It's Never Dull

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It's Never Dull Page 8

by Katrina Kahler

  My first thought was good it serves them right, but then I realized I couldn’t let innocent people get hurt...even if I didn’t like one of them. I stood up and looked at Mom and Dad. “It has to be the phantom ninjas. You guys have this right?”

  “Yes,” they both said.

  “Good, I’ll be flying to the park.”

  Mom grabbed my arm. “Not alone you won’t be.”

  “Mom, you can’t go, Jimmy’s mom is unpredictable. And I want you here to protect Dad, Frank, and Ruby.“

  “You can’t go alone!”

  “I’ll be her backup,” Ms. Anna insisted.

  “Can you fly?” I asked Ms. Anna.

  “I can do better,” she said.

  She waved her arms forward. We shot forward at super speed like moving a video in fast forward.

  We reached the park in less than a second.

  Nina Note: These phantom ninjas had hurt Jimmy. They were going to pay.

  Chapter 15: Battle Time

  Reaching the park, we found Elena and Jimmy’s mom lying on the ground by the pond. They were hurt but breathing.

  “Nina, I’m so glad you are here.” Elena put her hand on my hand, she was clearly relieved.

  Jimmy’s mom lifted up her head. “These things are vicious. They may even be worse than vampires.”

  “The phantom ninjas?” I asked.

  “Actually, I was here to stop a gremlin invasion,” Jimmy’s mom said.

  “I’m here to try to convince the phantom ninjas to come work for us,” Elena said.

  “Who’s us?’” I asked.

  “We’re a government group that researches and recruits the paranormal. If they are on our countries side we want to recruit them. If they aren’t, we want to stop them. I thought Sasha and I could recruit the ninjas.” Lowering her eyes she said, “They attacked us. They are trying to make Sasha one of their own.”

  “Somehow the ninja’s and gremlins had decided to work together,” Jimmy’s mom said. “Nina, if you can stop them. I still won’t accept you being together with my son. But I will agree to let you talk to him.”

  It certainly didn’t appear to be a great deal, but I had to stop these gremlins and phantom ninjas anyhow. Might as well take what I could get.

  “How do we find them?” Anna asked.

  “I have a way,” I said.

  I popped my shoes off of my feet. Elena closed her eyes and went to sleep. “Good, now I don’t have to deal with her!” I said.

  Sure enough, GooGoo and his crew appeared. “The scent! It is so amazing!”

  “GooGoo, what are you doing working with the phantom ninjas?” I demanded. “I thought you wanted my socks?”

  GooGoo and the other gremlins nodded. “We do. We do so love the stench of your socks. But these ninjas offered us power. We like power too. After all, everybody always thinks of us gremlins as little mischief-makers. Now we can be difference makers.”

  “And what do they get from you guys?” I asked.

  “You,” a voice called from above.

  Gazing upwards I saw three phantom ninjas. “Nina, if you will not join us, we will stop you and make Sasha one of us.”

  “Does Sasha want that?” I asked.

  Sasha appeared on the ground behind me. Her eyes seemed empty. “I will defeat you!” Sasha said.

  “We love being entertained,” the gremlins said, sitting down and pulling out popcorn.

  “We love having you weakened,” the ninja said.

  Moving up to me, Ms. Anna asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Can you see the floating ninjas?” I asked.

  “Sorry no,” she replied.

  “We can only be seen by humans if we wish to be seen!” the ninja laughed.

  “How do your feet smell?” I asked her.

  “Not good,” she said. “I’m a teacher, I can’t afford good shoes.”

  “Good, use your feet to keep the gremlins busy!”

  “I’ll take on Sasha and the phantom ninjas,” I told her.

  Sasha rushed at me screaming, “Hiya!”

  Leaping in the air she tried kicking me in the head. I caught her leg. Dropping her to the ground. I smiled.

  “What are you?” Sasha asked. “No human can do that.”

  “I won’t argue with you there,” I said. “Listen, Sasha, I know those phantom ninjas have a grasp on you, but you can fight them.”

  “I don't think I want to,” Sasha replied. “My mom and I came here to get them to join us. But instead, they convinced me that I should join them.”

  Sasha leaped back to her feet. She hit me with a quick jab to the jaw. I saw the punch coming, but I let it strike me just to prove a point.

  Sasha pulled her hand back from my jaw in pain. “What are you made of? Steel?”

  “I’m just tough,” I said. Something occurred to me. “How are you and your mom able to see the Phantom ninjas?” I asked.

  Sasha pointed to her eyes. “Special contacts. The group we work for is a top government priority with many of the world’s best scientists...except for your father.”

  Acting calm I asked, “What did the phantom ninjas promise you?”

  “Power!” she laughed. “They said if I beat you they would bless me with power!”

  I couldn’t believe that the phantom ninjas would really want Sasha. Sure she was kind of strong and mentally tough, but she wasn’t me. I’m a one of a kind. I was built to be what the ninjas wanted. They had to just be using Sasha to draw me in. I guess it worked. After all, here I was.

  First things first...I needed to take Sasha out. I actually, had to admit I was going to enjoy this. I really wanted to put the cocky Sasha in her place.

  Sasha waved a hand in front of my face. “You are getting tired!” she ordered.

  “I am getting tired,” I yawned. I started to blink and close my eyes.

  Sasha laughed. “Ha, you weak minded simpleton. I knew I could…”

  Lunging forward I head-butted Sasha. She dropped to the ground, out cold.

  “I'm far from weak-minded,” I told her, even though she couldn't hear me.

  The three phantom ninjas floated down to the ground.

  “You passed the test!” one of them said.

  “Very good,” another said.

  The third just grinned. I really didn’t trust that one.

  “Look, I’m not going to join you guys!” I insisted. “You might as well just go back to wherever you came from.”

  The lead phantom ninja shook his head. “We cannot because if you are not with us, you're against us. Therefore, we must stop you! You are a worthy warrior, but you are outnumbered three to one.”

  “I can count,” I said. “And I’m not worried.”

  Anna came forward with Elena and Jimmy’s mom.

  “And she is not outnumbered!” Anna said. Anna pointed to her eyes. “These contacts are amazing.”

  “It’s the least I could do since you helped us,” Elena said.

  “I still don’t trust the vamp...but I trust these phantom ninjas less,” Jimmy’s mom said.

  “We actually have you outnumbered now!” I yelled.

  The third ninja put his fingers into his mouth. He whistled. About 20 more phantom ninjas appeared in the sky all around us.

  “Okay, maybe not,” I groaned.

  The first ninja pointed at me and shouted. “We only want the one called Nina. Give her to us and we will leave you alone.”

  Elena and Jimmy’s mom started talking.

  “Do you trust them?” Elena asked. “After all, I would love to recruit them for our agency.”

  “I don’t trust anything supernatural,” Jimmy’s mom said. “I don’t like the girl but the ninjas are worse.”

  “Thanks for the amazing vote of confidence,” I muttered.

  “I might point out that you cannot harm us but we can harm you. You cannot win,” the talking phantom ninja told us.

  I walked back slowly to the other ladies. “I w
as able to hurt them when I fought them before. But I doubt I can fight off so many.”

  Ms. Anna put a hand on my shoulder. “How did you do it?”

  “There are two ways. If you kick them directly in the butt, they will disappear. But they are fast and this method is difficult to do successfully. The other method that worked was to channel my mental energy and turn it into a metaphysical weapon,” I said. “Don’t ask me to explain more than that. It’s something Ruby actually told me I could do.”

  “It makes perfect sense,” Anna agreed.

  “Yeah, I did that with one ninja but look at how many are surrounding us now!” I whined.

  “Nina, when it comes to energy...many are no different from one,” Anna said.

  “Stop her! Don’t let her concentrate!” the lead ninja shouted.

  The ninjas started bombarding me with little tiny knives of energy. Each one hitting me felt like it was cutting into my soul. They stung so much I couldn’t concentrate. These little daggers were cutting into me so much I was growing frustrated and angry. Taking a deep breath, I tried to hold back the anger. Yet the phantom ninjas kept stinging me with their blades. Each one seemed to bore and burn into me a little deeper. Finally, I decided not to hold back the anger.

  “STOP!” I screamed, lashing out with my claws and my mind. A giant mental claw swiped through the sky hitting and slicing into each of the phantoms. I heard the ninjas scream in my head. Then they were gone.

  Looking up at the stars in the now evening sky, I smiled and then I passed out.

  Nina Note: When channeled properly, anger can be useful from time to time. Sure, we should always try to talk out our problems and find common goals. Thing is, every once in awhile you just have to whack something.

  Chapter 16: Some Things Change...Some Don’t

  When I got home, I felt weak, but my spirits picked up when I saw both Ruby and Jimmy waiting for me on my porch. Of course, Mom, Dad, Frank, Aunt Mika, Mumford, and Gomer were there too.

  Ms. Anna helped me up the porch stairs, but I felt my strength coming back with each stair that I climbed.

  “Next time you battle phantom ninjas, bring me alone please,” Mom said.

  “I needed you here to help defend my family and friends in case I failed,” I said.

  “Please Nixy, when have you ever failed?” Mom said as she hugged me.

  Aunt Mika noticed that Ms. Anna was barefoot. “What happened to your pumps?”

  Ms. Anna laughed, “I gave them to the gremlins.”

  “Come on,” Dad said putting an arm around me. “Let’s get you inside.”

  “Nah, I’m good,” I said. “I like being out here in the fresh air surrounded by friends and family.”

  “And me,” a voice said.

  I saw Sasha storming down our sidewalk towards the porch. “My mom said you saved me,” she said. “I'm supposed to say thanks, so thanks.”

  “Ah, no problem,” I said.

  “There is a problem. I don’t like you, Nina. It’s not just because you’re a vampire, it’s because things come so easy for you. You think you’re better than everybody else but you are not! I wanted to expose your family to the world and let them know what you are.” She looked down and frowned. “But my mom talked me out of it, first she told me that she still thought you could be assets to our agency. Second, and more importantly, she told me nobody would believe me and I would go from the cool girl to the weird girl. I didn't want that.” She paused. “So, your secret is safe with me.”

  “Ah, thanks I guess.”

  Sasha pointed at me. “But if you ever get in my way I will find a way to drive you out of my school, my town, and my life.”

  I shrugged. “Fair enough. I think we’ll both be happier if we avoid each other.”

  “Agreed,” Sasha said. She turned and stomped away.

  “Wow,” Ruby said.

  “Ignore her,” Jimmy added.

  “Would it be bad if I said I thought she was kind of cute when she’s angry?” Frank asked.

  “Yes!” Ruby and I both yelled.

  GooGoo appeared on Frank’s head.

  “GooGoo! I’m mad at you!” I said. “I thought we had a deal!”

  GooGoo lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry, we did. But I was seduced by power. We Gremlins are not used to power. We let it go to our heads. And we do have naturally big heads. But in the end, it worked out great for saved the day!”

  “I guess,” I said.

  “But I am also here to give you a heads-up. That’s why I am on this guy’s head. We read on Super Natural Twitter that trolls are visiting your world. And you know how THEY love making trouble.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up,” I said shaking my head.

  GooGoo smiled and poofed away.

  “Are trolls that bad?” Ruby asked. “I haven’t done any research on them yet.”

  “They mostly love to spread rumors,” Mom told her.

  “Don’t worry,” I told Ruby with a smile. “Trolls are nothing we can’t deal with!”

  Nina Note: I love my life! Sure I’m pretty much different to everybody else in the world. But when I think about it...everybody is different from everybody else. That’s what makes the world so interesting and cool. Sure, trolls may be coming, and sure trolls are really annoying. And we don’t know who the ninja phantoms’ master is. Still, I have friends and family. We can handle anything!

  To Be Continued in Book 3


  Added Bonus…

  Some of Doctor Franklin Thorn’s Really Terrible Dad Jokes

  What’s a robot’s favorite dance?

  The electric slide.

  Why can you always kiss a vampire?

  Because you know they don’t have garlic breath!

  What number smells the worse?

  Number 2!

  What do you call a lady mummy?

  A mummy.

  Why do mummies always wear white?

  So they can sneak up on people in snowstorms.

  What do you call a robot with a death ray?

  Anything he wants you to.

  Why do labs use rats?

  Because they are easier to clean up after...compared to elephants.

  How many numbers are there in the alphabet?

  All of them you just need to spell them out.

  P.s. Told you they were BAD!!!!

  What’s the best way for a scientist to catch a rabid wolverine?

  Have their lab assistant do it.

  Why do scientists have lab assistants?

  Cause you never know when you might need a rabid wolverine caught.

  What do ghosts eat for breakfast?

  Nothing, they’re ghosts.

  What do zombies eat for breakfast?

  Brain food!

  What's the worse gift to give to the Invisible Man?

  A mirror.

  What’s more fun than a barrel full of monkeys?

  Two barrels full of monkeys.

  Why do scientists wear lab coats?

  Because science can be messy and lab coats look cool.

  Nina Note: Sadly, my dad actually believes that last part.

  Added Bonus II

  Advice From my Grandma - The Gypsy Ghost

  Sure you can trust other kids, just trust yourself more.

  If your gut and brain agree - you are right.

  Wear whatever color you want - whenever you want!

  Dance to whatever beat is playing in your head. Unless it's the blues, it’s hard to dance to blues.

  Look before you leap. It’s always good to have a solid landing spot picked out.

  Always have a happy spot in your brain you can get away to.

  When it comes to love you know you’ve found the right one when you stop asking yourself is this the right one?

  Old people are wise because they’ve already made a bunch of mistakes.

  You are who you hang with! Surround yourself with good people.

  We h
ope you enjoyed this story!

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  Thank you so much!!!!

  Katrina and John

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  NINA The Friendly Vampire - Book 3: Rivals

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