For All The Right Reasons

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For All The Right Reasons Page 9

by Brownell, Rachael

  When we get back to my place.

  In my bedroom.


  Not that rewarding me with sex is the right way to treat your boyfriend, but I did give her what she wanted first. If she wants to roll in the sheets after this, I'm not going to turn her away. I'll give her sex whenever she wants. All she has to do is ask.

  But, I also don't want to press my luck, so I keep my trap shut as she lays it all on the table for Quinn. How he ruined everything. How he needs to fix the situation. To talk to Gabby. To tell her the truth about how he feels.

  She even breaks the verbal agreement I know she made with Gabby and tells Quinn how miserable she is, amongst other things. Most importantly, how much she's in love with him.

  When I hear the words cross her lips, I almost yell at her for Gabby. That was said to her in confidence. If Gabby knew we were together, she would have expected her to tell me. At least that's how she validated it when she told me. Telling Quinn is crossing the line.

  Gabby should have been the one to tell him.

  I want Jade to be the first person to know that I love her. I wouldn't want her to hear it from someone else. And I'm sure Gabby didn't want Quinn to hear it from Jade. Hell, she may not have wanted him to know at all. Not yet anyway.

  I'm stewing over everything Jade said to Quinn as I drive back to my apartment. She's in the passenger seat, going on and on about how emotionally destroyed Quinn was over the situation. How Gabby's in the same boat and we need to get them together in the same room. To help them piece their relationship back together.

  "Just stop. Please," I finally say, letting out my frustrations.

  "What? I'm just trying to help. It's not like either of them are doing anything about it."

  "Yes, but maybe that's what they need right now. Time. Space. We all deal with this shit differently, Jade. I know your heart’s in the right place. I know you want to see both of them happy and that what will make them happy is each other, but you can't force them to see that. You can't force them back together,” I try to explain to her as I grip the steering wheel, taking a deep breath before continuing.

  "If it's going to happen, it's because they found their way back to the other person. And if that never happens, there's nothing you can do or say to fix it. This may be the end for them. It sucks, but it is what it is. And for the sake of your friendship and mine with both of them, I think we need to back off. No more bombarding them. No more yelling. Your opinion on the situation doesn't mat—"

  "Yes, it does. They're ruining ev—"

  "That's the thing. The only person ruining anything right now is you. You're destroying your friendship with each of them by pushing them. Their relationship has nothing to do with you, just like ours has nothing to do with them. What if Gabby had found out we were sneaking around behind her back? She would have pushed you to go public. To stop hiding.”

  Sneaking a glance at Jade, I find her wringing her hands in her lap, staring at them as she contemplates what I’ve said. She knows it’s true. Gabby would have pushed her until she broke.

  "And how would you have reacted? You would have been pissed. You would have refused on merit alone. And that's exactly what you're doing to both of them. You're trying to force them to do what you think is right. Listen, the best thing we can do for either of them is to let them figure out what they want without trying to persuade them one way or another. We need to be there for them and support their decisions. That's what friends do."

  She's silent for the next few minutes. I'm afraid to look in her direction again, knowing my words were not gentle. I'd already tried that approach with her, and it failed. She needed to hear the truth whether it hurt her feelings or not. My main concern is that I've more than likely pissed her off.

  Angry Jade is scary.

  There are many sides to this woman. All of which I love for different reasons.

  Sassy Jade is sexy.

  Sarcastic Jade is funny.

  Drunk Jade is horny.

  Sad Jade is cuddly.

  And Angry Jade... she keeps me on my toes. She makes me worry about the fate of our relationship.

  As I come to a stop at the end of the exit ramp, I chance a glance in her direction to find tears running down her cheeks. I didn't piss her off. I hurt her feelings. Which is worse. I never want to cause her pain.

  "Babe," I start, taking her hand in mine and giving it a squeeze. "I wasn't trying to be mean. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. That's not what I was trying to do. I just wanted you to see what was going on. Our plan is failing miserably and pushing them further apart."

  "You didn't hurt my feelings," she says, sniffling as she wipes at her cheek. "I'm sad they're going through this. I remember how I felt last year when all I wanted was to be with you and you were with Heather. I remember the nights I spent crying, wishing we were back on the island and that nothing else mattered but those hours we spent together alone. We found our way back to each other because we refused to let go of one another. I'm scared they're going to give up without trying."

  "And if that's the case, we'll be there to support them. I promise."

  "We need to tell them," she whispers.

  I agree with her wholeheartedly, but now is not the time. They're both raw. They're dealing with shit I can't even begin to comprehend. And I imagine both of them are angry with us for trying to interfere. Now might be the worst time to confess our sins.

  "Let's wait a little longer. Focus on us for a while and give them time to figure things out."

  "Are you sure? I'm sick of lying to them. I mean, how can my advice be credible if I'm hiding my relationship from them?"

  "No one is doubting the validity of your advice. Hell, I heard every word you said to Quinn, and I think it was all good advice. Said in a hateful tone but good advice none the less."

  "Was I that mean?"

  "You called him a pompous jerk and told him it was all his fault."

  Jade starts laughing uncontrollably, fresh tears running down her face, and I'm reminded how much I love this side of her.

  Happy Jade.

  The one who makes my heart swell in my chest and threaten to burst. Her happiness is contagious, and I can't help but feel like all is right with the world when she smiles.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Four Months Later

  * * *

  Looking to Nathan for permission, he shakes his head slightly, but I pretend I don't notice. I'm sick of ignoring what's right in front of me. I promised Nathan I would stay out of their relationship, that I would focus on us, and I have.

  For four fucking months.

  I've talked to Gabby every Sunday. Met up with her for wine almost every week.

  We've continued our Friday lunches even though Gabby refuses to come. I've tried not to talk about her in front of Quinn to spare his feelings.

  But if he asks about her... I'm going to tell him the truth.

  I'm going to be brutally honest with him. Because I'm sick of feeling like we're being pulled in two directions and not getting anywhere. I’m tired of coddling him. We’ve done everything we can to avoid causing him any more pain, and it hasn’t helped him heal, so we need to go with a different approach.

  They're both still miserable and refuse to do anything about it, so I’m going to. We’re going to.

  That's not entirely true. According the Nathan, Quinn was still trying to contact Gabby as of a few weeks ago. He was attempting to make his move, but she was still ignoring him. I know she thinks she's doing what's best for the both of them, but if she'd open her eyes, she'd see that she's rejecting her own happiness.

  Which means she needs a little encouragement in that department. Encouragement she wouldn't take if she knew the kind I had planned.

  Nathan doesn't so much hate my idea as he doesn't want me to push it on Quinn. He wants me to let him decide if this is the route he wants to take.

  "So, how are you doing?" I ask cautiously. The
answer has fluctuated every time we've gotten together for lunch. We always sit in silence and stare at the door, waiting to see if this is going to be the month Gabby finally decides to join us.

  She never does.

  "I'm okay, I guess," Quinn finally answers.

  "Have you seen her?"

  "No. I'm always watching for her on campus, but I don't see her anywhere."

  Not surprising. Gabby was worried about running into him. She said she was taking precautions, but she wouldn't tell me exactly what she meant by that. I wanted to explain to her how if she felt that strongly about running into him, if it would hurt that much, then she should think about what it all meant.

  She loves him.

  Love is the most painful feeling. It has the ability to take us to incredible highs and earth-shattering lows. It can crush you as quickly as it can bring you unimaginable joy.

  Love sucks.

  Which is part of why I refuse to tell Nathan how I feel about him. If he knew the secret I've been keeping from him for months, he'd be angry. But the moment I realized I loved him was so obscure and inappropriate, I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Then I continued to make excuses as to why it wasn't a good idea to tell him yet.

  I mean, it's not like I don't show him.

  Or that I haven't known him for years now. Or that we haven't been officially dating for nine months and counting. Hell, we talked about potentially living together this summer to save money.

  "She's avoiding you still." Neither Nathan nor Quinn comment on my statement, so I continue. "Which got me to thinking."

  Nathan kicks me under the table, but I continue anyway.

  "How would you feel about taking a little trip together? Just the four of us. Back to where it all started."

  The optimistic look on Quinn's face slowly disappears as I explain to him how I'll trick Gabby into going. That I won't mention Nathan and him being there.

  My plan is to tell her I want to get away for a girls’ weekend. Back to the island. Back to the house where we met. After all that's been going on and with graduation a little more than a month away, her stress level has to be at an ultimate high. I can't imagine she won't jump at the chance to get away for the weekend.

  "You really think tricking Gabby is the right move?" Quinn asks. The hesitance in his voice is obvious.

  "No," Nathan interjects. "But we think it'll be the only way to get her to the island. She won't go if she knows you're going to be there, so we'll have to deal with her being pissed at us later."

  "You're in on this too?" he asks Nathan, shock evident in every word.

  "Listen, as much as I don't want to be involved in your guys’ situation, I already am. You’re both my friends, and I want to see the two of you happy. If this is what it takes to do that, I'm willing to let Gabby beat the crap out of me when she finds out I helped put this together. But I plan to blame Jade as long as I can."

  He shoots me a sinister look, one that only I can interpret. Quinn probably assumes Nathan's being a jackass. What he's really saying is, "you owe me, and I know exactly what I want as payment."

  "I'm on board," Quinn replies excitedly. "She's going to be mad, but this may be my only chance to fix this. I'm not ready to give up on her. On us. And if it takes being deceitful and tricking her into seeing me, I don't care. I'll take what I can get right now."

  Honestly, I didn't think Quinn would go along with my plan. We're providing him with the opportunity to see Gabby, a shot to explain himself, and lay his feelings on the table. We're also giving her plenty of reasons to disown all of us for the rest of her life. And she just might, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

  At the end of the day, I'm risking our friendship on her happiness. I'm hoping she'll be thanking me later instead of excommunicating me from her life. There's only one way to find out...

  I didn't even have to bring the idea up. Instead, I led the conversation in the direction I wanted it to go and let her come up with it on her own.

  A weekend away.

  Time to unwind and relax.

  Sure, Gabby. That sounds great.

  Now, about your idea to go to the casino and blow a bunch of money... nope. Can't do that. I've already planned out your entire weekend, and it starts with you and Quinn making amends and being honest with each other.

  It's going to be so much fun.

  Of course, I don't say any of that out loud. I tell her to take it easy and that I'll make all the arrangements. I promise her I'll choose somewhere fun, and she gives in without much of a fight. She must really be tired.

  A week later, everything is booked, and I shoot Gabby our "itinerary" for the weekend. She calls me instead of replying to my text and actually sounds like her old self for a moment. Excitement radiates through the phone, and I feel guilty for a split second knowing there's a chance her soul is going to be crushed.

  A risk I'm willing to take.

  One we all agree on. Well, everyone except Gabby. I really hope this goes as planned because if not, I'm not sure any of us will come out of this unscathed.

  ME: Gabby's on board. I have us on the mid-morning ferry, which means you two have to be on the early ferry to the island. The house is booked. Key will be in the planter box by the front porch.

  NATHAN: Sounds good. Want to ride up together, Quinn?

  QUINN: Thank you, guys. I appreciate you going out on a limb for me. I know what you have at stake too. Yeah, let’s ride up together. If she sees my truck parked at the dock, our little plan may implode before the ferry leaves.

  Oh, good point, Quinn. I didn't even think of that.

  ME: Start thinking about what you're going to say and how you're going to get her alone. All I can do is make sure she gets on the ferry. After that, it's your turn.

  QUINN: Trust me. I know.

  NATHAN: All you have to do is be honest with her, man. Honesty is always the best policy.

  Damn him. That was a dig at me.


  Because we've put ourselves in a position that's going to be hard to explain our way out of. We've waited so long at this point that they're going to be angry with us no matter what we say. No matter how we try to explain it away.

  I have a plan for that as well. One Nathan knows nothing about.

  If Gabby and Quinn can't manage to work their shit out, I'm going to just blurt it out. I'm hoping their anger at each other will make them more forgiving.

  If they get their shit together... my lips are sealed and will remain that way. I don't want to steal their thunder.

  Chapter Sixteen



  That's all that keeps running through my mind. I knew Gabby wasn't going to like being deceived. Who does?

  What I didn't expect was hurricane Gabby storming off the ferry like she was on a mission to destroy anyone and everyone in her path. Jade was running after her, apologizing and trying to get her to listen so she could explain.

  I’m following behind, dragging their luggage. Jade was nice enough to throw their bags at me as she ran past. Gabby didn’t even spare me a glance. Why do girls pack so much for a short trip? You’d think they were going away for weeks instead of days.

  Quinn had the right idea to run while he could. I can only imagine what would have happened if he was the first person she saw when she stepped on the dock.

  All hell would have broken loose.

  Still, as much as I expected her to be upset, I didn't expect this level of anger.

  There has to be more to it than just being tricked into seeing him. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes as they feverishly carry her to the pub.

  Shooting Quinn a quick text to warn him, I review the facts I have. The ones I remember anyway. The last few months have been a blur for me. Between finishing up school, graduating, and spending as much time with Jade as possible, I haven’t focused on much else. Sure, their situation is always present, but it's not my main concern. Not because I don't love both of them l
ike family, but because it's out of my control. And if I spent all my time trying to fix their relationship, I wouldn’t have time for much else.

  What I do know for sure is that it can't be about the contract anymore. Or the fact she thought he was in love with Kara. That she felt used by him. Because if that were the case, she wouldn't still be in love with him. She may have not wanted to see him, but the way she's acting is like a woman scorned.

  And if I recall correctly, she's the one who broke up with him. The one who refused to talk to him after it was over. The one who threw away their friendship when it could have been saved months ago had they just sat down and talked it through.

  As if that weren't enough to confirm it for me, I watch as she walks to the end of the bar and smacks Quinn across the face before storming past me and out the door again, Jade hot on her heels.

  Well, that went worse than I thought it was going to.

  We came up last night instead of this morning. Had a few drinks at the bar, talked through his plan, and tried to get him to relax a little. He was confident by the time we headed back to the house. His plan was good. He thought it through and knew the hardest part was going to be getting Gabby to listen to him.

  What he planned to tell her was heartbreakingly honest. If that didn't convince her of how he felt, nothing would.

  Taking a seat at the bar next to Quinn, Karen pours me a drink. "Dude, you said you were going to the house."

  "I stopped for a drink thinking she would need time."

  "You were hiding from her," I point out as I take a sip of my drink, the whiskey warming my throat.

  Karen didn't just drop it off. She placed it in front of me and waited for us to explain the events that had just taken place. She's nosier than anyone I've ever met. That also makes her the best source for information on the island. There was a huge scandal at the hotel the summer Quinn and I worked there. Karen told me what she heard one night, and the more I paid attention, the easier it was to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. By the time the truth came to light, I had already told Quinn what was going on even though he didn't believe me.


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