The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 4

by Kira Freitas

  - Sure! I'll call my uncle and he'll take you to one of the rooms.

  - We can't stay at the inn. We're being chased by Scottish soldiers dressed as Englishmen. - I said before I got up. - In the stable we'll be protected until he recovers.

  - Yeah, but inside the inn, he could recover better. - she said before she ran to the door. - I'll call my uncle and after he's taken care of, I'll send a messenger to the king to tell him where his cousin is. He'll send soldiers to escort them to the castle.

  - Yeah, do that! - said shaking his hand. - Thank you, Abby!

  Abby ran inside and I came back to stand next to Bruce. Extending my hand, I pulled out a lock of hair that was over his left eye. I've studied your angular face. He was strong and his chin was square. The skin was very pale and contrasted with the black garment he wore.

  Abby showed up with a big, strong man. I assumed that that would be her uncle, so I walked away. With agility, he lifted Bruce on his lap and took him inside.

  - You guys were lucky! - said Abby leaving the front and climbing the steps. - The inn is empty. You can stay in the third floor room. He's big and there are two beds. Outsiders think it's an attic.

  Abby's uncle put Bruce to bed and ran to get everything I asked for. While I was waiting, I took the time to remove his boots and shirt, which was torn on one side of the abdomen. I was impressed by how many scars he had on his chest. They were all made by very sharp blades. One in particular caught my attention. She was located on her left shoulder and it looked like the sword had crossed over. Carefully and with Abby's help, I turned Bruce on his side.

  - Oh, shit! - I sighed.

  - What's going on? - Abby asked.

  - The arrow didn't cross.

  - Isn't that good?

  - No. Arrows have small flaps that prevent them from pulling back if the person is hit. - I made a face. - If we try to pull it out, it'll tear his skin apart and make his injury worse. I'll have to go through it to break the tip and then take it out.

  - Sounds very painful. - Abby speculated. - What if we let the wound expel the arrow?

  - If we do that, Bruce will bleed to death.

  Abby twisted his hands showing he was nervous.

  - Are you sure you can't get that thing off by pulling?

  - Absolutely! - I looked around. - Tell your uncle I'll need a hot iron. If he can light the fire and heat the tip of the poker, that'll do.

  - I will stir up the fire, but what will the burning iron do? - said Abby, heading towards the fireplace.

  - I need to stop the bleeding and the ember will cause the healing to occur quickly. This will also prevent any internal infection.

  Abby rolled her eyes and became immediately pale.

  - Oh! Oh, my God!

  I sighed to her and took the iron out of her hands.

  - Abby, I need you to go to your uncle's and get me the items I ordered quickly. - I put the iron on the coals and let the tip burn. - I won't be able to take care of you if you faint and hit your head somewhere.

  Abby ran out of the room. Winding up a sheet, I put it on Bruce's back right in the direction of the wound. I did the same with someone else and put it on the front. That would avoid dirtying the whole bed when the blood started spilling. Abby's uncle entered the room bringing the basin with hot water and clean cloths. There was also needle and thread, which I wouldn't need, and an ointment made of herbs. Opening the pot, I smelled it recognizing the herbs immediately. Smile at him settling down. I explained what I was going to do and he was willing to hold Bruce tight, because we knew he would wake up as soon as the arrow ripped the other side.

  - What are you doing? What are you doing? - asked Bruce, opening his eyes.

  His voice came out like a whisper.

  - The arrow didn't cross. - I answered. - I have to go through it to get it out.

  - Do you have a hot iron?

  - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  - Do whatever it takes. - he looked at Abby's uncle, who was bowed under the bed headboard, ready to grab his arms. - Help me not to move. I'd hate to hurt Madame's face or anyone else's here.

  I growled at your comment. Abby's uncle nodded and gave Bruce a piece of wood to bite on. That would help contain the pain. Then he held his wrists.

  - I didn't expect to wake you in the process. - he said, taking the iron and standing beside me. - Ready?

  - No. - He said, taking a deep breath and putting the wood between his teeth.

  - Oh, great!

  Breathing deeply, support one hand on your back and forcefully push the arrow with the other. She easily crossed Bruce's skin causing him to kick the bed as he grunted. I broke the metal tip so that there wouldn't be any wood splinters and pulled the arrow on the opposite side. The blood began to flow from the wound. I quickly picked up the hot iron and touched the tip of the wound on the front. His skin boiled and I saw when the sweat ran down his face. Bruce tried to squirm, but he was stopped. Easy, I did the same process on the back. With the pain, Bruce fainted again. Throwing the arrow on a brass, I put the poker in place and got myself to cleanse the wound, which now marked Bruce's skin in black. With Abby's uncle's help, I removed the rest of his clothes and bathed him. I put on him clean clothes that had been borrowed. I changed the sheets and covered him with the blanket Abby had brought.

  After all the work I did, I looked in the mirror and saw that I was covered in blood. I was tired and in need of a good bath. I took the clothes that Abby had left for me and went to the bathtub behind a big screen. I relaxed in the hot water for a few minutes and wondered what would become of me as soon as I arrived at the castle. The events, the revelations, especially that Roy was my legitimate father, had fallen upon me all at once. I breathed deeply to contain the tears, but they were stubborn and rolled over my face one after the other. As I was about to get up, I heard a furious scream followed by a hollow noise. Rolling around in a big towel, I slowly came out from behind the screen.

  - Let her go! - Bruce was screaming. - I'll kill them for it! I swear I'll kill them with my bare hands if they don't let her go!

  Bruce was screaming and struggling in bed. Scared, I approached the bed. I realized that he was burning up and that he was delirious.

  - Don't do that! - he screamed again.

  Tears flowed down his face right after a cry of pain. It was like he was reliving a great conflict. That's the first time I've seen Bruce cry since we met. He was sobbing with sadness and the scene broke my heart. Besides being a warrior, Bruce was also fragile and I was the only witness to it.

  - Stay calm! - I whispered as cold water ran down his forehead. - It'll all be over soon!

  Bruce sighed holding one of my hands.

  - It was my fault! It's all my fault! - he whispered in despair. - Cora, don't die! Don't die, please!

  His voice was disappearing. There was pain in his tone of voice and I soon realized that he was delirious about his cousin. From the tone of her voice, I could tell that she had been very important. The words of the woman in the forest came to my mind and I closed my eyes. Was Bruce the blackhearted knight she mentioned? No! It couldn't be him! That stupid old woman talked about a lonely knight and Bruce was nothing but an arrogant idiot. It couldn't be him at all. Besides, I didn't believe in witches, even though she said it was just a riddle. Now, a riddle would have said that I would come here in this way and with a grumpy dying man.

  I got up when I saw that he had gone back to sleep peacefully, but the fever had not gone down. Returning to the screen, I finished drying and put on the simple dress Abby had given me. I sighed by putting my hands on my waist and then went to bed where Bruce was sleeping. He moaned low as a result of pain and fever. I decided to stay by his side until the fever subsided, so I grabbed a rag and started pouring cold water over his forehead and neck. If she didn't come down, she'd have to take a bath in Bruce with cold water and it would take a lot of work. After what seemed like hours of taking turns with Abby in changing th
e water and clothes, the fever finally gave way. Tired of moving to my bed, I decided to sleep right there next to him. If he woke up at dawn, I would listen and be able to help him as much as was necessary. It didn't take long, I fell into a deep sleep full of nightmares with soldiers and a faceless black knight.

  Chapter 06


  Two days later...

  I took a deep breath when I felt a sharp pain tear my abdomen. She surrounds my waist up to her back in the same direction. I tried to move, but the pain increased. I automatically took my hand where I felt the punch. I kept my eyes closed tightly as I prayed for that pain to pass. Sighing, I gradually opened my eyelids. I blinked trying to focus and aimed at the wooden ceiling.

  - Where? - I whispered. - Where am I?

  Rising slowly, I was able to sit on the bedside. The room I was in was spacious. There was another bed and a fireplace that was lit. It was very warm and I felt comfortable. That environment was quite different from a stable, so I was surprised to be there. I looked at the bed where I was sitting and looked at the goat-hair blanket that covered my legs. I ran my hand over my chest and found I was wearing a white linen shirt. She had long sleeves and a V-neck. It's been a long time since I wore white and I felt uncomfortable. When I pulled out the blanket, I made sure that I was wearing some pants, also made of linen, but that was black. At least something I liked. Putting my legs out of bed with some difficulty, I stepped on the wooden floor with my bare feet. Standing up, I used the wall to support myself and walked slowly to the large window in the room. Outside a blizzard was falling with winds not too strong, but dangerous. I noticed I was in the same village where I arrived the night before. I immediately remembered what happened before I lost consciousness. Annabel removing the arrow from my abdomen; an enormous man holding me; an unbearable pain that I had never felt before and the face of Cora in my dreams. I hadn't dreamed of her for a long time and it had been so real that it seemed like my cousin had been by my side all night.

  Looking away from the window, I looked around. There was no sign of Annabel anywhere. I noticed the screen with a hanging towel. There was a standing mirror between the screen and a dressing table. I walked to him, who was on the opposite side of the room, right in front of the other bed. I smelled roses when I walked past the hanging towel. I don't know why, but I pulled the fabric and brought it to my nose. I closed my eyes when I imagined the softness of the skin that that towel had touched. Then I glimpsed Annabel bathing. Grunhi hanging the towel back in place. I didn't have time for thoughts like that, let alone for a woman. Especially one like Annabel. Spoiled, full of wills, daring... I listed her faults mentally as I turned my attention to the mirror. Being angry with her kept me from thinking about how beautiful she was. Her hair, silver color, braided, made her look like a girl. Those blue eyes were perdition and every time she looked at me, she wanted to dive into them. I couldn't afford to get involved with the queen's sister. It was not only that either, there were other factors which prevented me from doing so.

  Taking a deep breath, I shook my head from side to side and raised my shirt to see the damage the arrow had done. It would be one of many scars on my body, but the worst of them would not be shown. There were several battle marks. Mostly made by swords, some by fists and daggers. I'd never been shot before, so I had no idea of the pain.

  - What do you think you're doing?

  Annabel's voice echoed through the room making me turn towards her. She was dressed in a simple, sleeveless dress with a square, pastel-colored neckline. He wore an apron tied to his waist, sneakers on his feet and had his hair tied by a handkerchief. She was carrying a tray, which she put on top of a sideboard.

  - You shouldn't be standing. - she said walking towards me. - Don't you know that you can suddenly fall and hit your head?

  - I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. - I answered dry. - I'm just trying to understand what we do in a quarter of the inn when I said we should stay in the stable.

  She looked at me frownily and crossed her arms.

  - You're very ungrateful, you know that? - Annabel fired. - If it weren't for me, you'd be lying on the ground, under that rain and dying of so much bleeding. The least you could do is thank me for saving your life.

  - Thank you? For all I know, it's your fault we're here and my injury. - ...he accused in a debauched manner.

  - My fault? - she fired a shot approaching. - How dare you say it was my fault? Because of my ability, your grace only had to face three men instead of more.

  - I disagree! - said sarcastic. - With the skills I possess, I can face a battalion and kill everyone, so there was no need for madam to take such a risk and put my life at risk.

  I frowned when I felt an intense pain in my abdomen. A vertigo took over my body and I had to hold on to the wall behind me.

  - Did you see what I said? - Annabel rushed to support me. - You shouldn't be standing, not even exalting yourself like this. He's still recovering from the arrow.

  Saying that, she took me to bed and helped me lie down. On the one hand, I was grateful for Annabel's care. On the other hand, I was still furious that she disobeyed my orders.

  - We wouldn't be here if it weren't for your stubbornness. - I said while covering my legs. - I must hurry to get us out of this inn as soon as possible. When dawn comes, we'll leave for Dunhill.

  - Not even above my corpse will you go anywhere, before you are cured or before the soldiers arrive. - she fired by putting her hands on her waist.

  - Soldiers? - I asked by frowning. - What soldiers?

  Annabel sighed and turned around in bed. She took the tray and put it on my lap. There was a bowl of soup, some bread and fruit.

  - Well, Abby suggested we bring him in so you can be better treated. She asked her cousin to go to Dunhill to take a message to Alistair. - Annabel took a spoon and tasted the soup to see if it was too hot. - I thought they would arrive two days ago, but the blizzard has worsened a lot and I believe Alistair is waiting for the storm to pass to send his men.

  She blew the liquid and then offered it to me. I frowned upon her from the spoon. I felt like a foolish child being fed.

  - Give it to me! - said by taking the spoon from her hand. - I can do that all by myself. I'm not a child and neither am I. I'm dying.

  - Let me do it! - she said pulling her hand.

  - Annabel, I'm not a baby! I might as well eat alone!

  - Isn't it? Yeah, he looks like a stubborn, grumpy baby to me. - she took the bowl out of the tray. - Now give it to me before you knock it down.

  With a growl, I put the spoon inside the bowl and pulled it hard. It wasn't very good to be on that bed anymore, I wouldn't let Annabel feed me as if I were incapable. Because of the pull I gave, the bowl slipped out of her hand and all the liquid fell on Annabel's dress. She shot me with her gaze and grunted standing up.

  - Did you see what you did?

  - Me? You're the one who pulled the bowl! If I'd done as I told you, the soup wouldn't have spilled.

  Once again, her gaze shot me indignantly. She took a deep breath closing her fists in anger.

  - Do you know how long it took me to cook that soup?

  - You? Cooking? - I disdained it with a laugh. - I imagine the taste of this thing. I'm glad you spilled it.

  A mixture of sadness and anger crossed Annabel's gaze. Then I regretted saying what I said. I've never been so rude or unattractive to a woman before. Not even the hookers I used to have fun with once in a while.

  - You know, you're really wrong about me.

  - What part?

  - Although I was raised to be a lady, that doesn't mean I'm useless. - she said as I picked up the empty bowl and cleaned the dress.

  - I didn't say it was useless! - I fired a cold shot. - I meant your education doesn't match the image you're trying to convey. For me, madam is nothing but a spoiled little girl.

  Annabel snorted indignantly and hit her foot on the ground. Taking the bowl, the tray, but leavi
ng the basket with fruits, she went to the door.

  - At least eat the fruit. - she said without looking back. - I may be a spoiled girl, but it is not because the Lord is a despicable being that I must let him starve to death. I'll provide more soup.

  That said, Annabel walked out closing the door behind you. I kept looking at it with a surprise expression. No matter what I said, Annabel always had the last word on her tongue. She always seemed ready to challenge someone or in case she was challenged.

  - Abused girl! - I whispered, grabbing an apple and taking a bite. - Damn it!

  A sharp pain went up through my chest on the side where the wound was, so I tried to fit into the bed. I grunted to let go of the apple and put my hands on the place in the hope that it would help to stop the pain, but it didn't help. I started to take a deep breath and then, carefully, I got up. As I was about to take the first step towards the door, I was devastated by dizziness and staggered. I tried to lean on the bed, but it only made the situation worse and I fell. In the process, I hit my head on the wood on the side of the bed. I felt something running down my forehead and I took my hand to my head. The blow caused him to open a cut that soon started to bleed. As if the arrow wasn't enough, now there was another wound on my body.

  - Listen, I feel like pulling your hair out, but I'm not as cruel as my mother...

  Annabel came into the room and stopped the instant she saw me fall with my forehead bleeding.

  - Oh, my God! Oh, my God! You're bleeding. - she said in a stunned voice. - How did you fall out of bed?

  She put me to bed again and I put my head back on the pillow.

  - The wound hurts a lot! - he said, making a face. - I tried to get up to call someone, but I fell and in the process, I hit my head on the wood of the bed or on the floor. I'm not sure.

  Annabel snorted by passing her hand on my forehead to assess the damage.

  - I'll get a cloth to clean that up. - she said heading towards the door. - Hold still, please!

  I nodded by agreeing. I decided it would be better to obey that time, and I closed my eyes. I don't know how long I was in that position with my eyes closed, but suddenly I smelled roses and thought I was in heaven. A cold cloth touched my forehead and immediately opened my eyes. Annabel was focused on cleaning up my wound. His hair was loose, without the scarf that covered them before. She was leaning over me and I could tell the perfume was coming from them.


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