Limos Lives

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Limos Lives Page 24

by R E Kearney

  Boig chokes out a curse. Robert presses his right earlobe twice and leans toward him. He waits, but Boig refuses to speak.

  “CRAGI, raise the Reverend again. I am unable to hear him answering me.” Robert flips the fingers of his right hand upward indicating how high he wants to dangle Boig.

  “Is this a violation of my first law of robot ethics? A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.” CRAGI inquires while lifting a kicking Boig.

  Robert looks away from CRAGI, so she cannot analyze his face and determine if he is lying. “Oh no, he finds it an exhilarating. Holding him above the floor is stretching and relaxing his sore back. You are actually helping him improve his health and fitness.”

  Believing he has assuaged CRAGI’s concerns, Robert returns to questioning Boig. “Now, once again, tell me about Rele Gieren.”

  “Haven’t seen him around here. As far as I know, he’s in Fort Morghan working for Sheriff Rechtsbrecher.” Boig gasps.

  “He is telling the truth.” CRAGI announces.

  “Ok, since you were truthful, you can stand.” Robert motions for CRAGI to lower Boig to the floor. “Now, why did this man named Ruben Landwirt process a payment of twenty-five thousand dollars in credits to you at the Vegan Butcher?”

  “If this Ruben Landwirt person is the man who came in here carrying a blue bag, then it was payment for me storing and watching a package Rele left here more than a year ago.” Boig attempts to wrestle himself free from CRAGI until his effort leaves him struggling for breath.

  “He is telling the truth.” CRAGI states.

  “What was in his package?” Robert signals CRAGI to release Boig.

  Boig sucks in a deep breath and shakes his shoulders. “I don’t know. It was sealed. Truthfully, I had forgotten about it until Rele messaged me that someone was coming to get it. Took me more than an hour to find it for him.”

  “And you say that’s all you did and for that simple task, you received twenty-five thousand dollars in credits?” Robert closely watches Boig’s reaction while mentally, he signals AGI to summon local law enforcement.

  “Yeah, that was it. That’s all I’m telling you unnatural fiends.” Boig backs away from CRAGI. “Now, get out! You and your mechanical monster don’t belong in here. This is a sanctuary for natural, woman-born humans.”

  As fast as his crippled legs can move, Boig turns and bolts toward a table sitting in front of the church symbol. Surprised by Boig’s unexpected escape, Robert is slow to react. CRAGI freezes in place. Without orders, CRAGI will not pursue. Boig is stretching across the table, straining to hit a large red button when Robert grabs him. Seizing him by his shoulders, Robert slams Boig to the floor.

  Robert jams his foot against Boig’s chest, pinning him. “What’s so special about this button?”

  “Push it. Do me one last favor. End my agony. Push it!” Boig squirms under Robert’s foot. “That’s why we summoned you here. To destroy you! Push it!”

  Bending, Robert peers beneath the table. Four wires are connected to the button through a small hole in the table top. Two wires are attached to a small black container. Robert’s Canadian military experience tells him the container is a crude explosive device. The other two wires connect to a security alarm transmitter.

  “Trying to kill us, Reverend? Or just me?” Robert rams his foot against the old man’s chest, so he hurts to breathe. “Little extreme. What about your church? What about your followers…your crusade?”

  “I am ready to sacrifice myself to save our world…to purge our world of you unnatural nonhumans. If only…” Boig gasps.

  “If only what?” Robert lightens his pressure on the old man.

  Boig gulps a breath. “If only I could’ve reached that button…completed my assignment. I would’ve killed you. Me! I could’ve destroyed the great protector of the Elite. Would’ve signaled our disciples around the world to attack. Robert Goodfellow is dead! Wall is down. Attack! Attack!”

  Beaming, Robert motions CRAGI toward the table. “He just gave me a major part of what I’ve been searching for…exactly what I need to start dismembering his gang of goons. CRAGI, deactivate the explosive device, then interface with his security alarm transmitter’s member database. Transmit names and locations to AGI for SPEA purging.”

  Leaning forward with both hands and his full weight on his right knee, Robert squashes Boig onto the floor. “You disgust me. Yes, I’m a transhuman, one of fourteen living transhumans, but we’re not who will destroy the world. You’re so sick with ignorant hate that you and your accomplices are ready and willing to starve millions of people to death. You and your insane disciples…all of you fighting the future…you are the ones destroying the world. When you live in the past, you die in the future.”

  “The explosive device is neutralized. Retrieved data has been transmitted.” CRAGI announces.

  “Communication transmissions and security alarm transmitter member database are being sorted and cross referenced.” AGI adds.

  Robert yanks Boig from the floor. “CRAGI drag Reverend Boig outside where we will await the arrival of local Safety and Security specialists. Reverend, the twenty-five thousand you received was extorted from a SPEA associate in Ile-de-France. We, unnatural fiends plan to prosecute you to the full extent of the law. It is my hope that you will soon be wandering the wastedlands as an Exile with Beaute and Rele. Now drag him out of his hellish house of hate.”

  CRAGI grabs Boig’s shirt. Boig twists and turns struggling to escape. Lifting him until his feet are helplessly dangling, CRAGI hauls Boig into the scorching, sunburned parking lot.

  “Augh! The sun! I can’t stand it! Burning me. Blinding me.” Boig whines and writhes in CRAGI’s grip.

  “Good! Burn! I promise you that you’re going to find it much hotter and scorching wandering the wastedlands. I only wish you could suffer as much pain as your thugs inflicted on my friend Shengwu.” Robert threatens as he watches a DMS safety and security force cruiser land in the parking lot.

  CRAGI transfers Boig to the custody of the SafSec force specialists. They are far less gentle handling him. In a rush, the specialists drag him to their cruiser and heave him inside. As the cruiser with Boig rises into the sky, two more SafSec force cruisers land. Seven Specialists spring from the cruisers and stop, waiting for orders.

  The commander of the specialists summons Robert. As Robert approaches, he produces a legal recording-transmission device. “Are you Robert Goodfellow? Did you report that the financial crime of extortion was effected by one Reverend Boig, who occupies this structure, the Evangelical Church of Human Purity?”

  “Yes sir, I am Robert Goodfellow and I filed the report concerning Reverend Boig who occupies the Evangelical Church of Human Purity.” Robert points toward the church’s opened door. “You can also add attempted murder and illegal possession of explosives.”

  “Thank you sir. We will take over from here.” The commander signals his specialists to begin their search.

  “Be careful around the table with the red button! CRAGI disconnected the bomb trigger, but a package of explosives is still attached to the table!” Robert shouts.

  The lead SafSec specialist briefly acknowledges Robert’s warning with a thumbs-up before storming into the church. Robert’s sensitive ears hear them tearing apart the building’s insides. His satisfaction grows with each crash, bang and boom he hears.

  With a wide smile, the commander steps close to Robert and lowers his voice. “You just did me a huge favor. I’ve been wanting to get something on this radical crazy and his followers for years. Now I have him and with his membership lists I can chase down all of his fellow fanatics, too. I should be able to rid DMS of this whole group. So, if you ever need a favor, just contact me.”

  Robert swipes sweat from his forehead in a half salute. “No sir, it’s you that is doing me the favor. But, I think you’ll find that this group is much bigger than
just a few dozen insurrectionists operating here in DMS. Reverend Boig is a member of a much larger international group of terrorists and killers. I have SPEA resources tracking down his international members.”

  AGI interrupts Robert. “Ruben Landwirt processed a payment in Fort Collens, this morning. The payment concerned employment of a community use transport and occurred in the parking lot of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resource Preservation.”

  Instantly, Robert is alarmed. Questions flood his thoughts. Who is this Ruben Landwirt? What is his connection with Rele Gieren? What is he or, possibly, what are they doing at the world’s most important seed vault? But, the unknown troubling Robert the most is what was in Boig’s package? Are they planning to attack the seed vault with its irreplaceable seeds with some new weapon?

  With no answers and not yet certain about the seriousness of the Fort Collens’ situation, Robert excuses himself from SafSec without alerting them. He does not want a large SafSec force scaring and chasing away this Ruben Landwirt person. “Sorry, commander, but I must go. I’ve just been informed that I’m expected at an emergency meeting north of here.”

  Mutely, Robert directs AGI. “Alert the DMS SPEA Security and Enforcement force that CRAGI and I are relocating to the National Laboratory for Genetic Resource Preservation at Collens State University. Request that they prepare force for search and seizure operations and stage them in Fort Collens.”

  Continuing to maintain caution with SafSec, Robert motions for CRAGI to follow him. “CRAGI, time for us to visit Fort Collens. Clearly, we are being summoned and we shall respond. I suggest we use the tactic taught by Sun Tzu. We will rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots.”

  CRAGI counters in her Mugavus voice. “Would it not be more logical to adhere to the Sun Tzu directive to attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected?”

  Annoyed at hearing CRAGI’s Mugavus voice contradicting him, Robert stalks past her. “Logical or not, why don’t we at least find him before we attempt to attack him where he is unprepared?”


  “Get down!” Robert drops onto the grass mound on the south edge of the seed vault parking lot.

  CRAGI kneels then lowers her upper structure gently onto the ground. Carefully, Robert studies each of the eleven transports pausing in the parking lot. He sees nothing, except the sweat dripping from his forehead into his eyes.

  Signaling CRAGI to be silent, Robert presses his right earlobe four times. He focuses his full attention forward. Swiveling his head slowly from left to right, he sonically surveys the entire entrance area of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resource Preservation.

  “Looking for anybody I know?” From behind, Rele’s voice booms into Robert’s ears.

  Before turning around, Robert returns his hearing to normal then snidely remarks. “CRAGI, I believe we have successfully surprised them with our stealth. Does he appear unprepared?”

  Rele prods Robert with his shoe. “Stand up, you two. We don’t have time for your games.”

  Rising to their feet, Robert and CRAGI find themselves facing Rube gripping his pistol and Rele clutching his E-M-P generator. Robert attempts to verbally disarm them. “Well hello gentlemen, I’m Robert Goodfellow and this is my associate CRAGI. We represent SPEA. How may we assist you?”

  Rele shakes his head and laughs. “Ha! Ha! Ah yes, Robert Goodfellow, SPEA’s brilliant cybersecurity warrior and protector. You’re supposed to be so intelligent. But, here you are…just like I planned. Just like a rat chasing cheese.”

  Robert’s jaw hardens. His glare burns into Rele. “Well, that must make you the genetically inferior Rele Gieren then. You’re a DMS Eject. Are you not? Obviously, your failure of the SPEA amygdala test and your high level of monoamine oxidases enzymes were accurate indicators. You’re a heartless killer. Women? Children? Doesn’t matter to you. Does it?”

  “Collateral damage. That’s all.” Rele growls. “The weakest must be sacrificed for the greater good…survival and supremacy of true humans. In truth, their deaths are on your head. Only when you and your kind are destroyed will they be able to live.”

  “Seven children were killed during a food riot in Barcelona. Starving citizens rushing to an emergency food delivery trampled them. Is that collateral damage?” CRAGI inquires.

  “Yes. Good question. Is that what you call collateral damage?” Rube scowls.

  Rele stands silent. He locks his eyes on Robert, refusing to look at Rube. Robert returns his stare.

  Deciding to change subjects and tactics, Rele confronts CRAGI. “Soulless. Emotionless. Heartless. Worthless. Why are you here, you inhuman tin toy?”

  “I am not a tin toy. I am called CRAGI. I am a collaborative robot with Artificial General Intelligence that will learn through observing and replicating your actions. If, and only if, any of your actions are worthy of observing and replicating.” CRAGI demands respect.

  “You are everything that I hate. You are the destroyer…the end of the human race. Your kind will end mankind.” Rele points his E-M-P toward CRAGI. “But, with this E-M-P…my instrument of nonhuman’s death, I can eradicate you. I will terminate you! Terminate you with extreme prejudice.”

  Rube swings his pistol from Robert to Rele. “Put that down! We’re not here to destroy anything or anybody. We’re here to get me some seeds. You told me we lured him here, because he is the only one who can get me inside the seed vault. Remember!”

  Facing Rube’s revolver, Rele lowers his E-M-P. “”Yeah, your seeds. That’s why you’re here. To get some seeds. So, take him and go get your seeds. I’m tired of hearing about you and your seeds.”

  First, Robert studies Rele then he studies Rube. He is perplexed. Who are these two? He knows Rele by reputation, but who is Rube? They are together, yet he can see that they are definitely not a team and certainly not friends.

  Why are he and CRAGI here in Fort Collens? Was Beaute correct? Has he been tracking Rele or has he been blindly following Rele’s clues and fallen into a trap? Did he chase him halfway around the globe, just so he can usher this old man into the Fort Collens seed vault? Certainly not, Rele remains his target. He must stop Rele to stop Limos Lives and the starvation and deaths.

  Rube is just a gullible ruse, he decides. Rube is a tool that Rele is manipulating to accomplish a goal, Robert does not yet recognize. Still, Rube holds the revolver and he does not appear afraid to use it. He certainly was quick and effective using his pistol to control Rele. So, Rube is both his wild card and his key.

  Robert calculates that to get to Rele he needs to convert Rube into being his supportive defender. “So, you need some seeds…uh…Rube? Well, I can definitely help you. No reason to waste time. Let’s go. CRAGI, Rube, Rele follow me. I know many of the scientists and technicians preserving the seeds. I should be able to convince them to provide you with some of the seeds you want.”

  Rele steps between Robert and CRAGI flaunting his E-M-P. “No. This robot stays out here with me. If you try any tricks, my E-M-P will fry her artificial brain. Understand?”

  Robert nods. “I understand. I don’t foresee any problems.”

  Silently, Robert alerts AGI. “Access CRAGI’s environmental sensory system, especially her auditory sensors, and network them through you to me. I want to remain aware of Rele’s activities.”

  “Sensory system network connection established.” AGI responds within seconds.

  “Are you ready to go, Rube?” Robert is momentarily startled to hear his question unpleasantly echoing through CRAGI. He begins walking toward the seed vault’s entrance, so distance away from CRAGI will dampen the echo.

  Rube jumps into step behind Robert. His anticipatory excitement bubbles forth along with his confusion. “What should I do with my pistol? Should I take it back to Rele? Leave it with him?”

  Robert panics. If Rube gives R
ele his pistol, Rube loses his leverage making him vulnerable. “Oh no, no need to do that. I don’t trust Rele. Just hide your revolver under this shrub over here. Pick it up when we come back out.”

  Rube slides his pistol under the bush and out of sight. “You’re right. I wouldn’t turn my back on him. He’s said some things and done some things that aren’t right. Sheriff sent us together, but I don’t think he’s here for the same reason I’m here. He seems a little crazy too. Maybe he really is a killer.”

  Robert breathes a small sigh of relief. He decides his best plan is to encourage Rube’s distrust of Rele. “You’re wise to be worry. Just as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, ‘trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.’ Rele leads a murderous mob…a cult. He’s starving millions of people around the world. He knows I came to stop him. So, I’m certain he is planning to kill me…or both of us. Are you ready to die?”


  “Dying is better than living when you’re living my life. I often consider the peace of mind, death would bring.” Rube sadly confesses as Robert escorts him to the entrance of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resource Preservation.

  “First chance I have, I’m going to obliterate your processing unit with my electromagnetic pulse. Yeah, AGI robots like you may take over the world and make us humans your slaves, but I guarantee you, you’re not going to survive long enough to be one of them.” Rele’s threat to CRAGI resounds inside Robert’s head.

  “AGI, alert DMS SafSec that we are involved in a hostage situation. Request that they observe, but not intercede until instructed. Direct the DMS SPEA Security and Enforcement force to establish an emergency operations center in vicinity of Collens State University.” Robert internally transmits.

  “Hostage situation notification implemented.” AGI replies.

  Robert hurries ahead hoping Rele does not attempt to complete his threat against CRAGI before Rube returns. He knows CRAGI is waiting defenseless, because of the three robot laws prohibiting injuring humans. But, Rube is not cooperating. He has stopped and is gazing, wide-eyed at the building.


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