Book Read Free

Courage of Us

Page 18

by Brooke May

  “Duke.” Kicking off the side of my truck, he makes his way over to me.

  How did he know where I was?


  “I was going to have to write you up for last night, but I’ve already talked to Patience, and she is claiming self-defense.”

  He’s already talked to Patience? Does that mean Greg filed a complaint?

  As much as I want to get to Patience, I need to talk this over with my uncle. I do need to apologize and beg her for her forgiveness and make sure I don’t fuck up again by leaving her.

  “I don’t know what exactly happened to you last night, but it isn’t like you, Duke. You would never use your uniform to assert yourself over others.” He places a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.” Shaking my head, I don’t know what else to say. Being my boss, he has full access to my medical past.

  “You’re still taking your medication, correct?”

  “Of course.” I nod. “I am. Last night, I think I just freaked because he was near her, and I didn’t stop him before he could.”

  “Don’t let it happen again, all right?” Dale pins me with a look he used to give me as a kid. I’m not about to fuck up with him or Patience ever again.

  “I won’t let it.”

  “Good, now take the day off and get yourself back to the normal Duke I know.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And Duke?”

  “Yes?” I lift my head to him. I’m not being punished like I should be. But if a day off is what he wants to punish me with, then I’ll take it.

  “Go make things right with Patience. The family and I are all rooting for you two to finally make something happen.” He forces a smile to his face and then walks off to his own patrol truck.

  Looking around, I’m all alone now. I don’t want questions to arise if anyone else drives by and sees me here. I may have owned up to my struggles, but I don’t want anyone else in my business.

  I know full well that Patience isn’t at home, so I take off for the café and pray she will talk to me.

  I’m glad it doesn’t take me long to get to the store. I don’t pay any attention to the cars filling the parking lot as I head inside the store. I don’t stop as I jog over to the café and slide to a stop when I see Patience’s cousin behind the counter and not my snowflake.

  Confused, I’m trying to seek out Patience’s ash blond hair in there somewhere and don’t notice I have company.

  “She called in sick today.”

  “Shit!” Jumping back, I nearly knock Satin over, but Molly stops her from falling. “Sorry,” I mutter, turning around to watch them smile broadly at me.

  “Go get her, son.” My mom walks out from her hiding spot, taking me by surprise as well.

  “Are you all ambushing me today?”

  “When you are being a little shit, the answer is always yes.” Mom smirks at me.

  Looking at the three of them, I instantly know they have a plan.

  “Let me get a coffee and a donut before you three tell me what meddling you would like to get done.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  MY PHONE DIED SOMETIME early this morning, and I’ve stared at it sitting on my coffee table from the cocoon I’ve wrapped around myself on the couch for the past several hours since I woke violently on the couch.

  I keep thinking and expecting it to come back to life with nonstop ringing and buzzing with a bombardment of messages from Duke.


  A weak, pathetic whimper makes its unwelcomed concert into my quieted house. I’ve kept myself locked away since last night after I finally managed to pull myself out of my stupor and head inside after Duke abruptly left.

  The truth is the cold seeping into every fiber of my unmoving body is what got me motivated enough to at least get into the house. I felt like I was on autopilot as I unraveled myself from the layers I thought would protect me from the cold but didn’t do much of anything else. The only thought going through my mind was getting the door locked behind me.

  I didn’t take a shower, didn’t make myself something to eat, or even make sure my mom’s car was locked from my front window. All I did was kick off my boots once I was free from my layers and dropped down on the couch where I haven’t left.

  My phone had enough of a charge to it to call my mom to tell her I wouldn’t be in today, and then I left it right where it is currently sitting. I watched it dance around the hard surface of the wood every time someone tried to call me until it died.

  Grateful for the blanket I keep over the back of the couch, I pulled it over me and buried my worries and thoughts along with my head to try to accomplish some sort of sleep.

  I tossed and turned all night but not because of what I witnessed Duke nearly do to the piece of shit ex-husband of mine, but because I feared for said ex. And that thought was not one I ever wanted to welcome into my head.

  Duke snapped. It was only for a couple of minutes, but it was long enough. I also wasn’t scared for myself. I knew Duke would ever hurt me intentionally. Like when he left for the Marines, he didn’t mean to hurt me because he was ready to come back for me when he could.

  But last night, something haunted his usually bright sapphire eyes when Greg threw the first swing. Duke lost himself in the past for that small amount of time and still wasn’t back to himself when I pulled him off the whimpering pile in my driveway.

  I would have forgiven him if he didn’t get in the truck, if he didn’t drive away, and definitely if he didn’t disappear into the late night when Greg could have come back. But after sitting, then lying here for several hours waiting and wanting him to come back, I gave up and forced myself to seek out sleep.

  When I woke, the sun was too bright over my head. I didn’t even close the blinds last night. It strained and hurt my eyes to keep them open. I didn’t cry at all last night, so it could only mean the light was too much.

  And still, I didn’t move.

  I don’t move.

  I stay right here in the warmth I’ve created around me while my heat kicks on and off throughout the day. I don’t need to go to the bathroom. I don’t need to eat. And I don’t want to get up.

  But eventually, I do.

  Forcing myself up, I put my phone on the charger before heading to the bathroom. In the shower, I attempt to wash away the chill last night left me with, but it is so deeply set in my bones it doesn’t want to relinquish its hold on me. I was in zombie mode as I dried myself off and put on some comfortable sweatpants along with a sports bra and one of Duke’s shirts. I ran a brush through my hair and then headed back into the kitchen to stare into my fridge and at my oven while I decided what to make.

  Nothing comes to me.

  I always have something in mind to bake or cook, but today, I have absolutely nothing. I stare at all of it and come up with no cupcake ideas, no cakes, muffins, or even cookies.


  Just like I feel with Duke being gone again.

  I don’t know how long I remain standing over my stove, but eventually, knocking and my dad’s voice pull me from my abyss.

  “Patience? I know you’re home,” he shouts through the hard wood of my front door. “You didn’t lock your mom’s car. I got it, though.” He sounds concerned, and I feel bad for making him worry. I’ve probably made my entire family worried.

  Sighing to myself and the ridiculous lack of emotions running through me, I shuffle my feet back through the kitchen and over to the front door.

  “Patience, I forgot my key, and I know you have the chain up, so will you please let me in?”

  My head hangs as I unlock the deadbolt, take the chain off, and finally turn the lock on the doorknob to open the door.

  “Oh, Patience.” My dad tuts as I reveal myself.

  “Hey, Dad.” Lifting my head, I find him shaking his head down at me.

  “Patience.” I think he is going to wrap me in his strong arms, but instead, something covers m
y eyes, and darkness fills my vision. “I’m sorry, Patience. Don’t worry; everything is going to be okay.”

  “What the fuck, Dad?” Shrieking, I snap my mouth shut when he puts something in it.


  “No.” Muttering, I don’t get a chance to spit it out because his hand slaps over my mouth.

  “I’m not giving you anything harmful. It’s just Benadryl.”


  He knows what a single pill will do to me.

  Before I can object any farther, I swallow the tiny evil pink pill. It goes down, and then my hands are bound in front of me. I’m lifted and carried out of my house and down my porch.

  “Before you fall asleep, I want you to know that your mother put me up to this, so don’t be mad at me. When she said it was for your own good, I couldn’t argue with her.”

  Damn that mother of mine.

  “I want nothing to do with your revenge.”

  Good to know Dad knows me well enough.

  I shall spare him.

  I’m buckled in and slowly lulled to sleep as his truck gently sways back and forth.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I CAN’T BELIEVE THE three of those women put me up to this. I don’t know what is worse, that I’m doing it or that Patience’s dad is going along with this plan.

  Kidnapping your own child by blinding her and drugging her with a pill that we all know will put her out for hours has me second-guessing this.

  But seeing her sound asleep in my truck had my heart pounding double time and the need to make her feel special and surprise her drove me to get behind the wheel and take us out of town.

  In the few hours that it took us to get to our destination, I wished I could talk to her because being in a silent vehicle with Patience is too strange. Even when I freed her bound hands, she didn’t stir.

  Getting to West Yellowstone took more time than I wanted, but Patience stayed asleep until we got to the cabins.

  I was able to take our things in and set the room up how I wanted it before I went back to get her out of the truck.

  She jostled awake like I knew she would when the door opened, and the cool breeze hit her. Carefully, I unbuckle her so as not to startle her and have her screaming or trying to fight me off. I don’t say a word as I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. Using my foot, I slam the truck door and take her up the four steps to the cabin.

  She feels so perfect in my arms.

  “Duke?” Her voice cracks from her long sleep, and she cuddles into my chest. I know she’s cold. I threw a blanket over her when I got in the truck, but I know it isn’t enough for her.

  “It’s me, snowflake.” My lips press into her forehead, and I feel a chill the moment I pull them away from her.

  “What are you doing? Where are we?”

  I can’t help but chuckle. She doesn’t like surprises.

  “I’m making everything right.” Heading straight to the bed, I place her on it gently and quickly move away to close the door. Biting my lip, I contain my laughter at her perplexed expression as she blindly feels the plush fabrics of the neatly made bed.

  “Oh?” She looks in the direction she thinks I am. “Does that require me not to see?”

  “Give me a minute.” Moving around, I make sure the vision that will greet her is everything I hope and more.

  “Okay.” Stopping, I watch her rub her lips together in a failed attempt to hide her smile.

  “Don’t make fun of me. I hauled our asses here before I had to give you another dose, and I really didn’t want to do that.” Opening the curtains, I admire the sight before me, and I know she will love it. The blanket of snow surrounding the cabin is magical. Turning back to face her, I drop to one knee and pull out something my mom made sure I had before we left. “Okay, lift the blindfold.”

  Patting around her head, she finds the drawstring and pulls it off. The bright light of the snow reflects the faint light enough to take her a moment to adjust her eyes.

  And when they do, I watch the breath being taken away from her. I know the vision behind me. Framed by the log windows are snowcapped peaks in the distance and covered green trees. She hasn’t really focused on me yet, but I’m okay with that.

  “Are we … in Yellowstone?” Her breathy whisper shakes with emotion, and I know I did good.

  “If that is what takes your breath away, then I must suck at this whole proposing deal.”

  “What?” Her head drops down to find me on one knee before her and an aged ring box being held up to her. She doesn’t focus on the box just yet or the ring inside it. Instead, she finds my gaze.

  I’m not blinking and nervously trying not to swallow my tongue.


  “Patience, I know I’ve messed up twice in our lives. I left you when I should have taken you, and last night, I walked away when I should have stayed. I’m so sorry for messing up everything that should be nothing but perfection for your life. But I want to change all of that. I want to make your every dream come true. I want children with you. I want to grow old with you. I want the world with you, snowflake. So what do you say? Will you be my wife?”

  It is the longest moment of my life.

  “But I just—”

  I don’t let her give me any excuse for an answer I know she wants to give me. “I don’t give a rat’s ass that you just got divorced or that people may think it’s too soon after it. I don’t care what anyone will say except for you. Your opinion is the only one that has ever mattered.”

  I plead with her through my eyes to give me the answer I want to hear. The answer she wants to give me.

  “Patience?” I’m getting really uncomfortable down here.

  “Yes,” she whispers, and my eyes widen. “Yes, Duke Michaels, I will marry you.”

  I’m not given a chance to get to my feet and slip the ring on her finger because she doesn’t let me. Her arms wrap around my neck, slamming our lips together in an all-consuming kiss.

  “Yes.” She kisses me again. “Yes, a million times, yes.” She kisses me over and over again. I’m barely able to get up from the floor and press her into the mattress. Her hands work frantically to pull my jacket off my shoulders, and she blindly grabs at each article of my clothing to get them off me.

  I do the same to her, not bothering to think about the open window behind us.

  Her breathing escalates as more flesh is revealed. Skin touching skin, our hot breaths beating against our faces, mixing as we absorb every sense we can and blending the air from our lungs.

  She clenches around me as my erection slowly enters her.

  I need her.

  My fiancée.

  The woman I’m going to marry. I’ve waited a long time for her to be mine. Her lips form an o as I glide my face across hers.

  “I’m going to love you.” I end my statement with a nip to her earlobe.

  “Oh, God.” Her head falls to the mattress as I slowly slide out and back in, making slow love to her body I know was made just for me.

  “I’m going to fill you with so much more than just my dick.”

  Her nails find my shoulders as I sink back into her fully, and content fills my soul.

  “It isn’t going to start when you are my wife.” I pull out and pump my hips, setting a delicious tempo. “It began long ago until I failed you, and now I plan to make up for all that lost time.”

  She whimpers. “Stop. Talking.” She pants, her nails digging in a little more, but I don’t mind them. “Please.” Her plea turns into a drawn-out moan as I pick up my speed a little.

  With every thrust, I make sure to rub against her clit. Her hips grind against me to add to the sensations taking over our bodies. Her eyes are open and gazing at me, but I’m happy to watch the overload take hold of her as I make her feel more and more.

  Her mind is wiped clean as her orgasm grows closer.

  “You’re close.” I groan over her, working in and out of her tight body w
hile she does her best to grip me.

  “Yes.” Her head rolls to the right and then the left, tossing her short hair in her face. She freezes when a scream rips from her swollen lips.




  Seven Months Later

  THEIR MEDDLING HAS REACHED a whole new level. It goes beyond their plot to kidnap me and whisk me off to West Yellowstone, where Duke proposed to me.

  I think back fondly to the day Duke asked me to marry him. Our lives didn’t just completely change for the simple reason of me telling him yes, but so much more happened.

  A month after that wonderful weekend, I discovered that Duke and I would be parents as well as husband and wife. It was a shock of a lifetime. I never thought I would have a chance at being a mom again, and it got me wondering about other things, especially one matter that concerned my ex.

  Was Greg sterile?

  A few months ago, I ran into one of his supposed ex-mistresses, a rare one who felt remorseful. She admitted to being one of the first and said she spent many condomless nights with my ex. She was always surprised every time her period would come and began to wonder if Greg had an issue. He cast her away when she confronted him on the matter, and she started to take notice of all the horrible things her being with my husband must have put me through.

  It was nice visiting with her.

  I am happier than ever.

  And now, six months pregnant, I am getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. I know he wanted to get married as soon as I said yes and then again when we found out I was pregnant, but our mothers and my aunt insisted on having a nice wedding.

  And I’m so glad they made us wait.

  I don’t care that I’m round with a baby growing inside me who uses my bladder as a punching bag. The wait meant we had a better chance of getting all of our friends back for the ceremony.

  And one by one, each of those men who left as boys came back into town for the special day. It was a tearful reunion with each of them and hours spent catching up in my dining room, where I fed them countless times.


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