Frank Before Vicksburg

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Frank Before Vicksburg Page 5

by Harry Castlemon


  In the Hands of the "Johnnies" Again.

  As soon as the men had disappeared, Frank, with a heavy heart, repairedto his room to dress for supper. He thought over all the littleincidents of the day, and frequently detected himself in saying: "Onlyfifteen men left; fifteen out of forty!"

  What a slaughter--a useless slaughter--there had been! And all had beenoccasioned by the ignorance of the commanding officer of the expedition.Had Frank been allowed to retain the sheltered position which he had atfirst taken up, the result would have been far different. And how had heescaped without even a scratch? He had stood beside his men during thewhole of the fight--freely exposing himself, and, rendered conspicuousby his uniform, had signaled the vessel twice; and each time the flaghad been riddled by bullets, but not a shot had touched him! It seemedbut little short of a miracle that he had come off unscathed, when somany men had fallen around him.

  He was interrupted in his meditations by the entrance of the orderly,who informed him that his presence was wanted in the cabin. Frankhastily pulled on his coat and repaired thither. As he entered, thecaptain said:

  "Take a chair, Mr. Nelson. I wish to have a few moments' seriousconversation with you."

  Frank, surprised at the captain's tone and manner, seated himself, andthe latter continued:

  "Are you aware, sir, that you have this day destroyed all the confidenceI have hitherto placed in you, and have rendered yourself liable tosevere punishment?"

  The effect of this question, so abruptly put, was astounding, and Frankcould only falter--

  "Sir? I--I--don't understand you, sir."

  "Mr. Nelson, I am surprised at you, sir," said the captain, sternly. "Ishall have to refresh your memory, then. You have this day been guiltyof misdemeanors, any one of which renders you liable to acourt-martial, and to a disgraceful dismissal from the service. In thefirst place, you have shown gross disrespect to your superior officer,and"----

  "I guilty of disrespect, sir!" repeated Frank, scarcely believing hisears. "There must be some mistake, sir, for"----

  "Don't interrupt me, sir. I repeat, you have been guilty of disrespectto your superior officer, and of cowardice, having been found with yourbattery far in the rear at a time when your services were very muchneeded at the front; and then, after the fight had fairly commenced, asif waking up to a sense of your duty, and, no doubt, wishing to makeamends for what you had done, you, contrary to orders, recklesslyexposed your men, and, as a consequence, out of forty of the bravestfellows that ever trod a ship's deck--which were placed under yourcommand this morning--you had but fifteen left when you returned onboard. The energy displayed by you in working your battery, and themanner in which you obtained possession of it, after you moved out fromyour sheltered position, and had been compelled to retreat, were featsof which any officer might be justly proud, and which I should havebeen most happy to reward with your promotion, had you not spoiled everything by your infamous conduct at the commencement of the fight.Hitherto, since you have been on board this ship, you have been a goodofficer, have always attended to your duties, and it pains me to beobliged to talk to you in this manner. I never thought that you, afterwhat you did at Cypress Bend, while you were on board of the Milwaukee,would ever have been guilty of such misdemeanors. However, as yourconduct heretofore has always been such as I could approve, I shall seethat no charges are made against you; and I sincerely hope that what youhave learned to-day will be a lesson that you will never forget. I shallgive you sufficient opportunities to make amends for what you have done,and I shall commence by sending you ashore with a flag of truce, to askpermission of the rebels to bury our dead. You may start at once, sir."

  This was a hint that his presence in the cabin was no longer desirable,and Frank, who, in his confusion and bewilderment scarcely knew what hewas doing, made his best bow and retired.

  What his feelings were as he listened to this reprimand, administeredby the captain, who never before had spoken a harsh word to him, it isimpossible to describe. He again thought over every thing he had doneduring the fight; how he had, at the commencement of the action, beatenback the rebels, with a mere handful of men; how he had, in obedience toorders, taken the exposed position where he had lost so many of hisgun's crew, and which he had held in spite of the storm of bullets thatrained around him, until the whole line had been compelled to retreat,and he was left unsupported; how he had twice risked his life insignaling the ship; and how, when the retreat was ordered he had broughtback his guns in safety: he thought of all these things, and wonderedwhere the charge of cowardice could be brought in. And then, when andhow had he been guilty of disrespect to his superior officer? Certainlynot in remonstrating against ordering the men to stack their arms, forthat was a privilege to which he, as one of the commanding officers ofthe expedition, was entitled. In regard to recklessly exposing his men,the case was not quite so clear. It was true that, in the beginning ofthe fight, he had ordered a charge upon the rebels, who greatlyoutnumbered his own men, and had easily driven them, without loss tohimself: perhaps it was there that the third charge had been brought in.But although he was conscious that he had endeavored to do his wholeduty, the words of the captain had cut him to the quick. It had been anunlucky day for him. The expedition had proved a failure, and he hadbeen accused of misdemeanors of which he had never dreamed. It seemed asif fate was against him.

  "I believe, as Archie used to say," he soliloquized, "that I am theunluckiest dog in existence. Troubles never come singly."

  "The captain wishes to see you, sir," said one of the men, stepping upand interrupting his meditations.

  "All right," answered Frank, who was so completely absorbed in hisreverie that he was entirely unconscious of what was going on aroundhim; "call all hands to quarters immediately."

  "Sir--I--I don't mean--sir--the captain wishes to speak with you, sir,"repeated the sailor, half inclined to believe that Frank was gettingcrazy. This aroused the young officer to a sense of his situation; as heapproached the quarter-deck, where the captain was standing, the lattersaid:

  "Mr. Nelson, do you intend to go ashore with that flag of truce, sir?"

  "I beg your pardon, sir," faltered Frank, "I forgot all about that. Willyou have the kindness to call away the first cutter?" he continued,approaching the quarter-master, and saluting him as the officer of thedeck.

  "Mr. Nelson," shouted the captain, "what are you doing? Are you crazy,sir?"

  "I believe I am, captain, or pretty near it," answered Frank. "Thecharges that have been brought against me have well-nigh upset me. Theyare false, sir, and I don't deserve the reprimand I have received."

  In his next attempt to find the officer of the deck Frank met with moresuccess. While the cutter was being manned, he ran down into thesteerage, and seizing a pen, hastily dashed off the following:



  Having been reported, by the officer in command of an expedition--sent ashore this day for the purpose of dislodging a body of rebels posted behind the levee--for cowardice, disrespect to my superior officer, and for recklessly exposing my men to the fire of the rebels, and knowing, sir, that these charges are utterly groundless, I respectfully request that a Court of Inquiry may be convened to examine into my behavior while under the enemy's fire.

  I am, sir, very respectfully Your obedient servant, FRANK NELSON, _Acting Master's Mate_.

  Acting Rear-Admiral D. D. PORTER, U. S. N., _Commanding Miss. Squadron_.

  While he was sealing the envelope the messenger boy entered and reportedthe cutter ready. Frank ran on deck, and, after giving the communicationto the captain, with a request that it might be approved and forwardedto the Admiral, he sprang into the boat
, and gave the order to shoveoff.

  The old boatswain's mate, who was acting as the coxswain of the cutter,had rigged up a flag of truce. As they pulled toward the shore, Frankwaved this above his head until he elicited a similar response from thebank; then, throwing down the flag, he seated himself in the sternsheets, and covered his face with his hands. The old mate, mistaking hisemotion for sorrow at the death of so many of his men, said:

  "Yes, it is a hard case. Not a few of us are left without our chums; butwe all know it wasn't your fault. There would have been more of us leftif you had been allowed to have your own way."

  "Then I did not expose you needlessly, did I, Jack?"

  "Why, bless you, no, sir. Who says you did, sir?" inquired one of thecrew.

  "But tell me one thing, Jack," said Frank, his face still covered withhis hands, "Am I a coward?"

  "No, sir," answered the mate, indignantly; "'cause if you was, youwouldn't have held on to them guns as long as you did, and you would nothave pitched into that rebel atween the lines, as you did about a yearago, at this very place. In course you ain't no coward."

  This was some consolation. The men whom he commanded, and who had alwayscheerfully followed where he had dared to lead, thought very differentlyfrom the man who had retreated almost before the fight had commenced,and who, to screen himself, had brought those charges against one whoseconduct had always been above reproach.

  "Yes, as you say, it is a hard case, Jack," said Frank, uncovering hisface, and glancing toward the rebels who thronged the levee. "It is ahard case, indeed, but I will come out at the top of the heap yet."

  "What's the matter, sir?" inquired the mate. "Any one been wrongin' you,sir? He'd better not show his ugly figure-head when what's left of thefirst division has shore liberty. We'll douse his top-lights for him."

  By this time the cutter had reached the shore, and Frank, taking theflag of truce, sprang out, and walked up the bank to where a group ofofficers was standing.

  "Wal, Yank, what do you want now?" inquired a man dressed in the uniformof a colonel.

  How Frank started when he heard that voice. Could he be mistaken? He hadcertainly heard it before, and he remembered the time when it had givenan order which still rang in his ears: "Stiles, you stay here until thisman dies." He looked at the men, some of whom were lying on the groundabout the levee, and others standing at a little distance, waiting tohear what was going to be the result of the interview, and what had atfirst appeared a vague suspicion, now forced itself upon Frank as adread reality. He was in the presence of _Colonel Harrison and theLouisiana Wild-cats_. Nothing but a bold front could save him, for heknew that these men paid very little respect to a flag of truce, unlessit was likely to further their own interests; and if he should berecognized, his recapture was certain, and then, what would be his fate?Would not summary vengeance be taken upon him, in retaliation for themanner in which he had treated the sentinel on the night of his escape,and the way he had served the man who had overtaken him in the woods?Brave as Frank was, and accustomed as he had become to look danger inthe face, he could not but regard his situation as critical in theextreme.

  "What did you say your business was, Yank?" inquired the colonel again.

  "I wish to see the commanding officer," said Frank, steadily meeting therebel's searching glance. "I wish permission to bury our dead."

  "Well, that's a fair request," said the colonel, carelessly. "I don'tknow as I have any objection to it. Want your prisoners also?"

  "Yes, sir," answered Frank, with a smile. "I should like to take themback to the ship with me. But you know that I have none to exchange forthem."

  "That's what I thought. I couldn't afford to give your men back fornothing."

  "I didn't suppose you would. But have we your permission to come ashoreand bury our dead?" inquired Frank, who was anxious to bring theinterview to an end.

  "Yes," answered the colonel, "and we will leave the field in yourpossession. You will send that message by one of your men, for I don'tthink, youngster, that you can go back. If I am not very much mistaken,I've got a better right to you than any one else."

  "Yes, colonel," shouted one of the men, "I'll be dog-gone if I didn'tthink he was the chap that give us the slip at Shreveport."

  "I didn't think I could be mistaken," said the colonel. "So, youngster,just consider yourself a prisoner."

  "What do you mean, sir? You have no claim whatever upon me, and neverhad!" exclaimed Frank, indignantly. "I am acting in obedience toorders, and am under the protection of this flag of truce."

  "Very well spoken. But what do you suppose we care for that dish-rag?Besides, I say we _have_ a good claim upon you, for you have never beenexchanged. Here, Jim!" he shouted to one of his men, "put this littleYank with the rest, and don't give him a chance to get away this time."

  The man advanced to obey the order, and when he came up to the placewhere Frank was standing, he seized him by the hair and shook him untilevery tooth in his head rattled.

  "Avast heavin' there, you land-lubber!" shouted the mate, who until thistime had remained in the boat with the crew; and, springing ashore, heran up the bank, and with one blow of his fist felled the rebel to theground.

  "Here we have it," said the colonel, who, instead of defending Frank,seemed to consider the manner in which he was treated a good joke."Boys, secure this blue-jacket also."

  "No you don't, Johnny!" exclaimed the mate, as one of the men sprangforward to seize him. "If you think that one of you is as good as fiveYankee sailors, now is your chance to try it on. It'll take more'n oneof you to put the bracelets on me;" and, as he spoke, he planted anotherof his tremendous blows in the face of the advancing rebel, which liftedhim completely off his feet. But before he had time to repeat it, he wasoverpowered by half a dozen rebels, who had run to the assistance oftheir comrade. After a hard struggle, he was secured, and his hands werebound behind his back.

  "Now, you fellows," said the colonel, addressing himself to the men inthe boat, "get back to your vessel; tell the captain how matters stand,and also that he may come ashore and bury his dead as soon as hechooses."

  "Tell the first division," said the mate, "that the next time they gointo action they must give one shot for Jack Waters. If you fellersdon't pay for this," he continued, turning to the rebels, "then blast myto'-gallant top-lights."

  "Tell the captain," chimed in Frank, "that he had better not trust thesemen again, for they are not sufficiently civilized to know what a flagof truce is."

  "You are very complimentary, young man, to say the least," said arebel, who was standing near the colonel.

  "I am telling the plain truth," answered Frank, "and you will find thatyour barbarous mode of warfare will never succeed; and that the crew ofthat vessel will never allow the mean action of which you have beenguilty to pass unnoticed."

  "Douse my top-lights but that's the truth," said the mate, making aneffort with his confined hands to salute his officer.

  "See that these prisoners are well secured," said the colonel, "and besure and take special care of that youngster, for if you allow him theleast chance, he'll escape," and the colonel turned on his heel andwalked away.

  In obedience to these instructions, Frank and the mate were deliveredinto the charge of a sergeant, who at once conducted them toward theplace where the prisoners which had been taken during the fight wereconfined under guard. As they passed along through the rebels, they wereinsulted at every step, and finally a man drew his ramrod out of hisgun, and seizing Frank by the collar, proceeded to give him a severethrashing. Frank immediately appealed to the sergeant, who, instead ofoffering to defend him, stood at a little distance, watching theoperation, as if not at all concerned. The mate was fairly besidehimself with rage, and struggled desperately to free his hands, all thewhile venting his anger by "dousing" his "top-lights" and "shivering"his own "timbers." The rebel continued his punishment amid the cheers ofhis companions, and at every stroke of his ramrod he exclaimed: "Shotthe best blo
od-hound in Louisiana, did ye! Stick a bayonet into youngDavis, won't ye!" until Frank, smarting with the pain, determined todefend himself.

  "Unhand me, you scoundrel!" he shouted; "I've had just about enough ofthis." Turning fiercely upon his persecutor, he snatched the ramrod fromhis hand, and commenced laying it over his head and shoulders. Therebel, after trying in vain to defend himself, retreated precipitately,amid the jeers of his comrades, and shouts of derision from the mate.The sergeant here thought it time to interfere, and Frank and the matewere not again molested.


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