Relic: Spear

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Relic: Spear Page 20

by Ben Zackheim

  As it turns out, he was playing with them.

  Once the entire pixie army was wrapped around his bubble, Merlin cast another spell from inside. Thousands of beams of purple light shot seeped through the swarm of pixies. They scattered in thousands of directions and slapped against the cave walls.

  I’ll never forget the noise that made.

  Merlin let his shield down and smirked at me.

  “You just doomed them all to death, Arkwright,” Merlin said. “I’ve protected them for centuries here. Your little maneuver will lead to the decimation of an entire species. Are you happy now? Would you like to watch me finish the job you started before I kill your friends?”

  Rebel used his little monologue to attack with fireballs of her own. A dozen of them rained down on the old man. He lifted his arm, deflecting them easily. I got a good look at my partner as she flew overhead.

  She was done.

  She didn’t have anything left.

  And Merlin knew it. His smile took on a nastier bent.

  Which is when Ronin decided to throw a rock at him. It hit him in the shoulder. “Ow!” he called out.

  Every eye in the cavern landed on the black-haired beauty.

  She gave Merlin the finger. Or she gave me the finger. Frankly, I couldn’t tell. Still, after all the attacks on Merlin that day, Ronin’s was the most effective. I gave her the thumbs up with one hand, and I reached into my Vault Portal with the other.

  I’d opened it, hoping Merlin wouldn’t notice. But he did, of course. He flicked a finger at me and my arm broke. Clean break. I felt my elbow tear through the skin. It took a few seconds for the pain to set in, but Rebel was already screaming my name when the agony hit me like a bullet.

  I fell to the ground, bracing the arm with my good hand. Every move I made was solid pain. Then it started to fade. I knew that wasn’t good.

  I was going into shock.

  I heard Rebel’s voice calling out my name again. I couldn’t answer back. I felt the serum pulsing through my blood, trying to heal me, but its potency was fading. It wasn’t keeping up with the damage.

  I managed to get back to my feet. I wasn’t going to let the son of a bitch kill me while I was on my ass.

  “Good,” Merlin said. He stood over Rebel and Ronin. He’d taken them down so quickly I didn’t even see it. “You’re still with us.”

  “Why?” I gasped.

  “Pardon me?” Merlin asked, cocking his ear in my direction like the sadistic piece of shit he was.

  “Why do you want me dead?”

  He laughed. Long and hard and loud. The laughter turned into a roar of rage, and in a blink he was standing over me. The hatred in his eyes spread to his twitching nose, to his clenched teeth, to his shaking fists.

  “I don’t do monologues,” he said.

  He raised a hand in the air and I heard the most horrifying sound I’d ever heard.

  I smelled the most vile stench I’d ever smelled.

  The combination of sensations left no doubt. Merlin had summoned an army to finish off the pixies and my friends.

  A troll army.

  Chapter 60

  “Now watch the pixies die, Kane,” Merlin whispered in my ear. “All because you used your fame to manipulate them into crossing me.”

  He tsk’ed me.

  I wanted to kill that fucker so bad. All I had to do was mend my broken arm, find my sceptre, get Rebel back on her feet, and add a hundred emotional IQ points to Ronin’s brain, and I’d get my chance.

  Merlin knew we weren’t a threat anymore. He turned his back to us and climbed a small hill to admire his troll army as they marched down a steep slope. The stream of trolls seemed endless. A few thousand? Tens of thousands? Whatever the number, it was overkill. Thousands of trolls versus injured pixie soldiers and unarmed citizens would be a massacre. That’s what Merlin was counting on.

  I heard the screams of the pixies as they tried to escape. Then I heard their screams as they were killed.

  Merlin yelled orders. I didn’t hear them. His voice was a steady drone of evil, ordering revenge and mayhem like millions of evil voices had before him.

  I felt woozy. I felt tired.

  I felt like it was time to die.

  “Why?” I asked again. It was directed at Merlin. It was a question for Isis, and Set, and Skyler, and Freya, and Alix, and everyone who was playing this fucking game. “Why?”

  The stench of troll overwhelmed me. It was so strong, I was knocked out of my stupor for a split second. I had just enough time to realize I was still alive.

  I bypassed my second wind and tapped into my 3,712th wind.

  As long as I was alive, I was going to fucking fight.

  With a broken arm. And no weapons. And no allies. And no…

  The feeling that came over me was euphoric. With pixies screaming for mercy all around me, I smiled.

  Always have the right relic for the job, Rebel.

  I don’t know why that entered my head. I’d said it to my partner dozens of times before.

  I had the right relic for the job. I’d grabbed it from my house’s safe when Rebel wasn’t looking.

  I reached into my jacket and pulled it out.

  The Troll’s Cross.

  It was a powerful relic that could summon a troll army with a single-word spell. Nice and simple magic, just like I like it.

  I’d stolen it from Dino’s apartment during the Mjölnir job. I’d wanted to use it to summon an army against the Emperor of Vampires, but it was taken from me by Tabitha. She returned it later, but not before killing my Traveler Friend, Brocolli, in Valhalla.

  Merlin had his arrogant fucking back to me. I cupped the Troll’s Cross in my palm as Merlin suddenly turned and shoved me into the air with a spell.

  He had a good nose for danger, apparently.

  “GROXT!” I yelled as my body reached the apex of my journey through the cavern.

  I hit something hard and bounced around like a rag doll. My body found its resting place in a cool nook. Cold water flowed over me. I stared at the dark, dank ceiling above me.

  I heard the cries of the pixies stop, and the cries of a human wizard start.

  I smiled.


  I have a tendency to black out a lot.

  I like to think that’s because I put myself in harm’s way to defend the innocent, and the weak. Of course, the more likely explanation is that I have no sense of self-preservation, and questionable judgment. But as I awoke from my latest state of unconsciousness, the first thing I thought was, ‘Always have the right relic for the right job, Rebel.’

  What are the odds I’d have two relics meant to control two armies, both of which were in the same battle?

  Good question, but I’d counter with, ‘What are the odds I’d find out I was Odin and be battling Merlin with the Sceptre of Was and the spear of Odin at stake at the end of the world?’

  Odds are odd things. You never know when they’ll be normal.

  I was still in Merlin’s Cave when my eyes opened. I was still in pain, too. My arm was broken. My back felt like it could be broken, too. But I was grateful I wasn’t hearing the death cries of innocents anymore. Heavy footsteps echoed through the huge space. Lumbering trolls, most likely.

  My new army.

  I moved my head around to try and get a sense of what was going on. The first thing I realized was that I was alone. Not a good feeling, let me tell you. I tried to call out for Rebel, but my voice didn’t work yet. I tried to move. Maybe I could maneuver my way onto my good elbow and spot an ally.

  Nope. Too weak.

  I heard a heavy footstep approaching. The boots cracked the stone they stepped on. Each crunching stomp was followed by pebbles and debris rolling downhill.

  Was the Troll’s Cross a permanent bond? Or did the trolls go back to killing you when the spell wore off? I was about to find out.

  “You look like me after my first roll in the hay!” a low voice said, with a booming chuckle t
hat shook my stomach.

  A familiar, low voice. A familiar, booming chuckle.

  My eyes teared up and I started to cry before he even entered my vision. The shape of a large troll loomed over me.

  “Hey, Dino,” I managed to croak out between excruciating sobs.

  “How’s it hangin’, Kane?” my friend asked with a big toothy grin.

  Chapter 61

  The reunion was a short one.

  You can probably guess why. Yup, I blacked out again.

  Hey, forgive me for shutting down when I have a broken arm, a broken back, six cracked ribs, a crushed larynx, a hole in my lung and a concussion worthy of a battle with the most powerful wizard to ever live.

  I awoke to find myself in the same Parisian bed I’d been strapped to for weeks. Truth be told, I freaked out a little bit. But I relaxed when I realized I wasn’t handcuffed to the bed frame.

  The door to the room was wide open.

  I wasn’t a prisoner. I was a patient.

  I tried to remember everything that had happened. My brain rolled through the events and ended on Dino grinning at me. But had it been a dream?

  “Room for a troll?” Dino said from the doorway.

  I tried to say something, but my voice didn’t work. I felt my throat and found it wrapped up tight. “Ah, yeah. Don’t talk, ya knucklehead. Your vocal cord’s all messed up. It’ll heal.”

  “Unfortunately,” Rebel said, following him in.

  “Yeah, so you just sit there and relax and listen to us talk about our amazing night last night. Right, Rebel?”

  “You wish, troll. How are you feeling, Kane?”

  I gave two thumbs up. Sarcastically.

  “He doesn’t even need a voice to be an asshole,” Rebel said. “Amazing.”

  I made a gesture at Rebel. It was hard to communicate with my arms wrapped up. I manged to spit out the word, “heal” before I choked on the pain of the effort.

  Rebel shook her head. “I can’t heal you. I tried. We’re bringing in a real Healer to give it a shot.”

  “Yeah,” Dino said, nodding his head with a shit-eating grin. “Scarlett’s coming to ‘heal’ you.”

  I smiled. It hurt to smile, but I didn’t give a shit. Scarlett was the best Healer I’d ever met. But it worried me that Rebel was telling me she wasn’t able to do it herself.

  I used the comm.

  Why can’t you heal me, Rebel?

  She didn’t answer. Her face showed no sign of hearing my question. But the Talk Spell had been cast by her. Had she lost her magic?

  Dino and I caught each others’ eye. His grin relaxed a little. “You probably want to know what happened to me.”

  I nodded and winced in agony.

  “Just stay still, you idiot. There’s not much to tell. I remember the Leviathan fight. I remember thinkin’ I was gonna bite it. The pain in my gut is not somethin’ I’ll ever forget. I kinda remember saying goodbye to you. Somethin’ else I’ll never forget. But then…” He stopped and thought for a moment. “I just don’t know. I was healed. I know that. The injuries didn’t hit any major organs. And next thing I knew I was with Merlin. He saved me.”

  The part of my face that was showing gave away my surprise.

  “He nursed me back to health. He told me I was the final alpha troll on the planet. He put me in charge of one of his troll battalions. The fucking guy has a ton of armies. I did good by him, but I really wanted to let you know I was alive. I tried to get a message out to you. He found out. Ooooooeeeee. He was pissed off. He put me under a spell and the best I can tell he placed me with his asshole army. The trolls who like killing things. I probably did some shit I’d never forgive myself for.”

  “It’s not your fault, Dino,” Rebel said. She put a hand on his arm.

  “I know it’s not, but…” He put his hand on hers.

  And moved her hand down to his crotch.

  I rolled my eyes as Rebel slapped his shoulder.

  Dino smiled. “Anyways, I’m back and ready to kick some Set ass. I’ll kick Merlin’s ass, too, if he ever shows his face again. Rebel’s brought me up to speed. Ronin filled in the blanks. We, um, we have some questions for you, though Kane. Once you can speak or write we’ll talk about it.”

  “Yeah,” Rebel said with a smile. “For instance, what the hell is this about you being Odin?” The surprise showed in my eyes because she chuckled. “My sister can’t keep a secret. A grudge, yes. A secret, no. I’d ask Lucas for the details, but he’s holed up with some dwarf named Alix in a library somewhere trying to piece together a spell on a scroll.”

  “Past tense,” a small voice said from the open door. It was Lucas. “Hello, Kane.” His voice was soft, exhausted. I was pretty sure demons didn’t sleep, but if I could speak I would have ordered him to give it a try.

  “Past tense?” Dino asked. “What does that mean?”

  “It means, troll, that the deciphering of the spell is now a completed task. I have deciphered the spells on the back of Imhotep’s Book of the Dead.”

  The silence that settled on the room was not one of my choice. I would have asked a few dozen questions within seconds if I’d had my voice. Instead, I had to wait for the others to find their voices.

  I could have strangled them for making me wait.

  “What do the spells do?” Rebel finally asked.

  “I must tell only Mr. Arkwright,” Lucas said. He stood up straight, steeling himself for a battle. But Rebel and Dino just shrugged.

  “I’ve had enough of this magic shit,” Dino said ducking down and squeezing through the door.

  “Write me a postcard, Lucas,” Rebel said.

  “Are you going somewhere, miss?”

  “It’s a saying, demon.” She closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with one haggard demon librarian.

  “Sir, it’s awful. It’s just horrible.” He took a deep breath. I wanted to smack him. I wanted him to get to the point with no dramatics. Of course, this was Lucas we were talking about, so that wouldn’t be possible. “The spells on the back of the Book of the Dead are a guide to counter its effects.” He stared into my eyes. I did my best to convey, “Give me more details, you little dick!” with them. “Ah yes, that may need more explanation. The Book of the Dead is a set of spells meant to guide the deceased through the afterlife in a way that was uplifting and enriching. One of hope for the deceased, you could say. But the spells on the back of Imhotep’s Book of the Dead are meant to counter those spells. Not in a way that negates them. Oh no. Nothing as simple and understandable as that. I wish! No, these spells are meant to keep death at bay. They’re meant to knock the body and soul of the deceased back among the living. The only problem is you cannot do that and expect natural results. You just can’t!”

  The demon started pacing the room and mumbling to himself. He was descending into one of his states of mind where it would be hard to get anything out of him.

  He shook his head as if to collect himself.

  “Let me be clear and concise, sir.”

  Too late.

  “I must get back to the library. There’s much more work to be done there. Sir, the back of the Book of the Dead is the method by which we are in our current predicament. We must not let anyone know we’ve discovered it!” He took another deep breath and searched for a way to explain what he meant to a mere mortal. “The back of Imhotep’s Book of the Dead is Set’s Book of the Undead.”

  THE END…until Book 9!

  The Book of the Undead will change everything. But who’s thick enough to tap its powers first? The answer will definitely surprise you.

  Kane knows who he is now, but he has some big decisions to make. Can he bring humanity back to its former glory? Should he? And what (or who) will he need to sacrifice to save the world?

  These questions, and more, will be answered in the 9th book of the RELIC series.

  Curious about the origins of Kane and Rebel?

  Sign up for the Hot Shots & Killer Nails newsletter
on and get RELIC: ORIGINS for FREE. The first adventure of Kane and Rebel almost destroyed Alcatraz, so… yeah, go pick it up.

  (The once-in-awhile newsletter also doles out sneak-peeks like mugs of mead.)

  You can join Zackheim’s Zealots group on Facebook, too. We chat about Kane, Rebel, Rebel and Rebel which is really not fair to Kane but tough…


  To my team of readers and friends, who helped make this story come together:

  Audrey Cienki

  Carolyn Fielding

  Cheryl Pierce

  Chris Christman II

  Diane Kassmann

  Emma Porter

  Hal Bass

  Jennifer Chandler

  Larry Diaz Tushman

  Lesley Sharp

  Leslie Watts

  Lisa Camden Cripe

  Malcolm Robertson

  Mandy Walkden-Brown

  Margarita Rose Bailey

  Mary Letton

  Scott Cooter

  Shannon Wessinger

  Sharon Harradine

  Stacey Stein

  Steve Widner

  Travis Sleeper

  Also by Ben Zackheim

  Relic: Blade

  Relic: Hammer

  Relic: Shield

  Relic: Grail

  Relic: Sceptre

  Relic: Scroll

  Relic: Mask

  Sign up for the Hot Shots & Killer Nails newsletter on and get updates on the next book in the RELIC series.




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