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Restoration Page 1

by Laurie Larsen


  Murrells Inlet Miracles, Volume 2

  Laurie Larsen

  Published by Random Moon Books, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. April 1, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Laurie Larsen.

  ISBN: 978-1386061144

  Written by Laurie Larsen.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Book Description | He broke her heart once. Can she take a chance on him again? | Carly Milner is doing all she can to make ends meet. Left pregnant and alone by her high school sweetheart, Carly has struggled to provide for her daughter while getting her career off the ground. Just when she is getting her life back on track, Ryan Melrose walks back into her life. Can she trust him again?

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Seventeen

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  Laurie's Letter to the Readers

  Excerpt to Book 3 of Murrells Inlet Miracles: CRESCENDO

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  About the Author

  Book Description

  He broke her heart once. Can she take a chance on him again?

  Carly Milner is doing all she can to make ends meet. Left pregnant and alone by her high school sweetheart, Carly has struggled to provide for her daughter while getting her career off the ground. Just when she is getting her life back on track, Ryan Melrose walks back into her life. Can she trust him again?

  Realizing too late that he should never have listened to his parents, golden boy Ryan Melrose is ready to admit he was wrong. He never should have deserted Carly or their daughter. Now, he wants to live the life God intended for him and work for a second chance at love. But Carly struggles to trust him. Can he prove his faith and his love for her by showing Carly and their daughter his true devotion?

  Chapter One

  Carly Milner steered her tired old Honda Civic into the staff parking lot of Ocean View Community College. She pushed it into Park and gave the accelerator a few " vroom-vrooms " with her foot. The engine roared to life ... for a few seconds. Then, it conked out.

  Carly sighed. She looked around, wondering if any of her new co-workers were watching. Then she remembered that it was her first day, and she had no idea who her co-workers were. A young man in a shirt and tie peered in her direction from about ten feet away, and she waved, giving him a friendly grin. She murmured to the Civic, "Thank you for getting me here. Now, get a rest, and make sure you get me back home, too, you hear?"

  She opened the door and stepped out, giving the blue exterior a pat. She and the vehicle had an understanding: it would continue to deliver her safely to where she and Grace needed to go, and when she finally had a little money socked away, she'd dole some out for engine repairs. Now that she had a decent job, maybe that would come sooner rather than later.

  But first things first. She followed a small line of people into the side door of the college, located the Admissions Department, and walked in. Seeing no familiar faces, she went to a chest-high counter. The young woman standing behind it tapped away at a keyboard.

  "Good morning. I'm Carly Milner. Today's my first day of work."

  The young woman looked up. "Oh yes! Dave told us to expect you. He's in a meeting till nine, but I'm supposed to show you to your desk and get you logged into your email. You can go see him in his office when he's free."

  A rush of pure adrenaline circulated through Carly's body. A real office job. A desk. A computer! Gone were the days of wearing a polyester uniform to work, apron and orthopedic shoes. No carrying trays burdened with food and trying to remember who ordered what. And ... no hairnets in sight!

  She smiled at her co-worker and held her hand out. "Well, I'm thrilled to be here, and thrilled to meet you ... um?"

  "Haley! Sorry."

  "No problem, Haley. You show me what to do and where to go and I'll get out of your hair."

  Haley led her into the depths of the big room, past several rows of desks until she reached an empty one. A plastic tag hung, Velcro’d to the fabric wall of the cubicle: Carly Milner. Carly ran her fingers over it and had to remind herself to release her breath. She sat in the desk chair and twirled it excitedly, stopping abruptly when she noticed Haley's amused expression.

  "First job?"

  Carly considered, restraining a grin. "You could say that, I guess. Not first job ever, but certainly my most professional job, the one that's going to lead me to a bright and successful future."

  Haley nodded, impressed.

  Fifteen minutes later, Carly was exploring the Admissions guidelines manual on the college's intranet. She was so absorbed that she didn't notice Haley standing in front of her desk until she heard, "Earth to Carly."

  Carly looked up, eyes wide. "Sorry. Were you speaking to me?"

  "Yes, I was. Only to tell you that a super cute hunk is here asking for you."

  "For me? You must be mistaken," Carly said, eyebrows crunched in confusion.

  "You're the only Carly Milner who works here." Haley subtly gestured across the room with her index finger, in the direction of the Admissions Office door. Carly let her gaze follow.

  She gasped.

  "Do you know him?"

  Did she know him! Did she ever. Although what on earth he was doing here, she had no idea.

  He happened to glance in their direction and raised a hand, a gorgeous smile suddenly covering his face. "Oh hey, Carly!"

  Carly groaned discernibly. Those longish chestnut locks, cocoa-brown eyes and white smile. That voice with the cute Low Country accent. It was why she'd fallen for him so deeply when she was just sixteen.

  And as much as she didn't want to admit it, it was why they now shared a two-year-old daughter.

  "You can bring him to your desk if he wants to talk about taking classes."

  "Oh, no, that's all right. Can I take a quick five-minute break to go talk to him?"

  "Fine with me. Dave isn't ready for you yet anyway."

  Carly tucked her chin into her chest and marched to the front of the office. When she reached Ryan, and he looked like he was about to give her an enthusiastic greeting, she grabbed his arm and dragged him to the front door, opened it and manhandled him through. On the other side of the closed door, she hissed, "What are you doing here?"

  "I wanted to see you about something."

  She sputtered, not even sure where to start with that one. How about the most obvious question? "How did you know I was here?"

  He had the decency to blush, which always meant that he'd done something sneaky and was embarrassed by it. "Ahh, well, I followed you."

  "You did what?"

  "I mean ... I was coming to your apartment this morning to visit you and Grace, and you were just pulling out. I decided to see where you were going, and you ended up here."

  Her mouth dropped as she stared at him, thinking about his

  "You're working here now?"

  "Ryan, I'm giving you two minutes to tell me what it is you're here for and then get out. Yes, I'm working here now. It's my first day and I need to make a good impression. I don't need you to get me in trouble, you hear?"

  "Oh. In that case, I guess I need to hurry up and tell you what I came here to say. Even though this isn’t how I planned it. No, not at all." He cleared his throat, looked closely into her eyes and lowered his voice to a murmur. "I miss you, Carly. I miss what we could've had all along. I messed up when I put my own needs ahead of yours and our daughter’s. Messed up big time. But I'm ready for it now. I want to be a family with you and Grace."

  Her eyes popped open wide, and then the rushed morning, the skipped breakfast, the super-caffeinated coffee and Ryan's surprise confession all rushed to her head simultaneously. Bees buzzed in her ears, dark swirls filled her eyes, and she fell ... right into his arms.

  SHE WAS SO TINY, HER weight barely strained his biceps. He’d caught her when she’d fainted, and now held her in his arms, gazing down into her freckled face, her complexion almost translucent in its fairness. Her lashes brushed against her cheeks and the crease that had been etched into her forehead a moment ago was now gone. Without thinking, he lifted her closer to his face and inhaled a deep breath of her scent.

  He smiled. Still the same: Juicy Couture. It was her trademark scent back in their high school days. It was reassuring to know that some things hadn’t changed.

  So much between the two of them had changed between then and now. He’d never been so head over heels for a girl before Carly. He used to love spending time with her, making her laugh, surprising her with little gifts or outings.

  His decision to go away to college seemed like a good thing to do at the time. His parents, graciously, picked up his slack with his unplanned daughter, seeing her regularly, establishing their side of the family in her life, even paying the court-appointed child support for him. He’d tried to immerse himself into college life, partying on the weekend and studying all week as if he were any other young guy.

  A few years in, and it all felt ... wrong. A lie. A ruse.

  And everything centered around this beautiful young lady who now lay in his arms. And the other beautiful young lady they’d created together.

  Carly opened her eyes, blinking quickly. “Ryan. What ...?”

  “Hey baby, you’re okay. You fainted and I caught you. How are you feeling?”

  Carly shook her head, orienting herself to her surroundings. She looked straight at him. “Put me down, this instant.”

  Regretfully, because he liked holding her, he tilted her, so her feet landed gently on the ground, then carefully released her.

  And then she punched him.

  “Oooof!” he grunted. “What the heck?”

  She straightened her skirt, then skittered her hands over her hair. “What part of me wanting to make a professional impression on my first day of work, did you not understand, Ryan?”

  He recovered from her fist to his shoulder and retorted, “Would you rather that I let you hit the ground? Get a black eye or a bloody cheek? How professional would that be?”

  She stared for a second, then took a slight step away from him. “What happened anyway?”

  “No clue. We were talking one minute, and the next, you passed out.”

  “I skipped breakfast this morning.”

  So typical of Carly. So conscientious, so ambitious. Never put her own needs first. “Can I go get you an Egg McMuffin?”

  “No. I need to get back to work.”

  “You need your protein, Carly. I’ll go get it and bring it back for you to eat at your desk.”

  “I don’t know ...”

  “I do. You can’t stop me. You can throw it in the trash if you want, but you can’t stop me from getting you some McDonalds goodness.”

  He was gratified to see the start of a chuckle, which she scaled back to a grin. Her eyes connected with his and his heart increased its rate just a little. “Okay, thank you, Ryan. I do need to take better care of myself, but I was in a rush this morning.”

  He dared to raise a thumb and drag it over her cheek. Surprisingly, she didn’t flinch. “I’m sure it’s not easy taking care of Grace all alone, especially when you’re on a tight schedule.”

  “You’re right, it’s not. She’s a handful sometimes. And these are brand new work hours for me compared to my steak house shift. But this is for our future ... hers and mine. She’ll get used to it. She’s a good girl.”

  She looked up at him, their 12-inch difference in height obvious. “Don’t think I forgot what you told me before I fainted, Ryan.”

  “Oh, yeah! We need to talk about that.”

  “No, we don’t. There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “What ...?”

  “Absolutely nothing.”

  And with that declaration, she turned, flung open the door and disappeared. He watched her and couldn’t stop the fond smile that crossed his lips. His Carly. Independent, smart, courageous. She’d come around. She’d realize that they’d be good together as a couple and raise Grace together.

  She didn’t know it now, but she’d get there. He’d make sure of it.

  CARLY MADE A BEELINE to her desk, determined not to address any curious inquiries from Haley. The last thing she wanted to broadcast to her new colleagues was the status of her relationship with Ryan. Or, lack thereof. He’d made his priorities very clear when he’d left her with an infant to raise all alone while he’d gone off and lived his collegiate dream. He’d had plans to go away to college before the baby, and nothing was going to stop him from fulfilling them ... even after the baby was born.

  Not that Carly would’ve wanted to stomp on his dreams. If he’d shown any indication of being committed to her and Grace when he’d first graduated from high school, she would’ve held off on her own plans for a college education until after he was done. People did that when they were in love. But obviously, their love was one-sided. He’d never considered tweaking his plans. Of going to college locally while being a part of Grace’s life. While being a part of Carly’s life. What had happened to all those professions of love he’d delivered when they were dating? Did all those feelings disappear in his rearview mirror on his way to Chapel Hill?

  A tear stung her eye and she brusquely pushed it away. Two years. Two years now, she’d been Grace’s mother, handling all the responsibility of raising a baby, with help from Grace’s grandparents when she needed to work. Where was Ryan through all of that? He was living the good life at college, studying with no interruptions and earning a perfect grade point average. Partying on the weekends and making friends at the fraternity. He was living the life every college student wanted.

  But not every college student had a baby back home.

  The phone on her desk rang, bringing her head up and her mind back to business. She hesitated a moment and then answered it, “Ocean View Community College. Admissions Department. This is Carly.”

  “Carly. It’s Haley.” Haley’s voice not only came to her through the phone, but it also projected from across the open room. Stereo.

  “Oh hi, Haley.”

  “Special delivery coming your way.”

  Carly stood up and saw that Ryan had returned. He caught her eyes from across the room, a happy smile gracing his face, and held up a bag of fast food. “Haley, just take the bag from him and tell him I’m too busy to see him again. In fact, tell him I have a meeting with the boss.”

  “Oh, uh ...”

  “Please Haley, just do it.” She hung up, grabbed a notepad and walked away toward the back of the room. Although she had no idea where the boss’s office was, she made sure to walk with enough purpose to fool Ryan.

  When she reached the far corner, she turned and looked over the seated heads of her co-workers and saw that sure enough, Ryan had lef
t. Relief flooded her heart. And then a trace of regret.

  Ryan had come to see her and tell her he wanted to reunite as a family. He had never ever done that before. Isn’t that what she wanted? Isn’t that what she’d dreamed of for months on end? Wouldn’t that be the best for Grace, to have her daddy and her mommy together, for her sake?

  Was there room in her heart to give him a second chance?

  And then, a steel door in her brain closed with a firm clank. No. Ryan had absolutely destroyed her with his abandonment. She wasn’t about to open herself up to the possibility that he’d do it again.

  The coast clear, she returned to her desk and plopped down in her chair. Haley arrived with Ryan’s peace offering a moment later. She placed it lightly on her desk, her eyebrows up in an unspoken question. “Soooo, here’s your breakfast that the cute hunk went out and bought for you and delivered back to you.”

  Carly grimaced. “Thanks, Haley.”

  “I’m sure you have a good reason why you’re not happy to see him. But I sure wouldn’t kick that one out of bed for eating crackers.”

  A laugh escaped. “Can it just suffice to say for now that it’s a long story and leave it at that?”

  “Okay, okay. But I will say that on top of being a total hottie, he really seems devoted to you.”

  Carly snorted. “Oh, if you only knew ...”

  Haley continued, “He asked me to make sure you ate this meal because you needed your energy and he made me promise to watch you to make sure you didn’t throw it away.”


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