The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Kira Freitas

  - I do! Why did you choose that path?

  - I didn't choose him!

  - Well! - she smiled at me giving me an arm. - We must clean those wounds before they become infected.

  I laughed at the subtle way she changed the subject. Annabel was really an amazing woman.

  - I agree!

  We start climbing the stairs.

  - You know what? You hurt yourself too much! - she said ironically. - I feel like the mother of a naughty child.

  - Now you've hurt my ego! - he said by pretending to be offensive.

  We had a laugh.

  - Thank you for saving my life!

  - Go ahead!

  That had been the friendliest contact we'd had all the time we'd been together. I confess that I was enjoying and praying for more moments of understanding like that. I was distracted when I felt my arm weigh and Annabel go down.

  - Annabel! - I called him knocking on his face. She just moaned.

  Taking Annabel in my arms with ease, I ran upstairs. I asked Abby to prepare everything to clean that wound. I'd need a bath too, so I asked her for plenty of hot water. Taking a deep breath, I placed Annabel on the bed and smiled taking a stir from her blonde hair that covered one of her eyes. Even knowing that Annabel had suffered a lot during her childhood, with all Ravenna's demands, I made a bad judgment of her. After what she had done tonight, preventing me from accumulating a little more darkness and sin in my soul, I just had to thank her. I looked at Annabel's face and frowned when I remembered the walkway again. Would Annabel be that woman who would rid my soul of darkness? I wasn't so sure about that, but anyway, after that night, I thought Annabel deserved a little more of my respect than the contempt I directed at her.

  - Well! You've taken care of me all the way here and I'm grateful! - I whispered lovingly on his pale face. - Now it's my turn to reciprocate.

  Chapter 09


  Two days later...

  I opened my eyes slowly, realizing that I was in the room. I had had another nightmare about the day I saw Roy MacGregor attacking my sister. Living with guilt for not being able to get the guards to help her, has made me have nightmares for several days since then.

  I took a deep breath, and decided to forget the bad moment and got out of bed. A hook on my forehead made me take my hand to my head. Logos the memories of Morvan's attack came to mind. There was a bandage on my arm and my neck hurt. His words about being a monster made me nauseous. Even though I agreed with Bruce and with an immense desire for me to put an end to Morvan's unhappiness, I could not allow him to become an even more tormented person, as I had already seen him to be. Saving Morvan's life was something I didn't have in mind, but it was better that he had a fair trial and Bruce, a clear conscience.

  Looking around, I realized that the room I was in was very different from the previous one. Besides having only one bed, there was also a bathtub. I looked at the dresser with several items of cleanliness and beauty. They were all sealed off. There were also some simple dresses, but very nice and tasteful, arranged in the small closet.

  - How beautiful! - I whispered as I ran my hand through a light yellow dress with some lace on it. - I wonder what happened while I was asleep.

  Hearing noises from outside, I went to the window. I realized I was on the second floor and no longer on the third. There was a group of men who took turns cutting the wood. They made batteries and wood, while others carried them somewhere out of my sight. There was an unusual movement on the outside. My eyes crossed with a pair of dark blue eyes that I didn't realize were watching me.

  Bruce smiled when he realized my amazement. He was without the shirt he used to wear. There was a band around his waist, which had probably been changed by cleaning the wound. The wide chest shone with sweat, probably because of the effort, because he was one of those who carried an axe and revealed himself in the cutting of the firewood. The scars he carried on his chest shone as the sweat flowed through his light brown skin. I had seen him shirtless before, but that vision made all my blood warm and a blush took over my face. Bruce also wore a pair of boots and...

  - Kilt? How did he get a kilt from the MacCalister clan? - I whispered as I recognized the colors of the tartan indicating the clan of Alistair's family.

  That was very strange, because the only clothes he had had since we arrived were his black clothes and the clothes that Abby's cousin had lent him. I had to agree that he looked much better in the traditional garments of our country than in trousers, as most men started to adhere. Realizing that I was facing him for too long and, what was worse, with my mouth open, I shook my head and decided to concentrate on my bath.

  After washing myself and praying for hours that it wasn't Bruce, the one responsible for changing my dress for a sweater that I didn't know where I had left from, I went downstairs. Passing through the hall, I wished good morning to all who greeted me and went on to the kitchen. I stopped abruptly when I walked through the front door and spotted two guards. They were standing one on either side of the stop.

  - They've been stuck like this for a long time and no matter what we say, they don't come out for nothing. - said Abby scaring me. - I've tried everything, but they don't even move.

  - They're Alistair's guards and they serve Bruce. They won't move unless he tells them to. - I answered without taking my eyes off the door. - When did you get here?

  - Two days! - she responded by putting her hands on her waist. - There's more out there. They're doing village security.

  - Two days? Like two days? - said by frowning. - Morvan hurt me last night, didn't he?

  - No! You slept for two days. - Abby laughed. - Bruce has been taking care of you since you lost consciousness. I've never seen anyone more dedicated, except when it comes to changing your clothes. I was responsible for that.

  - Oh, thank God! - I took a deep breath of relief and put my hands on my chest. Abby had a laugh.

  - Come, I'll serve your coffee, my friend. - she said and led me to the main table. - Everybody's eaten, but I've got everything ready for you. Express orders.

  - Orders? Whose orders? - I asked confused.

  - Mine! - Bruce replied standing on the threshold of the door that divided the rooms. - Can you bring something for me too? I'm starving!

  Bruce asked and Abby nodded accordingly. I stared at him praying that he would be dressed and to my relief, he had put a shirt under the tartan. To my surprise, a white shirt.

  - Do you mind if I accompany you? - he asked.

  - Not at all? - I responded with a forced smile, disguising my nervousness.

  Bruce led me to the table, where he sat right after I had settled into one of the chairs. Two guards stood at the door, where they remained silent.

  - What's going on? - I asked by frowning. - What did I miss?

  - You collapsed right after Morvan's arrest as a result of his injuries. I asked Abby to help me clean the wound. - Abby showed up with some stuff and put it on the table. She smiled at him and then left. - She helped me a lot in a few moments.

  Bruce looked at me from top to bottom with a cynical smile and I rolled my eyes. He grabbed a slice of bread devouring quickly and then cut another one. Bruce ate voraciously and with great satisfaction. He looked like a child in front of a candy table.

  - Eat slowly or you'll end up with a syncope! - I said in an astonished voice. - You look like you've never even seen food.

  - It's because you didn't do it. - he mocked, finishing to devour the slice of bread and cutting another.

  - I can't talk to you! - said standing up. - I think you take pleasure in pissing me off.

  Bruce held my hand when I threw the napkin and stood up, threatening to leave the table.

  - Stay! - he asked. - I was joking when I talked about your cooking skills. Stay because you need to eat. Let me retire.

  I took a deep breath. I was really hungry.

  - All right! All right! I'll stay if you stay.

  Bruce nodded
and sat down again. He took the slice he had cut and began to taste it. Shaking my head, I grabbed an apple and started slicing it. Abby showed up with a teapot and left it on the table.

  - Did you order the change of room, too? - I asked by frowning.

  - Yeah. I couldn't let him stay in a room all messed up and dirty. - he responded by raising his head. - Besides, I didn't want you to keep reliving those events. Now that my men are here, I feel safe staying at the inn. I've decided to use my powers to provide you with some comfort.

  I frowned again.

  - When did you start caring about me? - I asked in a confused voice. - Yes, because until a few days ago, you hated me and even intended to kill me. Do you remember your reaction to valerian? She even called me a witch.

  Bruce made a face.

  - Well! I may not look it, but I'm a nice person when I want to be. - Bruce took a deep breath and stopped eating. - Besides, you saved my life twice, which leaves me with a huge debt.

  - Three! - I corrected it by lifting three fingers in front of him. Bruce rolled his eyes.

  - All right, three times then! - he agreed by nodding his head as if to disapprove, but then he smiled.

  - Thank you!

  - Not for that, but now eat!

  Agreeing with him, I was silent while eating. I took the teapot and filled the cup with tea. Bruce ate again with the same satisfaction. He was needed even when it was time to cut a piece of cake. When I sipped the tea, I recognized the taste.

  - What's going on? - he asked seeing my face by surprise.

  - That tea...

  - What's going on? It's cranberry tea. - he fired. - Say it's not bad, because it took a lot of work to find a mulberry tree to make the tea.

  - Did you pick it up?

  - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  - Why is that?

  - Because it's your favorite!

  - How do you know that?

  - Boy, you ask a lot of questions, you know? - he laughed, shaking his head from side to side. - Aideen said it was her favorite tea and you always shared it. You didn't have to be a genius to know you liked the tea too.

  Surprise, I was staring at Bruce. There were no mulberry trees nearby. He must have ridden for hours to get a mulberry tree.

  - Thank you, for your kindness! - I whispered grabbing the cup and sipping a little more of the liquid.

  - Like I said, I might be nice once in a while. - he smiled at me and continued to eat.

  We were silent for a few moments, but I needed to know something. I was still intrigued by the dresses and the things I found in the room.

  - Can I ask you a question?

  - You've done so many, one more minus one won't make any difference.

  - The dresses were your idea too?

  - Yes. - He answered without letting go another slice of bread. - There's a little shop in this village and I got some parts. I figured you'd feel more comfortable with some female items too. Abby helped me choose and organized them, but I think it's for a short time.

  - Yeah, I guess so. - I breathed deeply, because I'd miss Abby as soon as I left. - I believe you want to leave as soon as possible, now that the soldiers are here. After all, you have a prisoner to escort.

  - Your mistake! - he said getting serious. - My commitment is to you. I promised I'd take her safely, and I will. So I sent Morvan up front with the other part of the guards.

  I looked at him in amazement and sighed.

  - All right! All right! When are we leaving?

  - If you don't mind, tomorrow morning. - he answers. - I promised we'd stay for some kind of party they're throwing. I'm even helping to cut the wood for the fire.

  - Yeah, I saw him from the window. - said raising his eyebrow. - I didn't know you had that ability. I always thought they did it for you.

  - Now you're the one who's judging me. - he fired him with disdain and crossed his arms leaning back. - I didn't grow up to be a spoiled boy, and neither did my cousins. My uncle taught us how to cut the wood, just as his father had done to him and my father as children.

  - I'm sorry! I'm sorry! - I said it almost in a whisper and I put my head down. - I didn't mean to offend.

  Bruce stretched his arm and with the tip of his index finger he made me raise my chin.

  - No offense! - he said softly. - Never look away when you're talking to me. You're the only one who's allowed to do that.

  He took up his hand and sighed by passing his fingers between the strands of his black hair.

  - If you wish, we can leave today.

  - No. Abby had told me about this party. It will be very nice to stay and participate.

  Bruce made a face leading his hand to the wound on his abdomen.

  - Speaking of helping, do you really think you're in a position to make such an effort? That fight against Morvan is enough, and I don't even know how it didn't end with open points.

  - Thank you very much for your concern, but I'm fine! - ...he answered honestly. - It hurts a little. It bothers me sometimes, but I can tell you that I'm fine.

  - Well! If you say so...

  We were silent for a few more moments. Suddenly I found myself watching the way Bruce ate. He was very polite, different from many men of the clans, who had the habit of eating as ogres and only needed to use their feet for that. Bruce was methodical, organized even at the time of putting food on the plate or simply passing some butter on a slice of bread. He ate with such satisfaction that it was impossible not to be impressed.

  - Why are you staring at me so hard? - he asked, scaring me.

  - Nothing! The way he eats, with so much satisfaction... - I answered smiling. - To this day I've only seen children eat like this.

  - You mean I'm a child?

  - No! Far from it! - I took a break. - I have always followed several banquets offered by my mother and the way men eat made me sick. Even my father.

  A pang of sadness with words dying in my mouth. Loch could be like a pet run by my mother, but he was the only father I really knew. Dropping my gaze, I took a deep breath trying to contain the tears. Bruce got up from the chair and came towards me with just two steps. He crouched on the side of my chair and took my hands.

  - Listen, I don't usually do that, but I'm sorry! Really! Really! - he said emphasizing every pause. - I misjudged her at first, because I didn't like her cheeky way very much. Your noble and dedicated attitudes made me change my mind.

  - Are you saying you like my cheeky way now? - I asked by arcing my eyebrow.

  - Not exactly, but I confess that sometimes I think about how much fun the situation is and I end up not caring. - he smiled.

  - Fun? I'm sorry, Your Grace, but there was nothing fun about that kiss. - I fired standing so abruptly, I ended up knocking Bruce to the ground. - I'm sorry, but for a lord, you're terrible with words, especially when you try to apologize.

  Bruce grunted when I walked past him tapping his feet. I stopped pissed off when I heard him laughing. I turned angry and put my hands on my waist.

  - May I ask what you're laughing at? - I asked in anger. - By any chance, besides being a talker, am I also a court jester?

  Bruce stood up still laughing and began to take the dust off the ground that stuck to his clothes.

  - It's not that! - he said. - Have you ever noticed that all our civilised conversations always end up in an argument for no reason at all?

  I stared at his funny expression and softened his face. Bruce was right about that observation. We always ended up arguing for some silly reason. Soon my smile became a fun laugh like his. We both laughed for a few seconds, until Bruce approached me.

  - Listen, I'm sorry I'm an idiot and I can't apologize! - he sighed. - When you stopped me from killing Morvan, I realized how wrong I was to judge his impulsive manner when, in fact, I act in the same way. If it wasn't for you, I would have satisfied the mass and my ego with that action.

  - Even more so, your ego being a huge bottomless pit. - I debated,
but then I smiled. - I'm sorry if I speak my mind. It was the only way I could get my mother to focus on me and leave Aideen alone.

  Bruce sighed and stared at me for a few seconds.

  - Look, I know how sad your story is, and I don't think you want to remember that now.

  - Not at all!

  - Oh, great! Why don't you join us and help us organize the party? I believe Abby would like some help in the kitchen.

  Smile at him shaking your head.

  - Confess that you liked my food.

  - Well! For a naughty maiden, until she doesn't cook so badly.

  I laughed and impulsively kissed him on the cheek.

  - Thank you! That's all I wanted to hear.

  Bruce raised his eyebrows and shook his head. I turned around and then I headed for the kitchen. As I was about to open the door, Bruce called me in.

  - Annabel?

  - Oh, yeah?

  - I'm sorry about that night I kissed you and all those horrible things I said. - he paused with a serious look. - I was cruel and insensitive.

  I took a deep breath on my shoulders.

  - It's okay! It's okay! I think I deserved your anger. You shouldn't have put valerian in your food without your consent. I could have really poisoned him if he had any allergies to the plant.

  Bruce kept his gaze so tightly on mine that he almost hypnotized me.

  - You don't understand! - he said in a dark voice. - I said I'm sorry for everything I said about bad, but not for kissing her.

  I stood there staring at the empty place he had left when he left the room. I couldn't believe Bruce's words and I didn't know what to think. Suddenly a feeling of euphoria overcame me. Not wanting to think about it, I decided to go into the kitchen and get busy.

  Chapter 10


  Sitting on one of the benches on the balcony of the inn, I observed the joy of the people during a dance around the campfire. Some danced at the door of the tavern, enjoying the music that came from outside and mixed with that from inside. Everything had been set up outdoors in the middle of the village and right in front of the inn. There was a group that played the typical Scottish songs in a lively way. I took the mug to my mouth to sip a sip of the beer I'd won from the tavern owner. He had known my father when I was very young and said that he recognized me as soon as I stepped into the village. He said he was surprised by my arrival and tried to soften the comments of some people who did not trust the Black Knight. The eyes of some inhabitants were still hostile, suspicious or full of fear. I had already gotten used to those looks, since I had created that fierce and ruthless character for the battlefields, but I never thought that he would have a reputation among the villagers and that she would be so bad. Being the warrior I was, I didn't care about those details. So far!


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