Frank Before Vicksburg

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Frank Before Vicksburg Page 3

by Harry Castlemon


  On Duty Again.

  By the time Harry had finished his story, it was almost sundown. Puttingthe cabin in order, and fastening the door, the boys then started forhome. After a hearty supper at the cottage, different plans for theiramusement were discussed and determined upon. If time would allow, wemight relate many interesting incidents that transpired during the monththey spent together; how, one day, the young moose ran away with UncleMike's wood wagon and upset the boys in the road. We might, amongothers, tell of the hunting and fishing expeditions that came off, andthe trials of speed that took place on the river, when the Speedwellshowed that she had lost none of her sailing qualities during the yearand a half that she had remained idle in the shop; but one incidentthat happened will suffice.

  It was on the morning of the last day that they were to pass together,as Frank's sick-leave had expired, and he must soon bid adieu to homeand friends again, perhaps forever. This day had been set apart for afishing excursion; and, bright and early, Frank was at Captain Butler'sboat-house, where he found Harry waiting for him. When the bait andevery thing else necessary for the trip had been stowed away in theskiff, the boys pulled into the river, and after spending an hour inrowing about the bass-ground, during which time they secured half adozen fine fish, they started toward the perch-bed, and anchored outsidethe weeds.

  Although they were remarkably successful, they did not seem to enjoy thesport. Frank's thoughts were constantly dwelling on the parting thatmust come on the morrow. It could not be avoided, for duty called him;and although the idea of disregarding the summons never once enteredinto his head, he could not help condemning the circumstances thatrendered that call necessary. Harry, on the other hand, was impatient torecover his health, as he wished to rejoin his command. While he wasfree, and enjoying the delights of home, his brother was languishing ina Southern dungeon--held as a hostage for a notorious guerrilla, who hadbeen sentenced to death--not knowing at what moment he might be ledforth to execution. Often, during the time that he and Frank had beentogether, living over the scenes of their school-days, had Harry'sthoughts wandered to that brother, and it had done much to mar thepleasure he would otherwise have enjoyed. He imagined he could see him,seated in his loathsome cell, loaded with chains, pale and weak, (inconsequence of the systematic plan of starvation adopted by the brutalauthorities at Richmond to render our brave fellows unfit for furtherservice, if they should chance to live until they were exchanged,) butfirm in the belief that he had done his duty, and ready at anymoment--for George was far from being a coward--to be sacrificed.Harry's thoughts, we repeat, often wandered to the dreaded Libby, andespecially did they on this morning. And as he pictured to himself thetreatment that his brother was daily receiving at the hands of theenemies of the government, is it to be wondered if he indulged infeelings of the deepest malice toward the inhuman wretches who could beguilty of such barbarity?

  "There's only this about it, Frank," he said, suddenly breaking thesilence that had continued for half an hour; "there's only this aboutit: if one hair of George's head is injured, Company 'M' of our regimentnever takes any more prisoners; and if I have no friendship for atraitor, neither have I for such men as these who are now approaching."

  Frank looked up, and saw Charles Morgan and William Gage rowing towardthem.

  "Here is the very spot," continued Harry, "where we met Morgan when youfirst became acquainted with him, on the morning when he told suchoutrageous stories about the fishing there was in New York harbor, andabout his fighting Indians in the Adirondack Mountains, in the northernpart of Michigan. William Gage, you know, used to be first lieutenant ofthe "Midnight Rangers."

  "Yes, I remember them both," answered Frank. "But it seems to me that Iheard some one say that Mr. Morgan is a rebel sympathizer; and Charley,of course, not having brains enough to think for himself, is followingin his father's lead."

  "So I have heard; but he has never said a word against the government,and he'd better not, for I feel just like choking somebody this morning;and if I hate a rebel, I hold a domestic traitor in the most profoundabhorrence."

  "Hullo, boys!" exclaimed Charles, at this moment, coming alongside andstretching out a hand to each of them, "how are you? I'm glad to see youback again, Frank. But why haven't you been around to see a fellow?You've kept yourselves very close since your return."

  "Yes, Harry and I have spent most of our time in the woods," answeredFrank. "But we part again to-morrow."

  "Going back to your ship, eh? Well, when do you suppose you will be homeagain for good?"

  "I don't know. If I live, however, I'm going to see this war settledbefore I come back to civil life again."

  "You've had some pretty hard times since you have been in the service,from what I hear."

  "Rather tough," answered Harry.

  "Well now, you see Bill and I were too sharp to go into any suchbusiness as that," said Charles, knowingly. "The old man said, from thestart, that you never could whip the South."

  "Well, your father was never more mistaken in his life," answered Frank."We _are_ going to bring back the seceded States, if it takes every manand every dollar at the North. But I don't see why you don't volunteer.How can you stay at home?"

  "O, it is the easiest thing in the world," answered Charles, with alaugh. "In the first place, I think too much of my life; and then again,I don't care a snap which whips. I am not interested either way--I'mneutral."

  "You're no such thing," answered Harry, angrily. "You never saw two dogsfight in the street, without wanting one or the other of them to whip,and your sympathies are either one way or the other. There's no suchthing as a neutral in this war."

  "Besides," said Frank, "if I were in your place, I should be ashamed tosay that I was neutral. But I hope that you will be compelled to go intothe army. Since you have neither the intelligence to determine whichside is in the right, nor the courage to fight for that side, I hopethat you will be drafted, and that you can't find a substitute."

  "Thank you," replied Charles, sneeringly. "You are very kind. But I, ofcourse, know that this is a free country, and a man has a right to talkas he pleases."

  "You have no right to utter treasonable sentiments," said Harry; "andanother thing, I am not going to sit here and listen to them."

  "You are not, indeed! I don't see how you can hinder it," repliedCharles. "I say now, and it makes no difference who hears me, that Ihope the South will whip, unless the North will allow her to go out ofthe Union peaceably. I haven't any thing against the South."

  "Well, _I_ have," answered Harry, scarcely able to control himself. "Mybrother is now starving in a rebel prison."

  "I can't help it. I have not the least sympathy for him. The South said,at the commencement, that they only wanted to be let alone; and ifGeorge hasn't any more sense than to meddle with them, I say, let himtake the consequences;" and, as Charles ceased speaking, he dropped theoars into the water, and was about to row off, when Frank seized thegunwale of his boat.

  "Avast heaving, there, for a moment," he said, quietly. "Charley, takeback what you have said."

  "No, sir; I sha'n't do it. I mean what I have said, and I won't takeback any thing. Let go of that boat, or I'll hit you," and he raised hisoar as if about to strike Frank.

  But Harry was too quick for him. Springing lightly into Charles's skiff,he easily wrested the oar from him, and then, seizing him by the collar,exclaimed:

  "Take back every word you have said, or I'll wash some of the vile rebelsentiment out of you. I'll dump you overboard. Come, take it allback--quick."

  "Help! help! Bill," whined Charles, writhing like an eel in Harry'sstrong grasp, "are you going to sit there and see me abused in thismanner? Help, I tell you."

  William looked first at Harry, then at Frank, who had grown exceedinglytall and muscular since the last time he had measured strength with himin friendly contest, and made no reply.

  "Come, take it back," urged Harry.

  "No, I won't
," replied Charles, who, finding that he was left to fighthis own battles alone, now began to struggle desperately. "I tell you Iwon't take back any thing."

  "Then overboard you go," said Harry. "I'll see what effect cold waterwill have on you;" and, easily lifting Charles from his feet, in spiteof his struggles, he threw him headlong into the water.

  "How is it now?" he coolly inquired, as Charles appeared at the surface,looking very forlorn, indeed. "Any more rebel sentiment in you thatwants washing out? Come in here, you young traitor;" and, as he spoke,he again seized him by the collar, and drew him into the boat.

  "Unhand me," shouted Charles, as soon as he could regain his feet; "I'llfix you for this."

  "Are you ready to take back what you said?" demanded Harry, tighteninghis grasp.

  "No; nor shall I ever be," was the stubborn answer.

  "Well, then, down you go again."

  "No, no! don't," screamed Charles, who now began to be reallyfrightened; "I take it all back."

  "What do you take back?" asked Harry.

  "I don't want to see the Northern prisoners all starved."

  "Well, what else?"

  "I don't want to see the Union destroyed."

  "Go on; what next?"

  "But I _do_ wish the South could be whipped to-morrow, and be made tostay in the Union."

  "Well, now you are talking sense," said Harry, releasing his hold ofCharles's collar. "Of course, I know you don't mean what you say, but Iwas bound to make you say a good word for the Union before I let youoff. I have one more favor to ask of you, and then I am done. Will youoblige me by giving three cheers for the boys who are fighting ourbattles--every day risking their lives in defense of the old flag?"

  Charles hesitated.

  "I sha'n't ask you but once more, then," and here Harry pointed to thewater, in a very significant manner.

  Charles, knowing that he was in earnest, and that there was no escape,gave the required cheers with as good a grace as he could command.

  "That's right," said Harry, approvingly. "Now I have done with you, andyou can thank your lucky stars that you have got off so easily. If youhad been in the army when you said what you did a few moments since, theboys would have hung you to the very first tree they could have found.Now, take my advice, and don't let me hear of your uttering any moresuch sentiments as long as I remain in the village; if you do, I'll duckyou as often as I can get my hands on you."

  Harry then sprang into his own skiff, and Charles sullenly picked up hisoars, and pulled toward home.

  "There," exclaimed Harry, "I feel better now. I worked off a little ofmy indignation on that fellow. The rascal! to tell us that George oughtto be starved for helping to maintain the government, and that he didn'tcare whether the Union went to ruin or not. Now that I think of it, I'msorry that I let him off so easily."

  "He was pretty well punished, after all," said Frank. "It will have theeffect of making him a little more careful."

  At noon, the fish stopped biting, and the boys started for home. Theyparted at the boat-house, after Frank had promised to call and say"good-by" before he left in the morning.

  When the latter reached home he found his trunk packed, and every thingin readiness for the start, so that he had nothing to do but roam aboutthe premises, and take a last look at every thing, as he had done on aformer occasion. His mother and sister tried to look cheerful, but itwas a sorry failure, for Frank could easily read what was passing intheir minds.

  Morning came at length, and at eight o'clock, to Frank's greatrelief--for he wished the parting over as soon as possible--he saw thecarriage approaching which was to take him to the steamer. A fewembraces and hastily-spoken farewells, and Frank was whirling away fromhis home. At Captain Butler's he stopped for Harry, who met him at thegate with an open letter in his hand; and, as he sprang into thecarriage, he exclaimed, joyfully:

  "It's all right, Frank. Here's a letter from George. He has beenexchanged, and is now in the hospital at Washington. The rebels, hesays, tried to starve him to death, but couldn't make it. He is onlywaiting until he gets strong enough to travel, and then he's cominghome. He's pretty well used up. When I get back to the army, withCompany 'M' to back me up, I'll make somebody smart for it."

  By the time Harry had finished venting his anger against the enemies ofthe government, the carriage reached the wharf, as the steamer wasmoving out into the river. Frank had just time to get on board, and afew moments afterward the Julia Burton carried him out of sight of thevillage. He stopped only a short time at Portland; and, four days afterleaving that place, found Archie waiting for him as he sprang off thetrain at Cairo. He reported to the fleet captain, who ordered him to"take passage down the river on the United States dispatch steamerGeneral Lyon," which was to sail at four o'clock that afternoon. Thecousins passed the day together. When four o'clock came, Archie returnedto his high stool with a sorrowful countenance, and Frank waived hisadieu from the steamer that was to carry him back--to what? It is wellthat the future is hidden from us, for Frank would not have trod thatdeck with so light a heart had he known what was in store for him.

  In a few days he arrived at his vessel, which he found anchored at WhiteRiver. Time makes changes in every thing, and Frank saw many new facesamong the ship's company. The old mate was still on board, and greetedhim in his hearty sailor style as he came over the side. After he hadreported to the captain, and had seen his luggage taken to his room, hewas joined by one of his old messmates, whose name was Keys; and who, inanswer to Frank's inquiry, "How is every thing?" proceeded to give him astatement of the condition of affairs.

  "The ship still floats on an even keel," said he, pulling off his boots,and taking possession of Frank's bed. "The old man is as eccentric andgood-natured as ever, sometimes flying off into one of his double-reefedtopsail hurricanes, which don't mean any thing. All goes right aboutdecks, but you will find some things changed in the steerage. There areonly five officers left in our mess that were here when you went away,and we have three new Johnny master's mates. They all came down in thesame box; and the express man must have left them out in the damp overnight, for they are the softest fellows I ever saw. They must have beenbrought up in some country where such a thing as a steamboat is unknown,for they don't know the starboard from the port side of the ship, callon deck 'up stairs,' and the captain's cabin goes by the name of the'parlor.' It wouldn't be so bad if they would only try to learnsomething, but they are very indignant if any one undertakes tovolunteer advice; and, besides, they stand on their rank."

  At this moment supper was announced, and Frank and his friend repairedto the steerage, where they found the mates of whom the latter hadspoken. While they were eating, the whistle of a steamer was heard, andone of the new mates (whose name was French, but who was known as"Extra," from the fact that he was perfectly useless as an officer,)ordered the waiter to "go up stairs and see what boat it was." The boydid not move, for it was a regulation of the mess that when there wasonly one waiter in the room to attend to the table, he was not to besent away. Besides, the mate had no right to give such an order withoutfirst obtaining the permission of the caterer.

  "Do you hear what I tell you?" he inquired, in a rage.

  "Mr. French," said the caterer, quietly, "you can find out the name ofthat boat after supper, by asking the officer of the deck, or thequarter-master on watch."

  "But I choose to send this boy to find out for me," replied Mr. French."Come, go on, there, and do as I tell you, or I will see if you can notbe made to obey the orders of your superiors."

  "Stay where you are," said the caterer, addressing the waiter, "anddon't start until I tell you to." Then, turning to the mate, hecontinued, "You have no right to order him to do any thing in thismess-room without first consulting me."

  "I haven't, eh? I wonder if this darkey ranks me? My appointment readsthat I 'am to be obeyed by all persons under me in this squadron.'"

  "That boy is not subject to your orders, as long as I am in themess-room."<
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  "Well, I shall take pains to inform myself on that point. I'll ask thecaptain."

  "Do so," said the caterer, quietly; "and if you don't get the worstraking-down that you have had since you have been on board this vessel,then I am greatly mistaken."

  The mate made no reply, but, after he had finished his supper, went ondeck.

  "Now, Frank," whispered Keys, "just come with me, and I will show yousome fun."

  Frank, always ready for any mischief, followed his companion on deck,where they found Mr. French in animated conversation with his twofriends.

  "See here, French," said Keys, approaching the latter in a confidentialmanner, "are you going to put up with such abuse as you received fromthat caterer?"

  "I'd see, if I were in your place, whether or not I had authority tocommand my inferiors," chimed in Frank.

  "Certainly, so would I," said Keys. "Go and report the matter to the oldman."

  "That caterer ought to be brought down a peg or two," said Frank.

  "Well," said the mate, "I know that I have got the right on my side; butI'm afraid, if I report the matter, the captain will give me a blowingup."

  "O, that's only one of that caterer's stories," said Keys,contemptuously. "You see he's afraid you will report him, and he toldyou what he did to frighten you. Every body on board the ship is tryingto run down us mates; they don't seem to care a fig for our orders; eventhe men laugh at us, and the sooner they find out that we have someauthority here, the better it will be for us. I wish I had as good achance as you have; I'd report the whole matter."

  "I believe I will report it," said the mate, encouraged by the sinceremanner in which Mr. Keys and Frank spoke. "I can't have a man trample onmy authority, when it comes from the admiral. Is the captain in theparlor?"

  "Yes," answered Frank, making use of his handkerchief to conceal hislaughter; "I saw him go in there just a moment since."

  The mate accordingly walked aft, and without waiting to speak to theorderly, who stood at the gangway, he opened the door without knocking,and entered the cabin.

  As soon as he had disappeared, Frank and his companion ran on to thequarter-deck, and took a position at a grating directly over thecaptain's cabin, where they could hear all that went on below.

  "My eyes!" whispered Keys; "I wouldn't be in Extra's boots for the wholesquadron. Won't he get his rations stuffed into him?"

  The captain, who was at supper, looked up in surprise, as Mr. Frenchentered unannounced; and, after regarding him sharply for a moment,said:

  "Well, sir!"

  "I came here, sir," began the mate, "to tell you"----

  "Take off your cap, sir!" vociferated the captain.

  The mate, not in the least embarrassed, did as he was ordered, and againcommenced:

  "I came here, sir"----

  "Do you know what that marine is standing out there for?" againinterrupted the captain. "If you don't, your first hard work will be togo to the executive officer and find out. Now, don't you again ever comeinto my cabin in this abrupt manner. Always send in your name by theorderly. It seems impossible to teach you any thing. But what were yougoing to say?"

  "I came here, sir," began the mate again, "to see if I have anyauthority to command my inferiors in rank. My appointment says"----

  "O, hang your appointment!" shouted the captain. "Come to the point atonce."

  "Well, sir, while at supper, I ordered our steward to go up stairs andexecute a commission for me, and he wouldn't go."

  "Are you caterer of your mess?"

  "No, sir."

  "Then sir, allow me to inform you that you have no more authority overthose waiters in that mess-room than you have to break open my trunk andtake out my money. If you should need the services of one of the boys,go to the caterer and get his consent. But I wish you would try andlearn something. You have been on board this ship now three weeks, andare of no more use than an extra boiler. Go to somebody else in futurewith your foolish complaints. You may go, sir."

  The mate left the cabin, feeling very cheap, and wondering what was theuse of having any rank, if he couldn't use it, and more than halfinclined to believe that the captain had no right to address him in sorude a manner.

  "Well, what did the old man say?" inquired Keys, who, with Frank, hadhurried forward to meet him at the gangway.

  "He says he will fix it all right," replied Mr. French, averting hisface, for he knew that he was uttering a falsehood. "I knew I would getsatisfaction."

  So saying, he walked off, shaking his head in a very knowing manner,while the two friends retreated to the steerage, where they gave fullvent to their feelings. The circumstance was related to the caterer, whocame in a few moments afterward, and after enjoying a hearty laugh atthe mate's expense, Frank retired to his room and turned in.

  About two o'clock in the morning a steamer came down and reported that aregiment of rebels had posted themselves behind the levee at CypressBend, and were holding the position in spite of the efforts of threegun-boats to dislodge them, rendering navigation impossible. The matterwas reported to the captain, who, after making himself acquainted withthe facts, ordered the Ticonderoga to be got under way and headed up theriver.


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