Confessions: Julien (Confessions Series Book 2)

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Confessions: Julien (Confessions Series Book 2) Page 14

by Ella Frank

  And it was in that moment that Julien found he went from smitten to one hundred percent falling for the man behind the bar with the twinkling eyes and charming disposition.

  Chapter Thirteen


  There is nothing more tempting than a ballsy princesse asking for what he wants.

  A FEW HOURS later, the bar was no less crowded, but the floor and booths had begun to thin out as people who wanted to spend the entire night out on the town moved on, and those who were done went home.

  Robbie glanced at the clock to see it was around thirty minutes away from closing, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d watched the time so hard. But then his eyes searched out the two responsible for his sudden obsession with wishing his night away, and when he spotted Julien and Priest now seated in one of the booths across the bar, Robbie took a moment to study the men he now considered his.

  He couldn’t believe his eyes when they’d shown up tonight. One minute it had been a normal Friday night at work, and the next he’d been face to face with the two men that occupied what felt like every thought in his mind at every hour of the day.

  Shit. He was in so deep here. Like…deeper than deep. He was down at the bottom of the damn ocean when it came to how far he’d gone under for these two. But as he stood there watching them with one another, Robbie felt as though he’d found a hidden treasure at the bottom of that ocean.

  First there was Priest, with his serious “take charge and care of all those around him” disposition, who made Robbie feel safe whenever he was around. He made Robbie feel as though he could let go and finally be himself—his real self—and Priest could help him discover exactly who that was. Robbie trusted him to lead him in the right direction. It was freeing that feeling, to let someone else take control. It was…liberating. And the pleasure he felt when he did something that pleased Priest made Robbie feel more accepted and complete than he ever knew was possible.

  Then there was Julien—a man full of contradictions. A man who Robbie found himself falling harder for every time he opened his mouth or looked in Robbie’s direction. At times Julien was so in control, much the way Priest was. He was arrogant, gorgeous, and entirely capable of making one believe he had everything in the world he would ever need. But under that successful façade, behind that famous smile, there was a tortured soul. And that part of him called to Robbie in ways he’d never known it would. He wanted to help Julien. He wanted to understand what made this complex man tick. And he wanted Julien to trust him with his secrets.

  As if the man he was thinking about could feel Robbie watching him, Julien glanced in his direction, and a lazy smile—courtesy of Tate’s alcohol—curved that sinful mouth of his.

  Sweet mother of all that was holy, Julien was damn easy on the eyes. He was wearing a forest-green V-neck sweater tonight, and it made his eyes vivid, like gemstones—or maybe that was the alcohol adding an extra gleam? Robbie wasn’t sure, but he was more than aware of how many drinks he’d made for Julien, and with each one, that smile became looser and his expression more devilish.

  Julien was clearly in the mood to forget his problems this evening, and it appeared that Priest was going to watch over him as he did, because he had switched to club soda after his first Old Fashioned.

  “So…you going to tell me what’s going on there?” Bianca said, as she came up beside Robbie and wiped down the bar. “Or are you going to leave me hanging?”

  Robbie tore his eyes away from Julien’s hypnotic stare and faced Bianca, who was giving him her best spill look.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Bianca rolled her eyes. “Don’t even try to tell me there’s nothing going on there, mister. I’m not stupid,” Bianca said, and slid her eyes back to the booth, where Julien was now eyeing Priest like he was something particularly tasty, and Robbie would agree—he wouldn’t mind eating Priest either.

  Fuck, is it time to leave yet?

  “What I’m trying to work out,” Bianca continued, “is which one you’re into, and why you keep doing this to yourself.”

  Which…one? Robbie thought, as he studied Bianca’s sympathetic expression. Hang on, she thinks… Well, duh, of course she thinks this is just like Logan and Tate. Hello, Bianchi, that’s exactly how it looks. But no—

  “Wait a second,” Robbie said, and grabbed her arm, turning her away from the customers mingling around the bar. “I’m not into one of them.” Robbie laughed when a frown marred Bianca’s forehead. “I’m with both of them.”

  As his words seemed to compute, her eyes widened, and her mouth parted, the scandalized look making Robbie laugh even harder.

  “But…” Bianca turned her head to look back at the two in the booth, and when Robbie did also, it was to see that Julien had now moved around to Priest’s side and was sitting very close to his husband.

  Day-um. He really wanted to go over there and participate in whatever the hell was going on, but no—the clock hadn’t ticked by any faster.

  “They’re… You’re…” Bianca said, and Robbie nodded.


  “But all three?” she said, her final word ending on a high note. “Isn’t that complicated?”

  “No,” Robbie said, and wondered why everyone automatically assumed that was the case. He’d never actually been in a relationship that felt as easy or natural as this one. “It’s not complicated at all. Right now it’s frustrating because I really want to go over there, but…”

  Bianca looked back to the two men, and saw Julien kissing his way up Priest’s neck. Robbie wondered what she would think about all that. But when she said, “Hell, I wouldn’t mind going over there either right now,” Robbie couldn’t hold back his loud, slightly tense, burst of laughter, making those at the bar and the two causing his reaction to stop what they were doing and aim their attention in his direction.

  When Julien’s heavy-lidded eyes found his, Robbie’s heart thumped and the smug expression on Priest’s face told him what Robbie already suspected—they knew exactly what they were doing to him.

  “Oh shit,” Bianca whispered. “That’s a lot of man staring at you right now.”

  Hell yes it is, Robbie thought as his dick reacted to the attention as though it had just been sucked.

  “Why don’t you clock out and go home?” Bianca said. “I can handle closing.”

  Oh God, Robbie would’ve kissed her if he’d had it in him to look away from the men still watching him. As it was, he wasn’t that strong, and instead watched as Priest leaned forward to nip at Julien’s ear. “You…uh, you sure?”

  “Positive,” Bianca said. “Alex and I have got this.”

  Robbie took another look over his shoulder, caught Priest’s eye, and then indicated the back room with a tilt of his head. Then he said to Bianca, “I owe you.”

  “Yes, you do. Not only for offering to let you go early but because you have two men when I can’t even find one. That’s just greedy.”

  Robbie grinned, unable to hold back the pleasure he felt at those words, because hell if it wasn’t true. He did have two men.

  Two amazing men who were waiting to take him home and do all kinds of naughty things to him, judging by the promises in their eyes, and he wasn’t about to wait another minute to get out of there.

  PRIEST WATCHED ROBBIE disappear out the back door of the bar, and his cock throbbed at the thought of finally getting him home and out of that uniform. Julien was good and tipsy, his troubles long gone, and in their place was a desire to get naked and distracted, and tonight Priest would let him get away with that.

  Priest put his lips to Julien’s ear much as he had a second ago and said, “You ready?”

  “Oui,” Julien said, and Priest looked into his relaxed eyes and smirked. “What, mon amour?”

  “I was just wondering if you’re going to be able to stand.”

  “I’m not drunk,” Julien said, as he slid out of the booth. “I just feel…” As his
words drifted off, Priest got to his feet and wrapped an arm around Julien’s shoulders.

  “Mmm. I feel you…” Julien said as he put a hand on Priest’s chest and nuzzled into his neck. “You smell délicieusement bon.”

  “Julien…let’s get out of the bar before things get embarrassing,” Priest said, his dick threatening to announce just how good Julien felt in his arms.

  The throaty chuckle that left Julien didn’t help issues, and neither did the tongue that flicked over Priest’s earlobe. “Aww, am I making it hard for you to walk?”

  “You’re certainly not making it easy,” Priest said as he grabbed Julien’s coat and helped him into it. “Come on, let’s go and find Robert.”

  “Oui. Let’s find him and get him naked. I want to get inside our princesse…”

  Priest grunted in response, took Julien’s hand, and led him through the bar, and once they were out on the sidewalk, he tugged Julien in close.

  Priest had been keeping an eye on him all night to make sure Julien wasn’t spiraling off in the wrong direction, but it seemed as though this was exactly what he needed. A few drinks and the distraction of their sexy boyfriend, who they were now on the hunt for, and judging by that final look Robbie had aimed their way before his disappearing act, he knew exactly what he was in for tonight—and was eager for it to begin.

  As Priest led them around to where the back entrance of the bar was, they were just in time to see Robbie step outside in his black puffy coat with his messenger bag slung across his body. As the door shut behind him, Robbie turned in their direction, and when he spotted them, he raked his teeth over his lip. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started toward them, and the floodlight that lit up the small parking lot highlighted him in all the right places.

  The light strands in his hair. The sharp angles of his wicked-high cheekbones. And when Robbie was close enough that Priest could see his eyes, he noticed they were darker than usual. Their princess was aroused, and fuck if they weren’t going to take him home and do something about that.

  “Hey,” Robbie said as they all came to a stop opposite one another, and his eyes moved from Priest to Julien, and then back to Priest. “Is everything okay? I figured I would just meet you both at—”

  Robbie’s words came to an abrupt halt as Julien walked forward, backing Robbie up to the wall behind him and out of the floodlight that spilled over the small parking lot. When he had him where he wanted him, Julien took Robbie’s lips in a fierce kiss, making Robbie moan.

  Priest kept his eyes on the two of them, enjoying the greeting they were sharing as a starving man might a meal, and when Robbie’s hands automatically came around to grab at Julien’s ass, Priest had to reach down and readjust the erection he was now sporting.

  “Damn, Jules,” Robbie said as Julien ground his hips up against him, and Priest watched Robbie’s long fingers flex against Julien’s ass. “That feels … Ah.”

  Julien crushed their lips together again, cutting off any other words Robbie might say, and Priest knew if they lingered in this parking lot much longer, Robbie was about to be bare-assed and fucked—twice.

  “Julien,” Priest said, his voice a gruff bark of an order even to his own ears, and Julien raised his head and looked over to Priest, who crooked a finger. “Viens ici.”

  Julien was inebriated enough to be compliant, but well aware of why Priest had stopped him, if the smirk on his face was any indication. He let go of Robbie, but said, “Soon, princesse… I’m going to get inside you and lose myself very soon. And I can’t wait.”

  Julien stepped away from Robbie, making him whimper and reach down to palm himself.

  “Yes. Oh, hell yes, I want that. I really, really want that.” Robbie bit at his top lip, his eyes full of lust and arousal, and in that moment, he looked like a tempting sex nymph sent there to make them lose their minds, because all Priest wanted was to strip him down and take him right there where he stood.

  However, if he knew Logan and Tate, they would’ve put cameras up out here for the safety of their employees, and as much as Priest wanted Robbie, he wasn’t about to get caught on fucking camera—or on camera fucking, as it would be.

  “We’re parked up and around the corner,” Priest said, pointing up the street. “Why don’t you go and get in your car and we’ll watch you head out and then follow you home.”

  Robbie nodded but didn’t move. Instead, he kept looking between them and rubbing himself harder.

  “Robert,” Priest said in warning, and took a step forward until he could take Robbie’s chin between his fingers. “Go and get in your car and get yourself safely home. When you arrive, you may take this coat off, but that’s it. I want to see you standing in our living room waiting for us when we get there. Do you understand?”

  Robbie’s eyes shifted over Priest’s shoulder to where Julien stood, and then came back to Priest. “Yes. I understand.”

  Priest ghosted his lips over the top of Robbie’s and said, “Good. I promise you, it’s going to be worth the wait. We’ve thought about nothing other than getting inside you since we entered the bar, and that’s where we plan to spend the rest of the night. Inside. You.”

  Robbie took in a trembling breath, and as Priest went to move away, Robbie reached out and took hold of his arm, making Priest stop.

  “Together?” Robbie asked, his eyes alight with eager anticipation. “At the same time?”

  The implication behind Robbie’s words was so carnal and so fucking erotic, that a growl escaped Priest’s throat and he took hold of Robbie’s jacket and hauled him up against his body. “Do you want that?”

  Robbie’s lips curved, nice and slow against Priest’s lips, and it was obvious he knew he’d just stumbled onto a gold mine. “Oui. I do.”

  Priest’s nostrils flared and he let go of Robbie as though he were on fire, no longer able to control himself with the images that were flashing through his mind. “Go and get in your car. And for fuck’s sake, be careful driving home.”

  It was Robbie’s turn to smirk, making Priest want to throw him over his shoulder like a caveman. Instead, he balled his fists by his sides and made himself turn away. But Julien was no better option to be faced with in Priest’s current state. His sex-glazed eyes and pillowy lips had Priest clenching his jaw so tight he was close to cracking a molar, and he knew if the three of them didn’t get somewhere private ASAP, this would all be a wasted effort, and he’d be damned if he came in a fucking parking lot.

  “Car. Now,” Priest said, and pointed over Julien’s shoulder, and he could’ve sworn he heard Robbie’s laugh from somewhere behind him. Priest promised himself he would make their princess pay for that…later.

  Chapter Fourteen


  What I want to do to our princesse

  will definitely require a priest.

  ROBBIE DID REACH the condo before Julien and Priest, mainly because he floored it most of the way home. But could anyone blame him? Between Julien feeling him up in the parking lot and Priest telling him to go home and wait for them so they could spend the rest of the night inside him, Robbie was surprised he’d been able to drive home at all.

  He needed to calm down. He’d been telling himself that the entire way back to the condo. He needed to calm down and chill out, if he was going to have any hope of lasting through what was bound to be a night of unimaginable, well, everything.

  When the elevator dinged on their floor, he practically ran down the hall and let himself inside. He tossed his bag on the ground, immediately untied his coat, and shrugged out of it.

  There, he’d done what Priest had asked, and as he moved the coffee table out of the way so he could stand on the rug and wait, Robbie made a quick decision and dashed into the bathroom.

  Several minutes later, he was back in the bedroom after having freshened up, tucking his shirt in and refastening his pants. That was when he heard keys in the door and hurried back into the living room to take up his position.
r />   As the front door opened and then shut, he heard footsteps coming down the hall and glanced over his shoulder to watch his men enter their condo. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

  Julien was in front of Priest and walking with a relaxed kind of swagger that let Robbie know the alcohol was definitely still swirling through his system, and when he stepped into the living room and spotted him, Julien’s lips curved and that sexy dimple appeared.

  Oh shit, Robbie thought, as Julien walked around the couch toward him. I really want to kiss him there and maybe mmm…lick it.

  Priest’s eyes latched on to him the second Julien was out of touching range, and Robbie watched him as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and walked over to the kitchen island to toss his keys down on it.

  No words had been spoken yet, and Robbie got the sense he wasn’t to talk until he was told to. So he stood still and let this silent dance continue.

  Next, Julien came around to stand in front of him, and as he got closer, he stripped out of his sweater and tossed it down on the couch. Robbie’s cock jerked in response to the tight olive skin and tattoos covering Julien’s shoulder, and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching down to palm his erection.

  God, Julien was sexy, and so was his ink. The patterns were all so intricate as they curled over his arm and down his bicep, and the Amorè on his chest? Damn… Robbie’s eyes couldn’t help but go there, which only led to what was further below.

  Ever so slowly, Robbie’s gaze wandered down the rippling muscles that were toned to perfection courtesy of Julien’s dedication to his yoga. And Robbie recalled, with stunning clarity, the standing split Julien had done for him right there earlier this morning, and let out a sigh as he worked his dick a little harder.

  The only sound in the room other than that was the blood rushing from his head directly south. Then Julien took a step back and sat down on the couch, spreading his legs nice and wide in open invitation.


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