Book of the Archangels Book 1

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Book of the Archangels Book 1 Page 8

by L C Walker

DALLAS WAS so excited he could hardly speak. He had asked Sherry to be his wife and she accepted without hesitation. As you already know, Dallas was the baby in the family and he was the last to graduate from college and now he is the last of the children to get married. Silas and Kim were happy that he had found someone that loved archaeology the same way Dallas loved it.

  All through those first ten years of Dallas’s life, his father Silas had been preparing him for the ministry. But the year that Dallas helped dig for bones was the year everything changed. Dallas did love the Lord and he did believe the ministry was important, but it was not for him. He had other things on his mind and digging for bones was first and foremost.

  Every summer after that first summer, when he helped dig for bones, he would get a ride to the different digs and stay all day long. When he was old enough to get his driver's license, he would use one of his parents' cars to go to the digs. During those early years of digging for bones made it easy for him to get a job when he was able to drive. He used some of that money to pay for gas, but he had put most of it back for college.

  Dallas knew exactly what he wanted to be. He wanted to be an archaeologist. He knew that God would provide the funds for everything; all he had to do was to pray and rely on God. Dallas had no way of knowing how God was going to take care of the Care Taker. The miracles and the things God would perform would have astonished anyone.

  During the years that Dallas was in high school and his years in college, he looked for and found all kinds of things to read pertaining to archaeology. One book that made him think about different things was a book called The Book of The Prophets. In this book, it told the story of some of the first prophets of Israel. It did not tell about all of the prophets, only the prophets that hid things and left clues, so they could be found in the Last Days, or End Times.

  In this book, it told about Moses and some of the things he did when he was on earth. One thing he did was to turn his staff into a serpent. The magicians of Pharaoh did the same thing with their staffs. The Staff of Moses then turned and ate the other serpents. The book told a story about the Staff of Moses. It stated that, in the Last Days, a prophet by the name of the Care Taker would appear on earth and he would find the Staff of Moses. The Staff of Moses is so powerful that if the Devil were to find it, he could turn the world upside down.

  The more Dallas read, the more information he gathered on different things he needed to know about for the Last Days. When a person reads the book and they see the text is bold and underlined, it means that the Lord Jesus is speaking. One chapter told about a book called the Book of the Archangels. This book had information about clues and caves where items would be found in order for the Jews to worship the true God, during the Tribulation. The Tribulation Temple had to be built and there had to be a dedication of the Temple and then the sacrifices could start with the true worship of God. The things necessary for the dedication of the Temple are the Oil, the Purifying Water, and the Ashes of the Red Heifer.

  In the Book of the Archangels, it gives clues which the Care Taker will have to figure out. Each clue will lead the Care Taker to another clue and then the last clue will tell about a map where he can find the Staff of Moses. With the Staff of Moses, the Care Taker will be able to open the Compartment of Paradise. If you have not figured out why the Devil wants the Staff of Moses by this time, then I will leave you hanging because I will not tell you any more about the Staff of Moses until the Care Taker and his wife start to have their own children.

  One last thought before I tell you more about Dallas: While he was reading The Book of The Prophets, he turned to the last page of the book and on the inside cover was a small slit. He ran his finger over the slit and he noticed it felt like a piece of paper was inside the cover. He looked all around and when he saw that no one was looking, he pulled out his pocket knife and cut the back cover from side to side. He pulled the cover back and reached in and pulled out a single piece of paper.

  Dallas looked at the paper and, to his surprise, it was a map. The map looked like it was very old and old it was. The map had drawings of where certain things could be found. The only problem Dallas had was the location of the map. Was it in the United States or was it in the Middle East? He put the map inside his binder so it would not be folded. He then continued to read.

  It was not an accident that Dallas just came upon The Book of The Prophets. That book was written by the great Apostle Peter. You may not know the story of Peter or how he died, so I am going to take a few minutes and tell you about Peter.

  Peter was one of the Apostles of Christ and he was one who was on the Mount at His Transfiguration. When the Lord started His ministry, the Devil did everything in his power to prevent Him from fulfilling His mission. One of the first things the Lord did was to choose twelve men to be Apostles and to follow Him. Peter did follow and he did many things that made people believe he was not saved.

  Peter loved the Lord with all his heart, even when he denied Him. It took a lot of changing for Peter to become the great Apostle that he became. When Peter knew it was his time to die, he requested that he be crucified upside down. He stated he was not worthy to be crucified like Christ. His request was taken literally and that is the way Peter was martyred.

  Two years before Peter died, he was informed by the Holy Spirit to write a book about some of the past prophets of Israel. The book would tell about the prophets and things that they hid in caves and clues that a future prophet by the name of the Care Taker would find. The future prophet would be meek and mild mannered, but he would be bold when it came to finding caves and hidden clues.

  The most important clue the Care Taker would find in The Book of The Prophets would be the location of the Book of The Archangels. The second most important clue the Care Taker would have to figure out, is the fact that he had been chosen by my God to be His instrument in the Last Days. This clue will be right in front of the eyes of the Care Taker, but it will take him a while to see the clue and understand what his ministry is, in the Last Days. To the surprise of Dallas, the clue will be uncovered by his daughter or I should say she will show him the clue that was in front of his own eyes. He will think back how simple the clue was and wonder how he could not have seen it for all of those years.

  Peter took a year and a half to write The Book of The Prophets. He was informed the book must be finished in that time period, because he was going to be promoted to heaven six months after the book was finished. Peter worked very hard to finish the book within that time period. The last six months in the life of Peter were his greatest days as an Apostle. He was bold when it came to preaching the Gospel and, knowing he could not be killed, he became very confrontational when he was talking with the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees.

  On page forty seven of The Book of The Prophets was the first clue that the Care Taker would have to figure out. The paragraph starts out saying,

  “In the Last Days, a Great Prophet will be born. He will be called the Care Taker. He will be the last prophet before My Coming at the Rapture. He will open the Book of the Archangels and will keep My words so the enemy cannot read them and become wise with the reading.

  The Last Days will be known by wars and rumors of wars. Nature will be an enemy of man as will the animals of the world. The Last Days will be like the days of Noah; they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark.

  Know this, that in the Last Days, people will love the sin more than the creator. In the last Days, A Layman-Like Apostle Shall appear, but he will not be an apostle, he will be like an Apostle. He shall find hidden caves and be able to understand strange writings that will reveal to him important mysteries. Think about the demons that will confront you and Think About Young Lords Or Rabbis that will try and kill you. Be not afraid for I am with you Care Taker, until the trumpet blast.”

  When Dallas and Sherry were married, they
rented a small two bedroom house on the outskirts of Butt. Even though neither of them went to college in Montana, they both knew they had to be close to the diggings. That first winter would be one they would remember forever. Dallas worked cattle and Sherry worked in a craft store. Montana was one of the foremost dig sites in the world for dinosaur bones. Not only was Montana full of dinosaur bones, but it was the place where the Lord would perform miracle after miracle for Dallas.

  The first miracle God performed was when the Devil had a brilliant idea. During the second year Dallas and Sherry were working at a dig site, he thought about getting rid of the grant that Professor Stan Smith had written and received. If the grant was taken away, it would mean that both Dallas and Sherry would have to find another job for the summer.

  That first miracle that God performed was to change the grant from two hundred thousand dollars a year to four hundred thousand. The Devil had his demons send fake papers to the procurator of the grant which showed that Professor Smith was using the funds for other than that which the grant had been set up for. There was one document after another proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the accusations were correct. Once a meeting was called and all interested parties were summoned, there was one problem. The Devil was smart, but he never thought for one moment that the procurator of the grant would call for a meeting between the accused and the accuser. The accuser did not show up and the grant was doubled because of the time and the trouble Professor Smith went through and because it was obvious there was someone against him and his grant.

  Dallas and Sherry were overjoyed when Professor Smith called, right after the meeting, to let them know the grant had been doubled. One thing Professor Smith had not told Dallas or anyone else was that he had been planning on having someone work through the winter on paperwork for the coming summer months of digging. Professor Smith had no idea how he was going to get more funding to keep someone on all winter. He had been praying about it even though he was not a Christian. Not being a Christian would change two years before his death. When he did die, he was overwhelmed by the beauty and elegance of heaven.

  When Professor Smith made it back to Butt he called Dallas and told him he wanted to meet with him the next day at the trailer. Dallas was excited about the meeting and what Professor Smith might say. He was hoping that the Professor might say something about a new dig site and that he would be in charge. If he was in charge, that would mean a pay raise; maybe a big pay raise.

  All night, Dallas had different thoughts about the meeting and what he would say and what the Professor may say. It was one thing after another until he figured he had better get to sleep; morning would be there before he knew it.

  Both Dallas and Sherry were up at the usual time and out the door. Every minute of sunlight meant that the small shovels had to be digging. They could not waste a minute doing things other than digging. At the dig, Sherry went over to where she had left off the day before and Dallas headed to the trailer. Inside the trailer, Professor Smith explained what had happened in Washington and how a miracle had occurred with the grant being doubled. Dallas agreed with the Professor that it was a miracle and that God was going to protect him and his family. The Professor wanted to know what he meant by that statement and Dallas told him, before the day was over, he would explain it all to him.

  After they both did a little chit chat, Professor Smith was ready to tell Dallas the rest of the story. Dallas sat there and could not believe what the Professor was telling him about working all winter on paperwork for the coming summer. He told about the accuser not showing up and out of the clear blue sky, the grant was doubled. The way Dallas figured it, he and Sherry would be about to finish the rest of this summer on digs and then, the next two winters and the next two summers, they would be full time employees.

  From time to time, Dallas loved to play practical jokes on Sherry. Now was going to be one of those times which Dallas knew was the perfect time for a joke. Dallas walked out of the trailer and headed for Sherry. She too had wondered what was so important that the Professor would call and ask for a meeting at the trailer the next morning. He could have waited until we arrived was her thinking.

  When Dallas reached the dig where Sherry was, he had a long, drawn-out look on his face as if he had just lost his best friend. Sherry had a number of things going through her mind and she could tell by his look, it was not good. She thought for sure Dallas was going to say they had lost their jobs and this was going to be their last week or that they would not be called back when the summer dig was over. She thought back to Dallas saying that the Professor said the grant had been doubled. If the grant was doubled, then why would he have to fire them?

  Dallas started to speak and to stammer and his words were not coming out of his mouth the right way. He would not look Sherry in the eye, when he was speaking, which was a dead give away to Sherry that something was really wrong. It was then that Sherry stopped Dallas in mid-sentence and told him to spit it out and stop hem-hawing around.

  Dallas looked straight at Sherry and explained that Professor Smith needed two people to do the paperwork during the winter months so the diggings could get started on time for the coming summer months. He stated the job would last for at least two full years. Sherry did not think it was a very good joke, but she was excited that they would have full-time employment for the next two years.

  Professor Smith came out of the trailer and asked if Dallas would like to ride into town with him and they could pick up lunch for the entire crew. Professor Smith had only bought lunch one other time for the entire crew and that was when they discovered their first dinosaur. That dinosaur is now in a Museum located in Bozeman.

  Once in the car, Professor Smith stated that he really did not need any help with the lunch, but he decided it would be the best time for Dallas to explain what he meant by his statement earlier. Dallas told the Professor that his father was a preacher and he was raised in a Christian home. He knew that God was going to protect him and his family, because he had placed all of his faith in his Lord Jesus Christ.

  Professor Smith said he had heard all of those things before and that he could never figure out how Christians could believe that one human man, Christ, could die for all of the sins of every person in the world; past, present, and future. That was too farfetched to believe.

  Dallas asked if the Professor believed in Heaven and Hell. The Professor explained that he was not sure that either one of them existed or if they do exist, how could God send a person to Hell? It was at that time that Dallas decided he had to start at the beginning and explain what it all means.

  He explained that God came to earth in the form of a human man, the man Jesus Christ. Christ did not have an earthly farther, which meant He did not have the sinful blood that all other men born on earth had. If He did not have the sinful blood which other men have, then He would be the only person that could pay the penalty for all the sins all people would commit. Dallas told Professor Smith what Christ stated in John chapter 3 about being Born Again. At the end of their talk, Dallas said that if a person wants to live forever, the person MUST accept Christ as his or her personal Savior. If they reject, they will go to Hell and be tormented for eternity. By accepting, you are assured that, when you die, you will go to Heaven. Dallas said, "If what I believe is a fairy tale, by accepting, you still have not lost a thing. You are still the winner."

  Many, many times, Professor Smith would ask question after question about the Bible and different verses and what they meant. Each time, Dallas had the correct answer and, each time, Dallas asked if he would like to accept before it was eternally too late. On one of the hottest days in the summer, two years before Professor Smith would die, he accepted Christ in that small trailer on another dig site. Before the day was out, he told Dallas what he had done and stated that he did not know why he put it off for so long. Dallas knew why he put it off, but he never told the Professor; it was t
he workings of the Devil. The Devil was hoping the old Professor would die before he would accept. If he had not accepted, he would not have gone to heaven when he died. After telling Dallas what he had done, he got in his car and drove back to his air conditioned office at the university.

  It did not take long for the hot summer months to turn into the cool fall months and then came the cold winter. That winter was going to change Dallas and Sherry and it was going to add a new human into the Taylor family. Yes, Sherry was going to have a baby. She thought for sure she would have the baby at the end of August. She was almost correct. The new baby came into the world on September the first. It was a boy and they named him Winston. Winston was only the first of three children Dallas and Sherry would have.

  Even though Dallas was working full time, he still had to make time for his master's degree. If he wanted to be the best in his field, he had to get a master's degree and then he could think about his PhD. At every corner, the Devil had his demons throwing stumbling blocks at Dallas. But, do you know who was always there to throw Dallas a helping hand? I did things for Dallas that most humans would never receive. However, you must remember that the Devil wanted to stop Dallas and anything that he did. He knew sooner or later that Dallas would read the clue about the Book of Archangels and discover where it could be found.

  Dallas could go to the nearest library and read a copy of the Book of The Prophets that was on a fiche machine, but he was wanting his own copy. He tried to find a printed copy, but it seemed as if there was no printing company that was still printing the book. After contacting a friend in the printing business, he was told there was no demand for that book. It was at that time another miracle would be performed. One day, in the mail, Dallas received a package and inside was a perfect copy of the Book of The Prophets. There was no return address on the package and there was no note or letter inside the package.

  That night, Dallas sat down to read the book and to his amazement, as he read, he noticed that whoever owned the book before him had highlighted all of the important sentences. One important paragraph stated that the prophet, by the name of the Care Taker, would find another clue in a cave in Megiddo that would tell him where the Book of The Archangels would be located.

  Dallas made a mental note of the page and about the clue and he was also thinking about the Middle East. How could he get there with him and Sherry just starting a family and how many more children would they have before they said that is enough? He knew he had to get his master's degree and his doctorate before he went to the Middle East. Things would have to wait and, if that meant many years, that is how it would have to be. He decided, before he went to sleep that night, he would finished the first fifty pages of the book.

  Page after page gave Dallas new ideas and a new concept for finding the clues and the Book of The Archangels. When he reached page forty seven, he noticed that a large amount of the page was highlighted. Dallas had read this clue once before, but the problem was that he did not understand it then and he did not understand it now.

  He read it once and then twice; before long he had read it for the tenth time. He knew there was something in this clue that would lead him to a find, but what was it? The more he looked at the writing, the more he knew he was very close in discovering a very important find, but where was it? He decided he would read it one last time before he went to sleep, maybe something would jump out at him and he would figure out what the secret would be?

  “In the Last Days a Great Prophet will be born, he will be called the Care Taker. He will be the last prophet before My Coming at the Rapture. He will open the Book of the Archangels and will keep My words so the enemy cannot read them and become wise with the reading.

  The Last Days will be known by wars and rumors of wars. Nature will be an enemy of man as will the animals of the world. The Last Days will be like the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark.

  Know this, that in the Last Days, people will love the sin more than the creator. In the last Days, A Layman-Like Apostle Shall appear, but he will not be an apostle, he will be like an Apostle. He shall find hidden caves and be able to understand strange writings that will reveal to him important mysteries. Think about the demons that will confront you and Think About Young Lords Or Rabbis that will try and kill you. Be not afraid for your life, for I am with you, Care Taker, until the trumpet blast.”


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