Whispers of Time

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Whispers of Time Page 18

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  “Not now, get to the jeep,” Jake said. He started moving in that direction taking Sara with him. Paige hurried to follow him, and Raven fell in behind her. He tried to appear like nothing was out of the ordinary, but he kept a wary eye on their surroundings. When they reached the jeep, Jake pulled open the passenger door behind the driver’s seat and finally set Sara back down.

  “Get in,” he ordered as he glanced at Paige. She was getting into the jeep on the other side while Raven was standing behind her. He noticed Jake’s glance.

  “I shall remain here.” Jake nodded in acknowledgment before climbing in the driver’s seat. He started the jeep and headed in the direction of the apartment.

  “Now what is going on?” Paige asked.

  “That man tried to take Sara again,” Jake said. His eyes did not leave the road as he kept a close on eye on their surroundings.

  “What?” Paige gasped. “I can’t believe he tried with you right there.”

  Jake’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as his eyes narrowed in thought. There was something strange about that man. He felt like he had been toying with him and he did not like it.

  “How did you avoid him when you couldn’t see him?” Sara asked, her quiet voice shaking. Jake glanced in the rear-view mirror so that he could see her.

  “My martial arts instructor used to make me fight blindfolded sometimes,” he said as he looked back out the front. “He always said that you need to know if someone is there whether you can see them or not. When you fight multiple people, you can’t only rely on your eyes.” He glanced back at Sara again. “It’s a good thing he did.”

  Sara could not repress the shudder that ran through her. She did not even want to think about what could have happened if Jake had not been able to protect them. They all fell silent for the rest of the trip back to the apartment.

  Several hours later, Sara woke with a startled gasp. It took her a few seconds to get her bearings and once she realized she was in her room she laid back on the bed and took several deep breaths. She was dreaming about the attack and was panting. When she calmed down, she noticed the light in the living room was still on. She got out of bed and put on a flannel shirt over her tank top before leaving her room. After her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw Jake was standing in the bathroom. He had no shirt on and was looking at a large nasty bruise on his shoulder in the mirror. It covered the whole back of his left shoulder down to the shoulder blade, part way down the tricep, and up onto the top of the shoulder. He grimaced as he tried to rotate the shoulder. With a heavy sigh, he picked up a wrap and started to attempt to wrap it on his own.

  “Are you okay?” Sara asked, her voice filled with concern.

  Jake startled at her sudden appearance, but he covered well, “Yeah, I’m fine.” He shrugged with his uninjured shoulder.

  “Do you need any help? Ice?”

  “I suppose I could use some help and ice would be great,” he said with a sheepish smile. She nodded and went to get an ice pack and towel from the kitchen while he headed over to the couch. He sat down and waited for her. After she grabbed the supplies, she sat down on the couch facing him. He handed her the wrap and she peeked up at him. She had no idea what to do. He took the end of the wrap and put it on top of his shoulder.

  “Start here,” he began. “It will go back over the shoulder then under the arm twice.”

  Sara did what he said being careful not to pull it too tight. When she was finished, she looked up at him again.

  “Across the back and under the other arm, then it will come back across the chest to the shoulder. That gets done twice too.”

  She got it wrapped around once before she started to blush. He was so close to her that her fingers started to tremble and on the second time around, she fumbled the wrap. She tried to keep from dropping it and her fingertips brushed across his chest. He took a sharp breath and shivered at her touch. Keeping her eyes away from his face, she pulled the wrap tight before bringing it back to his shoulder.

  “Okay,” he muttered, his voice low and husky. “The end goes around the bicep before being clipped.”

  Keeping her eyes glued to the wrap she did what he instructed before dropping her hands onto her lap. “Finished,” she whispered.

  “Thank you.”

  She peeked up at him through her bangs and found him watching her. He hesitated before he reached out and brushed her bangs out of her face. He tucked them behind her ear so that he could see her look at him. When he pulled his hand back his fingertips brushed along her cheekbone. She flushed again and bit her lip when she heard him take another sharp breath. He leaned forward and brought their faces inches apart.

  A sudden movement on the other side of the room caused both of them to look up and see Paige dash into the bathroom.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t see anything. Please continue!” She yelled from behind the closed door. Sara was so embarrassed even her ears were red. She handed Jake the ice pack and without looking at him ran for her room. Jake watched her go before he leaned back on the couch with a frown.

  “Sisters are the incarnation of pure evil,” he muttered under his breath as he put the ice pack on his shoulder.

  Sara sat on her bed rubbing her sore fingers. Her last performance test for the semester was a couple hours ago. As much as she loved playing, she was relieved to have a break from all the practicing. She chuckled when she remembered Paige’s demand earlier. Her violin was off limits until winter break was over.

  “Sara!” Paige’s sudden yell as she ran into her room made Sara jump. “I’m finished with my last final. It’s time to get out of here!”

  “How did you do?” Sara asked but made no move to get up off her bed.

  Paige rolled her eyes, “I don’t care. Let’s go!”

  “Are you sure it’s okay for us to go to your uncle’s cabin?” Sara asked with a shiver. “I mean it’s really close to the cave and your uncle won’t be there.”

  “It’ll be fine like I said before we won’t go anywhere near it. We’ll stay in the cabin the whole time, and that crazy guy won’t know because we haven’t told anyone where we’re going for break.” She paused with a frown. “I didn’t even tell Raven.”

  “What about Jake?”

  Paige held up a piece of paper with a grin, “I left him a message on his phone already and I’m leaving this note just in case he doesn’t listen to the message, so worst case he will know by tonight.” Her grin widened. “See, I already thought of everything.”

  Sara grimaced and shook her head. She was sure that Paige had not thought of everything. She never did.

  “Come on! Come on!” Paige whined as she was beginning to quiver with anticipation. “We need to get going. There is supposed to be a snowstorm later and we need to beat it. I can’t stand the idea of being stuck here for break.”

  “Alright,” Sara replied with a louder sigh. “I’m coming.” She stood up from her bed and picked up her small travel bag. Even though she was opposed to going, she knew Paige was going to insist that they make the trip. After Paige gathered the rest of her things the two left the apartment and headed down the parking lot. When they walked up to an old, beat up red Volkswagen bug Sara stopped.

  “Who’s is this?” she asked.

  “A girl in one of my classes said we could borrow it for break,” Paige said as she pulled open the driver’s door. “It’s her brother’s but they aren’t leaving for break.”

  Sara eyed the car with a deep frown. There were multiple rust spots all over the outside and when she opened the door, she could see the plywood and two by fours holding up the floor.

  “Are you sure it will make it up there?”

  “Oh come on, where is your sense of adventure,” Paige asked with a laugh. “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  Sara rolled her eyes when she showed Paige her seatbelt. It was tied in a knot because the strap was broken.

  Paige laughed again, “It just gives it a little character.” She p
ut the key in the ignition and started the car. The whole thing vibrated but it somehow stayed running. Sara just shook her head and climbed into the passenger seat. Once she was situated, Paige grinned and pulled out of the parking lot.

  About an hour later, the girls stood next to the car pulled off on the side of the road while Paige was staring at the engine. The hood was open, and smoke was pouring out of the rear end. She looked up and shrugged. “I guess it won’t make it. We better start walking. I think we’re still a couple miles from the cabin.”

  Sara glanced at her watch. It was still early afternoon, so they should have enough time to make it to the cabin before dark. Looking around she sighed when she realized there was already a foot of snow on the ground from the last snowstorm, and more snow was starting to fall.

  “I thought the snow storm wasn’t supposed to get here until tonight?” She asked, and Paige just shrugged.

  “How often are the weather folks actually right?” She giggled and threw Sara her bag before grabbing her own. The two started wading through the snow. They only walked for a little while before the sky began to darken.

  “Wow, it’s really starting to come down now,” Paige said. Her demeanor lost its excitement and became worried as she looked at the sky. “We need to hurry.”

  The girls picked up the pace as they trudged through the snow. In a matter of about twenty minutes, almost six more inches of fresh snow blanketed what was already on the ground. Sara stopped to catch her breath.

  “How much farther?” She asked with a shiver. The temperature was steadily dropping as more snow fell.

  “I’m not sure,” Paige said as she glanced around. “I figured we would have been there by now.”

  “What’re we going to do?” Sara asked, her voice taking an edge of panic. “We’re going to freeze with no shelter.” Her eyes scanned the area around them and found nothing but trees and snow.

  “We keep walking. There’s still a little daylight left. If we don’t find it soon, we’ll have to look for a place to make a camp.”

  Paige did not wait for Sara to reply before she turned and started walking again. The snow was now nearing two feet deep and Sara was tired from the hour they had spent walking. She folded her arms over her chest to keep warm and followed Paige. She had no idea what to do other than listen to her friend.

  “There!” Paige yelled after another half an hour. Sara looked up and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the cabin up ahead. She started to walk faster when she stopped dead. There was a figure standing in the road in front of them. She reached out to grab Paige’s arm, but the man raised his hand.

  “Pevanas,” Lon growled, and a strong wind sent both girls sailing through the air. Sara lost sight of Paige when she slammed into a pine tree. She tried to get up, but Lon was already there pinning her down, his knee on the middle of her chest.

  “Finally,” He growled. “You left your protectors.”

  Sara’s eyes widened with fear when she realized who it was holding her down. She struggled to get free, but he held her firm.

  “No more playing nice. I have to verify that you are in there.” He wrapped both hands around her throat and started to squeeze.

  Sara struggled to pull his hands away, but he was far too strong.

  “Come on,” he snarled at her. “Fight me! Come on! I know you are in there. He would not be here otherwise.”

  “Fight him!”

  Sara could barely hear the voice above the ringing in her ears.

  “I should know him. Why can I not remember?”

  Sara reached out and hit Lon to get him to release his grip, but it was like hitting a stone. It made no difference.

  “Fight me!” He yelled again before he started reciting some kind of incantation.

  Sara could not make sense of what he was saying as she started to lose consciousness.

  “No! Fight him!” The voice yelled. She sounded like she was in pain while Lon continued reciting.

  “No! Do not give in!”

  The darkness started to close in on Sara and she tried one last time to get him to loosen his grip. When it did not work her hands dropped limp into the snow. Everything was fading when a multitude of images flashed through her mind.

  “Londar! I remember!” Sara was barely aware of the voice when the weight on her was suddenly lifted. She gasped for air and it took a moment before she was able to see her surroundings again. When she could, she found Paige standing over Lon with a large log in her hand. He was now lying unconscious on the ground.

  “Get up,” Paige yelled. “We have to get to the cabin.” She

  reached down and helped her to her feet. Sara struggled to get her bearing and had to lean on Paige as they hurried to get inside. Once they made it, Paige locked the door before they both headed upstairs. Sara collapsed on the couch and Paige pulled her new phone out of her pocket. She ignored the several missed calls and dialed a number. It only rang once before Jake answered.

  “Where are you?” he asked. “This snow is crazy. I can’t believe you would go anywhere with that ma--.”

  “He’s here,” Paige interrupted. “That Lon guy.” She heard Jake curse on the other end of the line.

  “Where?” He snapped, his voice laced with concern.

  “We’re already at the cabin,” Paige said before she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She spun and gasped when she saw Lon standing in the room with them. Sara was backing toward Paige while Lon glared at them. He had blood running down the side of his head.

  “I believe I have a favor to return,” he growled. “Pevanas.” He threw his hand up and sent Paige sailing into the wall of the cabin. Her head connected with the wood beam with a sickening crack. She collapsed to the floor and did not move. Lon stalked over and picked up her phone.

  “Greetings Jacob,” he said with a smug smile.

  “Where’s my sister?” Jake demanded, causing Lon to chuckle.

  “She is unable to speak to you at this time.” He did not wait for Jake to reply before he snapped the phone in half and dropped the pieces to the floor. Turning his attention to Sara, he paused in surprise. She was not in the same spot. He found her crouched over Paige. Her hands glowed as she held them over Paige’s head.

  “Oh no, you do not,” he snarled as he made a leap at her. To his surprise she deftly avoided him, and he stopped moving. “Rin, nice to see you again.” His tone became sarcastic when he saw Sara’s eyes were now a brilliant green.

  “I cannot say it is nice to see you, Londar,” she snapped back at him. He laughed before he launched at her. She dodged to the side before she met him blow for blow. It almost appeared like a choreographed dance, until she ducked to the side and grabbed his arm. She pulled it back hard and dropped him to his knees with a kick to the back of his leg.

  “Āega bulāe,” he said. He brought up his other hand and a fireball shot from his hand.

  “Ksāetras,” she gasped as she flinched back and got a force wall up quick enough to block the fire spell. They continued like this for a while before she started to breath heavy and her movements started to slow.

  “What is wrong, Rin?” He sneered at her. “The little girl cannot take it, can she?” Before she had a chance to reply to him, he threw his hand into the air, “Vēijal.” A lightning bolt shot from his hand. She could not get a force wall up in time and was thrown into the wall behind her. Before she could fall, Londar was there pinning her to the wall. His forearm was across her throat holding her in place. Rin was no longer in control and it was Sara who looked back at him with fear filled eyes. He jerked a yellow crystal out of his pocket and held it up next to her.

  “You are mine now,” he said, his voice hard and cruel. He tightened his grip on the crystal before he began to recite a different incantation. The crystal began to glow. Sara struggled to get free, but she began to scream in pain. Rin’s soul was being ripped from her and forced into the crystal. Her entire body felt like it was burning.

  “Do not worry, it will be over soon child,” Londar mocked. His eyes were filled with burning hatred when he started to speak the last words of the incantation. He only had a handful of words left when he was suddenly jerked backwards. The crystal flew out of his hand and landed beside where Sara collapsed to the floor. It shattered when it hit the floor and Rin’s soul flowed back into Sara’s body.

  “No!” Londar howled as he spun and came face to face with Kaedin. They were both frozen in surprise before Jaeha, Raven, and Hikaru appeared in the room seconds later. Kaedin made a move to grab Londar when Jake burst into the room. He was armed with a shotgun and everyone in the room froze.

  “Cūdāe!” Kaedin’s attention shifted to Londar when he heard the spell word. His expression became furious when he turned just in time to see him disappear. He spun back to face Jake and jerked the shotgun out of his hands before he threw it across the room. It slammed into the wall with a loud crash.

  “We are here to assist,” Kaedin snapped. “And, now you have allowed Londar to get away!”

  Jake gave no ground as he regarded Kaedin. He had no idea what was going on but was furious.

  Jaeha stepped in between the two. “Now is not the time,” he said, his voice taking a commanding tone. “The girls must be assisted.”

  Kaedin glanced at Jaeha before he moved toward Paige, but Jake grabbed his arm to stop him.

  “What are you doing?” he demanded.

  Kaedin jerked his arm free. “I can heal her. It is not my strong suit, but I am capable.”

  Jake tried to keep him from touching his sister, but Jaeha and Raven got hold of his arms and pulled him backwards.

  “Be still,” Jaeha said.

  Jake tried to break free, but he could not budge Jaeha, so he had no choice but to wait. Kaedin walked over to Paige and knelt beside her before he closed his eyes in concentration.

  “Rujhāe,” he said and a second later his hands were glowing with a pale blue light. He held them over Paige’s head and pushed his healing magic into her. Once he stopped the flow of magic it was a few minutes before she began to come around. When Kaedin saw she was waking up he moved over to Sara. Raven let go of Jake’s arm and hurried to help Paige sit up.


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