Whispers of Time

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Whispers of Time Page 47

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  Jake glanced up and almost rolled his eyes when he heard the polite tone his father was using now. He had not realized just how arrogant his father was until this meeting. The man was only polite if he knew you could kill him.

  “My riders shall not report to you nor will they be under your control,” Rin said. “They shall report directly to Captain Iliwenys and your son.”

  “I don’t want troops in my camp that I can’t control,” Riverwood snapped with a frown. “Why are you allowing my son to control them?”

  “As I told you before, I find him trustworthy and capable,” she said before she looked over at Jake. He met her gaze, but nothing showed on his face. “I know that he will not risk their lives needlessly.”

  Riverwood still did not appear pleased as he regarded her for a few moments. “Fine,” he said finally. “I guess we’ll have to live with that. What else do we need to know?”

  Rin looked to Wren. “From here forward you shall be dealing with me for any future need of aid,” Wren said, his voice hard. “Our world is on the brink of war and communication will be vital for us to be able to provide you with assistance. Jacob and Miss Sara shall be your go between. Miss Sara has the ability to activate the portal and shall be given strict instructions on when to do so. She is never to come through without Jacob for any reason, it will be far too dangerous. If the attempt is ever made, I shall bring my men home.”

  “You're telling me we have to babysit?” Rivewood’s tone became condescending as he looked over at Sara.

  “She’ll be with me,” Jake replied with a sharp glare. “There’ll be no need for anyone else to look after her.”

  Riverwood’s eyes narrowed with disapproval at his son’s reaction. His gaze shifted to Sara and his expression darkened when he realized this girl meant something to his son.

  “One last thing,” Wren said, bring Riverwood’s attention back to him. “One of our healers shall be present to assist with the healing of training wounds. I expect that you shall show her the utmost respect or Jacob will bring her home.” He gestured toward Lyra as he spoke, and she gave the general a stern look when he glanced up at her.

  “We’ll see what we can do.”

  Wren fought to keep his rising anger off his face at the general’s less than acceptable response. “Do you have any further inquiries for us?” He asked, only the slight shake of his voice giving away his anger.

  “When are these men supposed to arrive?” One of the other officers asked.

  “They shall arrive tomorrow morning once we open the portal again. When they are all safely through my sister and I shall be leaving.”

  Riverwood nodded before he turned to the aid standing along the wall. “Take them to an empty tent and make sure they have enough beds. Then figure out a place for these girls to stay after tonight.”

  “Yes sir,” the aid replied before he looked at Rin and Wren. “Please follow me.” He gestured toward the stairs. Rin and Wren exchanged quick glances before they both stood up and followed the aid. The others hurried to follow them out of the cabin. When they headed into the camp Jaeha, still in dragon form, and the other riders fell into step behind them. Jaeha struggled to make his way through the tightly packed tents without stepping on anything. Once they reached the far side of the camp the aid stopped in front of a tent.

  “These two are empty,” he said pointing to two tents on the very edge of camp. He only waited long enough for Wren to nod to him before he turned and jogged back toward the cabin. Once he was out of earshot Wren looked down at Rin.

  “I am not pleased by this situation at all,” he snapped. “We need to speak about several things, right now.”

  Rin sighed before she nodded. “We shall speak but allow me to assist the riders in finding a suitable location for their camp first.”

  Wren frowned before he breathed a heavy sigh and nodded. He knew how important it was to her to see that her men were taken care of before anything else. “Be careful,” he said, his expression darkening. “I trust none that I have met.”

  “I shall,” she replied before she motioned for the riders to follow her. They walked until they reached the far side of the large clearing. Tall slender pine trees still grew all along the edge of the open meadow, Rin stopped and scanned the forest and meadow before she turned around. The human camp was almost half a mile away.

  “I believe this shall be suitable and large enough for everyone when they arrive,” she said looking up at a rider pair that was standing next to her.

  “Yes, my lady, this will do,” the elf replied.

  The two stood in silence for a few minutes while the other rider pairs worked to erect their tents. Rin looked back up at the elf, “Be wary Captain Iliwenys, only trust Jacob. The others do not seem honorable and I wish to see all of you return home.”

  Iliwenys looked down at her, his dark grey eyes serious. “I shall do my best, my lady.”

  “The dragons should remain in true form as much as possible. They are more protected that way and I am certain that the human’s projectiles cannot get through their scales.”

  “Do you believe that they will attack us?” He asked with a frown.

  Rin nodded, “I believe some may try. Colonel Ravencraft is not to be trusted. I know Jacob will try to prevent any hostilities, but in this case, he is outranked.” She paused and looked back up at Iliwenys. “If you need assistance get a message to my brother or Commander Orbryn.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “One last thing, make certain that no harm comes to my new sister. I wish for Ventoris and Kenshin to be assigned to her.”

  “It shall be done.”

  She nodded before she extended her arm toward him. The two grasped forearms before she turned to walk away.

  “Be safe, my lady,” Iliwenys said, his voice quiet. “We already await your return.”

  Rin acknowledged him with a slight head bow before she headed away from the riders’ camp. She followed the edge of the clearing and checked the terrain as she went. There used to be a stream that ran down this slope and she wanted to be certain that it would not affect her riders’ camp. She made it almost back to the first set of human tents when a faint popping sound caused her to pause. A split second later, she felt a sudden sharp pain in her back between her shoulder blades. She gasped from the impact of what hit her before she staggered forward a step as she raised her hands to her chest. It felt like there was a crushing weight on her chest and she could not take a deep breath. She dropped to a knee as she struggled to deal with the strange sensations. This was like no wound she had ever experienced.

  “Damn,” a low voice growled from behind her. “That should have been a kill shot.”

  Before she could turn to see who was there, she was hit hard in the face. She collapsed to the ground and only caught a glimpse of booted feet before everything faded to black.

  Pronunciation Guide


  Arlaeyna – Are-lay-nuh

  Baldrim – Ball-drim

  Bheldrom – Bell-drom

  Durlan Orbryn – D-er-lan / Or-br-in

  Hikaru – Hee-kah-roo

  Jaeha – Jay-ha

  Jyldar Hildvae – Jill-dar / Hill-d-vay

  Kaedin – Kay-d-in

  Kanamae Silvarin – Con-uh-may / Sill-v-air-in

  Kilvari – Kill-v-are-ee

  Londar Hildvae – Lon-d-are / Hill-d-vay

  Luaera – Loo-air-uh

  Lyra – Leer-uh

  Myrabelle – Meer-uh-bell

  Oragg – Or-rag

  Raven Raloren – Ray-ven / Ruh-l-or-in

  Riku Silvaerin – Ree-koo / Sill-v-air-in

  Rilaeya (Rin) Rilavaenu– Rye-lay-uh / Rill-uh-vay-noo

  Ronin Silvaerin – Row-n-in / Sill-v-air-in

  Saeldre – Say-ld-ray

  Shiokae – Shee-o-kay

  Taeli – Tay-lee

  Takaeda – Tuh-kay-duh

  Thallawren (Wren) Rilavaenu - Th-all-ah-wren / Rill

  Thoridan – Thor-i-dane

  Yosheido – Yo-shay-dough


  Asaetara – A-suh-ter -uh

  Caradthrad – Care-ad-th-rad

  Khor Daeruk – Core / De-rook

  Laethys – Lay-th-is

  Lake Kiyoyaema – Key-yo-yay-muh

  Lyrin – Leer-in

  Naraeshiki Mountains – N-are-e-she-kee

  Nuenthras – Noo-en-thr-ah-s

  Okukumo Forest – Oh-coo-coo-mo

  Saelyris – Say-leer-iss

  Vaerylis – Vay-rye-liss

  Varalei – Var-uh-lie

  Yakutori Plains – Y-ah-koo-tori

  Zei River - Zi

  Zeixhal - Zi-x-hall

  Guardian Deities:

  Lady Avdotyae – Ah-v-o-tie-yay

  Lady Kikaeyo – K-i(like ick)-kay-oh

  Lord Ruehnaer – Rue-h-nar

  Darzak – Dar-zak


  Ayen – Aye-yen

  Aywin – Aye-win

  Makae Trees – M-ah-kay Trees

  Pliqini – Pl-i-kini

  Qinaros – K-in-ah-rose

  Qlaesdin – K-lay-s-din

  Fig. 1

  Fig. 2

  About the Author

  Gwen lives in a quaint little cottage that is nestled among the large pine trees of the Okukumo Forest. Within a short walking distance, the coast of the Khindell Ocean offers hours of places to explore with her beloved dragon….

  Okay, okay, not really but a girl can dream right?

  Gwen really lives in a quiet, midwestern town with her husband and three rambunctious boys. She has an associate of arts degree in creative writing with a bachelor of arts in English still in progress. Her love of storytelling is what keeps her motivated to keep writing every day.

  If you would like to know more about the author, you can follow her on Facebook or her website. The links are listed below.




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