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Alpha Page 15

by Brenda Trim

  “That’s a pretty good pep talk,” he admitted and winked.

  “Oh, that wasn’t my pep talk. I was just going to say ‘kick that motherfucker’s ass’ as encouragement,” she quipped, and he barked out a laugh.

  “I like that even more,” he said and pulled her close. “We will get through this just like we’ve gotten through every other hurdle. Together. And then, we’ll start planning our future,” Lawson proclaimed then pressed his lips to hers, kissing her with all the love he felt.

  Suddenly, he felt a buzz at his hip and groaned at the untimely interruption. If he had his way, he would keep Liv in his arms forever, never letting her go. He placed one more tender kiss to her lips then reached into his pocket and pulled out Knox’s cell phone.

  “What’s it say?” Liv asked as she peeked at the screen.

  “He found a location in Dunlap. Fredonia Mountain,” he replied and shoved the phone back in his pocket.

  “You want to help me make the handles for your blades?” he asked as reality come to the fro. There wasn’t much time left before the fight. As much as Lawson wanted to ignore what lied ahead, he needed to get Liv ready for battle.

  “Actually, there’s something I need to do. Is it okay if I take the four-wheeler back to the hotel?” Liv asked, and he wondered what was going through her beautiful mind.

  “Sure. I won’t be long,” he replied and cupped her face in his palms. “You won’t even have time to miss me,” he added with a smirk.

  “Too late,” she muttered then wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. It was all-consuming, almost desperate. Like she was saying goodbye.

  Liv walked into their suite and flopped down on the bed. As soon as her face hit the pillow, a waterfall of tears spilled down her face. She had to be alone for a bit. Her brave façade was crumbling, and she didn’t want Lawson to witness her meltdown.

  She knew she should call her mom, but what could she possibly say to help her understand. There were no words. And Cassie. She needed to let her friend know what was going on, but again, she couldn’t begin to find the words to say goodbye to those she loved.

  Suddenly, an idea sparked. Liv sat up and wiped her tears then quickly reached over to the nightstand, grabbing stationary out of the drawer. She would write letters to Lawson, her mom, Cassie, Bart, and Staci. Tell them from the heart how much she loved them. It was the only thing she could do in this crazy situation.

  She rummaged through the drawer and found her favorite gel pen. She held the metallic gray pen to the light and smiled. God, she was going to miss Lawson. He’d brought so much joy to her life in such a short amount of time.

  A knock intruded, and Liv stood, walking to the door. She was surprised to see the hallway filled with the members of Lawson’s pack. Everyone was there. His sisters, Knox and Ashley, Devin, the Andersons, the Halls, and even Jeremiah.

  “Hi. Um, what’s going on?” she inquired and then looked over her shoulder then back to the group. “I’d ask you all to come in, but I’m pretty sure we won’t fit.”

  “We don’t need to come in, Liv,” Haley, one of Lawson’s sisters, replied. “We just wanted you to know that we stand behind you one thousand percent. And, we know you will be victorious tomorrow,” she added with a smile, and Liv’s heart filled to the point of bursting.

  She met each of their gazes and knew they didn’t believe for one second that she’d beat Kristi, but that wasn’t important. What mattered was they cared for her and accepted her as their Alpha’s mate, regardless of the outcome. Liv was touched by their gesture and almost started bawling again.

  “That means the world to me. I cannot thank you enough for what each of you has brought to my life,” she expressed then willed away the growing lump in her throat.

  She would cherish this moment forever, she thought. And, then it dawned on her. Twenty hours was all that was left in her forever.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lawson climbed out of his truck and walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for Liv. He offered his hand, and cold, clammy fingers grasped his. As much as he wanted to blame the falling temperature, he knew the real reason for her sweaty palm. It was time for the battles to begin. He peered through the darkness and spotted the Hollow Rock pack in the distance, gathered around a giant bonfire.

  His gaze returned to Liv, and he gave her a reassuring smile. “You ready?” he asked and stroked her cheek.

  They hadn’t slept much the night before, and the dark circles under her eyes were evidence to that. There was so much he wanted to say, but she asked that they not talk about anything beyond that moment. She said she wanted to lie in his arms and just be. So, that’s what they did until it was time to leave the hotel.

  “I wish I could say yes, but we both know you can’t prepare for this,” she admitted as she looked toward the clearing. “I guess that’s where it takes place,” she postulated as she chewed on her lower lip.

  He reached over and tugged her lip free. “Don’t do that. You come across as scared. I want you to walk over there, your head held high like you own the fucking place. Understand?” he informed her and reached inside the cab of his truck and grabbed her daggers. “Remember what we talked about?”

  Liv nodded her head and took the weapons from his hand. Lawson hoped she remembered everything he said. It was crucial to stick to her plan of attack, should it come to that.

  “Okay, then let’s do this. We have important plans to discuss when it’s over,” Lawson declared and leaned down to claim her lips. It might’ve been a cold, cloudy night but when Liv kissed him, the sun always shone brightly. He inhaled deeply, savoring her lemony scent. He silently prayed to the Gods that this wasn’t their last kiss before he released her. He smiled at his beautiful female and twined their hands then led her toward the clearing.

  Without warning, Liv jerked him back to her side and kissed him with such passion the world slipped away. For a brief second, it was just the two of them, declaring their love for one another by the simple act. Their mouths moved together as one, and he felt more connected to her than ever. When she pulled away, he held her gaze as he caressed her cheek. Gods, how he loved this female.

  “If this doesn’t go as planned, there’s something I need you to do,” she declared.

  He shook his head, “Don’t. We agreed, no negativity.”

  “I know, but I need you to promise me one thing. Inside our nightstand drawer, there are some letters I wrote. I need to know you will deliver them for me,” Liv pleaded, and he felt a shiver run through her body.

  Lawson pulled her close and lifted her hand, kissing each of her fingers. “I promise.”

  “Thank you. And, one more thing. I don’t want any goodbyes when we get over there. Just know I love you with everything I am. The last six months have been the happiest of my life,” she confessed, and a single tear slid down her cheek.

  “And, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with you, Olivia Kimbro,” he replied and kissed away her tear. “You will beat her. I believe it. You just need to believe in yourself.” Half the battle for Liv was knowing she could beat Kristi, and Lawson needed to remind her of that fact.

  They walked silently, hand and hand, to the clearing. Lawson lifted his nose and smelled rain in the distance. The wind picked up, and his black robe swirled around his legs. The weather was unpredictable this time of year, and he hoped the forecast for a clear night was accurate.

  Lawson led Liv to his sisters and told her to wait with them. They shared a knowing look before he made his way through the small group gathered on the cliff at Fredonia Mountain.

  As soon as Lawson walked past the pack members, he noted Tyler and Kristi standing off to one side. Why couldn’t they see the obvious? Neither of them belonged with the Hollow Rock pack. They were outsiders, and would never be accepted as leaders.

  Lawson’s gaze continued until he spotted Knox, and he made his way to the shifter that was acting as the spokesperson for the p
ack. It should’ve been Ryan standing there. His gut twisted as he thought about his brother. Ryan would want to be by his side, supporting him. That fucking creature was wreaking havoc on the Scott family, and he hated it. But that was an issue for another day.

  Lawson’s mind had only one focus. Fighting Tyler for the Alpha position.

  He put aside Liv, and her upcoming battle because he couldn’t afford the distraction. There would only be one survivor, and he was determined to defeat his opponent. His wolf howled in his head, ready for action.

  “All are present, and the battles shall begin,” Knox shouted to the crowd, and a blast of thunder roared overhead as Tyler came to stand opposite Lawson. “The rules are simple. This is a fight between wolves, and it is a fight to the death. The victor will be named Alpha of the Hollow Rock shifters. Do you both agree to the rules as stated?” Knox asked and looked to Lawson.

  “I agree,” Lawson replied then Knox glanced over at Tyler.

  “I agree,” Tyler sneered and removed his navy robe, flexing his chest muscles. Lawson glowered at Tyler and removed his black robe.

  “I’ve waited for this moment for seventy-five years, Chief,” Tyler spat.

  “What are you talking about?” Lawson barked as he stalked around the male. What was it with him, and that term? Did Tyler know his father?

  “You don’t remember me, do you?” Tyler asked as he moved in the opposite direction, circling Lawson.

  “Should I?”

  “Because of Jacob Scott, I lost two parents when he defeated my father for the Alpha position,” Tyler hissed, and Lawson saw utter contempt in his dark eyes.

  So, this was Tyler’s motivation. Revenge. He was the son of the male that his father defeated all those years ago. The pieces clicked together, filling in the gaps and explaining the male’s hatred toward Lawson.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Tyler, but your father had a terrible reputation. He didn’t deserve to be Alpha, and neither do you,” Lawson roared over the winds as a light rain fell from the sky.

  “Fuck you,” Tyler spat.

  A rumble in the crowd ensued as pack members started chanting.

  Shift! Shift! Shift! echoed through the night.

  It was the signal to release their wolves. The bonfire blazed bright, and shadows danced across the ground like a pack of wolves on the prowl.

  In the next breath, Lawson called his animal and shifted. Tyler quickly followed suit, and their wolves howled to the full moon. Another roar of thunder rolled overhead.

  Lawson growled low as his wolf perused Tyler’s animal. Tyler returned his growl and bared large, pointy teeth as his beast crouched low, preparing to attack.

  Lawson didn’t wait. He lunged and landed on the wolf’s back, and they rolled several times on the hard dirt. Lawson jumped to all fours and pinned Tyler with his massive paws as his sharp teeth sunk into the wolf’s neck. Fur and flesh filled his mouth, and he bit harder, the taste of copper filling his mouth.

  Tyler yelped, and Lawson thought he had him until the animal twisted its lower body and gained the upper hand by flipping Lawson onto his back. Lawson lost his grip on Tyler’s neck then felt the wolf’s jaw clamp down on Lawson’s hind leg, dragging him across the ground. Blood pooled at the site, and Lawson’s wolf gnashed its teeth in rage. The pain threatened to steal Lawson’s focus.

  Refusing to allow the injury to weaken him, Lawson shut down his pain receptors and sent healing cells to that leg. Looking around, he noticed that Tyler was pulling him toward the edge of the cliff. Lawson snarled and kicked, using his other hind leg. The blow sent Tyler’s wolf sailing, and his lower half fell over the side of the cliff. Large claws dug into the earth, and the animal managed to pull itself to safety before Lawson could force it over the edge.

  Tyler’s wolf charged forward, roaring its fury as it barreled into Lawson. The blow knocked Lawson’s breath from his lungs and momentarily stunned him. Before Lawson could gather his thoughts, the beast jumped on his back and pain assailed between his shoulder blades. Flesh and muscle tore as Tyler’s wolf fiercely attacked.

  Once again, he felt Tyler dragging him toward the edge of the cliff. Lawson reached deep down, calling all his strength and power to the surface, linking to every loyal shifter nearby. A true Alpha got power from the love and support of his pack. As his purpose renewed, Lawson jerked and thrashed until his enemy was thrown from his back.

  Lawson lunged and grabbed the wolf’s neck again. He growled and snarled as he clamped down on Tyler’s flesh like a vice, cutting off the animal’s air supply. He felt Tyler struggle but gave no pause. His jaws tightened, and muscle and bone crunched in his mouth.

  Tyler’s resolve weakened as Lawson continued his attack. He could feel the animal’s vein pulse against his jaws, telling him Tyler was still alive. Not that he needed to feel the pounding of the wolf’s heart. The sharp claws embedded in Lawson’s side were enough of a reminder, he surmised as another jolt of pain assailed.

  Refusing to give up, Lawson bit down harder and felt his jaws lock in place. The pressure was enough that his upper and lower canines touched. Lawson’s wolf growled low in his throat, holding tight. Finally, Tyler’s wolf went lax, but Lawson’s wolf refused to release the animal until the thump of Tyler’s heart stopped altogether.

  The wolf’s head fell to the side, its neck snapped in two, and Lawson released his grip. He towered over the animal until the scent of death washed over him. Lawson conquered his enemy and proved once and for all he was the leader to the Hollow Rock pack.

  Cheers erupted from the crowd, and Lawson shifted to his human form. He picked up the dead wolf and lifted it above his head as adrenaline pumped through his system. He could taste his enemy’s blood, and licked his lips, relishing the flavor of victory.

  “I am your fucking Alpha!” he shouted to his pack then hurled the wolf over the edge of the cliff.

  His gaze scanned the crowd until he located Liv. She was jumping up and down, clapping the hardest. Lawson immediately stalked toward Kristi and stopped in front of her.

  “Tyler is dead. Withdraw your challenge. There is no reason for you to fight now that he’s gone,” Lawson ordered, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

  Kristi narrowed her eyes. “You think this was about Tyler? I don’t give a shit about that male. This was always about you and me,” Kristi sneered.

  “There will never be an us, Kristi. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you for what you did to me. I love Liv, and always will,” Lawson countered. “Now call it off!”

  Kristi removed her robe, revealing her naked body. “We’ll see about that after she’s gone. We’re meant to be together,” Kristi declared and grabbed his face, kissing him.

  Lawson heard a war cry as he pushed Kristi away. Lightning zipped across the sky as Liv charged toward them, dagger held high above her head. He grabbed her right before she attacked Kristi.

  “Save it for the fight,” he demanded and held her tight against his chest.

  He stared into blazing green eyes then took one of her daggers from her hand. He sliced across his forearm, coating her blade with his blood. “I give you the power of my wolf. Now, fucking finish this,” he professed and placed the weapon back in her palm.

  Liv nodded to Lawson as she glared at Kristi. She wanted to rip the vile woman to shreds for throwing herself at Liv’s man. All the hurt and rage she felt over the woman’s attempts to come between her and Lawson surged to the forefront. It was the incentive Liv needed, and her fury boiled hotter than a ring of fire. Her hands trembled uncontrollably as her rage intensified, and Liv gripped her weapons tighter so she wouldn’t drop them.

  The two females walked to the center of the clearing and Knox stepped between them.

  “This is a fight between a wolf and a female. It is a fight to the death, and the victor will be named female Alpha of Hollow Rock shifters. Do you agree to the terms as stated?” Knox recited then looked to Liv.

  “I agree,” Li
v shouted as adrenaline pumped into her system.

  Knox’s head turned to Kristi, and she leered at Liv. “I agree,” Kristi hissed and took a step backward, assuming her fighting stance.

  Liv had no clue what to do next. She glanced to the crowd when their chanting began, and she recalled that was the signal to shift.

  Before she could blink, Kristi released her animal. Liv had never seen her wolf and was slightly relieved to see the golden-blonde wolf was much smaller than Lawson’s. Not that Kristi’s wolf was any less fierce, she thought as the animal growled in her direction.

  Liv froze. She didn’t know how to fight, especially offensively. She took a step to the side, and that’s when the wolf attacked.

  The large animal barged forward, knocking into Liv with such force she tumbled toward the bonfire. Her arm landed inside the searing flames, and Liv dropped her dagger as the smell of burnt flesh filled her nostrils.

  Liv cried out, and brought her injured arm close to her body, protecting it. The wolf snarled then latched onto her ankle, dragging her away from the fire. At first, Liv thought the animal was helping her until she discovered she was nearing the edge of the cliff.

  She remembered Lawson’s fight and how her stomach lurched when she thought he might go over the side of the mountain. Now, she was facing the same fate.

  Instinct took over, and Liv kicked out with her free leg. Her foot smacked the wolf upside the head, and the animal released its grip. Liv scrambled to her feet and looked at the blade in her hand. It was the one with Lawson’s blood, and she prayed the power of his wolf would protect her.

  Liv slashed forward, hoping the dagger would intimidate the animal. No such luck. The wolf growled then lunged, landing on Liv’s chest. She felt sharp teeth pierce the flesh on her neck, and Liv screeched in pain. The weight of the animal kept her pinned as its jaws tightened around her throat.


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