Courage of Us

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Courage of Us Page 12

by Brooke May

  She appears again, this time carrying two plates. “Baker’s hours,” she offers with a shrug. “I got used to them while at school, and then I found it was really the only time I found peace before—”


  “Yes.” Holding her breath, she takes a seat next to me and then gets back up to go into the kitchen once more. “Sorry, I forgot the coffee.”

  My hand covers hers before she can remove it from the cup she places in front of me.

  “It’s okay.”

  With a single nod, she sits back down and starts to cut into her food without saying anything else. There is a faint look of defeat and a touch of anger in her posture and the way she cuts into her food.

  Doing the same, I look up as I take the first bite, taking in all of the pictures around the room. The snowflakes had captivated me when I first woke up, but now that I see the rest of what she has around her home, I can’t help but grin.

  The pictures surrounding the room were all taken by Patience. I was with her with some of them, while others she must have taken over the years of my absence.

  “I see you still have your hobby.”

  “What?” She looks up as I point at a herd of buffalo. “Oh, yeah.” She wipes her mouth. “I went to Yellowstone five years ago with my parents. I was feeling down and out; they thought it would do me some good to see the park in the winter.”

  “And did it?”

  “It really did.” Her easy smile returns. “I wish we would have gone as kids. We would have gotten into trouble, but Duke, it’s so beautiful there. The way the hot springs melt the snow before it even falls. And the way the snow mats on the back of each basin big or small. It is awesome how the hot air leaving each massive beast nostrils like a steam engine …”

  Her eyes gloss over as she is taken back in time.

  “You should go again.”

  Her shoulders sag. “I don’t have the time now. I don’t have anyone here who really knows how to run the café for me.”

  “Talk to one of your family members, I’m sure someone would cover for you.” I take a bite. “This is amazing, by the way.”

  “Thank you.” She blushes around her fork. “I don’t want to go by myself.”

  “Who said anything about going by yourself?” Winking at her, I shovel more food into my mouth. This really is amazing. I could easily gain weight from her cooking.

  Looking back up at the walls, I take in more of the pictures. She has a big frame that holds loads of pictures. Family members and pictures of us with the guys when we were younger fill it. But I don’t catch any with Greg in them.

  “Did Greg not like his picture taken?” I mean, they are divorced, so I don’t expect her to still have pictures of him up, and I’m fucking glad I don’t have to look around her cute home and see his worthless face.

  Her shoulders straighten.

  “Even if he did, I don’t want to ever look at any of them again.” She pushes back from the table and picks up her half-eaten plate. “We better get ready to leave. I need to get the café opened and finish baking for this morning.”

  With that, she dismisses me and allows me to eat while she cleans up and gets ready.

  Whatever that fucker put her through … I’m going to do my best to show her that I am nothing like that worthless piece of shit. Her past life with him is going to be nothing but a bad dream when I finally get through to her all the way.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I CAN FEEL EYES on me as I walk into the store and unwind my scarf from around my neck. One certain set of eyes is watching me from her perch over the line of registers while the other is attempting to hide behind aisle one.

  The two of them think they are sneaky, but I’m on to them. I always have been. My mom and aunt aren’t ever as clever as they would like to think they are. Yet no one besides me will tell them that. Both of their husbands keep their lips zipped when it comes to keeping their wives happy. I will gladly be the one to upset the apple cart.

  This morning didn’t turn out like I had hoped when I woke. And it’s entirely my fault. Whenever I hear Greg’s name said out loud, I bristle and shut down. I don’t want to think about him or talk about or to him. As far as I am concerned, I’ve been in a fucked-up coma for the past seven years, leaving nothing ever existing between the two of us.

  Getting behind the counter, I have enough time to hang my gear up and turn the ovens on before they bombard me. Like two velociraptors closing in on their prey, my mom and aunt make their move for me.

  That’s just what they look like—minus their claws being in front of them, and they don’t have scales or whatever the dinosaurs had. Turning the coffeepots on, I brace myself on the counter and wait for them to come into the café.

  There isn’t anyone waiting for my delicious treats yet, giving the two raptors plenty of time to bring their inquisition down on me. Quickly, I check around the rest of the store I can see from here. My dad’s butcher block is clear on the other side of the building; he and my uncle run it together, and I don’t see either of them out in front of it.


  I’m not likely to get any help from them anyway.

  I did not have enough coffee for this. It is too damn early to be subjected to them. Burying my face in my hands, I slide my fingers up into my hair and pull lightly on the roots.

  First, Duke wanted to know about Greg not being in pictures, and now the women in my family want to question me about Duke.

  Why do they have to care so much?

  I should be ashamed of thinking that because I know they mean good by everything they do to me. Especially after everything I’ve been through.

  “How was it?”

  “Was he nice?”

  They both talk at once. It’s almost hard to believe they aren’t sisters with how much they sound, act, and even strangely look alike.

  “Where did you go?”

  “Will you be seeing him again?”

  “He is far better to look at than Greg could ever dream of being.”

  “Those muscles.”

  “And his smile—”

  “Please stop.” I moan, but neither of them is really listening to me.

  “I always knew he would be a looker.”

  “Is it strange that I remember changing his diapers whenever I look at him?”

  “Oh! Remember when he went streaking when he was five?”

  Oh dear lord, I know where this is going.

  “He’s always been a big—”

  “For the love of anything holy, will you stop before you come out sounding like a pedophile?”

  Mom and Satin’s heads whip around to face me.

  “Hello.” I wave. “Are you here to interrogate me?”

  The two of them are known to do this, and it’s even worse when my other aunts join in. It used to drive Grandma crazy, and now it drives me mad.

  “It was a wonderful night. We visited and caught up about a few things. He was very nice; do you expect anything less from him? Duke has always been good to me. He knows I’ll kick his ass if he isn’t.” Taking a deep breath, I finish the questions. “We went out to his parents’, and before you say anything, we were in the barn they have converted into a house. His mom made us dinner because Duke still can’t cook. And yes, I will be seeing him again, and I hope it becomes something regular.”

  Both of their smiles spread across their faces, and I instantly feel as if I’m lost in Wonderland. I know they are both thrilled I’m not letting my past—because that’s what I’m calling it from now on—get me down.

  I will not name him anymore. From now on, he will never be named.

  Satin remains quiet while my mom begins to speak. I am her daughter, after all, so she gets to say something back to me first.

  “And he looks far better than—”

  “Yes!” I snap, answering possibly their most important question before she can finish it. As I said, I don’t want to hear his nam
e. “He is far better in every way possible,” I whisper.

  “Oh, Patience.” Satin grabs my hand and squeezes. “We are so happy for you.”

  “Me too.” Lifting my head, I turn my full attention back to them. I really am happy too. Finally, something good is happening to me.

  “Now, both of you get out of here and go back to work.” I look back and forth between them to see the first of my regulars coming in, and I still need to set things out and load the ovens. “We all have work to do. Now shoo.”

  Their smiles stay in place as they take off back to their respective areas of the store while I greet and help Mr. Miller with his plain black coffee and raspberry jelly-filled donut.

  The busier I get, the more my mind starts to wander where I don’t need it to, but it is difficult not to think about Duke sleeping on my couch. When I woke, I made sure I pulled on some sweatpants and put on a robe before I headed out to the living room. I didn’t know what hours Duke kept, so I quietly made my way out and stopped in the doorway to watch the gentle, even rise and fall of his chest.

  His lips were slightly parted as light snores came out of his mouth before he inhaled through his nose. He looked so peaceful and handsome. I lost myself a little as I watched him for probably longer than I should have.

  I got lost thinking about what our life could have been if I hadn’t married … him. I could have been waking up next to him when he wasn’t overseas and possibly with the giggles of a couple of kids coming from somewhere in the house as well.

  By the time I finally managed to pull myself together, I had wasted at least a half hour I should have been using to get ready for work. As silent as I could, I set about making breakfast and loved how normal it felt.

  It was nice cooking a meal for someone who would appreciate it.

  “You don’t normally burn anything, are you okay?” My mom’s voice against my ear makes me jump. Quickly, I spin around and dart past her to one of the ovens to pull some cupcakes out.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit.” Luckily, they aren’t burnt as I set them on the counter to inspect them.

  “Come on.” Mom laughs and hauls me off to the back of the store. “You don’t have anything else in the ovens, do you?” I can only shake my head. “Good, you need to join your momma for some one on one at lunchtime.” She smiles warmly over her shoulder at me and continues to lead me to the breakroom in the back.

  My dad is already putting food out on the table.

  “All three of us?”

  “Of course.” Kissing my cheek, she offers me a seat across from them.

  So much for the one-on-one time.

  Why do I feel like a child again who is about to be scolded?



  Shaking her head at me, she grabs my dad’s hand. “We both know you’ve loved that boy since you were old enough to remember.”

  “Okay?” I already knew this. I have never kept things from my parents. Even if I wanted to, they always saw past my bullshit.

  “He isn’t going to be another Greg.” I flinch at his name. “But we think you need to tell Duke about your marriage and everything else that has happened.”

  “How do you know I haven’t yet?”

  “Because we know you better than you know yourself.” This time, my dad answers. He is usually the quiet armada waiting behind my mom’s ground army.

  “Tell him and tell him now so you two can move on from it.”

  “Okay, I will.” Confirming it out loud to my parents makes me feel like I am exorcising this demon Greg created around me.

  “Have you seen your ex since the hearing?”

  “No.” I throw out the answer with ease. I don’t care to ever see him or his so-called family again. I won’t get that lucky because of our small town, but I plan on taking my chances. His mom comes into the store all the time since it is the only grocery store, but she never comes near the café. Even when we were married, she never came in.

  I see Juliana, Greg’s sister, from time to time still, but she is not like her family at all.

  “I know you think your luck has been crap, but try with Duke. I know he will make you happy.”

  “I think he can too.”

  The rest of our meal is spent in silence. We each enjoy our roast beef sandwiches, and then I excuse myself.

  “Afternoon rush should be coming soon.” I don’t leave until I kiss both of them on the cheeks. My mouth is still full of food when I make my way through the store to get back to my side when I find Duke tapping on the counter, looking far too sexy for his own good or mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  NOT ONLY IS HE tapping his knuckles against the counter, but he is leaning against it, smiling and laughing at whoever is talking to him. A ping of jealousy sparks in my chest even though it has no right to do so. I have no claim on him. Hope grows inside me that I could someday, but for now, the way I feel at how he is smiling at someone else is unwelcome.

  On a reluctant sigh, I lean against the shelving and just watch his firm ass move back and forth as he shifts from leg to leg. He’s in his uniform again, and it is definitely a sight I can get used to seeing.

  Biting my bottom lip, I keep my smile to myself. I could admire him no matter what he decided to wear, but what I would love the most is to see him in absolutely nothing. I only received one view of his fantastic body, and I would really like another and another and another until the end of my days on this earth.

  He moves away from the counter slightly, and I see Satin is the one making him smile. Curse that woman. She may be married, but it has never stopped her from being a relentless flirt.

  “You better go save him.” I feel like I’ve done nothing but jump at every voice that greets me lately. I nearly knock over all the cans stacked in front of the shelving.

  “Jesus, Mom.” Grabbing my chest, I quickly look from her to the cans and see if my almost disaster has attracted any attention to me. My aunt is glancing over Duke’s massive shoulder, grinning like the loon she is at me before turning back to my man.


  No, Duke is not mine.


  “Get your little butt over there and talk to him. Entice him with your whiskey and bacon donuts,” Mom whispers to me. “And tell him about the baby.”

  The desire to flee starts to grab me as hives start to break out all over my body. Rubbing my hands up and down my arms, I try not to scratch at them.

  “Go.” Slapping me on my backside, Mom ushers me off to the café.

  As I get closer, I can hear my aunt’s voice growing louder and clearer.

  “It’s so good to see you home safe, Duke,” she purrs. I can’t help but roll my eyes at her flirting. “We are so proud of the service you did for our country.”

  “I was just doing what I thought was right.” He laughs. The sound of it tightens every part of my body. My lower stomach heats, and I can’t help but squirm as I walk.

  “Well, I am honored to have you come into our store and even more if you asked my beautiful niece out and finally make her your girl.”

  “Satin!” I shriek. The woman is horrible.

  Finally turning, I get the full impact of his uniform. He really does look amazing in it. I wonder if he looks this fantastic in his military formals and greens.

  “There she is.” Satin leaves her post behind the counter and comes to stand next to Duke, her stupid smile still in place. “Your girl is looking pretty pleased to see you here.” She nudges Duke and then walks off, hopefully heading back to her raptor’s nest above the store.

  “She hasn’t changed one bit.” The hives start to retreat as the warmth of his voice replaces them.

  “No.” Shaking my head, I walk over to him and then around the counter to get myself back to work and give him a whiskey and bacon donut. “Try this, it’s new.” Placing it on a napkin, I slide it over to him and watch with fascination as he sinks his teeth into my newest creat

  “This is amazing, Patience.” He mumbles his praise before taking another bite.

  “Thank you.” Ducking my head, I wipe the counter clean of any crumbs. “What can I do for you today, Deputy?”

  Swallowing his bite, he places the rest of the donut on the napkin. “Would you go sledding with me tomorrow?” He turns back around to me, and I find something to keep my hands busy. “Please?”

  He takes my silence as my stubborn way to make him be polite.

  That isn’t it, though.

  I don’t really know what to say. Do I come out and shout yes, that I haven’t been since I last went with him and the guys? Or do I tell him I can’t because I need to work.

  Oh hell, I don’t know what to do.

  “That is if you have tomorrow off?” I melt a little. Lifting my head back up, I watch as he kicks the air by his feet and waits. We just started to get snow up there; the powder can’t be that good yet.

  “I would have to dig in my garage to find my snow gear.” That is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard. I know exactly where my pants, jacket, and gloves are in the garage. They may smell like mothballs, but I know where they are.

  “So dig them out.” I should have known he would be prepared for my excuses. “Are we going or not?”

  “There is no way I can turn you down when you put it that way.” Together, we laugh. “I’ll see if I can get someone to cover tomorrow. That means I better get started on making plenty to last so all they will have to do is bake it.”

  “Great. When I get off work tonight, I’ll go home and get my shit, grab a couple of sleds, and then I’ll come in to stay with you so we can get going right after breakfast.”

  My heart jack hammers in my chest cavity at the prospect of him staying at my house again. A blush spreads from my face down to my chest at my next wayward thought.

  Duke in my bed.

  “Sure, that’ll be great. I’ll make us breakfast and then pack us a lunch.”

  “Okay. Well, I better get back to work.” He braces his hands on the counter as he lifts himself and kisses me on the cheek before grabbing another whiskey and bacon donut.


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