Whispers of Time

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Whispers of Time Page 29

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  “Rilaeya,” she cried when she grabbed her in a suffocating hug. Rin wrapped both arms around her mother and held on while they both cried. Wren watched them for a moment before he stepped closer and put his arms around them both. His mother looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Thank you for finding your sister,” she whispered.

  “Come, Luaera,” Kilvari’s irritated voice echoed through the large open room. “You are creating a scene. Return to your place.”

  Luaera ignored her husband and did not release her daughter. Wren looked up at him with a frown before he let go of them and shifted so he stood between them and his father.

  “Why are you here?” Kilvari demanded. “Have you abandoned your post?”

  Wren narrowed his eyes when several of the nobility around him chuckled. “I have abandoned nothing. I found my sister and it is my duty to see her home safely.”

  His father frowned, “I believe she is capable of finding her way home alone.”

  Rin glared up at him as she stepped away from her mother. Luaera glanced back and forth between her husband and children before she marched toward her seat with a scowl. “Thallawren has acted as he should,” she said, her voice hard. “I would expect nothing less of him after finding his sister when we have searched for her for nearly twenty years.” She sat down but the expression on her face did not change. Kilvari eyed her with disapproval before he turned his attention back to Rin. He appeared most unpleased to see her and his eyes narrowed the longer he looked at her.

  A few moments later, his eyebrows raised in surprise when he noticed the betrothal ring on her hand. “Have you finally come to your senses and accepted the proposal?”

  Rin stiffened, “I made it quite clear that I would not accept that proposal.”

  “There is no other that you could accept,” he snapped as he came down the steps. “I have approved no other match for you.” His gaze turned to Kaedin with a look of disdain.

  “As I informed you before, you shall not choose for me.”

  Kilvari reached out to grab her arm, “You shall not make a fool of me any longer. You shall be joined with whom I deem appropriate.”

  Rin moved to step back, so he could not touch her, but a second later she found herself looking up at her brother’s back.

  “I do not approve of your choice for Rin,” Wren said as he pushed her farther back with one arm. His father rounded on him.

  “I did not realize that you had the authority to approve,” he said, a dangerous edge to his voice. “Your opinions are only of value when it comes to matters of war.”

  Wren gave no ground as he stared at his father. The tension in the room continued to grow when neither backed down.

  “Kilvari,” Luaera called. Her calm voice seemed to soothe the entire room. “I do believe that you have an audience with Lady Hildvae soon, perhaps this is a matter that should be handled privately.”

  Kilvari and Wren both seemed to realize at the same time, that half of the elven court was watching them, and the king turned away. He headed back to his throne and sat back down.

  “Who are these humans and why have you brought them into my presence?” Kilvari asked with a scowl. He glanced at Jake, Paige, and Sara who were standing behind his children.

  Wren stood up fully, “Allow me to introduce to your majesties and the court, Ambassador Jacob Riverwood and his companions Miss Paige Riverwood and Miss Sara MacCoinnich.”

  Jake attempted to push down his nerves when he moved to stand beside Wren and bowed to the king and queen.

  “Your majesty,” he said without lifting his head as he waited to be acknowledged.

  “Why are you here?” Kilvari asked, his tone short.

  Jake looked back up at him and swallowed hard. Wren tried to prepare him for this, but he was still not sure how he was to behave. He once again fell back on his training and spoke to the king as he would a high-ranking officer.

  “I have come to request an audience with your majesty,” he said, his voice calm and confident.

  Kilvari’s eyes narrowed again. Humans were not this well-spoken, and he grew suspicious of where they came from. A sharp look from Luaera caused him to frown.

  “I shall grant you a short audience tomorrow afternoon. Until that time feel free to venture into the city.” He paused and looked at an attendant standing along the wall. “Tarsil, show them to the new guest suite.” A smug grin crossed Kilvari’s face. “Oh, and I shall assume since you brought them here that you shall look after them until their audience.”

  A short, round older looking elf stepped forward and motioned for them to follow him. Neither Wren nor Rin responded to Kilvari before they turned to follow Tarsil from the room. Several of the nobility chuckled as they walked across the room and by the time they made it through the doors Rin was furious. She clenched and unclenched her hands as they made several turns. Not paying attention to where they were going, she glanced up when Tarsil stopped in front of a large brown door. He opened the door and led them into a large room. She started to walk inside before she froze as a look of hurt flashed across her face. These were her rooms. Kilvari had turned her rooms into a guest suite and all of her things were gone. It appeared as if she had never been there.

  Wren and Jaeha exchanged shocked glances. The last time they visited the city her rooms were still intact. Rin backed out of the room and moved to go back down the hallway when Kaedin grabbed her hand.

  “Do not run,” he whispered.

  She glanced up at him then the hallway before she looked at everyone around them. Her entire body started to tremble, she could not stand the idea of being weak in front of them.

  “Take me with you,” Kaedin said, his voice cracking. Without stopping to think, she buried her face against his chest as his arms came around her. The two disappeared a second later.

  Wren watched them disappear before he stormed into the room. He was so angry that he started pacing back and forth. A scowl crossed his face when he was forced to shorten his steps, so he did not run into the large dining room table.

  “What is wrong?” Jake asked as he observed the guest suite. He could see three doors leading off from the main room. One contained several beds along the side walls with a large ornate mirror at the back and a large brown rug covering the white stone floor. The second room was a study with large windows covering the back wall and had several chairs and a large desk sitting on the red wood floors. The last door led into a decent size washroom.

  “These are Rin’s rooms,” Wren said, his voice hard. “The last time I was home, about a year ago, nothing in here was changed. This was done recently but I do not know why. He does nothing without a gain, but I cannot fathom his reason for this or what it could possibly gain him.”

  Jake folded his arms with a frown. “I thought he would be happy to have his daughter back.”

  “She has not told you?” Wren stopped pacing and turned to face Jake. When he saw the confusion on his face he sighed. “The day my sister disappeared, she discovered that my father is not her real father. She accused him of murdering her real father in front of his sons.” He paused with another sigh. “She speaks the truth.”

  Jake paled, “Then why are we here? We should have stayed miles from here.”

  “You are correct,” Wren said with a nod. “That would have been the wisest course of action, however, I suspect that my father may be involved in something deeper, and we must know for sure. It appears as though our world is on the brink of war and knowing who our allies are is imperative.”

  “I should’ve left them at home,” Jake said as he glanced at his sister and Sara. “I thought they’d be safer with me. I had no idea what we were getting into.”

  Wren sighed again and put his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “I believe that you made the correct choice in bringing them with you. What you have told me makes me certain that they are safer with us. We shall keep a close eye on them and you.” He released his shoulder and looked arou
nd the room. His gaze went to Raven when he noticed that Hikaru and Jaeha were both missing. Raven glanced up when he noticed his gaze.

  “Rin,” Raven said before he turned his attention back to assisting Paige with learning the proper way to hold a katana. Wren watched for a few moments before he headed toward the door.

  “I shall return shortly,” he said. “Remain in this room and do not leave until I return.” He waited until Jake nodded before he left the room and closed the door behind him.

  Sara let out a huge sigh as Wren shut the door. She was sitting beside the wall on the far side of the room trying to pull out her magic. She still could not get it to come out on her own.

  Jake walked over and sat down next to her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t get this magic to cooperate,” she said with another sigh. “I don’t understand how to get it to come out.” She paused with a look of apprehension. “I really am trying now.”

  Jake took one of her hands in his, “I’m sure you will get it. Try again.”

  She flushed at his touch and glanced up at him. He smiled and gave her a small nod of encouragement. She closed her eyes again and tried to pull the magic out, but it seemed like every time she tried to grab it, it would move away. Jake squeezed her hand when he heard her exhale hard. He could tell she was getting frustrated. Her brows furrowed when a sudden thought came to her. Rin said that she pushed her magic. This time Sara tried to push the magic instead of attempting to grab it. She envisioned the magic flowing from her hand to Jake.

  “Look.” Jake’s quiet voice caused her to open her eyes. The hand in his was glowing a faint blue. She gasped in surprise and the glow vanished.

  “I did it,” she said in disbelief.

  “I told you that you could do it,” he replied with a gentle smile. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. Her face turned bright red as she bit her lip. He stared at her for a moment before he leaned over so his face was right next to her ear. “You’re very cute when you do that.”

  She took a sharp breath and gazed up at him. When he leaned back and looked down at her, she could feel her heart rate accelerate so much she thought it would burst. Jake tilted his head before he lifted her hand again. He held it against his chest, and she could feel his heart was racing just as fast as hers.

  “I may not show it,” he whispered. “But you affect me too.”

  With a shy smile, she hesitated before she leaned over and hugged him. He appeared surprised for a split second before a smile spread across his face. This was the first time she initiated a hug. They stayed like this for several minutes until Raven cleared his throat. Sara jumped and pull back. She forgot Raven and Paige were still in the room. Her face was so bright red she looked like a lobster. Jake sighed as he looked away from her and up at Raven with a frown.

  “Do you not think you should be training?” Raven asked with a knowing look.

  Jake glanced at Sara again, “Yeah.” His voice was unhappy when he stood up and went to get his staff. Sara watched him go before she tried to calm her racing heart enough that she could return her attention back to practicing her magic.


  Rin and Kaedin appeared in a small clearing deep in the forest surrounding the palace. Kaedin knew this spot well. It was where Rin would disappear to when she was young and upset. He said nothing as he held her until she was ready to move.

  “I do not know what I expected,” she whispered. “I suppose it was foolish to believe that I would be welcomed home.”

  Kaedin tightened his grip. “Lord Kilvari is a fool. Forget what he thinks. Only remember the welcome of Lady Luaera, she was beside herself with joy.”

  Rin leaned back enough that she could see his face. “You are right. I shall only think of my mother.” She paused with a frown. “I wonder if she knows about my rooms.”

  “I am certain that she does not. She would never have allowed him to do that to your things.”

  “I wonder if he found the hidden compartment,” Rin said, worry creeping into her voice.

  Kaedin tilted his head, “You had a hidden compartment in your room?”

  “Of course, I kept all of my most important possessions hidden in it. The gifts from my mother, gifts and letters from Wren, and your letters to me.”

  “You kept them all?” He asked with a crooked smile.

  “Yes, they are important to me.” She paused, and her expression fell. “I shall be most unhappy if they are gone.”

  “I shall write you more,” he whispered as he gazed down at her. She smiled in response and stood up on her toes and kissed his cheek. He reached up and rested his hand on her cheek as he started to lean down. Pausing with a loud exhale, he kissed her forehead and rested his head against hers.

  “I want to kiss you,” he said, his voice low and husky. Neither of them looked at the other.

  “As do I.” She took a shaking breath. “However, we should do things properly.” A frown crossed her face when she heard him breathe a heavy sigh.

  “I know,” he said. “I shall always respect your wishes even if they may be difficult.”

  “Perhaps we should go elsewhere.” She shifted when she could sense his desire. “I need to find a katana that I can modify for Paige.”

  He lifted his head and looked down at her, “That would be wise.”

  Shivering at the low tone of his voice, she took hold of his hand and the two turned away from each other. They headed through the trees as they walked toward the city. When they neared the edge of the clump of trees near the palace, Kaedin released her hand and fell into step just behind her. She glanced back at him before they stepped onto the path. As soon as they were visible Hikaru and Jaeha appeared beside them and they both fell into step behind her without a word.

  Rin looked back with a raised eyebrow. She was not surprised to see Hikaru, since she knew he would find them, but she was not expecting her brother’s bonded to be there also. “Is my brother that worried?” She asked when they turned onto the main road.

  “Until we leave the city, Lord Wren wishes for me to remain with you,” Jaeha said, his voice quiet so that none of the passing citizens could hear him.

  Rin tilted her head with a look of disapproval. “I do not require anyone to look after me.”

  Jaeha bowed his head, “Forgive me, my lady but I must do as your brother has asked.”

  Rin’s expression did not change as she turned her attention back to where they were walking. Once she noticed the people of her father’s city around her the look vanished. The people greeted her with warmth and pleasure at seeing her again. She returned their greetings and thanked them for their kind words. No matter what was going on with her and the king, she did her duty for the people of Nuenthras. They were always kind and caring toward her.

  It took them a while to weave their way through the people and buildings built among the massive trees of the valley. When they reached a small two-story building in a small open clearing, Rin stopped and looked up at it with a fond smile. Nothing here had changed. This building, while it matched the easy, naturally flowing design of the others, had a large free-standing chimney made of light tan stones off to the right side. At its base was the rest of the forge and a large silver colored anvil.

  Rin peered into the windows that lined the front of the store and her smile widened when she saw the various weapons on display. She pulled the thick wooden door open and walked inside. Kaedin followed her while Jaeha and Hikaru remained outside.

  “Great Darzak’s beard you are finally back!” An elderly dwarf called as soon as he saw her walk into his shop. He hobbled around the counter and tried to brush off some of the soot on his thick leather apron. When he was within arm’s reach, Rin grabbed him in a tight hug. He stiffened and cleared his throat while his face turned a brilliant red.

  “It is wonderful to see you, Baldrim,” Rin said with a smile. “I feared you would no longer be here.”

  The dwarf left out a deep throaty laugh, �
�I am not that old yet. I still have plenty of years left to keep you youngsters in line.”

  Rin’s smile widened, and she looked back over her shoulder at Kaedin. He was just as happy to see the dwarf as she was. He was like family to both of them.

  “How are those daggers I made for special for you?” Baldrim’s question caused Rin to look back over at him. She flipped her wrists and the daggers appeared in her hands.

  “They are fantastic as always.”

  He took them from her and looked them over before he frowned, “You have not been sharpening these as often as you should.” His voice was gruff as he hobbled over to his workbench. After spending several minutes on the blades, he handed them back to her. “Well, out with it. I know you did not just come here to visit.”

  “You are correct,” Rin said with an amused smile. “I must find a katana.”

  Baldrim rubbed his hands together with a pleased smile. “Male or female? Height?” As he threw questions at her, he made his way over to a display rack with several katanas that were already crafted.

  “Female, about six inches taller than I am,” Rin replied.

  He looked over each blade before he selected two different ones and headed back to the counter. After he laid them down in front of her, Rin glanced back at Kaedin. He stepped forward and picked up each sword in turn. They were far too short and light for him, but he moved through several motions with each one. When he was finished, he handed the one that was a little bit longer with a dark brown leather hilt to Rin.

  “Good eye,” Baldrim said with a satisfied head nod. “You were paying attention.”

  Kaedin only smiled. It was the old dwarf who taught him what to look for in a good blade. He watched in silence while Baldrim and Rin finished the transaction for the katana. When she was done, she went back behind the counter and hugged Baldrim again. The dwarf cleared his throat, “Do not be such a stranger and for goodness sake, do not get lost again.”

  “I shall do my very best,” she said with a smile as she stepped back from him. “We shall come to see you soon.”


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