The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 10

by Kira Freitas

  - Yeah, that's a real family thing! - said Alistair smiling at Aideen.

  She elbowed him in the ribs pretending to be offensive. I was glad the two of them got along. I let out a laugh, soothing my nerves that were at the flower of the skin. I looked up the stairs again. In the last few days, Annabel and I have practically developed a connection. I could already imagine that she was lying on the bed, punching her pillows and crying copiously. I wanted to go over there, hug her and comfort Annabel. I wanted to tell her I was sorry I hurt her, but how to do it without arousing suspicion. I didn't want to make it worse and let them know she was taken by me. I had to resolve that situation as soon as possible, with or without her consent.

  - I already think that was a huge rudeness! - said Adelaide in a reprehensible tone. - That wasn't, by far, a lady's behavior. Ravenna would scold you if you were here.

  - Luckily, she's not here! - I shot between my teeth. - Annabel is a very well educated girl, so I realized, during the days we were stuck in that village and, despite the stormy genius she has, I could see that Annabel will be an excellent wife and the pride of any man who will marry her.

  Aideen looked at me with an admired expression. She smiled and, behind her smile, I could see that there was an unknown. I just hoped she wouldn't decide to ask the question she wanted.

  - Your defensive tone makes me wonder what's behind this posture. - said Adelaide in an angry voice. - If I didn't know you, I'd say you developed feelings for that little girl.

  Adelaide's ironic and aggressive tone annoyed me enough to the point of being harsh on her.

  - What are you guys doing in Dunhill and what's this about marriage? - I fired angrily.

  Alistair looked at me with surprise, but his face showed that he was also curious.

  - Well, I think we can work that out in the library. - said Alistair.

  Lord Macintosh nodded and followed us to the library. Adelaide went with Aideen to another room so we could talk alone.

  - Bruce, your father was a good friend of mine! - said Macintosh, beginning his speech. - He signed a treaty saying that when Adelaide was seventeen, he should marry you.

  I stopped by those words. He took a document and handed it to me. Opening the document, I read it. The paper said Adelaide and I should get married as soon as she was eighteen. The agreement said that the northern part of Macintosh's land should belong immediately to Duvengar after my marriage to Adelaide. At the bottom of the page was the signature of my father and Ector Macintosh.

  - This can only be a joke! - I fired. - my father never told me about that contract. I didn't even know I was engaged, let alone Adelaide's.

  - It's not a joke and you really offend me by talking like this! - shot Ector. - His father was a very honorable man and assured me that his son would be too.

  Those words hit me deep down. I didn't want to fail to fulfill the obligation that my father assigned to me, but I also couldn't dishonor Annabel. No matter how much she hated me, she'd do what was right.

  - Ector, I respect you and I know how honored my father was. - I said firmly. - It's exactly because I've been very polite that I should refuse that deal.

  Alistair looked at me incredulously.

  - I'm very sorry, but I can't marry Adelaide! - I fired before I proceeded towards the door.

  - That would be a disgrace to my daughter! - ...he's gone wild. - I've never been so offended in my life.

  - Ector, your daughter has become a beautiful woman. She's always been cordial, friendly and loyal. - I paused, smiling as I remembered my childhood friend. - I'm sure no man would ever reject it.

  - How are you doing now? - he fired.

  I breathed deeply looking at Alistair.

  - I'm not rejecting her, I just have much greater reasons for not agreeing to marry Adelaide.

  - And what motives would those be?

  - I'm sorry, Lord Macintosh, but this is a matter for me alone! - I fired before I opened the door and left.

  Passing through the hall, I looked up the stairs. I didn't look back when I heard Alistair's footsteps coming after me with determination. I knew he'd come after me anyway. Actually, I was really hoping he would.

  - Bruce! - he screamed at me and walked beside me. - What's the matter with you? Why confront Ector like this?

  - I'm so sorry! - said sighing. - I didn't mean to piss him off, but I can't marry Adelaide.

  - Why shouldn't I? - ...he asked if he'd come any closer. Alistair put his hands on my shoulders. - Is it because of Annabel's breakup? What happened between you two?

  I took a deep breath. Alistair knew me well enough to know that I would never break my father's word. He knew something was wrong. Dropping a scream, I walked to the nearest wall and punched her so hard that my hand bled from the scratches made by the stones.

  - I kissed her and things were happening when I realized... - I paused by running my hands over my face.

  - You slept together.

  - Not exactly!

  - What do you mean?

  - I was confused after... after I had possessed her and said horrible things to her. I put the blame on Annabel for my lack of control. I made it look like she'd seduced me when it was the other way around.

  Alistair looked at me in shock.

  - You what? - Alistair fired. - How many times have you scolded me about Rose? How many? Why did you do it, Bruce?

  - I was terrified! - I fired nervously.

  - Afraid of what? - Alistair insisted. - You've always been so rational. I had always done things in a very honorable way. I've never seen him afraid of anything.

  - The way I feel about Annabel! - I fired, leaving Alistair even more confused. - I was confused by what I felt, because it was something new that I could not explain. You know I've never been seriously involved with any woman because of this damn war, but Annabel has awakened something in me that made me want more. That one scared the shit out of me.

  I started walking around. Alistair shook his head from side to side.

  - Do you love her? - he asked.

  - What's that? What's that? - said stopping walking.

  - Do you love her? - he asked again.

  Swallowing dry, I paused and breathing deeply, I put my hands on my waist.

  - Yes! - I answered at last. - With all the strength in my heart.

  Alistair smiled and, coming to me, put his hands on my shoulder.

  - I know what you're feeling, because I've been there. - he said smiling. - There's nothing shameful about loving a woman, especially the warm-blooded ones like Annabel MacBride. I know how much you hate Roy, but don't let it get in the way of how you feel about her.

  - Alistair, I ignore the fact that she's that bastard's daughter!

  - What's to stop you from marrying her then?

  - Didn't you hear what I said? - I paused to sigh. - Annabel hates me for everything I said to her. To make matters worse, I know she's right. I'm a fucking bastard!

  Alistair had a laugh.

  - You're not a fucking bastard, my cousin! - he said. - Do it this way: convince Annabel that you love her and that you are very sorry. Tell her you wish to repair what you did by marrying her.

  - What if she doesn't?

  - After what I saw today, I doubt she'll ever reject your request. - he laughed. - But if necessary, force her to get married.

  I looked at him with shocked expression.

  - Are you out of your mind?

  - Of course not! - he fired. - I know that with time and her charm, Annabel will end up thinking differently and accept you as her husband. She's only angry now, but she'll pass.

  I rolled my eyes. Deep down, Alistair was right and I just needed a little luck, but something still bothered me.

  - What about Ector and Adelaide?

  - Let me take care of them myself! - he fired. - Concentrate on tame the beast.

  I let out a laugh full of relief. I was just about to have to face a beast. I was just hoping I could tame it.
/>   - I'm tired! - he said shaking his head from side to side. - I need a bath and a good meal. I'm starving!

  Alistair let out a laugh and hugged me.

  - Now you're the one I hear about! - he said to laughter. - Welcome back, my cousin!

  I agreed to say goodbye to Alistair with a handshake. I went to the stable, where I took care of Esperanza. I wanted to be a little alone, and sometimes talking to her made everything better. I know it sounded silly, but it worked.

  Then I went to the kitchen, where I picked up a bowl of fruit and cheese. I went back to the stable, where I sat inside the bay of Esperanza. I wanted to stay as far away from Aideen's eyes as possible. I knew my cousin's wife. She had the gift of knowing what was going on in our minds and hearts. I was afraid that she would see how I felt about Annabel and question me about it. I had to work things out with Annabel before Aideen lectured me, like Alistair did.

  That afternoon, I decided to spend as much time as I could in my quarters. After a long bath, I decided to get some sleep. The cut was throbbing a lot and that seemed like a great reason to sleep. The image of Annabel soon invaded my mind, mounted on me, riding me. It turned my quiet sleep into a sweet storm and I opened my eyes. I looked down, feeling like I was excited and snorted.

  - Oh, shit! Now I need another bath!

  Chapter 13


  I looked out the window of the room I was in and sighed as I contemplated the cold night that was beginning to appear. I had no intention of going down to dinner and facing Bruce's gaze, but if it wasn't, Aideen would be sad and soon realize that something was wrong. I was not willing to tell anything about myself in the last few days and did the impossible to hide my sadness. I just wanted to forget, but for that, I would have to endure a few more days of Bruce's presence.

  Leaving the brush aside, I went in front of the mirror to finish braiding my hair. I was still very tired, because I spent hours crying in anger. I gave up braiding my hair and decided to keep it loose. I went to the wooden closet and picked out one of the dresses I had brought. I'd forgotten it was Bruce who picked them, but I couldn't keep walking around in combination. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I prayed it was one of the employees and not my sister. When I opened it, I preferred it to be Aideen. In his place, standing in front of me, was Bruce with all his imposing height. He was wearing a white shirt, black pants and boots. A red tartan crossed his right shoulder, fastening it to his waist. I soon realized that the dinner would be something formal, since there was a lord visiting the castle.

  - What are you doing here? - I asked roughly.

  - I came to escort you downstairs. - he responded calmly. - Aideen asked me to come see if I was ready. Alistair makes a point of your presence.

  - Who says I need you for anything? - I returned it angry. - I know very well the way to the salon and I can get to the downstairs by myself.

  With that, I pulled the door and then pushed it to the side so that I could get through. Bruce sighed without patience, but I ignored him. He followed me down the hall.

  - Did you rest? - he asked almost in a whisper.

  - Listen, if you really want to escort me, then do it in silence! - said angry. - I can't or wish to hear your voice.

  - Excuse me, ma'am! - he debated. - I was just trying to be courteous.

  - I don't need your courtesy. - said stopping. - I guess it's pretty clear I don't need you or any other idiot. In fact, shouldn't you escort your fiancée?

  Bruce didn't answer me by remaining silent. He tried to hide a smile, but he failed. That attitude pissed me off, so I grunted.

  - What's going on? Did the cat eat your tongue? - I kept provoking him.

  - I'm sorry, but I thought you wanted my silence. - he answered in a deep voice and then smiled again.

  I looked incredulously at him, who was trying to provoke me by using my words against me.

  - This way, please!

  Bruce went ahead of me and instead of going down the stairs, he took a turn and continued down the corridor.

  - The main hall is that way! - said stopping.

  - Yeah, I know that! - he took a break. - We're not going to the main hall, we're going to the banquet hall. Now, if you walk faster, we'll get there before dinner is served.

  Turning my eyes, I followed him again. Dunhill's castle was very big and I had to agree that it would be lost if Bruce hadn't come to get me, because I didn't remember that runner the last time I was here. Even though I found all those passages.

  I kept staring at Bruce's wide back. The short-sleeved shirt left his arms out in the open. His wrists were adorned with leather bracelets. As he walked, his hands were closed in fist next to his body. A shiver took over my body when I remembered the night I was looking for Alistair's room. One wrong turn and I went out in a bathroom. I was amazed at the grandeur and beauty of the place, so much so that I was far away. It was then that I saw Bruce, sitting in a kind of heated pool, staring at me with debauched air. I held my breath at the moment I looked at him, because the water covered only up to his waist, leaving his wide chest on display. She had become blush and nervous, until he opened his mouth and said something provocative. As always, we ended up arguing and I returned to the passage, stepping on hard steps, in search of the path that would take me to Alistair. The memory made my whole body warm up. I thanked him for being dark, so if Bruce turned to face me, he wouldn't see the blush on my face. Suddenly, he put one of his hands on his abdomen, on top of where the wound was. He moaned low, but the hallway was silent and I could hear him.

  - Is everything all right? - I asked worried.

  - Yes, I am. - he said making some faces. - It still hurts a little bit, but it's nothing I should or want to worry about. After all, I have a bride to take care of me.

  - Oh, great! - I returned the provocation. - I recommend you show her to take care of your wound from now on. That is, if she has any talent in that respect.

  Bruce smiled at my provocative tone and I didn't quite understand why. He opened the passage and pointed the staircase at me to follow. Without thinking about it, I went where he told me to go and started coming down. The banquet hall was the same as Aideen's wedding party. The difference was that this time there was only one long table in the center. Alistair was sitting at the bedside with Aideen on his right. On the left were sitting Ector and Adelaide. The men stood up when I approached and my sister came to meet me.

  - My sister! - she hugged me. - I hope you've had plenty of rest. I really wish I could talk to you later.

  - Sure! - I answered smiling.

  Aideen held my hand and drove me to the chair next to her. Alistair approached me and kissed my forehead before I sat down.

  - Ector, in case you can't remember, that's Annabel MacBride, Ravenna's youngest. - he said with a mixture of pride. - She's become a very brave woman. After my wife, of course!

  Everybody had a laugh. Bruce, who came slowly, sat next to me. I didn't understand, but I saw fury in Adelaide's eyes as he sat down. She looked at me like she wanted to kill me.

  - Of course I remember you, Annabel! - said Ector. - I heard the stories involving you and several soldiers. I thought Ravenna didn't approve of her daughters' use of weapons, let alone their involvement in combat.

  - You're absolutely right about my mother! - said smiling. - That's exactly why we were trained in hiding. My grandfather made sure we knew how to defend ourselves.

  Adelaide had a laugh.

  - That idea really had to come from an old man like your grandfather. - she fired with disdain. - My mother would never agree with mine if I acted the same. Besides, being the lady I am, I myself would never agree to take a sword and have a brutal thought like that of a man.

  I let out a cold laugh.

  - That's exactly why you have nannies as an escort!

  Adelaide locked her face in a frown when everyone laughed. Ector, you didn't seem to like the comment and you snorted.

  - I disagree w
ith your thinking, Adelaide! - said Bruce, making me stay on alert. - Surely, I'd love to have someone as brave and warrior as I am on my side. I would like to be as lucky as my cousin was, just as I believe Alec would think.

  Adelaide shot Bruce's gaze and I swallowed it dry. What was going on? Why was she so angry and attacking Bruce in silence? I could see that she was not satisfied with my presence either. Did Adelaide know about what happened between me and Bruce? No! He wouldn't be so low as to divulge something so intimate. Would it be?

  - So you consider yourself a warrior? - asked Ector.

  I blinked, looking towards the imposing lord. Ector Macintosh had black eyes and black hair. He was tall and strong, just like Bruce and Alistair. A really handsome man for your age. He owned a huge fiefdom and had already gone through several difficulties. My mother had told me that her marriage was an agreement with another lord, so that she would not lose her land. He had been widowed too soon and had raised Adelaide as best he could. That made her a very spoiled girl and it only got worse because of her age. Adelaide was younger than us, she had never been present at the banquets my mother promoted. We suspected Ector was going to parties, just to try and find another rich wife. There were rumors that his fief was in short supply and he lost his wealth day after day.

  - Not exactly! - I answered. - I don't think I'd dare enter a battle if there was no need. At least that's not what I want for myself.

  - And what do you crave for yourself? - Adelaide pinned it.

  - Now I just want to eat! - I fired. - Later, who knows, a good reading accompanied by tea.

  - But what about the future, my sister-in-law? - said Alistair. - What do you want for the future?

  - Honestly? - said sighing. - I have no idea what to think about the future. I've been through so many mishaps, that to imagine that something good might come to attack me, really scares me.

  - Well! The future is uncertain. - said Bruce sipping a sip of wine. - We never know when something good will happen to us, so we must be prepared and attentive to all that is going on around us, so that we do not miss anything.


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