To Awaken a Monster (In the Arms of Monsters Book 1)

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To Awaken a Monster (In the Arms of Monsters Book 1) Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  When she joined Bishop on the sofa, he’d put on another scary movie.

  That was Bishop all over, doing what he wanted without a care for anyone else. At least some things didn’t change.


  The men who’d ran him and Robin off the road had been a little tricky to find. For the most part, he hadn’t been able to get a good look at the car, or the people. Everything had happened so fast.

  Preacher had no choice but to call in a few favors. One of those coming from Billy. It had set him back a couple of grand, but Billy had given him access to the tapes that showed cars going in the same direction as he had been. It was a dark night, and it hadn’t been clear.

  He had a computer guy who’d been all too ready to help him out, for a price. So with some money and drugs thrown at his computer guy, he’d gotten the license plate number. Of course, the car had been rented and the names had been aliases but the men couldn’t hide their faces from the camera. All it took was a little backtracking and he’d been able to find the men who were currently chained up with rats surrounding them.

  For the last two days, he’d been torturing them. They were two addicts who told him they’d been paid to put him in the ground. They really thought they’d killed him, and in return, O’Klaren wouldn’t throw their asses in jail on drug charges.

  It was sad, really. O’Klaren liked to get a couple of assholes to do his ugly work for him.

  He didn’t know why he was even surprised. Grave and Frost stood beside him as they listened to the men’s screams. Only two men had been in the car that day, but they’d wanted to put as many people away with them.

  Preacher intended to kill every single person who’d helped O’Klaren. Their deaths would be long and slow.

  The rats were a nice touch, but it worked for him that Cheeky liked to work with rats and so was currently grabbing the rats and putting them away in their cage. He never asked about the men’s extracurricular activities, and he really didn’t care unless it helped him.

  Staring at the men now, with little bite marks on their bodies, he stepped closer.

  “Fuck! Let me go. We don’t know anything. O’Klaren said it would be easy. So fucking easy. We didn’t know who he wanted us to fuck with.”

  “Come on. We didn’t want to go to jail. It was just a little coke. Nothing too bad. We didn’t mean to upset you. Honest.”

  He listened as both men begged. “You do whatever you’re asked to cover your ass?”

  “You know we do. We didn’t mean to hurt you. We were just following orders. Please, stop, we can’t take anymore.”

  “You want me to stop?”

  “Yes!” They both screamed.

  Preacher stared at the two men. “Did you know I had a young woman in the truck with me? Did you know that? She was eighteen, pregnant.”

  Both men stopped sobbing.

  “I can tell you she lost the baby.” Preacher laughed. “You see, her stomach was making the drive really uncomfortable for her, so she was removing her jacket. She hadn’t been feeling well. You know, being big and it was her first pregnancy. Then you hit the car. She didn’t have time to get her seatbelt on. She was thrown from the window when you shoved us off the road.” He got to his feet, lifting up a piece of glass. “Don’t worry, this isn’t the glass they took out of her. This was the piece of glass that embedded itself into her stomach. Killing my kid. Now the doctor can’t tell me if the baby died because of this, or from the impact, or anything else. Only, the baby is dead. Gone. I had to listen to her screams. She begged for me to save the baby. Not herself. She wanted that baby. She survived the crash, but she hasn’t been the same. In fact, I know she’s broken. There was a time she’d laugh, joke around, even dance. Now, I don’t see her doing anything other than studying or staring into space, and I know you’re the ones to blame for her pain.” He looked at each one while still holding the piece of glass. “You want me to let you leave? Why should I when I have to pay every single day for what you’ve done? When I look at her, I know she’s hurting, and I can’t bring back what she lost. You took our baby from her.”

  The rage festered in the pit of his stomach.

  He heard her screams once again, the rain pelting all around him, the scent of dirt and blood hanging in the air.

  Lifting the glass, he embedded it in the first man’s leg, who let out a roar of pain. Next, he did it to the second man, who tried to scramble away. The chains wouldn’t let him get too far.

  One day soon they would die, but not today.

  Twisting the piece of glass in both men, he removed it and stepped back, looking at his handiwork.

  He’d done a good job.

  Wiping his hands in the sink, he turned to Grave and Frost. “Make sure none of them die.”

  “Why are you torturing them?” Grave asked. “What about O’Klaren?”

  “I’ll handle him.” He turned to look at Grave. “Are you questioning me?”

  “I … no, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to. It’s just that, it’s not like you to leave someone alone for this length of time.”

  “Oh, believe me, when I get my hands on O’Klaren, it’s going to get bloody.” He put his jacket back on. “Until then, I need to deal with those two assholes.”

  “Got it,” Grave said.

  “Remember, I want them both alive. No excuses. I will hold you and Frost personally responsible if you let them die.”

  “They won’t die on our watch. I can guarantee it.”


  He left the warehouse and got on his bike.

  Revving the engine, he took off, building up his speed and passing the limit with ease.

  Robin’s screams followed him wherever he went, and no matter what he did, he couldn’t escape them. She hadn’t returned to her usual bubbly self, and he knew she was hurting still. She’d just gotten better at hiding it. Either his son was an asshole, or he really didn’t care that she was suffering and he just wanted his friend back.

  Bear and Rebecca had also stopped coming around. Something was off with Rebecca. He wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but he’d figure it out. Since the accident his head hadn’t been in the game, but it wouldn’t last forever. One day, every single person who’d hurt Robin was going to suffer, including Reaper. He knew the Slaves of the Beast MC hadn’t moved on. He was going to make them regret not leaving.

  O’Klaren had pushed the wrong man, and he was going to take him out.

  Arriving at his clubhouse, he parked his bike in his spot. The lot was busy, but he knew Bear had organized another party at Preacher’s agreement.

  Drink and women would be free and flowing tonight.

  Ignoring the calls of his men and women, he made his way up to his room where he took a quick shower.

  Closing his eyes, he let the water run down his face.

  “I … I don’t want to do this, Preacher. She’s our little girl. We only had a couple of months.”

  Washing the day’s grime, sweat, and blood off his body, he turned off the shower.

  Walking into his bedroom he came to a stop when he saw Joanne perched on the edge of his bed.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I figured you’d want some company.”

  “You thought wrong.”

  She got to her feet, and the robe she’d been wearing slid open, revealing a perfect body, high, pert, heavy tits, tiny waist, slim, even a waxed pussy.

  There was a time he’d have loved to bury himself deep inside her.

  “Come on, Preacher. I know you want it.” She stepped up toward him, touching his arm.

  He grabbed her hard by the back of the neck. “What I want you don’t have the first fucking clue on how to give it to me.” Opening his door, he threw her out of his room. “Stay the fuck away from me, or the next time you come here, I’ll bury my knife in your nasty cunt.”

  Slamming his door closed, he pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt.

  Walking do
wnstairs, he came to a stop when he saw Robin dancing with Bishop. She’d been looking at the door, and when she saw him, she immediately averted her gaze.

  What the fuck was she doing here?

  “Good party,” Rider said. “A lot of chicks out here want you, Preacher.”

  “Then enjoy them while I’m not available. I’m heading home.”

  “What? You’re not going to taste them?”

  “No, I’m not.” He wasn’t in the mood to taste any pussy, or any woman for that matter.


  Robin hadn’t seen Preacher since he’d come out of his room. Joanne joined the rest of the party, and she looked happy.

  Had Preacher used her? She’d heard the women talking about Preacher’s lack of interest in all of them. Did he suddenly have an interest? Should she care?

  Nibbling her lip, she tried not to think of the pain.

  Sipping at her water, she stared onto the dance floor. Bishop had made her forget her pain for a short time. Only, seeing Preacher, it had brought it all back and something else as well.

  She wasn’t used to feeling such a strong emotion.


  There’s no way she should be jealous of Joanne, and yet, she’d felt it.

  There was no getting away from the ugliness of her feelings.

  Finishing off her water, she couldn’t see Bishop. He wasn’t on the dance floor, nor outside in the yard.

  Walking in, she made her way up toward his room and paused when she saw the door partially open.

  If he’s in there with someone, I’m leaving.

  If he wasn’t then she’d stay, and they’d talk.

  Instead of lifting her hand to knock, she stepped close to the door, and pushed it open, only slightly.

  Bishop was there all right.

  Joanne was between his legs, sucking on his cock.

  “Yeah, hurry up. I need to go back downstairs.”

  “I can make it worth your while to stay up here. You can have my ass, Bishop. I know you like to have that. I’ll give you what you want. I won’t say anything. It’ll be our little secret.”

  Bishop didn’t even hesitate.

  “Go on then, hot stuff. You show me what you’ve got.”

  Robin stepped back. Bishop would never change, and the truth was, she didn’t want him to. Why change someone who knew what he wanted? She was the problem, not him.

  Staring down at her hands, she removed the gold band and placed it on the floor. If he found it, then he’d know.

  Turning on her heel, she made her way downstairs, avoiding her father. People moved out of her way, and she quickly cleared the parking lot, finding Bishop’s car.

  She rushed toward the driver’s side, found the keys still in the ignition where he always kept them at the clubhouse. No one would touch his car as he was Preacher’s son. The one label he hated being called actually kept his car safe.

  Turning over the ignition, she smiled, reversing out of the space and leaving the clubhouse.

  She glanced behind her, and no one tried to stop her.

  With every mile she took, she felt lighter.

  This thing between her and Bishop, it was over. She wasn’t going to be with him. There was no reason to keep on pretending they were going to be together. It wasn’t going to happen. They were too different, and no matter what they were in the past, she couldn’t go back. There was no going back, only forward.

  There was a reason she was jealous of those women. When it came to Preacher, she didn’t want him to be with anyone else. It was selfish of her, but she wanted him all to herself, and she didn’t know what else to do.

  The thought of other women, she hated it.

  Seeing Bishop, hearing him, there was no feeling because there was nothing there for her to be jealous of.

  There was no point in caring.

  They were best friends.

  Their married state was because their family needed them to be, but other than that, there was no connection. She’d always care about him, love him, but it was never on the scale that Bishop wanted. She didn’t even know if he loved her, or if he just thought he loved her.

  Pressing her foot to the gas, she gunned the engine, needing to clear this matter up in her head once and for all.

  The drive felt way too long, and she didn’t try to think about the possibility of rejection. She had to know the truth one way or another, and the only way to find it out, was to confront it head on.

  Finally pulling into Preacher’s driveway, she turned off the ignition and didn’t see any sign of another car that would let her know he had company.

  Climbing out of the car, she took the steps and moved toward the door. She went to grip the doorknob, but stopped herself, stepping back.

  What the hell are you doing?

  Why are you stopping?

  What do you have to lose?

  What did she have to lose?

  Her feelings for Bishop were never going to change. They hadn’t changed in the past eighteen years. Their friendship was more important to her than sleeping with him.

  She stepped into Preacher’s house, closing the door, flicking the lock into place. Her heart raced, and she felt a coil in the pit of her stomach, which made her feel sick.

  Still, she didn’t back down.

  Soft, classical music played. The kind Preacher liked.

  She took each step, one at a time, moving closer into the room, before finally she saw him.

  He sat with no shirt on, on the sofa. A few candles were lit, a bottle of beer beside him, and what looked like a steaming mug of hot chocolate. His foot was perched on his knee, and leaning forward, he was drawing.

  She stepped on an odd floorboard, and he looked up.

  “Robin,” he said. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the party?”

  He put the sketchbook down, closing it and getting to his feet. Staring at him now, words failed her.

  What exactly did she say to him that didn’t make her sound like an immature girl?

  “I don’t want to be at the party,” she said.

  “What’s wrong? Did Bishop do anything?”

  “Not to me.” She looked away. Get your shit together.

  “I can’t help you until you tell me what it is you want,” he said.

  “You want to know what I want?” she asked.

  “Yes. I want to know so I can make your life better.”

  Staring at him now, she knew there was no getting away from what she wanted to ask him.

  “Do you want me?” she asked.


  “You know what I’m asking you.” She took another step toward him then another, only stopping when she was right in front of him. All it would take was a little poke and she’d be touching him. There wasn’t a chance of poking him though, but touching his heavily inked chest was something she really wanted to do right about now. Would it be so bad to touch him, to feel his naked skin against her own?

  “I know what you’re asking, but you belong to Bishop.”

  “Says who? You? The world? The engagement ring? We all know this is a falsehood to keep the cops off our backs. I love Bishop. He’s my best friend and I wouldn’t want to see him hurt for anything, but that’s all it is. We’re friends. Nothing more.” Lifting her hand up. “Tell me you don’t feel this? Tell me you don’t want it.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “I know Joanne was coming to you tonight. She wanted to be your present. I hated it. I was jealous of her because she could go to you to be your present, but I, I couldn’t.”

  “You’re confused.”

  She wasn’t going to let him push her away out of guilt or a misplaced sense of trying to take care of her.

  Gripping the back of his neck, she pressed her body against his, and brought his head down so she could kiss him.

  Preacher didn’t fight her.

  He didn’t push her away.

  As his lips brushed hers, she knew d
eep down, she was making the right decision. At first, he didn’t do anything. His lips were next to hers, and suddenly, one of his hands was at her hip, and the other sinking into her hair, holding her close.

  The kiss turned from cold to passionate within a heartbeat.

  She moaned his name, but it didn’t get a chance to be expelled into the air as he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  Closing her eyes, she wasn’t afraid, or nervous. This was what she wanted. His touch was everything to her.

  She ran her hands down his arms, and back up again.

  Just as suddenly as the kiss deepened, Preacher stopped.

  “I don’t want to scare you.”

  “You’re not.”

  “Robin, you don’t know what you want.”

  “Are you afraid? Is that why you’re fighting this? I know I want you. I’m not fighting it. I’ve only ever been with you, Preacher, and you’re the one I want.” She stroked a finger down his chest, resting her palm flat against his heart. “Tell me you don’t want me.”

  “I think you know I do.”

  “Do you know I’ve never even had an orgasm? Our time together was our first and only time.” She looked him in the eye and smiled. “I want all of my firsts, to be with you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The good guy would send her away.

  The good guy wouldn’t take her hand, leading her upstairs to his bedroom.

  The good guy would make sure she was only with his son.

  It was a good thing that Preacher wasn’t a good guy.

  He hadn’t been with a woman since the night of his son’s party. The only woman he’d been wanting was this one right here, the one who’d just confessed how much she wanted him, and damn it, if it didn’t turn him on.

  Once inside his bedroom, he closed the door and moved up close to her.

  Cupping the back of her neck, he tilted her head back, kissing those full, plump lips that had been driving him insane for a while now. He’d been imagining the feel of them.

  The vague memory he had of that one night wasn’t a good experience, but he intended to wipe the slate clean.

  Robin didn’t have to think of those moments, or worry about them. They were over. He’d show her what it was really supposed to be like.


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