Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series

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Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series Page 17

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I’m ready,” she said, lifting her chin.

  She crawled over the bed to them and, facing Strong, she threw a leg over the place where they were joined. Then, bracing herself on the Dark Twin’s strong shoulders, she lowered herself down so that the broad head was lined up with the mouth of her pussy.

  “Slowly, sweetheart,” Strong urged tightly as Melanie began to sink down onto the massive shaft. “Make certain we don’t hurt you.”

  “You’re not…not hurting me,” Melanie panted as first the head and then another thick inch of their combined length slipped inside her. The girth was unknowable but she found that—though she could feel herself stretching—it didn’t hurt to take them into her body.

  “Gods, look at her take us, Brother,” Clear said hoarsely. His eyes were trained on the spot where Melanie’s body was opening to receive their penetration. “I can’t believe it!”

  “It’s the bonding fruit,” Strong answered. “And our lady’s courage, of course.” He stroked Melanie’s cheek. “You’re doing so well, little one. Come down just a little further and we’ll be all the way inside you.”

  “Yes, Strong…” Tightening her grip on his broad shoulders, Melanie let herself all the way down and gasped as she felt the brothers’ shaft touch bottom inside her. Four strong hands supported her hips and thighs and she knew it was all right to relax and take them deep.

  “Gods, Brother—we’re all the way in,” Clear murmured. “Melanie, your sweet pussy is so tight around us!”

  “And you two are so big inside me!” Melanie moaned. “Oh God, it feels…feels so good. Fuck me, boys,” she commanded them, feeling open and sexy and unashamed of her desire for once. “Fuck me and come in me. Bond me to you—bond all three of us together forever!”

  Her words seemed to do something to the twins—spur them on in a way nothing else could have. Melanie felt their large hands tighten their grip on her hips and thighs and then, with a low groan drawn from both their lips, Clear and Strong began to fuck her.

  “Oh…oh!” She threw back her head, moaning as each pounding thrust of the huge, melded shaft, filled her pussy.

  Strong was sucking her breasts and Clear had reached around and was once again sliding one fingertip around and around her swollen clit. Her pleasure—interrupted so many times—was finally coming to a head and this time she knew she was going to come.

  “Deeper!” Melanie begged, hardly knowing what she was saying. “More!”

  “As you wish, little one,” Strong growled and then they were thrusting even harder and faster, stretching her with each stroke and making Melanie moan and writhe and beg as she never had before.

  So good, oh God, so good! she thought incoherently.

  And then—finally—she could feel her orgasm cresting. It was like a tsunami crashing over her, making her nipples tighten and her breath come short even as her inner muscles contracted helplessly around the massive shaft.

  “Strong!” she moaned. “Clear! Love you—love you both so much!”

  “We love you too, little one,” Strong growled.

  “Gods, can you feel her tightening all around us?” Clear groaned.

  “So fucking tight!” Strong’s deep voice was strangled. “Gods, little one—you’re taking us with you. I wanted to wait longer but I can’t help it. When we feel you coming all around us…”

  “We have to come as well,” Clear said, his voice hoarse with need. He looked over Melanie’s shoulder to meet his brother’s eyes. “It’s time, Brother—time to fill our lady with our seed and bond her to us.”

  “Yes!” Strong groaned. “One last thrust and then we fill her.”

  Melanie opened herself as wide as she could to take their final thrust and then their heated seed was blasting inside her once more, filling her to overflowing and bonding her to her two men for the rest of their lives.

  “Yes,” she heard Strong murmur in her mind. “For the rest of our lives, little one.”

  “We’ll always be together,” Clear added, also speaking in her head. “We love you, Melanie.”

  “I love you too,” she sent, trying out their new, three-way mental link for the first time.

  She felt a wave of love coming from both the twins envelope her like a warm blanket and she sent back a wave of her own. They were together now, the three of them, and nothing but death could part them. Her life had changed so much since she’d moved to the Mother Ship. She had a new job, two new husbands, and hopefully soon, some babies on the way.

  And it was all because of her…Secret Santa Surprise


  “I knew the three of you would end up together!” Sonja smiled as she squeezed Melanie’s hand. “It just makes sense—you were all made for each other.”

  “I feel the same way.” Melanie smiled and squeezed her friend’s hand back. “How are you and Sahran doing? Still waiting until your Joining night?”

  “Still waiting…” Sonja sighed and shook her head. “Sometimes I think I’ll go crazy but it’s just a few days away now.”

  “Which is why you ought to be out doing wedding stuff—not sitting around the Med Center with me,” Melanie pointed out.

  “Are you kidding?” Sonja widened her eyes. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

  “And you’re sure it’s not too early to tell?” Melanie asked. “I mean, I haven’t even missed my period yet.”

  “Our new early-detection pregnancy tests are about ninety-nine percent accurate so no, it’s not too early to tell,” Liv said, bustling into the room. She smiled at Melanie. “You know, Dr. Strong is just down the hall there. Do you want me to call him in for the big reveal?”

  “No, no!” Melanie shook her head. “I want it to be a surprise for both my guys.” She bit her lip. “If…there’s something to surprise them with?”

  “See for yourself.” Liv opened her hand, revealing two tiny blue flowers that were still just buds. “See how young they are?” she said, pointing to the tightly furled petals. “We can do another test when you’re later on in your pregnancy, to get flowers that are larger and blooming to save in your memory stasis cube. But for now these indicate that you are definitely pregnant.”

  “Oh, thank you!” Melanie felt like her heart might overflow completely, it was so filled with joy. “Thank you so much, Doctor Liv!”

  “I knew it, I knew it!” Sonja squealed and hugged her, practically dancing in her seat.

  “I was hoping it was true but I didn’t know until now,” Melanie confessed. “Oh, you don’t know how much I’ve wanted kids,” she told Liv. “But my ex was such a bastard, he would never let us start a family. Now, I’m glad…” She sniffed and swiped tears of joy from her eyes. “So glad I never had a baby with him. I’m so happy that Clear and Strong are going to be the fathers of my children!”

  Liv smiled widely.

  “The Goddess knows what she’s doing when she puts people together. I know the three of you are going to make wonderful parents.”

  “And normally you’d be freaking out about having twins, but with two daddies to help change the diapers and do the midnight feedings, you can relax!” Sonja pointed out. “It’s perfect.” She winked at Melanie. “And to think, it all started because you got my Secret Santa gift by accident!”

  “Well that and the spiked punch,” Melanie pointed out. She frowned. “I just hope everybody affected by the punch had a happy ending like I did.”

  “Actually…I’m afraid not everybody did,” Liv said soberly. She looked at Sonja. “Have you talked to Ellilah lately?”

  “I’m afraid not.” Sonja shook her head. “I wanted to but the last time I went to the Sacred Grove, one of the priestesses told me she was in ‘seclusion’ whatever that means, and she couldn’t see anyone.”

  “Oh dear!” Liv looked upset. “It sounds like they’re punishing her.”

  “Which is totally unfair.” Sonja lifted her chin angrily. “I mean, it’s hardly her fault she was drugged and attack

  “Drugged and attacked? What? Who?” Melanie looked between her friend and the kind doctor. “This is the first I’m hearing about this—what are you talking about?”

  “Oh that’s right—you were already down on Earth when we found out about the punch,” Sonja said. “Well, apparently the first person to be affected was this little priestess called Ellilah. She actually saw the guy who put the drug in the punch and then he made her drink some.”

  “And then he dragged her into a storage closet and touched her.” Liv’s voice was grim.

  “He didn’t rape her, did he?” Melanie put a hand to her mouth.

  “No, not according to Ellilah,” Sonja said quickly. “She says he just kissed her and kind of…I guess touched her over her robe.”

  “But she was so innocent,” Liv said sadly. “And the drug made her react to him in ways you wouldn’t normally react to an attacker.” She shook her head. “I’m just afraid this whole episode is going to scar her and if the priestesses are going to punish her for what happened, well…”

  “Talk about blaming the victim,” Sonja said, frowning. She looked at Liv. “Somebody ought to stop that!”

  “I agree.” Liv nodded. “I’ll ask Sylvan if he can talk to the head Priestess in his capacity as Head of the Kindred High Council.” She frowned. “Though I’m not sure if she’ll listen. They have a whole different hierarchy in the Sacred Grove and I don’t think they consider themselves to be under the High Council’s rule at all.”

  “Well, it’s worth a try,” Sonja said. “And you’re right—she shouldn’t be punished for what happened to her. That’s barbaric.”

  “I hope she’ll be okay.” Melanie felt ready to cry, thinking of the poor little priestess. “And I hope they catch the man who drugged the punch and hurt her!”

  “They’re looking for him, believe me,” Liv said grimly. “Unfortunately, during the holidays some of the security measures are relaxed a little. So apparently he was able to slip in and out without leaving a record.”

  “But why would he drug everybody at the party, anyway?” Melanie asked. “What possible benefit could it be to him?”

  “Who knows?” Liv shrugged. “The thinking right now is that he was trying to cause some confusion so someone could attack the Mother Ship. But since the drug affected women way more than the Kindred warriors who drank it, the plot failed.”

  “Thank goodness it didn’t affect them, then!” Sonja shivered.

  “Thank the Goddess, you mean,” Liv said. She sighed. “I know that she has a plan for everyone’s life and that she works the events in our lives—good and bad—according to that plan. But sometimes I just can’t see where things are heading. Especially in cases like Ellilah’s.”

  “That poor little priestess,” Melanie murmured. “She probably needs some therapy to get over what happened to her.”

  “Or at least someone to talk to,” Sonja said. “I’m going to go see her today. I’ll give the excuse that I’m checking over the Sacred Grove for my upcoming Joining ceremony and sneak in to see if she’s okay.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Liv offered. “If they won’t let you in, maybe I can say that I’m her doctor and I have to give her a checkup.”

  “Good idea!” Sonja brightened up. “And if she’s having a hard time, we can demand that they treat her better.”

  “We can try, at least.” Liv nodded. “Well…” She looked at Melanie. “Now that’s settled, you and I need to talk about setting you up with some prenatal vitamins. You carry Kindred babies for an entire year—not just nine months—and getting the right nutrition is vital.”

  “A whole year?” Melanie blinked in surprise. “Wow, Clear wasn’t kidding when he said we’d be having Christmas twins,” she murmured.

  “Yup!” Sonja grinned at her and patted Melanie on her still-flat tummy. “This time next year you’re going to be having another Secret Santa surprise! Merry Christmas!”

  Melanie laughed. “Yes—Merry Christmas is right! Now, I’d better get my guys together and show them these.” She held out the tiny blue buds that Liv had given her. “I know they’re going to be just as excited as I am.”

  But as she left the Med Center, she couldn’t help thinking again of the little priestess who had taken the first drink of drugged punch. Would she be all right? Were the other priestesses being mean to her? And where was her attacker? Why had he done such an evil thing in the first place?

  Melanie wondered if she would ever know…

  The End?

  Of course not!

  There’s always more Kindred to come!

  If you have enjoyed Secret Santa Surprise, please take a minute to leave a review HERE. Good reviews are like gold for an author in this crazy, crowded e-book landscape. They let other readers know it’s okay to take a chance on a new author or a new series. Plus they give me the warm fuzzies. : ) Thanks for being an awesome reader!

  If you're looking for more Christmas Presents for yourself, I have two more books coming soon. First, look for Companion 3000, about a girl who orders herself a hot male sex robot and gets a lot more than she bargained for, coming Dec 5th. (This book was previously published under the title, For Her Pleasure but I recently got the rights back so I am re-releasing it with a hot new cover.)

  Then, coming later in December, look for the sequel to Secret Santa Surprise, The Priestess and the Thief, which tells Elliala, the priestess's story.

  When Elli gets shipped off to an ultra-strict convent where she is supposed to meditate on her sins, scrub floors, and live on bland bread soup for a year as punishment for her encounter with the mysterious stranger who spiked the punch in Secret Santa Surprise, she decides to run away and have her own adventure instead. But she gets into a very dangerous situation and who should the Goddess send to act as her bodyguard but Roke, the same mysterious stranger who got her into trouble in the first place. Will Elli forgive him and allow him to watch her back in the treacherous Targish court where assasination and blackmail are the order of the day? You'll have to read The Priestess and the Thief to find out, coming later in December.

  Turn the page for excerpts from both, Companion 3000, and The Priestess and the Thief.

  Hugs and Happy Reading to you all!



  Available December 5, 2020

  Leita McLain runs a small solo asteroid mining outfit at the ass end of the Centauri solar system. She's had no luck in getting a man to stay with her so she decides to buy a Companion droid, the very latest in cybernetic sex slaves.

  Pierce Branson is a man addicted to adventure. But when he finds himself with a bounty on his head for a crime he didn't commit, he knows he's got problems. During a shoot out in the Companion factory, Pierce hides in one of the packing crates. Next thing he knows he's waking up in Leita's bedroom and starting his new life-as a sex slave. But he doesn't count on falling in love with his new Mistress. Or on playing the part of her "Master" when Leita decides she wants to explore her kinky side.

  Now both Leita and Pierce have some choices to make. Leita knows she shouldn't let herself fall for a cybernetic sex slave and Pierce knows he ought to tell her the truth. But will Leita forgive him if he comes clean? You'll have to read Companion 3000 to find out.

  Turn the page for sneak peek.


  “Spread your legs for me, Leita. Now.” The deep voice seemed to rumble through her, vibrating her bones as she lay naked on the bed.

  “Master, I…” She swallowed hard, feeling the trembling excitement take her. He loomed over her, a man-shaped shadow, huge and frightening. But that was part of the pleasure—the knowledge that he could hurt her but wouldn’t. She couldn’t see his face—she could never see his face. Her Master was always in the shadows. What little light there was shone behind him, outlining his broad muscular shoulders as he bent over her.

  “Do it. Or do I have to do it for you?” Large warm hands, calloused from hard work
, slid slowly up her ankles, taking their time, exploring the shape of her bare legs.

  “Oh—” Leita gasped. He was being gentle but she could feel the power in those hands, the power to punish her. The power to make her obey. This was part of it too, knowing that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Knowing that he would master her completely even if she begged him to stop. But she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Open for me,” her Master commanded. “Want to see your sweet little pussy all spread open for me, Leita. Want to taste your hot cunt while you come all over my face.”

  Leita bit back a gasp as the forbidden words turned her insides molten. Goddess, how could he make her so hot just by talking, just by telling her what he was going to do?

  “Please,” she whispered. “Please, I don’t know…”

  “Don’t know what? Don’t know if you want me to eat your pussy?” he demanded, pressing her legs farther apart. “Because that’s too bad, baby. You don’t have anything to say in the matter. I’m gonna spread open your hot little cunt lips and suck your clit and tongue-fuck you until you come for me. Understand?”

  Leita nodded breathlessly. She could feel those warm, calloused palms sliding up her inner thighs, opening her, getting her ready for him. He was so strong—so utterly merciless. So completely in control of her body and the entire sexual scenario playing out between them. It gave Leita the freedom to relax utterly, to give in completely to the illicit pleasure she was feeling. But as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t relax. Couldn’t stop the feeling that her heart was trying to pound its way right out of her chest and run for cover.

  “Please,” she whispered again. She tried to cover her naked sex with her hands, only to find that she couldn’t move. Someone had tied her wrists above her head with some silky but utterly unbreakable material. She felt the start of panic but with it came the edge of pleasure, as razor-sharp as a finely honed knife. Her Master would do what he wanted and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Nothing at all.


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