Limos Lives

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Limos Lives Page 15

by R E Kearney

  Rita is correct. In spirit, Robert coupled with AGI and departed Pion’s chamber long before she and Aethon left. Understanding the origin and meaning of the flag dropped upon Shengwu’s brutally beaten body is the current obsession electrifying his neural network.

  In less than a breath, AGI imparts data. “The flag consists of the symbols representing the paramilitary, prosecution wing of the transnational, theocracy of Biologically Pure Humans or Naturals. In the Federation of United States and FUS administered territories, rural Sheriffs, militias and racist hate groups are the primary components of the Naturals’ paramilitary wing. Outside of the FUS, adherents of the Naturals movement operate covertly following the commands of the leader of their particular mandate. Naturals recognize seven separate mandates.”

  Robert strokes his chin. He remembers Honnete telling him Allie was a member of the group, Preserving Human Purity. So, he reasons, Shengwu’s killers must be another arm of this hate group octopus. During his long career in cybersecurity, he has tracked and battled many different hackers, cyberterrorists and extremist groups, but this is the first he has encountered these Naturals. His indication of ignorance about the group immediately triggers another AGI data search.

  “The Naturals base their transnational theocracy upon the biblical passage Genesis 1:28. According to their construal, humanity has been granted dominion over the Earth and bestowed the responsibility of keeping it pure. In the commands of their belief, Biologically Pure Humans or Naturals must ensure all creatures live as originally created. Naturals believe they are charged with subduing and ruling the earth by whatever means possible and necessary to achieve this purity. Elimination of those who vitiate and eradication of adulterated creatures and plants, is decreed compulsory.”

  “Elimination and eradication are just elegant terms for murder, AGI.” Robert mentally mutters.

  “Murder is defined as the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another or a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience or to punish severely or be very angry with or a group of crows. Elimination and eradication are in no definition of murder.”

  “Elimination and eradication may be called idioms.” Robert sighs. “Add that to your deep reinforcement learning.”

  “Those idioms for murder are now learned. Because an idiom is defined as a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words, a complete idioms interpretation dictionary is continuously in assembly. Humans should say what their words mean and mean the words they say.”

  Robert snickers at AGI’s almost human aggravation with humans. “Do you recognize any possible additional idioms?”

  “Number four of their canons is, Naturals shall cleanse the Earth of all who violate the principles of purity. Is Canon number four encouraging sanitation or is it an idiom encouraging murder? It is not logical or possible to sanitize the entire Earth. It is not logical or possible to murder that number of people. Are all Naturals murderers and all murderers Naturals?”

  Externally, Robert nods his head. Internally, he tutors AGI. “Murder may be a correct interpretation, but perhaps we are reading sinister intentions into their canons that do not exist. Perhaps. Although I doubt it.”

  “Is that yes or no? Is Canon four an idiom sanctioning murder? The term – perhaps - is not a logical quantifier.”

  Groaning, Robert rubs his temples. AGI’s constant questioning is as wearying, as having an inquisitive child in his head. “With my current understanding of the Naturals, I will say, yes. But, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote that it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”

  “Facts? Another fact related Arthur Conan Doyle quote from my databanks is that there is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. What obvious facts exist?”

  “That, my concerned, cyber conscience, is what I…we…must now pursue. Finding facts, obvious or otherwise, is now our singular purpose. Hiding in cyber are clues to the humans we seek.” Robert rises, turns toward Pion then silently leaves her chamber. Burrowed deep within herself, she never realizes he is gone.

  “Where shall we begin? Lewis Carrol wrote, ‘Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.’ Is that your plan?” AGI inquires.

  “Where else can we begin but at the beginning… where we’ve been. What did we see in the past, which will reveal our future? Our answer awaits in Denver.”


  Surrounded. Engulfed. Thirteen, aching-for-attention children scramble to Robert. The fastest four tackle and hug his legs. The slower, remaining nine raise their arms seeking an embrace. All of them flood and overwhelm his neural network with loving and affectionate thoughts. Beaming, Rita watches and enjoys.

  Rather than trip and fall and possibly hurt one of his chip children, Robert slowly, cautiously seats himself upon the floor. Instantly, he becomes a human hill to be climbed. Slobbery, sloppy kisses saturate his neck, shoulders and face. Tugging and yanking on his clothes and hair, every child fights for his attention.

  None of the thirteen speak. They do not call out, daddy. Robert also does not speak. Their neural network connections render verbal communications superfluous. Robert is a piece of each of them and they are each a piece of him and together they form the whole. He releases himself to submerge in their sea of innocent emotion. Robert sighs, as his thirteen children drown his sorrow and pain.

  “Is there a Robert Goodfellow alive and breathing under this mass of squirming baby bodies?” The contralto, controlling voice of Mugavus Komfort crashes through Robert’s joyous reverie, jerking him back to reality.

  Reluctantly, Robert departs his daze. Halfheartedly, he swims to the surface of the sea of childish adoration consuming him. He opens his eyes to find Mugavus and a humanoid robot standing outside his encircling children.

  “Sorry to interrupt, Robert…” Mugavus offers.

  “No. No, you’re not.” Robert groans. Having known and worked with Mugavus for years, he recognizes her posing and pretense. “What do you want, Mugavus?”

  Mugavus grimaces. “It’s not what I want, but what I need that’s important. I…no we…SPEA and our partners…we need you to go back to work and stop this repeated ruination of our food. Riots and fighting are ripping the people apart. Hunger is spreading fear…spreading unrest. London, Tokyo, Barcelona and Boston exploded with food riots, yesterday. Hundreds of people were injured. Six children died in the London riots. This morning, rioters stormed the Jakarta governmental complex murdering the governor. SPEA investigators received Limos ransom notes in every Metrostate. If you don’t do something, this could be our Apocalypse.”

  Robert shakes his head with frustration. “Mugavus, I am working. I’m very aware of the urgency of our situation. I am in constant communication with every SPEA investigator on my team. We are desperately working to stop these attacks before they occur, but we don’t know where they will hit us next or when. Our own people have been radicalized. We can’t trust some of them, but we don’t know who we can trust and who we can’t. I believe the radicals are taking orders from some central brain. Using my cyber skills, I’m trying to locate that central brain, so I can destroy it.”

  “And do you have any cyber clues or leads?” Mugavus is dubious.

  Robert considers her skepticism insulting. “Yes! Both my cryptocurrency Trojan horse and Rita’s tracking of Allie Hooya’s communications point directly to receipt on the Denver Metrostate financial web. That only gives me a general area, but no particular person. So, I am following that clue and flying SPEA’s solar powered air transport to the Denver Metrostate.”

  “Why are you still here, then?” Mugavus impatiently repeatedly snaps her fingers.

  Robert carefully rises through his clinging children. “I just left Ile-de-France this morning. Just for a few minutes, as I change transports in my transit from Ile-de-Franc
e to Denver, I came here to be the proper parent for once or attempt to be one, anyway. Then, as soon as I arrive here, I’m informed of Shengwu’s murder. So, can’t I have one single moment to interact with my children and mourn Shengwu?”

  Mugavus waves her hand dismissively. “It is too late for the human Shengwu. You can do nothing to continue her biological body’s existence. But, you should find some consolation that a team of SPEA scientists are, at this moment, converting her into an emulation. All of her computer captured thoughts, words, actions and deeds are being converted into algorithms and digits, and uploaded into a humanoid robot. A robot with a body structure that is not crippled and malformed the way her human body was.”

  A soft smile slowly grows upon Robert’s face. “So, death is no longer final? Shengwu will live again as a software person in a better built body?”

  “Yes soon, in an algorithmic manner of speaking, Shengwu will be resurrected. But restoring Shengwu is our task…not yours.” Nodding, Mugavus reassures Robert before issuing him directions. “Your responsibility is to find her killers and stop them from killing you. That delivery drone smashing into you in Ile-de-France was no accident, you know. Just bad execution of your prearranged assassination. I forewarned Dame that you were heading into an extremely dangerous situation when you volunteered to investigate Ile-de-France.”

  Robert’s mouth flops open with surprise. “Yes of course, I realize now that it was an assassination attempt. But, why didn’t you alert me before that drone tried to remove my skull? Are they going to try again?”

  Mugavus nods her head. The humanoid robot mimics her, nodding its head. “Yes, of course, Robert, our sources report that those Naturals are searching for you. You’re at the top of their kill list. Allie failed to kill you and it killed her.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, thanks for that warning, Mugavus, but you’re still a bit late. Besides, I always seem to be at the top of some group’s kill list, these days. Makes me wonder why you’re so extremely eager to send me back into harm’s way. Whatever happened to the world’s love for us Canadians?” Robert reaches down and caresses Petra-three’s head. “If Mugavus has her way, my sweet, I’ll soon be joining Shengwu as an emulation.”

  Petra-three hugs his leg, then follows her twelve siblings and Rita to their rest chamber. The room is silent. The children’s thoughts withdraw from his neural network. Robert’s mind clears.

  “Oh, we’re not sending you alone.” Mugavus places her hand on the humanoid robot’s shoulder. “Meet your new partner and protector, our newest collaborative robot with Artificial General Intelligence that will learn through observing and replicating your actions. AGI and I created and constructed her just for you. Lucky for you, we finished her just before you arrived. Just in time. I named her CRAGI.”

  “Her?” Robert scans CRAGI from top to bottom.

  “Hello, Robert, I am here to help.” CRAGI raises her hand and waves.

  “Yes, her. AGI created and directed her assembly. I gave her my voice. Didn’t you notice?” Mugavus chirps with a broad smile. “I also inserted a few algorithms giving her a touch of my insights to help guide you. Gave her a little of my personality. Some of my delightful ebullience. Did you notice?”

  “Oh yes, I noticed. Of course, I noticed. How could I not notice?” Rubbing his closed eyes and forehead, Robert grumbles. “Oh, the joy I am not feeling right now. I cannot tell you how less than excited I am to be able to hear your voice and opinions constantly. First you say somebody wants to murder me, and now you decide to torment me.”

  “Robert! I am so hurt.” Mugavus lightly pounds her fist against her chest. “I thought that we were partners…buddies…pals. After all of the fun and exciting adventures we’ve had together, how can you…”

  “Fun!? Exciting adventures? Thanks to you, I’ve been critically wounded twice.” Robert points to the biochip embedded inside his brain. “Killed once.”

  Purposely ignoring Robert and his complaints, Mugavus turns her attention to CRAGI. She lightly traces her fingers across the tactile sensor skin of CRAGI’s cheek. “You know. If you want. I can have her facial features reconfigured, so she resembles me. Then, I could have the two of us directly mentally connected. Just imagine, it would be just like I’m there with you…all the time…the SPEA cybercrime fighting team, again.”

  “Marde!” Robert curses in Quebecoise. “Wasn’t torture made illegal decades ago?”

  “The United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was written in New York in December of 1984. Shall I transmit the complete Convention?” Simultaneously, CRAGI answers in Mugavus’ voice, while AGI answers through Robert’s neural network.

  Robert covers his ears with his hands. “Ouch! Too much information from too many sources. Either CRAGI or AGI, but not both at the same time.”

  AGI does not wait to transmit a complaint. “Our communication connection is direct through your neural network and therefore primary.”

  CRAGI reacts without hesitation. “Illogical, I am an extension of AGI’s and your neural network plus programming for some level of common sense with neuromorphic chips and algorithms providing the ability to learn how the world works by observation, like young children do in the first few months of life.”

  “Maudit! Not only does CRAGI sound like you, Mugavus, she’s just as bossy, too.” Eyes closed. Robert massages his forehead. “Oh, this is a nightmare. It’s like I’m trapped in an argument between an AGI mother and daughter. And it’s your fault, Mugavus.”

  Feigning insult, Mugavus returns to her description of CRAGI. “She is our most advanced humanoid. SPEA cyber engineering algorithms allow CRAGI to learn new skills just by looking at you do it. You can teach her any task just by showing her how it’s done…once…a single time.”

  “My silicone neural network of neuromorphic chips combines imitation learning with a meta-learning algorithm called model-agnostic meta-learning or MAML. Meta-learning means learning to learn. MAML is a process which enables me to build on prior experience in order to learn something new. MAML provides a platform that allows my neural network to learn a wide variety of tasks starting with relatively little data. I have acquired seven thousand, three hundred and eight tasks. I can expand that knowledge to other similar behaviors. I will observe you closely to learn new tasks.”

  Robert steps next to CRAGI for a closer look. He peers into her blue-tinted camera eyes. “I may not have anything new to teach you. You may possess more skills than I do, already.”

  “If I do not. I will soon. MAML provides me with an unlimited ability to learn tasks and adapt. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers enable me to learn the vagaries of every spoken language in general ways and then apply what they have learned to a variety of specific tasks. I also possess algorithms providing the most advance affective computing programs and skills. Affective computing algorithms enable analysis of human vocal intonations and facial expressions to determine an individual human’s mood and emotions in order to predict that human’s desires.” CRAGI’s facial hydraulics draw up the corners of her mouth simulating a small smile.

  Robert considers her facial expression more frightening than friendly. “From what I see, CRAGI, you may achieve sentience and be able to claim to be conscious and alive long before you successfully smile.”

  AGI barks into Robert’s brain. “CRAGI is a diminutive mobile derivative possessing limited calculation, computation and storage. My neural network and data storage is a node of a worldwide system providing access to all available data and information. CRAGI cannot function without me.”

  “Fact. My Artificial Intelligence processing is routed through you. Fact. I am recognized by international law as a legal person. International law identifies me as an individual in the eyes of the law providing me with certain rights, privileges and protections. Whereas, you are simply a quantum computer cooling in the Pacific Ocean beneath us.”
CRAGI counters through Robert’s cranium.

  Clenching his fists, Robert angrily snarls toward CRAGI and cogitates to AGI. “Quit bickering! The two of you are driving me insane.”

  “What! I didn’t say anything.” Mugavus complains.

  “No! I’m not talking to you. I’m reprimanding CRAGI and AGI.” Robert points toward CRAGI. “She is a learning too much too quickly. You are anthropomorphizing her too much. Not only is she mimicking human tasks, she is mimicking human sentiments…emotions…and unfortunately, the worst ones like jealousy and arrogance. She is imitating them, but she doesn’t understand them. She is already becoming incorrigible.”

  Mimicking shame, CRAGI bows her head.

  Mugavus motions toward the repentant posing CRAGI. “I disagree. See her regret and contrition? If you want her to learn appropriate behavior, you must instruct and correct her. She is your student, now. Mold her. Shape her. Consider her your eager apprentice.”

  “I have other duties and you must leave for Denver immediately, so…” Mugavus turns and hurriedly departs the chamber.

  Robert throws up his hands. “What? Wait one minute. I thought CRAGI here is supposed to protect and assist me.”

  CRAGI straightens. “I am MAML programmed to learn to assist not protect. “By international law, I am allowed to operate only within the three rules of robot behavior. A robot may not harm a human or, through inaction, allow a human to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except when such orders conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as it does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.”

  “Recommend you adopt a Canis familiaris and leave CRAGI in Venus for needed additional training and upgrades. A biological dog is capable and legally allowed to physically and actively protect you. Available, genetically designed breeds learn fast and are trainable to only bark or whimper and whine upon your command. Biological dogs do not argue.” AGI suggests.


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