Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord Page 13

by Mandi Oyster

  “Now I want you to hold the lightning in, just like you did with fire and ice.” She must have noticed the look of apprehension on my face because she added, “You will not turn into a bolt of lightning.”

  I closed my eyes, fighting the wave of nausea. A tingling sensation ran through my body, and my hair stood on end. I stretched my arms up to the sky but resisted the urge to let electricity shoot out of me. Dropping my hands, I watched as small charges arced across my fingertips. However, I wasn’t transformed at all. “What happened?”

  “You are electrically charged,” she answered. “If anybody were to touch you right now, they would be electrocuted.”

  “So, uh, how do I make it safe for, uh, someone to touch me again?”

  “The same way you released the ice and fire”—she held her hand up—“or you can release it as a bolt of lightning.”

  I pointed my finger at the dark clouds overhead. The largest bolt of lightning I had ever seen blasted into the heavens. “Wow!” I ran my hands over my hair, trying to smooth it down. “That was shocking.”

  Aurelia didn’t even crack a smile. “For a human, your capacity for magic and your control are impressive.”

  “But not my puns?”

  She shook her head.

  I looked at her and debated on whether or not I should ask the question that was on the tip of my tongue. A silent war waged in my head. In the end, my curiosity won out. “Are you ever going to tell me what you are?”

  “When the time is right, you will know. Now is not that time.”

  “I have a feeling that time will never come.” The corners of my mouth turned down. “What could be so bad that you can’t trust me? You’re not some horrible monster. I would have been able to tell that from your aura. Whatever you are, you’re good and honest.”

  “Yes, Dacia, you need to hold onto that.” She turned away from me, watching the approaching storm. “When you read someone’s aura, you know more about that person than they sometimes know about themselves. The aura does not lie. However, you will still have to wait until the time is right.” She looked over her shoulder at me. Her gold eyes looked animalistic in this light.

  I stumbled back as fear twisted my gut.

  Aurelia blinked, and her eyes returned to normal. “I would like to get back to lightning. After all, that is why we are here tonight. I want you to try to release more than one bolt at a time. It is a bit of a challenge, but I think you can do it.”

  I shot one bolt of lightning into the sky followed by another. I shook my hands and tried again. Lightning bolts flashed through the night sky, illuminating the mountains and lake. Thunder crashed, rumbling over the peaks and through the valleys.

  “You can do this, Dacia.”

  The next round went the same way. I sat down on the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest. “I need a minute.” My arms and legs shook.

  “Do you need some of my strength?” She walked over, standing above me.

  “Yes.” My fingers trembled when I lifted my hand to hers.

  Strength flowed from her into me. Revitalized I stood and fired electricity into the sky.

  “What am I doing wrong?” I tugged my hand through my curls.

  “Patience. You will get this. Try one more time.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and pictured the results I wanted. Then I opened them and repeated the process. Two bolts lit up the sky, quickly followed by two more.

  Then a lightning bolt tore through the sky, and the clouds rumbled violently, warning me not to compete with Mother Nature. “That one wasn’t mine,” I said as raindrops pelted us.

  She smiled. “I know. We should head back now. We will have to stick to the ground. It is not safe to fly in a storm.”

  I let out a heavy breath. “I don’t think I could fly now anyway. Even with borrowing energy from you, the lightning took too much out of me.”

  “This will give you a chance to rest.” She smiled and stalked off. “There is someone I want you to meet on the way back.”

  “Really?” Who else would be out with a storm moving in? “Who is it?”

  “A friend. He was going to try to meet us here tonight, but I believe he is waiting on the path”—she pointed into the forest—“over there.”

  A wave of panic threatened to pull me under. I stopped unsure if I should turn invisible and fly off or follow her into the trees where Alvin and Bryce jumped Cody and me last fall. My heart raced as I remembered her aura. She’s a good person … or creature or whatever she is, I reminded myself. She would never lead me into an ambush especially after teaching me all these new ways to use my powers. That would be stupid.

  Aurelia turned and looked at me, “Are you coming, Dacia? It is only going to get worse out.”

  “Yeah … uh, I’ll catch up.” I formed a force field around me to keep the rain off and also to help protect me from any unexpected attacks. I didn’t know how long I could hold it with my failing strength.

  We walked through the trees in silence. Aurelia stopped in front of me and said, “Dacia, I want you to meet my friend.”

  “Yeah. Where is he?”

  “Right through those trees.” Once again she pointed into the shadows. I wondered if her night vision was that good. “Come on out, Arion.”

  A beautiful white stallion stepped out of the trees. Like Aurelia, he shimmered. It was like looking up into the night sky and watching the stars twinkle. I was mesmerized, unable to tear my eyes away from him. Then he turned to the side, and I was reminded of an angel. His wings were both delicate and powerful at the same time. They sparkled like the first snow of winter. He was the most magnificent thing I had ever seen.

  “Arion, this is Dacia,” Aurelia introduced me to him. “She is the one who stopped Nefarious.”

  The awe in my expression was mirrored in his eyes. I was embarrassed and flattered.

  “It is an honor to meet you,” he said in the most charming voice. “You saved this world from a fate worse than death. If there is any way I can help you, let me know. The world is indebted to you, and for that, I am at your service.”

  It took a moment for me to find my voice. When I did, all I could say was, “Thank you.”

  “If you need Arion for any reason just project your thoughts to him. Wherever he is or whatever he is doing, he will come to you or let you know why he cannot,” Aurelia said.

  “I appreciate the help.” I turned back to Arion. “I hope I don’t offend you, but you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  His ears twitched. “Why would that offend me?”

  “Sometimes people get upset when, uh, others see them for what is on the outside.” I dropped my force field.

  “Humans are difficult to understand … conceit and arrogance do not make sense to immortal creatures. A compliment is always welcomed and those who give them are blessings.” I felt myself begin to blush. “Do not be embarrassed, Dacia. You are a good person through and through. You have a beautiful aura. It shows you are strong and powerful. Even though you could use those traits to harm others, you fight for people who are weaker. Your strongest attribute is compassion.”

  “Thank you,” I said, humbled.

  “The storm is ending. Would you like to go for a ride?” he asked.

  “I would love to!” I clasped my hands in front of my chest. “Is it okay, Aurelia?”

  “Yes, Dacia, but not too long,” she said. “Cody will be waiting anxiously for your return.”

  As the clouds dissipated, light struck Arion. He shimmered in the moonlight like a diamond sparkles in the sun. It was captivating, and I was fortunate to witness such a vision.

  Arion knelt down in front of me and motioned for me to climb onto his back. “You can hold onto my mane, but not too tightly. Ready?”

nbsp; “Yes.” I trembled with excitement.

  In a single graceful move, he ascended into the night sky. A sense of freedom overcame me. I laughed out loud.

  His body shifted beneath me, like a horse galloping. The wind blew my hair back. Stars twinkled overhead, but in the distance, the storm seemed to have become fiercer. Lightning flashed through the clouds, illuminating the towering thunderheads. Thunder rumbled through the sky.

  I spread my arms out, feeling joyful.

  “I’ve had dreams about flying on a pegasus,” I told Arion. “It was never this amazing, though.”

  “Reality is often better.”

  I glanced over my shoulder, suddenly uncertain. “Although every time I flew with you in my dreams, we were attacked by dragons.”

  “Have you had premonitions before?”

  “Yes, with Nefarious, I was never able to tell if they were dreams or premonitions until they came true.”

  “Perhaps we should cut our flight short.” As he flew back to Aurelia, he asked, “Have you told Aurelia about these dreams?”

  “I honestly can’t remember if I’ve mentioned any of them. I never thought I would ride a pegasus. Every girl dreams about flying through the air on a pegasus or galloping through the forest on a unicorn, but how many actually get to?”

  “Not many, but unicorns are overrated. All they have are horns. How can that compare with wings as amazing as these?” He laughed, and the sound warmed my soul.

  “I can’t imagine it does. Your wings are truly magnificent.”

  “Yes, you have a beautiful aura.”

  Arion landed down the beach from Aurelia and trotted toward her. She tilted her head ever so slightly. “That did not take long.”

  “Dacia told me she has had dreams of flying on a pegasus and being attacked by dragons while doing so.”

  I climbed off his back, and he folded his wings against his body.

  “Do you believe they were premonitions?” she asked.

  “I hope not.” I patted Arion’s neck. “My dreams tend to be fairly painful, and I’m not sure if the pegasus ended up getting injured or not. I’ll understand if you don’t want to help me.”

  “There is danger ahead.” He shook his head. “The fact that you have had dreams which may or may not become reality changes nothing. Anytime evil is involved there is a chance somebody will get hurt. I pledged to help you, and so I will.”

  “Thank you, both. I don’t think I could do this by myself.”

  “It is our pleasure, Dacia,” Aurelia said. “We are always happy to help someone who is willing to stand up against malevolence. There are far too few who will.”

  “I should get back. I’m sure Cody is probably getting worried. He’s used to being my protector.”

  “Everybody needs somebody to watch over them.” Arion dashed off through the trees. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It reminded of watching a falling star. He was beauty in motion.

  “We should turn invisible and fly the rest of the way back,” Aurelia said. “Do you need to siphon my energy first?”

  “When I do, how does it affect you?”

  “I have reserves of power. You merely take a sip.”

  “Yes, then.” I placed my hand on her arm and drew strength from her. “Draconian’s been too quiet lately. I’m worried about when and where he’s going to appear again.”

  When Aurelia and I got back to my room, Samantha and Dan were snuggled together on the red couch, now named Elmo. I still wasn’t used to seeing it here. We’d decided to keep the chairs here, too, since it was where most of our time was spent. Cookie Monster was at one end of Elmo, and Big Bird was under the bed, next to the TV.

  Our room reminded me of a preschool with all the bright, primary colors. Sometimes it was a bit much.

  Cody paced the floor. His muscles were tense, but when he pulled me into his arms, he relaxed. “How’d it go?”

  “I learned some pretty cool tricks with lightning, how to communicate without talking.” My voice rose with excitement. “I flew on a pegasus.”

  Samantha’s eyes bulged. “You did what?”

  “I met Aurelia’s friend, Arion.” I bounced up and down on my toes. “He’s the pegasus who gave me a ride. It was awesome!”

  “Wow.” Dan shook his head. “Really?”

  “What did he look like? Was it how we picture pegasus? Or are they different?” Samantha sounded like a kid at Christmas.

  “At first he looked like a white stallion, bigger than most but not as big as a draft horse … except he sparkled.”

  “Like Aurelia?” Samantha asked.

  “Yes. Then he turned, and his wings were … magnificent. He was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Weren’t you scared?” Cody’s voice was cold and hard. I turned to look at him and couldn’t believe the rage I saw burning in his eyes. “Even a little?”

  “Why would I be?” I fidgeted with my earring. “I’ve flown before, and I’ve never been afraid of animals.”

  “Premonitions.” His fists clenched and unclenched. “Didn’t you worry? Or did you think about it?”

  This wasn’t like Cody at all. Anger radiated from him. He must’ve been even more worried about me when I was gone than I’d realized. I should’ve used my new ability to tell him I was okay, but until now, it hadn’t occurred to me.

  “I thought about it, but Aurelia was right there.” I smacked the back of one hand with the other. “Every day of my life is spent worrying about everything. I know I will never live a normal life. Of course, I thought about it! I told Arion about my dreams, and he still offered to help me anytime I need him … and I can use all the allies I can get.”

  “Arion is a powerful ally to have.” Aurelia placed her hand on my shoulder. “Dacia will need all she can get in this battle. Arion is both brave and caring. He will not let any harm befall Dacia if he can prevent it. He knows she is our only hope. Without her, we will be defeated.”

  I stood with my mouth hanging open, dumbfounded. “I’m a teenager. You’re ancient. How can I be your only hope? There are others like you with more powerful magic than I’ll ever have. Aren’t there?”

  “Yes, there are others like Arion and I. None of us—none of us—are able to do what you can. We cannot stop Draconian from controlling us. You are the only one, Dacia, and even without that ability, you are more powerful than you realize.”

  “Why me?”

  “Each of us is given a path we must follow. Your path may be harder than some, but the more difficult the path, the greater the reward. It is amazing how much you have already achieved in your life. Do you not see that?”

  “Yes—” I leaned against Cody “—I thought things would get easier once Nefarious was gone. I thought I would have a real life.”

  “If the path is worth taking, it is probably not an easy one,” she said. “I am going to leave you and your friends to talk. If you need me, just project that thought to me.” With her hand on the doorknob, she turned and said, “Oh, and if Draconian visits your dreams, remember what I told you. Good job tonight. You are progressing at an astounding pace.”

  “Goodnight, Aurelia,” Cody said.

  “I am so jealous,” Samantha informed us. “Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved unicorns and pegasuses … or pegasi. How do you say it?”

  “Pegasi.” Cody rolled his eyes.

  “Arion says unicorns are overrated,” I said.

  “Oh, really. Sounds like he’s got some jealousy issues,” Dan laughed.

  “I hope you guys get to meet him. He’s spectacular.”

  Chapter 20

  Madness And Cruelty

  The tension in the dorm room is palpable. I’ve apologized too many times for flying on Arion, but
Cody still won’t talk to me or even look at me.

  “If you’re going to be this way, I’m going for a walk. I can’t take it!” Anger tears at my insides, trying to claw its way out. My fists clench at my sides. I close my eyes and try to steady my breathing.

  “You can’t. Not by yourself.” Cody’s voice is cold and angry.

  “I’ll get Aurelia or Arion to join me.” On my way out, I slam the door and storm down the hall. I step out into the bright sunlight and think, Arion, I need you.

  Is everything all right? His soothing voice softens the edges of my anger.

  The wind blows through the leaves, and the aspen trees quake. Yeah, I need to step outside, and nobody wants me to be alone. So, can you come?

  I am almost there. I would never let you down when you need me. You will not be able to see me until we are alone.

  I understand.

  Arion lands beside me with a soft thud. Should I read your aura so I know when you’re approaching?

  That would be a good idea. I will open my mind to you.

  I place my hand against his neck. His fur is silky and warm. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets flash through my mind. I feel his joy as he soars above the clouds, looking down at the earth. A gold dragon flies next to him. It’s magnificent, beautiful and graceful. Illuminating energy flows through me.

  “You have a dragon for a friend?” I chew on my lip. “Doesn’t it frighten you?” We followed the path behind Wisteria Hall toward Falcon Lake, splitting off on a less-traveled trail.

  “Gold dragons are benevolent, but under Draconian’s control, even they can be malevolent.”

  “I don’t know if I could ever trust a dragon.” We walk in silence, heading deeper into the forest.

  “Have you wondered if a dragon would ever trust you?”

  “I … I never really thought about it.”

  “We are out of sight now. Would you like to soar through the clouds?”

  “Cody wouldn’t like it. And I’m not sure if I should. What if dragons attack us?” My stomach vibrates with the wings of butterflies. “There are so many reasons not to, but I would love to!”


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