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Alpha Page 12

by Brenda Trim

  He’d never shifted just half of his body and didn’t know if it would work, but he had to try. Lawson called to his wolf and gave a mental image of what he needed. This was unchartered territory, and he didn’t know if they could share control in such a manner.

  Lawson felt pressure to his lower body and looked down to see his jeans split down the middle as his wolf’s hind legs extended. The Ravin held tight and shook its head back and forth, trying to sever the fur-covered appendage in its jaws.

  Lawson kicked the creature’s skull with his other leg, and the Ravin went sailing. He scrambled toward the tranquilizer gun and grabbed it then rolled to his back. The Ravin quickly recovered and charged toward Lawson.

  Lawson pointed the gun and fired. The dart lodged in the Ravin’s neck, and the creature roared, yanking the object from its neck. In the next breath, the animal took off running into the woods. Lawson knew it would take several minutes for the drug to take effect, and he couldn’t allow Ryan to run out in the open where humans might spot him.

  Without hesitation, Lawson released his entire wolf. He shifted then followed the Ravin’s path. His wolf pounded the earth as it raced through the trees like a hound hunting its game. It didn’t take long for his wolf to pick up the Ravin’s scent, and he charged ahead.

  Lawson noticed the creature was running toward Cassie’s house, and another burst of speed brought him closer to the Ravin. He spotted his brother several yards ahead and pushed harder, closing the distance.

  As soon as he was within reach, Lawson’s wolf leaped through the air and landed on the Ravin’s back. His weight knocked it to the hard ground, and Lawson’s wolf bit down on the creature’s shoulder, pinning the Ravin in place.

  A roar left the Ravin’s throat, and long claws slashed through his wolf’s side. He nearly released his hold from the pain but managed to maintain his grip. A growl left his throat, and his wolf laid its weighty form across the Ravin so it couldn’t attack again.

  He felt the creature’s resistance diminish, and knew the tranquilizer was working. A few minutes more and he felt the Ravin’s body relax. Lawson’s wolf released its hold and backed away, eyeing the creature. It didn’t budge.

  Lawson quickly shifted and picked up the Ravin. He trekked through the woods, retrieving the tranquilizer gun and discarded boots. His clothes and jacket were destroyed from the shift, but damned if his shoes didn’t survive once again.

  As he reached the end of the forest, Lawson peeked out before he stepped into the open area. The last thing he needed was a human to see a bare-assed male, carrying what looked like a werewolf. He could only imagine what the media would do with that story.

  Lawson placed the sedated Ravin in the back of the Jeep and rushed to Cassie’s front door. He barged inside without knocking and was greeted by the scream of two females.

  “What the hell?” Liv blurted then her eyes dropped to his groin.

  Lawson immediately covered his crotch. “C’mon. We’ve got to go. Cassie, do you have anything I can wear?”

  “Did you find Ryan? Oh, my, God. What happened to your side?” Liv screeched as she hopped up from the sofa and rushed to his side.

  “Don’t worry. I’m fine and, yeah, I found him. He’s in the Jeep and sedated, but that won’t last forever. We need to get him to your lab,” he explained. “Cassie? Clothes?” he repeated in a louder voice.

  “Oh, sorry. Let me go look,” Cassie quipped and disappeared down the hallway.

  “Lawson, this is bad,” Liv murmured as she inspected his wound.

  Cassie walked back into the room, carrying a bundle of clothes. “These are your brother’s, so hopefully they’ll fit. Sorry, no underwear, Foot-long,” she teased and handed Lawson a hoodie, sweatpants, and socks.

  “We’ve got to get on the road, pronto,” he ordered as he slipped into the sweatpants.

  “Cassie, do you have a first aid kit? I need to bandage this,” Liv said as she grabbed the hoodie out of his hand. “I’m going to help you first, so don’t even think about arguing,” she said and pinned him with a stare.

  “Yes, Mom,” Lawson replied with a chuckle.

  Liv had seen him beaten to a pulp, shot, and close to death numerous times. He was quite sure he could handle a minor scratch, but she insisted on treating his boo-boo, and he loved her for it.

  “I think your next costume should be a nursemaid,” he said as she tended to his injury.

  Liv glanced up, and he winked at her. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she teased then handed him the hoodie when she was done.

  “Alright, lets’ go,” he ordered and grabbed Liv’s hand, pulling her toward the door.

  “I’m coming, too,” Cassie chimed in, and Lawson spun around to face her.

  “Actually, could you follow me? And, you need to ride with her,” he said and met Liv’s gaze. “He might wake up, and I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  “No, I won’t let you go by yourself. You might need my help. I can keep the tranquilizer pointed at Ryan in case he wakes up,” Liv explained, and Lawson shook his head.

  “No, Liv. I can’t put you at risk,” he admitted.

  “Sorry, I’m going with you. End of discussion,” Liv declared then turned to her friend. “Listen, I think it’s best if you stay here for now. Let me give Ryan his first treatment and see how he reacts. You can come tomorrow and see him,” she offered.

  Cassie crossed her arms over her chest and stared at them. Finally, she sighed and shook her head. “Fine, but I’m coming tomorrow no matter what. Understand?” she female huffed.

  “Absolutely. I’ll call you when we get to the lab,” Liv replied and grabbed Lawson’s hand.

  They left Cassie’s house and climbed in the Jeep. Lawson turned in his seat and glanced at the Ravin. He was still sedated, but Lawson had no idea for how long. He grabbed the tranquilizer gun and handed it to Liv.

  “If he wakes up, shoot. Pull this trigger right here,” he barked and pointed at the lever that fired the dart. “Do not hesitate for even a second. Can you do that?” he asked and met Liv’s gaze.

  Liv nodded as she stared at the creature sitting mere feet from her. Lawson’s gut twisted, and he prayed this wasn’t a mistake. If Ryan woke up while they were driving to the lab, there was no telling what he would do. And, Liv didn’t appear confident of her assigned task. Would they make it back to Hollow Rock safely? Lawson wanted to help his brother more than anything, but at what cost?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liv sat quietly while Lawson drove to her lab. She continuously looked over her shoulder, checking to see if the Ravin stirred. She gripped the tranquilizer gun, wondering if she would react quick enough if the creature woke.

  She recalled when Lawson and some of the other shifters captured Jeremiah. The tranquilizer dart kept Jerry sedated for a couple hours. They had a three-hour drive ahead of them, and she knew it was possible that the Ravin would wake during the ride.

  Liv swallowed and reached over to turn down the heater. Sweat dripped down her back, and she squirmed in her seat, trying to get comfortable. She was typically cold, but not tonight. Her body was on fire with anxiety.

  “You okay?” Lawson asked as he glanced sideways at her.

  Hell no, I’m not okay. Did you see the fangs on the passenger in the back seat? Liv screamed in her head.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” she lied and forced a smile.

  “It’ll be over before you know it,” Lawson reassured, and she nodded her head. Not soon enough, she thought.

  Liv reached to the dashboard and fiddled with the radio until she found a station that wasn’t filled with static. They rode in silence for the next ninety minutes while radio personality, Delilah, shared her favorite love songs and stories. That woman was, without a doubt, the Queen of Sap. And yet, millions of listeners tuned into her nightly syndicated show for a dose of romance.

  “I wonder how easy it is to call in and request a song? I mean, do they put you on a wait list for mont
hs and months. Because let’s face it, a relationship could be over by that point,” she speculated as she listened to a caller pour out his heart to his girlfriend over the radio.

  “Wow, such a romantic,” Lawson chuckled.

  “It just seems kind of silly to me. And, how does the caller know if their lover is even listening? Can you imagine waiting for six months, it’s the big night, the song plays, and you find out the love of your life was asleep?” she commented and started giggling.

  She didn’t know why she found that so amusing but she couldn’t stop laughing. It was probably her body releasing stress. And then she snorted which made Lawson laugh. God, she sounded like a pig with its snout in a feeding trough. She hated the noise, but to see Lawson smile was worth the embarrassment.

  Liv returned his smile then faced forward, humming along to the song while her mind whirled. She strategically planned what she would do when they arrived at S&K. After securing Ryan in the cell next to Jeremiah, she would give Lawson his first infusion. He needed treatment, and she hoped they could prevent him from having another episode. She was also eager to see Jeremiah and check his progress.

  “So, I was thinking about something,” Lawson said, his deep voice intruding her thoughts.

  “All the wicked things you want to do to me?” she asked with a laugh, trying to sound sexy. Except it didn’t come across as seductive, and her laugh sounded more like a maniacal cackle. “Sorry, I was trying to be alluring.”

  Lawson reached over and grabbed her hand. “You’re very alluring, and yes, a few things have crossed my mind. But, what I was going to say is…I agree that we need our own place. As much as I would love a place at Deerhead Lake, we can look at other areas, too.”

  “Ooo, the beach?” Liv asked, and her eyes got big. She would give anything to have a place near the ocean.

  “Well, I wasn’t thinking that far, but we can look into it,” he replied, and she could see he didn’t love the idea.

  “Honestly, it doesn’t matter where. Any place we can escape to for a few days each month, just the two of us, is perfect,” Liv murmured with a smile. It didn’t matter where she was so long as Lawson was by her side.

  “Somewhere we can run naked when the notion strikes,” he suggested with a smirk.

  “You got that right. I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you at the cabin,” she replied and reached over, running her fingers through his hair.

  As much as she loved his longer strands, she would never forget the day she shaved his matted mess during his captivity. The long beard and hair fell to the floor, revealing his ruggedly handsome face for the first time. His buzz cut, along with his muscular frame, won her over months ago.

  “Me, too,” he admitted and squeezed her thigh. That was all it took for her body to respond. Liv leaned over and kissed his cheek, her lips lingering by his mouth. “Mmm,” Lawson moaned, and she inched closer, licking the edge of his lower lip.

  His masculine scent washed over her like a warm breeze. She would never tire of this man. Maybe after they tended to his brother, they could take care of each other.

  A growl startled Liv, and she jumped. Before she could react, something grabbed her by the throat and pulled. Liv’s body left the passenger seat, and she was dragged toward the back of the Jeep.

  Her eyes darted to the side, and she saw the Ravin. He was awake and pissed. Brown eyes blazed with rage, and Liv didn’t see of a trace of Ryan anywhere. His fetid breath filled her nose and mouth, and she gagged as bile rose to the back of her throat.

  “Fuck, Ryan! Stop!” shouted Lawson and Liv felt the vehicle swerve off the road.

  Her fingers wrapped around the Ravin’s hairy hand as she tried to pry its fingers from her neck. The creature growled again and tightened its grip. Liv started gasping as her airwaves became constricted.

  The vehicle stopped abruptly, and her body was tossed forward, causing the Ravin’s claws to bury into her flesh. She leaned over and bit the creature’s wrist. Not such a great idea. It punched the side of her head with enough force that she saw stars.

  Liv cursed herself for not paying more attention. She had one job on this venture. Shoot the Ravin if he woke, and she blew it. The tranquilizer gun was on the floorboard by her seat, and she could see Lawson reaching for it. The Ravin must’ve seen it, too, because it lunged forward and grabbed Lawson around the neck with its free arm.

  Liv couldn’t tell up from down as dizziness assailed. She tried to focus on her surroundings, but everything blurred then went black.

  Lawson struggled with the Ravin, trying to break free of its hold. The fucker was stronger than a herd of elephants. He looked over at Liv and saw blood dripping down her neck then her body went limp. And, that’s when Lawson lost his shit. He didn’t give a damn if his brother was somewhere inside that creature’s body. Nobody hurt his female.

  He twisted his torso and managed to get out of the headlock that had him trapped. As soon as Lawson was free, he pounded his fist against the Ravin’s skull. The creature wasn’t fazed by the attack and snarled at Lawson like he was an annoying gnat.

  Lawson contemplated shifting to allow his wolf to battle the Ravin, but there wasn’t enough room inside the Jeep for his large animal. And, he still needed to get the tranquilizer gun from the front floorboard.

  He chanced a glimpse Liv’s way and saw she was passed out, her body lying against the door. He prayed she didn’t suffer internal injuries from the blow to her head. The Ravin hit her with extreme force, and humans weren’t as resilient as shifters.

  “Ryan, are you in there?” he shouted and punched the creature in the snout.

  The Ravin growled and answered the strike with a blow of its own. Lawson’s nose popped when the fist smashed into his flesh, and blood spurted across his face.

  “Fuck!” he roared then swung his arm, striking the Ravin in the throat.

  The creature started coughing, and that’s when Lawson saw his opportunity. He knew it might be his only chance.

  He lunged toward the passenger seat and stretched his hand, reaching for the gun. The Ravin grabbed his waist, and Lawson felt claws shred the flesh at his side. Motherfucker reopened his wound and Lawson cried out in pain as he continued his efforts. He was so close. The tips of his fingers were inches from grabbing the tranquilizer, so he ignored the searing pain.

  Lawson heard Liv moan and the Ravin released him and reached for Liv. Lawson grabbed the gun at the same time she let out an ear-piercing scream. The Ravin grabbed Liv by the hair, and he pointed the gun, firing the dart. It landed in the creature’s chest, and the Ravin howled then yanked the dart from its body. Lawson wedged between Liv and the Ravin, protecting her.

  The creature growled then unleashed its rage, punching anything within reach. Lawson shielded Liv with his body as the Ravin went berserk. He lashed out and broke the side window then tried to crawl through the small opening. Lawson realized it was trying to escape and grabbed its torso, holding the creature inside the vehicle.

  He noticed several cars drive by and hoped they didn’t stop to see if he needed assistance. He didn’t need to add innocent bystanders to the list of injured.

  “Liv, can you hear me?” he muttered and glanced over his shoulder.

  “Ugh,” she groaned and shifted her weight beneath his. He moved so she could sit upright.

  “Listen. I need you to drive. Can you do that?” Lawson grunted as he held onto the Ravin.

  “I think so,” she murmured as she rubbed the side of her head.

  “Hopefully, the drugs kick in soon, but I’ve got to restrain him. I’m going to shift. It’s about to get crowded in here, but it’s the only way I can hold him off,” Lawson gritted out, and the Ravin slashed across his forearm.

  “Now, Liv,” he urged, and she scrambled to the front seat and crawled behind the wheel.

  In the next breath, Lawson called his wolf and shifted. Clothes tore then fell off his body, and the interior of the Jeep shrank as his animal
filled the back seat. He pressed his weight on top of the Ravin, immobilizing it.

  He heard the roar of the engine followed by tires screeching, and Lawson hoped he could keep the creature from destroying her Jeep further. The Ravin kicked out and busted the opposite window. Liv screamed and swerved as she tried to see what was happening in the back seat. Lawson growled at her, hoping she got the message.

  “I’m trying to keep my eyes on the road,” she yelled and turned to face forward again. “But, it’s a little distracting with windows breaking and wolves blocking my rear view,” she added.

  He snorted in response, and she giggled. “Yeah, whatever. You still love me,” Liv declared, and he leaned forward, licking her cheek.

  “We’ve got about forty miles to go. Hang in there, Babe. We’ll be there soon,” she informed him.

  Several minutes later, Lawson felt the weight beneath him relax. The drugs were taking effect. He laid across the Ravin until he was certain the creature was completely sedated then shifted again.

  Lawson remained in the back of the Jeep. He wasn’t taking any more chances. In hindsight, he should’ve asked Liv to drive from the beginning. Then he could’ve kept an eye on the Ravin, and prevented the attack.

  He glanced down at his side. The flesh looked like hamburger meat and hurt like a bitch, but he would heal in a couple of days. Once again, he found himself naked with a pile of tattered clothes at his feet.

  Liv rubbed the side of her head, and he leaned forward, inspecting her. He moved her hand and felt a giant knot.

  “Are you sure you can drive?” he asked as he gently caressed her injury.

  “I’ll be fine. Probably knocked some sense into me,” Liv kidded then flinched.

  “I’m sorry about the damage to your Jeep. I’ll fix it as soon as we get back to Safe Haven,” he promised.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I was so caught up in kissing you that I let my guard down. And, don’t think I’m not aware that you aren’t wearing any clothes. Talk about hard to concentrate,” Liv admitted as she kept her eyes on the road, making him smile despite the shit-storm that surrounded them.


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