Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3)

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Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3) Page 20

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Not a minute later, she saw Bill enter the backyard and place pizza boxes on the table. Wyatt and Oliver headed to the front, coming back with stacks of pizzas in their hands.

  It was like they’d ordered enough pizzas for a village. Which worked for Lexie.

  As the boys dug in, Lexie went over to thank Bill.

  “The pizzas smell amazing. Thanks for always feeding us, Bill.”

  “I’m here to help.”

  Lexie frowned. Was it just her imagination, or were there worry lines lurking around Bill’s face?

  Placing a hand on his arm, she tried to catch his eye. “Is everything okay, Bill?”

  Bill nodded as he scrubbed his hand over his face. “Of course. The restaurant’s just been busy. I’ve been a bit run off my feet. I think it’s taking its toll.”

  Taking a step closer, Lexie felt for the other man. He was the hardest worker Lexie knew. “It’s okay to ask for help, Bill. All the guys from Marble Protection would help at a moment’s notice. All you need to do is ask.”

  An emotion that Lexie couldn’t quite identify flashed across Bill’s face before he quickly cleared it. “Thanks, Lexie. I’ll see you around.”

  Then he was gone. Heading toward his truck before she could say any more.

  “Come have some pizza, Lex. The baby needs to eat,” Asher murmured in her ear from behind.

  Lexie dragged her eyes from the driveway. “The baby?” She reeled back. “I need to eat, Asher. This mama’s hungry!”

  Asher chuckled. “Come on. How about we feed you both.”


  Nervous tension hit Lexie as she watched Sage read the number on the measuring tape.

  Lexie was big. Bigger than big. She was huge—and she had a feeling she knew exactly what the other woman was about to say to her.

  Lexie had researched large babies. She’d researched the absolute heck out of it. According to Dr. Google, most people in the medical profession wanted the baby out as soon as medically safe when this large.

  “Thanks for coming to Marble Protection today,” she said as Sage wrote some more notes in Lexie’s file. The doctor’s silence was killing her. “Asher hasn’t been here a lot so he wanted to come in today and support the guys. He also knows he’ll need some time off when the baby comes. And where he goes, I go.”

  Maybe Lexie could distract the other woman so she wouldn’t suggesting something like a scheduled cesarean.

  “That’s not a problem, Lexie. Anywhere, anytime.”

  Lexie began nervously tapping her fingers on the desk. Hopefully that anytime was far into the future. Like due-date or later.

  Sage put down the file and leaned her hip against the desk.

  Oh crap, this was it. The dreaded “let’s get the baby out ASAP” chat.

  “You’ve dropped.”

  Lexie frowned. That was not what she was expecting the other woman to say.

  “What do you mean, I’ve dropped?”

  Was that doctor talk for some sort of pregnancy stage?

  Sage gave a patient smile. “Your baby has dropped. Have you noticed that your bump is a lot lower?”

  Lexie had noticed that her bump was bigger. It got bigger every day.

  “Not really. What does that mean, exactly?” Although Lexie had a feeling she knew exactly what that meant. Lower baby could only mean…

  “It means the baby’s coming. Soon.”

  Eyes widening, Lexie was so shocked she might have toppled off her chair had she not been hanging on so tight. “But I’m only thirty-five weeks pregnant.”

  And she still had a million things she needed to do. Her due date wasn’t for another month. More than a month. She was supposed to have time.

  “When you say soon, how long do you mean, exactly?”

  Lexie held out hope that the doctor would give her at least a couple of weeks.

  “Anywhere between a day to a week. These things aren’t an exact science.”

  Holy crap. That was soon.

  Breathe in, breathe out.

  Focusing on her breaths, she tried to stop herself from having a full-blown anxiety attack.

  She would be giving birth in a week or less. Birth. She knew this point would come, but it was always at some stage in the future. And there had always been something else going on to distract her.

  From everything Lexie had read, birth was hard. Of course, there were the stories where women had made it sound easy. Magical even. But who knew what her experience would be? Birth was unpredictable.

  And then after the birth came the baby. A real, live, breathing baby who would be her responsibility.

  “Lexie.” Sage lowered to her knees and took Lexie’s hands in her own. “Here’s my suggestion. Tonight, spend the evening with Asher and tell him in your own time what I’ve told you. Tomorrow, pop into the hospital and we’ll do a scan. Baby is healthy. Remember that. This baby has been ahead of schedule the entire pregnancy, so this isn’t a huge surprise. If baby comes within the week, that’s okay because the main thing a baby needs is love from Mom and Dad. Relax and breathe.”

  Nodding her head, Lexie felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. “So, a week or less?”

  “A week or less.”

  So many things popped into her head that she needed to buy and do. Lexie had wanted to sleep in until midday, then cook a million meals to pop into the freezer. She had wanted to visit the local shops and buy bits and pieces to decorate the nursery.

  “We haven’t even chosen a name.”

  Sage shrugged. “I hear that names often come to parents when they hold their baby in their arms.”

  Would that happen? Would she look at her baby boy or girl and just know what to call them?

  “Is it okay if I sit here for a few minutes? Process everything.”

  Sage stood but then lowered herself into the seat beside Lexie. “Of course. I’ll sit right here with you if you’d like.”

  Lexie didn’t say anything. Instead, she reached over and entwined her fingers with Sage’s.

  * * *

  Asher bit back a curse when he looked at the time. He’d gotten so caught up in the meeting, he’d missed Lexie’s appointment with Sage.

  Leaving the office, he went in search of her. But he couldn’t wipe the scowl from his face after what he’d just learned.

  Evie had finally found a lead on what the “distraction” might have been the day John Roberts had died. The car chase had happened so long ago, Asher had all but forgotten about it.

  For months, Evie had been searching for anything out of the ordinary in Marble Falls. She’d found nothing.

  So about a month ago, she’d changed tactics and started watching traffic cam footage around Marble Falls. That led to her discovering video surveillance of three military-looking men in various locations around town.

  Noticing how out of place and unfamiliar the men appeared, Evie went deeper, hacking private security footage from shops all over town. The same men had been spotted around town sporadically, never in the same place as one another.

  The sightings started the day Asher had chased John. Before that, nothing.

  When Evie had shown them some footage, Asher had immediately identified one of the men as one who had kidnapped and attacked Lexie. The man Asher had killed.

  Asher was betting the other two men were the men who got away.

  The team had concluded that all signs pointed to it being John’s mission to distract the team while the men moved into Marble Falls. The question remained, though—where the hell were the two remaining men hiding?

  When Evie had looked deeper and used facial recognition software, she found the men were ex-military. Dishonorably discharged. Exactly the type of men Project Arma began recruiting after going underground. Basically, taking whoever they could get their hands on.

  What was more disturbing—and what really upset Asher—was the likelihood of someone in Marble Falls helping them.

  Someone he knew could be en
tangled in all this…and it made him angry. More than angry, it made him furious.

  Clenching his fists, Asher attempted to clear his features. No way did he want Lexie finding out the men had been in town all this time. He’d been doing anything and everything to keep stress out of her life, and that was exactly how he intended to keep it.

  She could kick his ass for keeping secrets when she was no longer pregnant. Until then, she stayed in the dark.

  Spotting Lexie behind the front desk, the first thing Asher noticed was the worry lines around her eyes. Damn, had Evie already told her?

  Asher smiled as he pulled Lexie into his arms.

  “Ready to go home, baby mama?”

  Lexie smiled but the strain on her face remained. “I am past ready. And I’m hungry.”

  “Hungry? Then I’m not doing my job right looking after you, am I?”

  “Lucky for you, this isn’t the Dark Ages and women can feed and take care of themselves now.”

  Shaking his head, Asher pulled Lexie closer. “Incorrect. I take care of you regardless of the period we live in.”

  Lowering his head, he pressed his lips against hers. She tasted of strawberries. Coaxing her mouth open, he deepened the kiss, loving the soft purr that escaped Lexie’s lips.

  “Get a room, guys.”

  Asher growled at the sound of Luca’s voice. He reluctantly pulled his mouth away from Lexie’s. Keeping her body firmly against his, he turned his head to see Luca, Evie, Mason, and Wyatt. He saw a twinkle in Luca’s eye.

  “Leaving so soon?” And by that, he meant get the hell out of there so he could get some privacy.

  “We are. And the others left through the back, so do what you want but lock up after yourselves,” Mason said, urging the others forward.

  “Yeah, do what you want but do us all a favor and wipe down the counter before you leave,” Luca laughed.

  Evie swung her head around. “Luca!”

  Asher took a threatening step toward him, but lucky for his friend, Mason ushered them out the building quickly.

  Lowering his gaze back to Lexie, he noticed she was frowning again.

  “Everything okay?” he pushed some escaped hair behind her ear.

  Raising her brows, Lexie nodded quickly. “I’m just hungry.”

  That was a lie.

  Concern shot through Asher’s chest. Lexie frequently avoided discussing anything she thought might upset him. But he knew if he pushed, she’d retreat.

  He watched her for a moment longer before deciding not to press it. For now.

  “What do you feel like? Burgers from the diner, Chinese, pizza…?”

  Relief washed over Lexie’s features. “Thank God you suggested fast food. I really don’t feel like cooking or cleaning up tonight. But please, no pizza. I’m a bit sick of it. Burgers maybe?”


  Asher watched Lexie as she collected her things. Walking out, she came to a stop before they reached the door. “Actually, can we stop at Marino’s? I left my sweater there the other night.”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  Asher was rewarded with another lyrical chuckle from her.

  There was no way he would ever get sick of that sound.

  Locking up, Asher took her hand in his and they headed across the road. When he glanced up at the pizzeria for the first time, he realized all the lights were off.

  “It looks like Bill’s shut up for the night,” Lexie said as she pressed her face to the glass in an attempt to see inside.

  Asher didn’t need to get any closer. He could see inside perfectly. Seats were on tables and there wasn’t a soul in sight. And he spotted her sweater immediately on the coat rack at the back of the room.

  “He often shuts on Tuesday nights. But I can see your sweater. I’m sure he won’t mind if we grab it.” Asher took a step toward Marble Protection, Lexie’s hand still in his.

  “You want to go in? But the door’s locked.”

  “We have a key at Marble Protection. It will be fine. A quick in and out.”

  Quickly returning to Marble, Asher grabbed the key, then crossed the road again to the pizzeria.

  Bill had given them the key when he’d lost his one time. Said he wanted people he trusted to have a spare.

  Unlocking the restaurant door, Asher pushed inside, Lexie following closely behind.

  Halfway to the coat rack, he stopped moving. An unusual sound filled the air. A buzzing sound. Coming from upstairs.

  “Asher?” Lexie tightened her fingers around his. “Do you hear that?”

  His gaze darted to her. It wasn’t just him. Lexie heard it, too.

  Asher hesitated for a moment, torn between going up or not. He wanted to check what was up there, but he didn’t want to pull Lexie into danger. Particularly when he didn’t know what that danger could entail.

  Lexie studied the stairs. “Maybe we should go up there and check. Just have a quick look through the place then go,” Lexie whispered.

  There was no need to whisper because there was no one else in the building. Asher would have heard their heartbeat and breathing immediately.

  If there had been another person, he would have gotten Lexie out of the building before she could blink.

  Lexie took a step forward, tugging at his hand when he didn’t budge.

  “Asher, I’m sure it’s fine. We’ll be in and out.”

  In and out. But if he saw even the slightest chance of danger, they were out of there quick smart.

  Moving in front of Lexie, he led the way to the stairs. “Bill never mentioned this space,” he said, more to himself than to her.

  “He told me he started renting it to someone a few months ago.”

  Pausing halfway up the stairs, Asher turned to look at Lexie. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t think it was important information. He told me the night we came here for pizza, just after you found out I was pregnant.”

  Asher’s heartbeat notched up a fraction. Questions started filtering through his mind. Who was Bill renting to? Were they new in town?

  Facing forward again, Asher and Lexie walked up the last few steps only to come to a stop in front of a closed door. Trying the handle, Asher wasn’t surprised to find it locked. That wasn’t a problem.

  Turning it hard, Asher broke the lock easily.

  The buzzing had become progressively louder as they’d neared the room. With the door cracked open, Asher was almost certain he knew exactly what it was, but he prayed he was wrong.

  Pushing inside, he switched on the light and stopped. “Motherfuckers.”

  He felt Lexie push in beside him and heard her quick intake of breath. “What is this?”

  Asher knew exactly what it was, and it made him feel raw with anger. This was Project Arma. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind.

  Walking over to the window, he glanced out. The view was a direct line of sight into Marble Protection.

  Right to the front desk where Lexie worked every single day.

  Clenching his fists, Asher spun around. Just as he’d suspected, the buzzing came from the multiple laptops and computers stationed around the room. Scanning the space, he noticed a variety of weapons scattered around, as well. Guns, knives.

  Picking up a spray bottle, he inspected the exterior. He was certain the bottle contained the very chemical that had been sprayed into his eyes by John Roberts.

  Fuck. He wanted Lexie out of there now. The risk that whoever was living there would return was too great.

  A gasp from Lexie had him by her side in a second. She stood in front of a computer. On the screen were images. Hundreds of them. Some of the team. Some of Evie and Shylah, but the vast majority of Lexie.

  His muscles bunched.

  Whipping out his phone, Asher quickly snapped pictures of everything.

  “We need to go.” He was already pulling Lexie behind him before the words were out of his mouth.

  Every second she stood in the roo
m made Asher’s anxiety increase tenfold.

  “Shouldn’t we call the others?” Lexie asked as she moved behind him.

  “We’ll call them in the car.”

  He was betting that the renters were the very same men Evie had spotted around Marble Falls. The same men who had kidnapped Lexie and gotten away.

  Asher checked the road before stepping outside. Moving across the street, he tried to cover Lexie’s body as much as he could. He had a bad fucking feeling…and it was just getting worse by the minute.


  Lexie stood behind Asher as he banged on Wyatt’s door. She could just about see the anger coming off him in waves. His fists were so tightly clenched that the veins in his arms were popping out. The guy looked ready to kill.

  As soon as the door opened, Asher didn’t hesitate. “We found something.”

  Walking inside the apartment, Lexie glanced around at the modern interior. It may have been small, but it was like she’d stepped into the future. Gadgets and machines were scattered around the space. She spotted two laptops and a desktop, as well as a ton of other things that she wouldn’t even begin to be able to identify. And that was just one room.

  Asher ushered her to the couch but remained standing. As Lexie went to sit, she felt a small twinge in her lower abdomen. Stopping for a moment, she placed her hand over her stomach.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Lexie’s eyes flew up to meet Asher’s worried ones. The man looked about as stressed as she’d ever seen him.

  Deciding to keep the twinge to herself, Lexie nodded as she sat. “Nothing. I’m okay.”

  She would tell Asher what Sage had said later tonight. In private. Hopefully by then, plans had been made and he was less tense.

  Asher’s eyes remained glued to her a moment longer before swinging over to Wyatt. “Do you have food? Lexie hasn’t eaten.”

  She opened her mouth to tell Wyatt not to worry, but he jumped in before she could.

  “Sure. I grabbed some sausage rolls from Mrs. Potter on the way home. I might also have some chicken.”


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