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Alpha Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  “Better hurry and warm me up,” she said and shivered. Lawson ran a hand across her legs and felt goosebumps under his fingertips.

  Lawson eyed her pink, silk panties and his mouth watered at the damp spot between her legs. He stepped closer, positioning his body between her thighs as he slipped his hand between her legs, teasing the flesh beneath the thin fabric.

  “Lawson,” she panted as he worked his fingers across the silk, causing friction against her clit.

  “Just need to know you’re ready,” he whispered as he slid his fingers under the silk.

  Wetness greeted his hand, and he smiled. “That’s my girl,” he said as he popped the button on his jeans. He shoved them, along with his underwear, to his knees as he pushed her panties to the side. “I’m afraid I won’t be taking my time.”

  “I’m ready, Outlaw. Take me now,” she encouraged and scooted to the edge of the tile surface.

  The height of the counter perfectly aligned her core with his groin and Lawson grabbed his shaft and stroked it, spreading his pre-cum along his length before shoving inside her welcoming heat.

  It wasn’t romantic, fucking her half-clothed on the kitchen counter, but he needed this. And, by her response, she needed it, too. It seemed he wasn’t the only one feeling the stress after seeing the Ravin. Lawson pounded her tight sheath with deep, forceful pumps as he gripped her thighs. She latched onto his shoulders and dug her nails into his flesh. He didn’t even mind that she was scratching his injury. They were seeking release, taking what they needed from one another.

  He didn’t even bother with kisses. He was too preoccupied, watching Liv’s expression as he thrust inside her body. She was exquisite, her beautiful face bathed in pleasure.

  It didn’t take long before their moans turned to grunts. Lawson’s orgasm hit hard and fast, and he muffled his shout as his seed spurt from his body. Liv leaned forward and bit his shoulder as her body trembled with her release before his waned. He pulled her tight against his body, cradling her until their bodies relaxed.

  “You’re so fucking incredible,” he murmured then took her face his in his hands. Now, he could kiss her.

  Lawson poured the love he felt into this simple act as their mouths moved together in an erotic dance made for them. He would do anything for this precious female. Liv was his everything, and he wanted her to feel it.

  When he pulled away, she was breathless. Her chest heaved, and her pants fell like a warm blanket across his face. “Wow, I don’t even know what to say except we might need to install a kitchen counter in our room at the hotel,” she sputtered.

  Lawson laughed as he reached down and grabbed her jeans. He guided one foot in and then the other. In the next second, she shimmied the denim up her legs and thighs hiding the center of his universe from view.

  “Consider it done, Sunshine,” he replied as he pulled up his pants and buttoned them.

  “Well, maybe not a counter, but we definitely need something that’s about this height because that was, well…unfucking real,” she exclaimed as she fanned her face.

  “Mmmm,” he muttered as he gave her another kiss. “I hate to sex and run, but I really need to go,” he confessed and put his hands on either side of her hips, staring into pools of green that lit his world.

  “I know. Just please be careful and don’t do anything reckless. Come back to me,” Liv insisted and grabbed Lawson’s face with both hands.

  “I promise. You relax, and I’ll be back before you have time to miss me,” Lawson said and kissed the tip of her nose then leaned over and opened the refrigerator door.

  He pulled out a container of chocolate-covered strawberries and handed it to her. “For your sweet tooth.”

  “You spoil me,” she said with a smile.

  “Always,” he admitted then turned and walked out of the kitchen.

  As Lawson reached the front door he heard Cassie blurt, “You best believe you’re sharing those, chica, especially after what my virgin ears overheard between you and Mr. Foot-long.”

  A smile spread across his face, and Lawson shook his head. He would let Liv deal with Cassie, he thought and shut the door behind him.

  “Not sure what you’re talking about, but help yourself,” Liv replied coyly as she offered Cassie a strawberry. She wasn’t about to share the details of what happened in the kitchen moments before her friend walked into the room.

  “Hmm mmm, whatever you say,” Cassie replied with a twist to her mouth. “Damn, these are delicious,” she added after she took a bite of her strawberry and refilled her wine glass. “I don’t blame you though. I’d have done the same thing if it was Ryan and me,” she muttered and took a deep swig of Merlot.

  “Nice jammies,” Liv blurted with a grin as she attempted to change the subject.

  Cassie looked down at her frog-covered flannel PJs. “Yeah, they’re Ryan’s favorite. Whenever I wear them, he says they make him want to jump me. As if he needs incentive,” Cassie stated then downed her glass of wine.

  “You okay? It’s just the two of us now, so you don’t have to act like you’re fine,” Liv said and offered her friend another chocolate-covered berry.

  Cassie grabbed the treat and took a bite. “Honestly, I’m a wreck. I seriously hope Lawson finds Ryan because he’s worse than I imagined. That was fucked up, seeing him like that,” she admitted as she nibbled on the strawberry.

  “I know. I remember the first time I saw Jeremiah. It was terrifying, and he isn’t someone I love,” Liv said as she took a drink of wine. She didn’t know what it was about wine and fruit, but it was a party in her mouth.

  “I never said I loved him,” Cassie snapped.

  “Would you stop already? There’s nothing wrong with admitting you love Ryan.”

  Cassie sighed. “I suppose. I just think if I’m going to say it, the first time should be to him.”

  Liv understood. Saying I love you, especially the first time, should be special. Part of her wanted to tell Cassie the earth shattering news about her and Lawson, but she decided against it. Now wasn’t the best time. Cassie was too upset about Ryan to get excited over Liv’s news. Once they found Ryan, and Cassie knew he was okay, she’d be ecstatic over the announcement. Maybe then Cassie would confess her true feelings to Ryan.

  “Fair enough,” Liv replied. “So, you hungry?” she said as she hopped off the counter. “I have no idea what he boug––“

  A loud crash outside the kitchen window startled Liv, and they both jumped.

  “What the fuck was that?” Cassie blurted with a yelp.

  “I have no idea. Maybe a wild animal?” Liv responded.

  “A huge animal by the sound of it,” Cassie said as she looked out the window.

  “See anything?” Liv asked.

  “Hell, no, I don’t see anything. It’s pitch black out there,” Cassie exclaimed.

  Another crash echoed, and Liv grabbed a chef’s knife from the drawer. “Come on. Let’s go see what it is,” she instructed and tightened her grip on the blade’s handle.

  “Have you lost your fucking mind? Going out there, in the woods, alone? I suddenly feel like we’re at Camp Crystal Lake and Jason’s making his grand entrance,” Cassie said as she jumped behind Liv’s back.

  “Maybe, but I’m not going to sit here and do nothing,” Liv replied.

  “Great. Lead us to our demise. I’m right behind you,” Cassie spouted as Liv grabbed her cell phone.

  One thing she’d learned about fear. You could run and hide, or face it head-on. The choice was hers. Truth be told, she wasn’t a big fan of running.

  Chapter Eight

  Liv twisted the knob of the back door and slowly pulled it open. She stuck her head out and looked around. Cold air slapped her face, and a chill ran down her spine. The temperature had dropped at least twenty degrees since the sunset. That, combined with the adrenaline pumping through her body, made a jittery combination.

  “Do you see anything?” Cassie whispered, and Liv jumped.
  “Don’t do that,” she hissed and jerked her shoulder, pushing Cassie off her back.

  Liv pressed the flashlight mode on her phone and shone a bright spotlight toward the darkness. It was eerily quiet, and Liv suddenly wondered if Cassie was correct. Maybe they were the main characters in the next sequel of Friday the 13th and about to be slaughtered by a crazed lunatic. She shook her head, pushing aside the irrational thought. She didn’t believe in that crap, unlike her scaredy-cat friend.

  She moved her hand, scanning the area with the light from her phone. Off to the side, she spotted a large metal trashcan. It was tipped over, and a raccoon was rummaging through what appeared to be decaying trash.

  “Looks like I found our serial killer,” Liv said and stepped out into the backyard.

  Cassie followed but remained glued to her backside as she peered over Liv’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t underestimate those fuckers. They’re evil,” Cassie whispered.

  “You’re pathetic. Look at the cute little guy,” Liv replied as she watched the beady-eyed critter scatter garbage across the ground.

  “Have you seen what rabies does to a person? Foaming at the mouth, convulsions, paralysis. I wouldn’t get within twenty feet of that infected varmint,” Cassie explained and turned to walk back into the house.

  Suddenly, a loud bang echoed. Liv glanced at the raccoon and watched it scurry into the darkness. “That wasn’t our furry friend,” she whispered and flashed her light toward the sound.

  Liv saw a shed not far from the cabin. She recalled Henry telling Lawson that was where the firewood was stored. A gust of wind whipped through the trees and blew the shed door open. It slammed against the side of the small building, causing a loud bang.

  “Okay, I think our spookometers are in overdrive. You and your talk about Jason and Crystal Lake. You need to stop watching those ridiculous movies, Cass. Come on. I need to secure that door before the wind blows it off its hinges,” Liv informed as she walked toward the shed.

  “Yeah, why watch Netflix when we’re living with people that can turn into the worst nightmare imaginable,” she muttered as she tiptoed beside Liv. “I’m getting my froggie slippers all dirty,” she complained.

  “Shut it and come help me. We’ll throw your booties in the washer, and they’ll be good as new,” Liv said as she grabbed the latch on the shed door to close it.

  A low rumble had Liv’s head snapping to the side. She put her hand up, shining the light toward the noise.

  A tan-colored wolf stepped forward and growled. Its brown eyes pinned Liv, and she froze. This wasn’t a typical wolf. It stood nearly five feet tall. This was a shifter.

  “Whatever you do, don’t move,” Liv ordered as she tightened her grip on the knife. She prayed the creature would see they weren’t a threat, and leave them be.

  “Fuck that shit. I’m outta here,” Cassie said before she took off running toward the cabin.

  The wolf charged toward Cassie, and Liv shouted, “No! Leave her alone!” as she ran after the two, cursing her friend for not listening.

  Without warning, the wolf lunged and pounced on Cassie, knocking her to the ground. Liv screamed again, and a rush of energy took over as she watched the animal sink its large canines into Cassie’s lower leg. Liv’s heart hammered against her chest as she raced to her friend.

  Cassie was on her stomach, the wolf pinning her to the ground. She was trying to crawl to safety, but the wolf wouldn’t allow her to budge.

  As soon as Liv reached them, she raised the knife and plunged it into the wolf’s hind leg. The animal released Cassie and lifted its snout to the sky, howling in pain. Cassie scrambled away. Without stopping, Liv grabbed Cassie’s hand and yanked her to her feet. They took off toward the cabin, running like their lives depended on it.

  Liv didn’t look back. She couldn’t hear the wolf, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t right behind them. She dashed ahead of Cassie and flung open the back door when she reached it. As soon as Cassie crossed the threshold, Liv slammed the door shut and bolted the lock. Liv fell against the door, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

  She leaned over and peered out the window, trying to see if the wolf followed them. She didn’t see or hear anything and hoped the animal left. Liv turned to Cassie who was bent over, lifting the pant leg of her pajamas.

  “Holy shit, look at my leg,” Cassie shouted, and Liv rushed to her side.

  Blood trickled from the wound. It wasn’t deep, but Liv needed to clean it so she could get a better look at the injury.

  “You go to the bathroom, and I’m going to double check all the locks in the house. That was a shifter which means it can get inside,” Liv said in a rush as she made her way to the front door. She twisted the deadbolt then checked all the windows in the cabin to make sure they were locked, as well.

  Once they were safely locked inside, Liv made her way to the small bathroom. Cassie was sitting on the edge of the tub, her leg positioned under running water.

  “Shit, this hurts. Do I need stitches?” her friend gritted as she inspected her leg.

  “Let me see,” Liv answered and sat beside her on the bathtub. “I don’t think so, but I need to see if they have a first aid kit around here,” she explained and stood, walking to the nearby linen closet.

  She searched the shelves but didn’t see anything. “I’ll be right back. It might be in the kitchen,” she muttered and walked down the hallway.

  “Bring me that bottle of wine,” Cassie shouted after her.

  Liv rummaged through the cabinets and finally found a white box with the familiar red cross on the lid. She opened it and was immediately impressed. This was not your typical kit with bandages and antiseptic spray. No, shifters apparently went to the next level with medical supplies. It contained surgical scissors, a skin stapler, and scalpels, just to name a few. There was also prescription strength antibiotic cream, which would come in handy with Cassie’s wound. She grabbed the entire box, along with the bottle of wine, and rushed back to the bathroom.

  “Here you go. I’ll go get your glass,” Liv offered as she handed Cassie the wine and set down the kit.

  “Don’t bother,” Cassie replied as she turned up the bottle, taking a long swig.

  “Well, alrighty then. Good thing Lawson bought several bottles,” Liv said with a laugh.

  She went to work treating Cassie’s injury while her friend guzzled wine. “You know, you’re a total badass,” Cassie said as she watched Liv cleaned her leg.

  “No, I’m not. I was scared shitless out there,” she admitted as she applied the ointment, wrapped gauze around the wound, then grabbed the medical tape.

  “It didn’t show, girlfriend. You went all samurai warrior with that knife. You were like, hi-yah motherfucker!” Cassie said and waved her hand, slashing the air. “I’m serious, you’re my hero,” she added.

  Liv secured the bandage then leaned back against the wall and straddled the tub. She reached for the bottle in Cassie’s hand and took a deep drink. “Yeah, that’s me. Wolf-slayer extraordinaire,” she joked.

  She was the last person Cassie should call a hero. Liv was the weakest link at Safe Haven and was pretty sure everyone knew it.

  “Hey, how about we move this party to the living room? Give me your pants and slippers, and I’ll throw them in the washer. I’ll see what food Lawson bought and meet you by the fire,” Liv offered as she stood.

  “Works for me,” Cassie replied as she slipped off her bloody pants and muddy slippers. Cassie hobbled down the hall while Liv cleaned the mess in the bathroom then dropped her friend’s soiled items in the washer on her way to the kitchen.

  She returned the first aid kit to where she found it then glanced out the window to see if the shifter was anywhere in the yard. A curse left her lips when she couldn’t detect anything through the darkness. She couldn’t hear anything, either. Hopefully, the wolf was wounded badly enough that it had to crawl off and heal.

  Liv turned around and ri
fled through the bags on the counter. Microwave popcorn, chips, a box of crackers, and some granola bars, along with wine and bottled water. She opened the fridge to put the water bottles inside and spotted a few more snacks. Assorted cheeses, grapes, yogurt, and a six-pack of beer. She acknowledged Lawson was pretty decent at grocery shopping. At least he covered the main food groups. Alcohol and protein.

  Liv threw a packet of popcorn in the microwave and set the timer. While that cooked, she cut up some cheese and washed the grapes then arranged everything on a platter. The bell dinged, and she threw the popped corn into a bowl then made her way to the living room.

  Cassie was wrapped in a plush throw, sitting by the fire with the bottle in hand. “Well, isn’t this romantic?” Liv said with a snort.

  She walked to the large window and peered outside, hoping their four-legged friend had moved on. She wished Lawson would hurry up and return. She would feel safer once he was there.

  “Hey, I’m not complaining. Come and cop a squat,” Cassie said and patted the rug in front of the fireplace.

  Liv sat cross-legged and placed the food between them. “Enjoy my gourmet spread,” she teased and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

  Cassie shoved a cracker with cheese in her mouth. “It’s perfect. So, any thoughts on who that wolf was? I can’t help but wonder if it was Ryan, but why would he attack me?” her friend asked as she munched on her snack.

  “I thought about that. Surely, it wasn’t Ryan. Although, the coat of the wolf matches his hair. Lawson’s fur matches the color of his eyes, but I don’t know if that means anything,” she explained as she considered the possibilities. “I wonder about Annette’s sons. Maybe it was one of them, protecting their property. But, if that’s the case, why hasn’t he let his parents know he’s alive. None of it adds up,” Liv divulged as she grabbed another handful of popcorn.

  Liv heard a sound and her head jerked toward the front door. The knob jostled as if someone was trying to get in.

  Fuck. Had the wolf shifted and was coming after them? She quickly scanned the room, looking for a weapon. She grabbed the poker by the fireplace and stood up, preparing to fight.


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