she was meeting me and I was alone in the warehouse again, just like last time I was there waiting for her. This time, everything was different. I was still a mess of emotions, confused and unsure. But now, she was angry and hurt.

  As soon as she walked in I knew it was a bad idea. She was looking…seductive, for lack of a better term. It was surprising on her, the bright red lips and low cut dress. She always had a carefree down to earth quality to her outfits that I loved. But this sexy look definitely had my cock responding to her instantly. I willed myself to calm down and focus on the business.

  “Hey, thanks for coming.” I said, awkwardly holding my hand out to her. Her look was cold, aimless. Our eyes met and for a second I saw a flicker of what used to exist between us.

  “Of course, excited to work for your company” she said, all business. “Where do I start?”

  I led her over to my desk and she took a seat, crossing her legs and revealing a generous amount of her creamy thighs. I gulped. The hardness in my pants twitched. She was bringing her A game and I wasn’t prepared.

  “I’ve brought a few samples of our previous shoots for you to look over, I thought I’d show you what we’d done before and what I wanted changed.”

  She nodded, taking the pasteboards from me. She turned in the chair, popping her hip out and giving me an even better view of her legs. I was bursting with sexual energy already. More than that though, being near her was making me ache to be close to her.

  I talked over a few of the changes I wanted made, she made some suggestions. All the while, I was thinking about that night we shared, the feeling of being inside her, of being close to her like that.

  Soon the meeting was over, she got up to leave and suddenly I had a brilliant idea. She was almost at the door when I said

  “Casey, wait” in a voice that made it clear I wasn’t talking about business. She stopped, her hand on the door and turned to look at me, her big eyes full of hope and emotion.

  “I was thinking” I started, nervously “just because I’m not ready to be serious, do
esn’t mean we can’t be…something.”

  “Like, taking it slow?” she said, looking hopeful.

  I leaned in towards her, running my hands up her arm and watching her shiver with lust at my touch.

  “I was thinking like, friends with benefits” I said. I knew it wasn’t what I really wanted, but I can’t bring myself to let her walk out that door. It was all I could offer her right now, my heart was so damaged and broken.

  “Hmmm” she said, biting her lip. It was so sexy, I couldn’t resist. I leaned in to her, brushing her hair out of her face, looking into her eyes. She nodded just the tiniest bit and that was it, I was all over her.

  Pressing my lips hard into hers, ravaging her with my tongue. I was like a man possessed, I needed her and I needed her now. I grabbed her hips and pulled her butt up, pushing her up against the office wall and pulling down her top to reveal her glorious breasts.

  She moaned my name, kissing my face and nibbling on my earlobe which made me instantly hard as a rock. This wasn’t a good idea but I didn’t think I could stop myself now.

  Chapter 21: Casey

  What was I thinking? I never should have come here, I thought as Aiden sucked on my nipple and dragged his strong hands down to my soaking wet panties. I knew this wasn’t what I wanted, I needed more than a fling with Aiden, he was the guy, I knew it in my bones. I could never be happy like this.

  But when he looked into my eyes with that sexy stare, what could I do? I wanted him so bad I’d take him any way I could get him.

  He picked me up by my ass and I wrapped my legs around his hard body. Damn, that was hot. He carried me over to the desk, pushing stuff off it like we were in a movie and laid my back down on the hard surface. It was a lot more uncomfortable than it looks in movies but I honestly didn’t care at that moment. I was overcome with a confusing mix of lust and love, all I could think about was Aiden. I wanted and needed every part of him.


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