Protecting His Mate (Wolf Shifters 0f Wakerlin Book 5)

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Protecting His Mate (Wolf Shifters 0f Wakerlin Book 5) Page 3

by Alicia Banks

  He tried to get up to run and find a doctor, but she grabbed his hand with surprising strength. “No,” she said. “No doctor.”

  Eric turned around and sat next to her, softly stroking her hair. “Alright. I am here with you. I am not leaving you. Okay?” he whispered.


  Bellatrix looked at Eric, barely awake. Her stomach hurt, and her body was aching horribly. He was softly stroking her hair and holding her hand.

  “Okay,” she whispered, feeling sleepy once more.

  She looked at Eric, and her wolf stirred. It came out at once, rearing its great head. It filled her heart with yearning that she did not understand. His face was the last thing she saw before she drifted off into sleep.

  Chapter 6


  Bellatrix had decided to never eat oysters again. In fact, anything that smelled bad and fishy, she would avoid. Even though she was better the next day, she knew that those oysters were responsible for her illness. Before she had left, Elder Lawson had asked her to be careful about what she ate. Apparently, a few things that were harmless to humans could be poisonous to wolves. It was a good thing she only ate a few; otherwise she might have been sick for days.

  “Eric,” Bellatrix said. “Just come with me tonight. Antoine is taking me somewhere special. I told him I want to bring you along, and he was more than happy about it.”

  She and Eric were sitting in a small café, where Bellatrix had ordered herself a safe soup. Eric was having a sandwich and acting rather weird again.

  “I have work to do,” he said grumpily.

  “Come on,” Bellatrix said. “You will feel better about him if you get to know him.”

  Eric sighed. “Alright. Let’s get to know your Antoine, shall we?”

  “Don’t say it like that,” she said, frowning.

  “Like what?” Eric asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Like you have some big plan to expose him,” Bellatrix said, her eyes narrowed.

  “I will,” Eric replied, and Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

  She drank her soup and said, “Just be civil, please.”


  Bellatrix reached forward to take Antoine’s hand in hers. He was smiling at her, and he slowly squeezed her hand. Eric had taken her and Antoine out to dinner, and the meeting wasn’t going as well as she hoped. Eric was acting positively hostile.

  “Antoine grew up as an orphan too,” she said, trying to get Eric to sympathise and maybe melt a little.

  “I am sorry to hear that, Antoine,” Eric said. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what happened?”

  “They died in an accident,” Antoine replied. “I was raised by an abusive aunt. I lost them when I turned thirteen.

  “I am sorry for your loss,” Eric said. “If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of accident?”

  “Eric,” Bellatrix said. “Don’t pry.”

  “I am not prying,” he replied. “You wanted us to get to know each other better. Well, I am just making an effort.”

  Antoine smiled for a minute and then said, “They died in a car accident, in the summer of 1992. They were run over by a drunk driver.”

  “That is tragic,” Eric said. “What about your aunt? Is she still alive?”

  “No, I am afraid not,” Antoine replied, a strained smile on his face. “I wish I could say that it was a tragic loss, but it was a relief.”

  “I can’t help noticing that you are not eating?” Eric said. “Is everything alright?”

  “I am just not feeling well,” Antoine replied, his voice sounding stiff. “I am having some water. That will be enough.”

  “Is that why you were reluctant to come to dinner?” Eric asked, a tight smile on his lips. “Bellatrix mentioned that you were rather against it.”

  “Like I said, I wasn’t feeling well. I did not wish to come here and then be rude by refusing to eat,” Antoine said, staring at Eric with narrowed eyes. “Yet, you were rather insistent.”

  “Do you also not drink?” Eric asked, raising an eyebrow. “I saw you throwing your drink away at the ball.”

  For a minute, Antoine and Eric just stared at each other. “I do not drink,” he finally said. “I am trying to remain sober after a history of alcoholism.”

  Antoine turned to Bellatrix and said, “I am sorry, dear. I did not wish to repulse you by my history. I should have told you.”

  “Oh, no!” Bellatrix exclaimed. “Not at all. I just hope we can learn to trust each other enough that we can divulge our secrets comfortably.”

  Eric laughed, a short, dry laugh. “Antoine, I feel positively rude eating here without you joining me,” he said. “Have some soup, it will be good for you.”

  “No, I am perfectly fine,” Antoine said, a tight smile on his face.

  “I insist,” Eric said, pushing his soup bowl towards him.

  “I am afraid, I cannot,” Antoine said through clenched teeth.

  “Please,” Eric said, leaning forward. “Just a sip. What harm can it do?”

  For a minute the two men stared at each other, the animosity between them palpable.

  Bellatrix decided that this had gone on long enough and said, “Eric, that’s enough. He said he doesn’t want it.”

  “Of course,” Eric said, forcing a smile on his face.

  Silence reigned after that, with Eric and Bellatrix eating quietly. Antoine continued to sip his water, a strained smile on his face.

  “What’s that ring? That you wearing?” Eric suddenly asked, looking down at Antoine’s hand.

  Bellatrix looked down as well and saw a beautiful sapphire ring on his hand. Antoine clenched his hand and said, “It is an heirloom. From my parents.”

  “It is very beautiful, I must say,” Eric said. “Do you mind if I see it up close?” he asked, extending his hand out for the ring.

  Antoine glared openly at Eric, his hand still clenched. “I have sentimental attachment to this ring. I would prefer to keep it with me,” he said, in an icy manner.

  “I will, of course, return it. I just wish to see it, that’s all,” Eric said. “Why won’t you give it to me to look at?”

  Antoine stared at Eric for a minute, clearly furious. Then he turned to Bellatrix and said, “I understand that he is your best friend. I came here because you asked me to. But I will not sit here and be given the third degree. I will not be insulted and treated as if I am some criminal. I am leaving, Bellatrix.”

  Antoine got up and walked away. Bellatrix jumped up, feeling furious at Eric. “How could you!” she snarled at him, before running to catch up with Antoine.

  Eric sat alone on the table, watching Bellatrix leave.

  Chapter 7


  Something was wrong about that man, and Eric was determined to prove it. Bellatrix had run after Antoine and hadn’t come back till late that night. When she got back, she completely ignored Eric and stormed off into her room. Eric wasn’t worried, though. He was determined to find proof that Antoine was fishy. Once he showed Bellatrix, she would have to believe him.

  He had spent the last few hours searching for any sign of Antoine on social media. As he had expected, there was nothing there. Of course, that didn’t mean much, but it reinforced Eric’s suspicions that there was something wrong. He had then moved onto searching the history from what little he managed to get out of Antoine.

  He searched for all the car accidents in Paris in the summer of 1992. There was a quite a list, but he remained determined, and he slowly worked his way through them. He even went through old archived newspapers, shortlisting those cases which seemed to fit Antoine’s case.

  He knew that since it was a drunk driver case, it would be well recorded. He found exactly five cases that happened in the summer of 1992 that were because of drunk driving. Out of those, only three involved a couple, the reminder all had been a single driver. A diligent search soon enough narrowed the cases down to two, the couple in the third accident had survived.

/>   Eric researched those two cases well into the morning, forgetting even to sleep. Finding further details was hard, but he had eventually managed to get the information he needed. One of the couples who had died, were 65 years old. They had a daughter, who had since gotten married. The other couple was newly married, having wed just a month before their deaths.

  Eric leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile on his face. He already had one proof that Eric was lying. On its own, it wasn’t enough. He knew Antoine would be able to twist it how he wanted, but Eric had other plans. He was going to find as much information as he needed, and then expose him. Once and for all.


  “Bellatrix?” Eric called out. She was heading out to leave, obviously on date with Antoine.

  “What?” she snapped, turning around.

  “I am sorry about the way I acted,” Eric said. Bellatrix hadn’t talked to him the whole day, and as much as he hated Antoine, he was starting to wish he had been more tactful. “You haven’t talked me the whole day. We are best friends. What is happening to us?”

  Bellatrix looked at him silently, before sighing. “I know. We have been fighting a lot lately,” she said. “Antoine was really hurt by what you said, Eric. I know you think that he is wrong, but what if he isn’t? Have you thought of that?”

  “Look, Bellatrix,” Eric said. “I was tactless, I admit. I am sorry for it. Won’t you give me another chance?”

  “Of course, I will,” Bellatrix said, her expression softening. She walked over and gave him a tight hug. “You are my best friend, Eric. You always will be.”

  Eric looked down in her eyes, his heart swelling with a deep and intense yearning to be with her. He wanted to lean in and kiss her on her lips. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. That he wanted nothing more than to be with her.

  “Bellatrix,” he said, swallowing nervously. “I wanted to tell you something. I have been-.”

  He was cut off by her phone ringing, which she answered. She talked for a minute and then said, “That was Antoine. He is waiting downstairs. I will talk to you later, yea?”

  Eric nodded, feeling a stinging pain in his heart. He loved her, and she was slowly and surely slipping away from him. He had been trying to gather proof against the man. He had felt so determined just last night. But right now, he was questioning everything.

  What if he was just being paranoid? What if he was deliberately suspecting Antoine because he was jealous? Bellatrix was happy. Shouldn’t that be all that mattered? He was her friend, her best friend. Even if he was in love with her, the fact that she was happy should be enough for him.

  Eric sighed and sat down. He didn’t know what he was going to do. He couldn’t give up Bellatrix without a fight. He picked up his phone and called the only person he could think of in such times. His sister.

  “Hello, Eric,” his sister said, picking up the phone. “How’s the traveling going? Finally remembered you have a sister?”

  “Hi, Ella,” Eric said. “The traveling is great. We are in Paris now. I should be back home for Christmas.”

  “Right,” Ella said. “I know that voice. What’s up?”

  “Bellatrix has met this guy here in Paris,” Eric said, sighing. “He is tall and handsome and charming. They are dating, and I think that I am losing her, Ella.”

  “Eric,” his sister said, softly. “I am sorry. But if that’s who she chooses to be with-.”

  “I know, Ella. I know,” Eric replied. “It’s just, how can I just give her up like that? Without fighting?”

  “She is not something to win, Eric. She is a human, with her own choices,” Ella said. “I know you are hurting, but if she is meant to be yours, she will come back. If you truly love someone, you need to let them go.”

  “I can’t,” Eric said. “I can’t, I love her so much.”

  “I know, Eric,” Ella whispered. “I am sorry. I wish I could help.”

  Eric didn’t reply but stared ahead quietly for a while. Then he changed the subject and they both talked for another hour before Eric finally said goodbye.

  As hard as it was for him to accept, maybe it was time he let Bellatrix go.

  Chapter 8


  It had been three weeks since Eric had decided that he would let Bellatrix go. She was clearly very happy with Antoine. She spent the entire day with him, and when she came home, she could not stop talking about him.

  It had been pure agony for Eric. The more he tried to stay away from her, the more he missed her. He had spent a major part of his last year with her, and life without her seemed difficult and dull. Eric hadn’t gone on any of his traveling plans, and his blog was suffering. It didn’t matter to him. All the things that ever held importance, suddenly seemed insignificant.

  He was starting to consider that maybe it’s about time he and Bellatrix part ways. It was bound to happen eventually, and now she had a reason to stay here in Paris. He had tried to talk about it to Bellatrix a few times, but each time, his courage had failed him. Now, he felt completely lost without her in her life.

  She was completely obsessed with Antoine. There were times Eric felt more and more suspicious about Antoine, but he never found good enough proof. He even tried to talk to Bellatrix once more, but she had turned deaf ears. Eventually, he stopped and gave up. The woman he loved was in love with someone else. There was nothing he could do to change that.

  Yet, despite it all, he gave one last attempt. He hired a private investigator to get details about Antoine’s past, and it finally came through.

  “What?” Eric asked, the phone pressed to his ear.

  “The man you set me after. He is a fake. There is no such man,” the PI said on the other end. “No such man has ever existed.”

  Eric didn’t even wait for the PI to finish with his report. He cut the call and immediately dialed Bellatrix. He got her voice mail, and he left her a message, telling her that she needed to get away from Antoine as soon as possible.

  He waited fervently, repeatedly calling Bellatrix. He hoped she was okay. For all he knew that man was a serial killer and had multiple fake identities. He finally could take it no longer, and he ran out, hoping that he would somehow find her.

  He looked at all the usual places that Bellatrix had told him about, but he couldn’t find her anywhere. He called her again and again, but received no response. Starting to panic, he wondered if he should go to the police.

  Finally, Eric had to give up. His only option was to wait for her to call her or go to the police if she didn’t come back by morning. He turned around, slowly walking through the back alleyway. He was almost home, maybe if he was lucky, she would be home already.

  Suddenly, he heard a crunching sound behind him. His instincts flared up. He felt as if someone was following him. He turned around, and what he saw almost made him scream. It was a wolf-like monster, standing on its own two legs. Its eyes were red, and it snarled at Eric, before starting to run towards him.

  Eric screamed. Then, he ran.


  Bellatrix sighed, looking into Antoine’s eyes. He was everything she had ever wanted in a man. Yet, a part of her heart wasn’t happy. A part of her heart felt dark and depressed, and she couldn’t figure out why. Maybe it’s because she had been ignoring Eric too much. He had been looking so gloomy the past few days. He was her best friend, and Bellatrix had gotten so hung up on being with Antoine that she had been neglecting him.

  All she knew was everything had been perfect the first week. She had been on cloud nine, but slowly she had felt a void in her heart. She tried to be happy with him, yet she didn’t know why, but her life had become gloomy and sad. She had slowly started to become distant from Antoine. Where he charmed her initially, he now bored her. She didn’t know what she was missing, but the unexplainable void in her heart was like a blackhole. It sucked out every little joy she could find, leaving her feeling empty. Maybe, Antoine wasn’t the one for her after all.

are you sad?” Antoine asked. “I can look in your eyes and tell that your heart holds some pain.”

  Bellatrix sighed and said, “It’s nothing. I just-.”

  She stopped talking as the wolf inside her suddenly rose. It twisted in a painful manner, howling with pain and fear. Bellatrix gasped, trying to make sense of what she was feeling. Her wolf was withering with agony, so that she could barely move.

  “I have to go,” she said and started to run. She could hear Antoine shouting behind her, but she ignored him. All she knew was that Eric was in trouble, and her wolf was telling her about it. She didn’t know how or why she had felt this, but she did.

  She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, wishing she could turn into a wolf and just run. But there were people around, so she ran as fast as she could. She took out her phone and saw the many missed calls from Eric. She cursed, trying to call him, but got no response.

  She reached home and ran inside. She was hoping Eric was there, safe, but it was empty. There was no one there at all. She sniffed the air, hoping some scents would help. Then she caught one. A foul, horrible stench.

  She ran out, following the scent. She was ready to turn into a wolf at a moment’s notice. She turned into the dark alley behind their home and stopped. This was where the stench led to.

  Eric was lying on the ground, bleeding and screaming. A huge wolf stood over him, ready to attack. Bellatrix howled, turning its attention towards her. The wolf turned, and she froze.

  It was a Teil wolf.

  Chapter 9


  She couldn’t believe her eyes. She had only read of them; she had never seen one. They are not natural. They are evil hybrids and nothing more than ruthless killers. Bellatrix was so shocked, she almost failed to dodge his attack. The Teil wolf jumped at her, slashing her with its claws. Bellatrix managed to dodge, and she shifted into her wolf form. Her bones and muscles contorted as her body adapted. Her fangs grew, as did her claws. Her body became covered in a long, elegant coat of fur. The power in her body grew, and her senses heightened.


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