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Alpha Page 18

by Brenda Trim

  “What the fuck?” Lawson yelled, grabbing the Ravin’s attention.

  The creature spun around and met his gaze. He bared his large canines and growled at Lawson.

  “Ryan, it’s me, Lawson. I know you’re in there. You need to come back to us, bro. So much has happened and I need to talk to you. I miss you,” Lawson pleaded as he stepped closer to the metal cage.

  Cassie watched as Liv walked to a desk near the cell, and picked up a clipboard. The Ravin snatched a piece of the broken dresser and hurled it at Liv. The wood smacked against the iron bars and cracked then fell to the floor.

  “Why are you doing this, Ryan? You like Liv. Remember what I told you? She’s my life mate now. She’s family,” Lawson stated, and Cassie watched carefully to see how Ryan would react.

  The Ravin narrowed its eyes and stalked to the bars. “What makes you think I care?” he growled. The raspy voice reminded her of someone that smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for the last fifty years.

  “Ryan cares!” Cassie roared as she found her voice. Anger rose as she stared at the creature that took Ryan from her. “Let him the fuck out,” she demanded.

  “He likes it in here. We don’t want you,” the creature hissed as he looked her way. Cassie saw nothing but contempt in the creature’s eyes.

  “Fuck you,” she shouted and charged the cell.

  The Ravin reached out and grabbed her around the throat, and Cassie screamed. Lawson lunged forward and grabbed its hand, pulling, but its sharp claws dug deeper into her flesh. Cassie felt warm liquid run down her neck as she gasped for air.

  Cassie heard footsteps run from the room and wondered where Liv was going. She didn’t contemplate for long because in the next moment, the Ravin’s menacing laugh echoed in her ears and Liv shouted, “Laugh at this, asshole.”

  Cassie tried to look over her shoulder but couldn’t move. Suddenly, a growl pierced her ears, and Cassie saw a dart lodge in the Ravin’s cheek. The creature released its hold and yanked the metal tip from its face. Cassie quickly scrambled away from the cage, clutching her throat.

  The Ravin went berserk, pounding the metal bars and Cassie cupped her ears against the deafening sound, worried the bars would snap from the force. Cassie couldn’t believe this creature was Ryan. She’d never seen such a violent display from him. Would they ever get him back?

  In the next blink, Cassie felt strong arms around her waist and looked to see Lawson carrying her away from the cage. Liv was right beside them, and they rushed out of the room. Liv locked the door, and Lawson set Cassie on her feet.

  Cassie’s mind whirled, and her heart raced as she tried to wrap her brain around what happened. She glanced down and noticed her hand and sleeve were covered in blood.

  “My, God. Are you alright?” Liv blurted as she spun Cassie around, inspecting her neck.

  “I have no idea. How does it look? Am I going to bleed to death?” she replied, suddenly feeling faint.

  Cassie wasn’t some badass like Liv. Hell, she got queasy just seeing other people’s blood. She had no idea what it meant to get attacked by a Ravin.

  Liv rushed into a room next to Ryan’s and came out with a towel. “Here, apply pressure. It doesn’t look deep, but we need to stop the blood,” she explained.

  “Fuck, do I need to get a tetanus shot? Am I going to turn into one of those fucking things?” Cassie shouted.

  “No, you won’t. You’re going to be fine, but I’ll give you an antibiotic shot just to be safe,” Liv reassured as she helped Cassie secure the towel around her neck. “Come with me,” Liv added and led her and Lawson to a nearby lab.

  Liv gathered the supplies she needed and pointed Cassie toward a chair.

  “What the hell is happening to him? He’s not responding to treatment like Jerry did. Why, Liv?” Lawson asked, and Cassie saw the terror in his eyes.

  Cassie was wondering the same thing and squirmed in her seat.

  “Be still, Cass,” Liv ordered, and Cassie tried not to move while Liv cleaned her neck, and administered a shot.

  As Liv wrapped gauze around the wound, Cassie thought about Ryan and the fact that he’d received several infusions with no improvement.

  During Liv’s research to cure cancer, she accidentally discovered that blood of a shifter that had shared its life force reversed the effects of turning Ravin. That was what healed another shifter, Jeremiah Winger. Unfortunately, Ryan wasn’t experiencing the same results. If anything, Ryan seemed worse than ever.

  “Liv?” Lawson asked, agitation clear.

  “I know. I’m thinking. I don’t have any answers, Lawson, but I’m going to figure this out. We helped Jeremiah, and we will do the same for Ryan. You have to trust me,” Liv declared and reached over to caress Lawson’s cheek.

  Lawson nodded and pulled her close, holding her tight. “I do. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later. I feel like the longer the Ravin has control, the harder it will be to get through to him,” he confessed.

  Cassie’s heart dropped to her feet. She felt the same as Lawson, but hearing it aloud made it harder. She buried her face in her hands, trying to hold back the tears.

  “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. We’re insensitive,” Liv admitted and crouched down, so she was eye level with Cassie. “I’m going to bring Ryan back to us. To you. I promise,” her friend added.

  Cassie met her green eyes and saw sheer determination. If anyone could help Ryan, it was Liv.

  “You better, dammit,” she countered then chuckled. “He’s the first man I’ve dated for longer than three months, so we’re practically engaged,” she joked, feeling a smidge better.

  “No doubt. He’s a keeper for sure,” Liv said with a wink. “Let’s go back to Safe Haven, and try again tomorrow. After all, he’ll be sedated soon, so there isn’t anything else we can do tonight,” Liv divulged as she helped Cassie to her feet.

  “I suppose you’re right. Mind if I stay in Ryan’s room at the hotel?” Cassie asked as the three of them walked toward the front of S&K. Tomorrow was another day, and she wasn’t giving up on Ryan, either.

  “Of course. You can stay as long as needed,” Liv said as they exited the building and she locked the main door.

  When they turned around to walk to Liv’s Jeep, Cassie jumped as two officers appeared from out of nowhere, startling her. And then she spotted a familiar face with the cops. It was Bart Smith, Liv’s business partner and ex-boyfriend, who also happened to be the governor of Texas. What was he doing here on New Year’s Day? It couldn’t be about their company.

  Cassie’s gut churned as dread washed over her. This couldn’t be good.

  “Hello, Olivia, Lawson, Cassie,” Bart greeted in a professional tone Cassie had never heard.

  Cassie was more than aware of the strained relationship between Liv and Bart. The two were super close for years then Liv met Lawson, and fell in love. It crushed Bart. The man had carried a torch for her, and he wasn’t taking her rejection well. It seemed their friendship was beyond repair.

  “Hi, Bart. What’s going on?” Liv asked as she stared from Bart to the policemen.

  “Miss Kimbro. We hate to bother you, especially on a holiday, but we really need to ask you some questions,” one officer commented.

  Cassie gulped. What the fuck was going on?

  “It’s Mrs. Scott,” Liv corrected, and Cassie didn’t miss the shock on Bart’s face.

  Oh, snap, she thought. Liv just drove that dagger deeper into the man’s broken heart.

  “Oh, sorry. Mrs. Scott then. Can you come down to the station with us? This shouldn’t take long,” the other officer explained.

  “May I ask what this is about?” Lawson inquired and grabbed Liv’s hand.

  Cassie wanted to know, too. Her head darted back and forth, trying to get a read on Liv and Lawson, but their poker faces weren’t giving her any clue.

  “Of course. We need to ask you about Jim Jensen. I believe you know him?” the officer explained and turned to Liv.
br />   Oh, fuck. This was about Jim Jensen, the piece of fucking shit that held Lawson captive for three years. Cassie saw red as she thought about the vile man. He almost raped Liv, and he shot Lawson, nearly killing him.

  “Yes. He’s my former boss,” Liv replied and looked at Lawson then Cassie.

  “Right. Well, he’s been missing for quite some time, and we have reason to believe foul play was involved. So, can you take a few minutes and help us with our investigation?” the first officer inquired.

  Cassie crossed her arms over her chest. Damn straight foul play was involved, but she’d never utter a word about it. That man got what he deserved when Liv shot him. Hell, she killed him defending her life, and Lawson’s.

  Cassie noticed Lawson glaring at Bart and felt Lawson’s anger roll off in waves. It was obvious there was no love lost between the two, and Cassie knew the officers must feel their animosity, as well.

  Bart shrugged then muttered, “I told you once I went public, you might not like the outcome,” he spat as he glowered at Lawson.

  Cassie recalled Bart’s press conference, divulging the news about kidnapped shifters being tortured and held against their wills. She was grateful he decided to take a stand against the horrific abuse, but now he looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.

  Satisfaction spread across Bart’s face as he leered Lawson’s way. He knew Liv and Lawson were involved in Jim’s disappearance. Hell, Cassie was there, too, so she guessed that made her an accomplice. By the smug look on Bart’s face, he clearly assumed Lawson was responsible.

  Cassie couldn’t believe Bart was that vindictive, or that he was okay with Lawson being arrested when Bart knew damn-well Jim Jensen was evil. He witnessed Jim’s attack, and almost rape, against Liv. How could he do this to a woman he claimed he loved? What an asshole.

  More importantly, Bart’s presumption was dead wrong. Lawson wasn’t responsible for Jim’s death. Liv was. Cassie shook her head and whispered, “Happy fucking New Year.”

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