Whispers of Time

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Whispers of Time Page 44

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  “Forgive me,” he whispered. “I have been such a fool.” He paused and tightened his grip. “Why? Why have you not told me this before now?”

  A sad smile appeared on her face. “Would you have understood before this moment?”

  His gaze fell to their hands before he shook his head. “No, I would not have understood, not really,” he said. “I always believed that I was doing the right thing.” He paused, and his gaze returned to the creek. “When I was young, I witnessed a scout passing away from his injuries. When we journeyed to inform his ayen I was not prepared for the consequences.” He tightened his grip on her hands again. “His ayen was so devastated by the loss that she chose eternal sleep over living without him. She did not even stop to consider that she left two small children in her grief. I never wished for anyone to suffer over me like that if I lost my life in battle.” He paused again, and his gaze returned to her. “But I understand what you meant. I cannot imagine that I would be more afraid for you if we were joined. If… if you were my ayen these feelings would remain the same.”

  Lyra could only stare at him. He had never told her the reason he resisted being joined, and only hinted at it over the many long years. When she did not say anything, Wren’s shoulders dropped. “Can you forgive me? I know I have caused so much pain for you.”

  She seemed to snap out of her thoughts when she could hear the pain and guilt in his voice. Leaning closer to him, she kissed him on the cheek. “Of course I forgive you, but you should have told me before, I would have understood.” She tilted her head. “What do you plan to do now?” Her voice grew quiet when she asked the question.

  “I intend to pledge my life to you for the rest of our days,” he said. “I have been a fool for far too long and wish to waste no more time.” He lifted a hand off hers and placed it on her cheek. “If you will consent, I shall find Ronin and I will be joined with you tonight.”

  A smile slowly spread across her face and her eyes rimmed with tears. “Of course,” she gasped as she threw her arms around his neck. He wrapped both arms around her in a tight embrace and held her until she sat back. “It took you far too long.”

  “I know,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I shall do anything that is required to make it up to you.”

  Lyra shook her head. “There is nothing that I require, being by your side is all I have ever desired.”

  He leaned closer to her and lightly kissed her hair before he pulled a leather cord out of his shirt. It was tied around his neck and had a charm and ring attached to it.

  “Is that the charm that I gave you?” she asked.

  He nodded, “It has never left me.”

  “I did not believe that you would keep it with you all the time,” she said as she ran her fingers over the small willow tree made of silver.

  “I believe it has brought me luck,” he said while he retied the cord around his neck after removing the ring.

  “I pray that it shall bring you much more luck and will keep you safe so that you always return to me.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed her fingertips before he stood and pulled her to her feet. “Come with me.” He led her out of the park by the hand but walked so fast that she almost had to run to keep up.

  “Wren,” she gasped after a few moments of struggling to match his long strides.

  He slowed and looked down at her before a boyish grin crossed his face. “I apologize, but I did say I wished to waste no more time.”

  She laughed but was grateful that he slowed his pace so that she could keep up with ease. They traversed the hallways until they reached Ronin’s study. Wren knocked on the door before they stood waiting. A couple of minutes passed before Ronin pulled the door open. He just stared at them for a moment before he stepped back and let them in. He appeared to still be half asleep and was in his night clothes.

  “What?” He asked through a large yawn.

  “I must ask a favor,” Wren said. “Would you be willing to join us?”

  Ronin’s eyes opened wide in surprise before a large grin spread across his face. “It is about time,” he said with a laugh.

  Confusion appeared on Wren’s face. “How do you know about us?”

  Ronin laughed again and fought to keep from rolling his eyes. “Who does not know that she is your match?” Another large grin crossed his face when Wren’s eyes narrowed.

  “I was unaware it was well known.”

  Once Ronin could stop laughing, he looked back at them. “Would you not rather have a priest join you?”

  “I would prefer to have my friend join us,” Wren said before he paused and looked down at Lyra. “Of course, if that is acceptable to you.”

  “Yes, it is acceptable,” she said with a smile. “Do not think for a moment that I would give you a chance to change your mind?”

  “I would not,” Wren said with a frown which made Lyra’s smile widen. She did not care who joined them as long as she was finally able to be joined with Wren after so very, very long.

  Ronin motioned for them to follow him and they walked further into his study before he paused. A frown crossed his face and he moved back to the door. He opened it and waved a guard to come into the room. They needed a witness. Once the guard was in the study, Ronin performed a quick ceremony where Wren and Lyra exchanged their vows. When it was finished, Wren took the ring and put it onto the middle finger of Lyra’s left hand. It was a braid of gold and silver stands that were folded into the shape of a delicate flower. The ring once belonged to Wren’s grandmother.

  After he put the ring on her finger, Wren pulled her to him and hesitated for a brief moment before he kissed her on the lips. She leaned into him while they shared the first kiss either had ever experienced. They had both held to the strict rules of propriety that was expected in the elven culture.

  Ronin glanced away for a few seconds before he shook his head and cleared his throat. Wren lifted his head with a sigh and glanced over at him, “Thank you.”

  “You are most welcome,” Ronin said with a smile. “Now, get out of my study.”

  Wren chuckled and gave him an exaggerated head bow before he scooped Lyra up into his arms and headed out the door. Ronin watched them disappear down the hall with a smile before he headed back to his room to sleep.


  Early the following afternoon, Jake, Paige, and Sara were sitting at the table in the common room. Jake was regarding his sister and it was obvious to anyone in the room that he was not happy.

  “Home is the best place for you. You shouldn’t stay here and risk your life,” he said.

  Paige rolled her eyes at him. “I’ve already decided that I’m going to help. Besides it’s not like I’ll be alone.”

  “He was there last time and you remember how well that almost ended,” Jake said, his voice hardening. “Rin won’t be there to save you this time.”

  “That’s not fair, Jake,” she snapped as she glared at her brother.

  “Yes, it is.” They both looked up when Raven’s voice cut into their conversation. He stood behind Paige, but his attention was on Jake. “I made a mistake in the cavern, but I swear to you that I shall die before I allow anything to happen to her again.”

  Jake’s expression did not change as he held his gaze. “I’m going to hold you to that since she is too stubborn to do what she should.” He paused, and his voice dropped. “If anything happens to my sister…” He trailed off and Raven only nodded. There was no need for Jake to finish the sentence.

  Paige looked back and forth between them before she rolled her eyes again. “Good grief you two, everyone needs to chill out. All this stress is going to give you all grey hair.” When her brother gave her an exasperated look, she shook her head. “I mean seriously Jake you worry way too much. Wren didn’t give Rin nearly as hard of a time as you’re giving me and she’s going somewhere way more dangerous.”

  “We have no idea what he's saying to her in private,” Jake said with a shake of his head. “And you’re not
Rin, you’re an eighteen-year-old human girl with no fighting skills, not an elven general with magic and wicked fighting skills.”

  Paige gave him a dirty look. “I’m learning to fight.”

  Raven grimaced from behind her. He knew her skills were not that great even though she practiced every day.

  “Yeah learning, not completely proficient like Rin.”

  “What about me?” Rin asked from where she was standing in the doorway to her room. Everyone looked over at her.

  “I’m trying to get my hardhead sister to go home and explaining why your brother isn’t giving you a hard time,” he said, his voice unhappy. He was still angry with Rin for encouraging Paige to go.

  “My brother shall have a few words for me, I am certain,” Rin said with a chuckle. “I have only avoided them for now since I have been asleep.”

  Paige rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but he doesn’t actually expect you to do what he says.”

  Rin laughed, “Of course, he does, but I am just as stubborn as he, though older brothers are often wiser and smarter than we like to give them credit for. I have on more than one occasion wished I had taken his advice. Be certain to remember what they tell you is because they care for you and do not wish to see you harmed.” She paused before she gave Paige a conspiratorial glance. “Do not ever repeat what I have told you. I can never admit any of this to my brother it would cause his head to become far too large.”

  “Sounds like all older brothers are the same,” Paige laughed.

  Rin nodded before her attention shifted to Raven and all the playful nature she just displayed disappeared in an instant. “Are you prepared to leave tomorrow?” Her disapproval showed on her face when he shook his head no.

  “We shall be prepared, my lady,” Raven said.

  She frowned but said nothing further before she headed for the stairs. Kaedin appeared beside her as she disappeared down the stairs. She walked through the hallways until she reached Ronin’s study and knocked on the door. Once she received permission, she opened the door and walked inside.

  “I wondered when you would come,” Ronin said as he closed the book he was reading and laid it on his desk. He got up and moved to stand in front of the desk. “Are you certain about this path? It shall be quite dangerous, and you will be beyond our assistance once you are there.”

  “I do not see that I have any other choice if we are to close the portal. I must have the information that is there.”

  Ronin could not conceal his concern as he shook his head. He reached behind him and picked up a small brown leather-bound book.

  “These are the only maps that I have of the demon realm.” He said. “I am uncertain if they will be of use and I do not know if they are out of date.” He paused and handed the book to her. “I have a contact by the name of Taeli who may be of assistance. There is a town called Zeixahl near the Zei river. You need to go to the Driest Bone Tavern and tell the bartender, silver bones crumble to pieces of time. He will be able to get in contact with her.”

  Rin listened intently while he spoke. She had to commit all the information to memory so that she did not endanger the contact.

  “I am afraid that is all the assistance that I can provide,” Ronin continued with a frown. “Be certain that you both disguise yourselves. I am certain that I do not need to tell you what shall happen if anyone recognizes you.”

  Rin shivered, “Yes, I know that I have many enemies that would

  relish in seeing me die in a painful way.”

  Ronin stepped closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “I may not have always known that you were my sister, but I have always cared for you as one. If I do not say this now, I will feel as if I am negligent in my duty to you. Do not go to the demon realm. It is far too dangerous with little chance of success. Remain here and we will find another way.”

  “I must,” she whispered. “We have no way of knowing if there is another way to close the portal and it could take far too long to find out. I will not risk everything and everyone I care for being harmed before we could find the answer.”

  “You take far too much of the burden upon yourself,” he said as he shook his head. “It is a dangerous trait that you share in common with your brother.”

  “In his case, yes, but I only do what I must.”

  Ronin raised an eyebrow and again shook his head. “Only what you must? You realize that his answer would be the same as yours.”

  “Yes, it would,” she said with a faint smile. The two fell silent for a few moments before Ronin sighed.

  “Look over what I have given you and ask any questions you may have tonight. I shall bid you farewell in the morning.” He pulled her into a hug before he stepped back and released her. His gaze turned to Kaedin. “Be certain that she returns to us.”

  Kaedin bowed his head to him before he followed Rin out of the study. Ronin watched them go and stared at the door once they were gone. It was several long minutes before he looked away. He wanted nothing more than to keep those important to him inside the city where he could keep them safe. Shaking his head again, he returned to his desk and picked up his book.

  Rin and Kaedin made their way back to the common room. When they walked up the stairs, Rin paused and scanned the room. Her eyebrow rose before she looked up at Kaedin.

  “Have you seen my brother today?” she asked. Once he shook his head no, she looked toward Jaeha, who was sitting in a corner with an open book. He glanced up when he heard her speak. “Jaeha, where is Wren?”

  He hesitated before he closed the book in his hand. “I have not seen him this morning.” Shifting his gaze away from her, he tried to keep his face as blank as possible.

  Rin’s eyes narrowed as she watched him. “I must speak with him about plans for tomorrow.”

  “My lady, I believe he is occupied,” Jaeha replied before a small smile slipped across his face and Rin’s eyebrow shot up.

  “What do you know that I do not?” she asked.

  Jaeha could not help but smile. “I really am not at liberty to say, my lady.” He paused and his smile widened. “Besides, I do not wish to be on the receiving end of your ire.”

  Her eyebrow rose again before she spun around and headed for the stairs. Jaeha jumped out of his chair and grabbed her arm.

  “Where are you going, my lady?”

  She looked up at him with a sweet smile and he grimaced. “I am going to find my brother, or you could tell me what you know.”

  Jaeha started shaking his head no. “My lad--.”

  “Tell me.”

  He swallowed hard before he sighed. “Your brother was joined with Lady Lyra this morning. He is with her.”

  Rin’s mouth dropped open in disbelief before her expression changed to one of indignation. “He joined to Lyra without me?” When Jaeha nodded, she turned and tried to walk away but he still had hold of her arm.

  “My lad--.”

  “Release my arm,” she snapped.

  He stared at her for a second before he let go of her arm and she stormed down the stairs. Kaedin and Jaeha exchanged worried glances before they hurried after her. She was already almost out of sight when they made it down the stairs. Without acknowledging either of them when they caught up to her, Rin headed straight for Lyra’s rooms. When she reached them, she knocked on the door hard several times making it rattle on the hinges.

  “Wren!” She yelled. She waited for a minute and when she got no answer her eyes narrowed in irritation. “I know you are in there! Do not make me break the door. You know that I can, and you must speak with me now!” She kicked the door to add emphasis to her words and only had to wait a few moments before the door flew open. Her annoyed brother stood in the doorway.

  “What in the world are you doing?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “You were joined without telling me?”

  “How di--?”

  “It does not matter how I know,” she snapped at him. “What matters is that you were joined w
ithout telling me. I have known for years that Lyra was your match and I never said a word. How? How could you do this? I have now missed a very important event in my brother’s life!”

  Wren just stared at her while she yelled at him. He seemed to be having trouble fathoming why she was so upset with him. “I did not think you would care so much,” he mumbled.

  Her mouth again dropped open in disbelief. “What? How could I not care?” She paused, and her eyes narrowed. “Does this mean that if Kaedin and I are joined without you then that is fine?”

  “No, of course, that would not be acceptable.”

  “Then why would it be acceptable for you?” She demanded as she glared up at him. Wren was again just staring back at her, he was at a momentary loss for words. Jaeha covered his mouth while he tried to contain his laughter. He still found it amusing that this tiny little girl could make her older brother squirm.

  “Lady Rin, we will be having a full ceremony later,” Lyra’s voice interjected into their conversation. Wren’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at her.

  “Do not try and rescue my brother,” Rin said, her voice sharp. “He does not deserve it.”

  “I am not attempting to rescue him,” Lyra said with a chuckle. “I do believe that your ire is well placed.”

  “Lyra?” Wren said in exasperation and she laughed.

  “However, what I said before is the truth,” she continued. “I just have not yet discussed it with him.” She smiled up at him and he shook his head.

  Rin glared at him before she stomped her foot on the ground in anger. “I suppose that will be better than nothing, but you are in no way forgiven!”

  Wren raised both eyebrows, “You have not stomped your foot since you were a child.”

  “That is because you have not made me so angry since then,” Rin snapped before she turned on her heel and stormed down the hallway. Kaedin glanced at Wren before he ran after her.

  Wren watched her for a minute before he shook his head and glanced over at Jaeha. His eyes narrowed, “This was your fault, was it not?”


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