Hot Mess: A Players Rockstar Romance (Players #1)

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Hot Mess: A Players Rockstar Romance (Players #1) Page 28

by Diamond, Jaine

  Why the hell was this the first time I was seeing him with his shirt off?

  Because you’re a stupid, stupid woman.

  I choked a little and he resumed kissing me. “You’re… such a… unicorn…” I gushed between kisses as I started unbuttoning his jeans and he fumbled with my shirt.

  “What?” he looked down at himself, as if searching for the unicorn tattoo he’d forgotten he had. There was a giant one of a mythic phoenix and flames all down his left side, and there was the mermaid on his arm. But no unicorn in sight.

  Other than, you know, him.

  “Nothing,” I said, kissing him again as he tried to work my shirt up. It kinda got stuck under my armpits. “There’s a little button… at the back of the neck,” I told him. He growled and attacked said button, then ripped the whole thing up over my head as I unzipped his jeans.

  I pushed my hand inside as we kissed. His long, hard dick slid right into my hand… hot, smooth. He wasn’t wearing underwear. Christ, that was sexy. I gripped him, squeezing slowly… and he groaned.

  God, I wanted him.

  My pussy was throbbing like crazy.

  I took a breath, just trying to calm down. Pace myself. I was getting shaky as the lust took over.

  He made me absolutely drunk with lust.

  As he went at my bra, I smoothed my hand up and over the head of his cock… and one of my rings caught on something.

  Which was when I remembered that thing I’d read about his dick online.


  I yanked my hand back on instinct—totally wrong move. My ring had snagged on the stud in the underside of his head, and now I’d just yanked on it.

  Ashley gasped in pain.

  “Sorry,” I gushed, and I managed to unhook the ring.

  But then it got worse.

  So much worse.

  In my panicked attempt to let go, I’d started pulling his zipper back up with the other hand—and caught his dick in the metal teeth. Right on the underside of his shaft—

  He made that terrible silent sound that guys made when they got kicked in the balls. Then he did a groan-scream thing through clenched teeth and doubled over.

  I let go and backed away, throwing my hands in the air. “Ohmygod I’m so sorry are you okay?!”

  He was still doubled over, kind of, obviously trying to catch his breath or overcome the pain…

  “Shit,” he hissed. “That stings.”

  I covered my mouth with my hands. “Oh my God.”

  Did I just cut him?

  He looked up at me with gritted teeth. “It’s okay,” he said, but clearly it wasn’t.

  He got up, carefully, cupping his dick… and that’s when I saw the blood.


  “Are you okay?” I repeated dumbly. I had no idea what else to say. I was scared to touch him again and accidentally kill him or something. He was bleeding, and I was in shock.

  “Just, uh, gimme a minute…” he said, his voice rough, as he staggered into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Oh. My. God.

  What just happened?

  Did I just do that…?

  I raked my hands through my hair.

  How? Why?

  But then it came to me, suddenly. It wasn’t totally my fault. It was the fucked-up design flaw in men’s jeans.

  That’s right. I was blaming the jeans.

  I went to the bathroom door and knocked softly. “Hey, Ashley…? Please tell me it’s not that bad.”

  “It’s not that bad,” came his pained response.

  Fuck me.

  “I can’t believe that happened…”

  “It’s okay,” he croaked.

  “Actually… I kind of can’t believe that’s never happened before. Zippers on men’s jeans should be outlawed, am I right?” I tried to laugh, but it came out as this desperate, strangled sound. “Like what sadist decided to put metal teeth right next to a penis?”

  “It’s okay, Danica.”

  I stepped back from the door, my heart still pounding from the rush of arousal—and then, the shock of hurting him.

  My shirt was on the floor. My bra was still on, because I’d maimed him before he’d managed to get it off. So I just stood in the middle of his bedroom in my bra and sexy leggings, not knowing what to do.

  Get dressed? Get him ice or something? Get him a drink?

  I went out to his kitchen, to his liquor cabinet, and got down a bottle of bourbon. I took it back to the bedroom, where he was still closed in the bathroom, and tried to settle the fuck down.

  Hard to do because I made his dick bleed.

  I heard water running. I wondered if he had Band-Aids or ointment or anything in there, but I got the feeling asking would just make it worse. So I paced a bit and then went over to the bed and sat down to wait for him.

  When he emerged a few minutes later, his jeans were still on, but unzipped. His hands were still cupping his dick. “Uh, just a sec,” he said, and disappeared into the closet.

  When he came back out, his jeans were off. He was naked except for a pair of black boxer briefs. His dick was all tucked away inside them, so I really couldn’t assess the damage.

  Which meant he probably didn’t want me to.

  He definitely wasn’t hard anymore, though.

  “Did the bleeding stop?” I asked guiltily, trying not to check him out. But come on… he was so totally gorgeous.

  And I hurt him.

  “I think so.” He walked carefully over to me. I held out the bottle of bourbon, but his lips quirked in a small, pained smile. “You look like you need that more than I do.”

  “Yeah. Fuck it.” I unscrewed the cap and took a small swig. I wasn’t exactly accustomed to drinking bourbon straight from the bottle, so my whole body kinda convulsed and I gagged a bit as it went down. “Shit, that’s strong.”

  “Don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear so much.” Ashley held his hand out for the bottle and I passed it to him.

  “How bad is it, really?”

  He took a swig from the bottle like a pro, no awkward gagging or convulsing at all, then set it aside on the bedside table. “It’s not bad.”

  “I’m so sorry, Ashley. I caught my ring on your piercing and then I thought I hurt you and… I guess I freaked out.”

  “It’s okay. Really.”

  I smiled, tentatively. “I guess that was a first, huh?”

  “Yeah. Definite first.” He tried to smile again but it just looked pained. I noticed he wasn’t sitting down.

  The moment was ruined, obviously.

  But he looked me over, slowly. There was heat in his gaze, still. I would’ve been thrilled to have his eyes on me like that, especially considering I was partly undressed and what I was wearing was crazy sexy—if I wasn’t so mortified. “Should I go?”

  “What? Fuck, no.” He moved to sit next to me, slowly and carefully.

  We sat there awkwardly, side-by-side. At least, I felt awkward. He was probably just quietly managing his pain.

  To confirm that, he took another swig of the bourbon.


  He offered the bottle to me, but I shook my head. “Maybe it’s better this way?” I suggested. “You know, get to know each other a little more, instead of jumping right into the sex…?”

  He looked at me, and though his expression was a little weary with pain, his blue eyes blazed with heat. “Fuck that,” he growled.

  Then he kissed me.

  He kissed his way down my neck, then down my chest, and stripped off my bra as I panted in appreciation.

  He scooped up my breasts with his hands and fed them to his mouth, sucking on one nipple and then the other, flicking the ball of his piercing over them and making me gasp. Fuck, that was good… I just let him do it, my whole body tightening in anticipation as I gripped the bedspread, kind of afraid to touch him again.

  Then he pushed me back on the bed. He peeled off my leggings and knelt over me in his underwear.

looked up at him, my pulse throbbing though my body and my panties soaking wet, as he looked down at me with that heat in his eyes.

  Then he leaned down and kept kissing me. Mouth, face, body. He worked his way gradually down, peeling off my panties as he went.

  I was pretty much trembling with need. I couldn’t even imagine the ecstasy of his mouth on my pussy…

  As soon as I was naked beneath him, he went down on me.

  And… oooh, God.

  I’d never, ever had oral sex like this.

  It wasn’t just the adeptness of his tongue or the delicious things he did with it. It wasn’t just the way he alternated between kisses and soft licks, then sucked on me until my eyes rolled back in my head.

  It wasn’t just his piercing and the way he swirled it around my clit, teasing me with it and torturing me with the unexpected hard smoothness of it.

  It wasn’t just his enthusiasm.

  Okay… it was a lot about his enthusiasm.

  Like he just seemed to love being down there.

  He groaned and panted along with me as he worked me… but he never rushed ahead of where I was at. He seemed to read my body in ways my steady boyfriends hadn’t even been able to do.

  As I watched him there between my legs, his mouth on my clit, my whole body caught fire. I was sweating all over. And when he looked up at me, his gaze trailing over my breasts and then meeting my eyes… fireworks exploded in my belly. I could’ve come, right there—but I jerked away from his mouth and just managed to hold it back.

  I didn’t want this to be over so fast.

  The feeling and the sight of his hands splayed on my inner thighs was so erotic. He gripped me there, spreading me open as he licked me again. He drifted his thumbs over my pussy and dipped one of them inside me. Then he thrust it in, teasing me with it as he worked my clit.

  He made love to my body with his mouth and his hands in a way I’d never been made love to before. So… patiently. Not slow, exactly. More like guiding me insistently along until I finally couldn’t fight it back anymore—and I went tumbling right over the edge.

  The explosion ripped through my body as he sucked on me again, and I cried out. My head reeled… I kind of whimpered as I gripped his hair and he held my thighs apart. I probably would’ve squirmed and bucked right off the bed if he hadn’t held me down.

  “Mmm. Yeah, Danica,” he murmured against me, as he kissed my pussy and the tremors shivered through me.

  I totally melted as he kissed me all over my thighs.

  “Ashley… I…”

  “Don’t say anything,” he said. “Just feel.”

  Then he did it again. He made me come again.

  I almost didn’t fully enjoy it… because I felt kinda guilty.

  I wanted to get him off.

  I was planning to offer to, see if we could figure out a way to do it that wouldn’t hurt him… But he just kept going, kissing and sucking and nudging the mind-melting orgasms from my body, one after another… A whole beautiful string of them that left me destroyed and utterly delirious.

  Four fucking times.

  I’d never done that with a guy the first time his face was down there.

  I didn’t even really do anything. He did it all.

  “Holy hell,” I gasped, as I clawed my way back out of the abyss of the very last one I could sanely handle. “I think I glimpsed the secrets of the universe there…”

  “What?” He chuckled.

  I lay panting on his bed, my head still spinning as he smoothed his thumb over my pussy again. “Like, time and space opened up and I got sucked through a black hole. There was this glorious light and all the truth of the universe whispered to me.”

  “Yeah?” Ashley climbed up beside me on the bed, and collapsed next to me—with a sigh that sounded oddly satisfied for a man who’d barely been touched all night. “What did it say?”

  “It said… nothing really matters… except this.” I rolled toward him and pressed my body up against his side. He wrapped his arm around me and I ran my fingertips through his soft hair.

  “I think that’s called a hallucination,” he said.

  “Nope. Naked truth.”

  He just smiled at me. I loved it when he smiled like that. A genuine smile.

  “Ecstasy?” I suggested, as he played with my hair, twirling a lock of it around his finger. He was studying my face.


  “Rapture. I think that’s what they call rapture,” I said. “Whatever it was… I’d like more, please.”

  His lips quirked in a half-smile. “Now?”

  “Not now. After we rest and stuff…”

  I sighed and flopped my head on his shoulder. I could feel his heartbeat, strong against me. I wanted to give back a whole lot of what I’d just gotten, but all those orgasms had left me limp and floaty.

  When I could think clearly enough to focus on the task at hand, and I felt like I could actually work my limbs again, I studied him… laid out next to me, all gorgeous. Then I shifted away from his body a bit so I could see the tattoos that ran down his side, the phoenix swooping down toward his crotch and all the flames.

  “Jesus, you’re gorgeous,” he said, stealing the words from my head. When I looked up, his eyes met mine. But he didn’t make another move to touch me.

  “You’re so sexy,” I said. “I can’t believe you didn’t kick me out when I made you… you know… bleed.”

  He grimaced. “Yeah, well. You’re my dream fuck.” He tossed his free arm over his eyes. “Not kicking you anywhere.”

  “What?” I blinked at him. “Did you just call me your dream fuck?”

  “Yup. I mean, I’m pretty sure you are.” He peeked at me under his arm and smirked a little. “Haven’t fucked you yet.”

  “Um… You’re aware that you’re a rock star, right?”

  “If you say so.”

  “And you’ve seen all this?” I swept a hand in the air above his body, indicating his male perfection.

  “Your point?”

  “Um, nothing.” Holy crap, though. If he wanted me that bad, I was hardly gonna deter him by pointing out all the supermodels he could be in bed with right now. “So… what constitutes Ashley Player’s dream fuck?”

  “Look in a mirror,” he said.

  Okay. That was sweet.

  Did he really mean that?

  “I’d rather look at you,” I said, and ran my fingers lightly down his chiseled abs. His muscles flexed under my hand and he groaned a little as he sighed. “I want to enrapture you, too…” I whispered.

  But he caught my hand as it ventured toward his dick. “Not happening,” he said, his voice rough with frustrated lust. “My dick’s out of commission, probably for a few days. Hurts like hell right now just being hard.”

  I glanced at his dick, and yes, he was definitely hard in his briefs. Straining hard. His cock was tenting the fabric in front, and as I watched, it flexed, hardening even more.

  “Don’t look at it,” he said, and I laughed, burying my face in his armpit. I bit him there, lightly, and he groaned. I crumpled against him, snuggling into his side.

  “I’m so, so sorry…” I ran my hand up his chest and laid it on the side of his neck, where I could feel his pulse thudding.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he mumbled.

  “I feel terrible, though, Ashley. I can’t believe I wounded you.”

  “It’ll heal.”

  I was stroking my thumb back and forth over the pulse point in his neck, lightly, when he laid his hand over mine and stopped me. He groaned low in his throat. “You’re killing me.”


  “Touching me. You gotta stop doing that.”

  “Sorry,” I said again, but I made no move to detach myself from his side.

  “Let’s just go to sleep.” He slapped my butt gently. “Turn over.”

  I rolled over, turning my back to him. He slipped his arm around me and spooned up against my body. “Take this as a co
mpliment,” he said, nuzzling into the back of my neck. “I don’t think I’ve ever actually asked a girl to cuddle with me before.”



  I yawned, his body heat and all the orgasms making me sleepy. “Well, I’ve never had such a sexy man pressed up against me, naked, and actually wanted to go to sleep before.”

  “Obviously not that sexy,” he teased.

  “Come on. You know you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever been in bed with.”

  “Take it easy. My ego’s over-inflated enough.”

  “You’re the sexiest man any girl’s ever been in bed with,” I said.

  “Now I know you’re shitting me.”

  “I am not. If it wasn’t… almost midnight… I’d be all over that.” I yawned again and he chuckled. “Sorry… I’m not used to dating a rock star. I’m not nocturnal like you. Madeleine expects me at the office at nine.”

  “Sounds like torture. You need a job that lets you sleep in half the day.”

  “I don’t know of any jobs like that, offhand. Rock star?”

  “That’s the one,” he said.

  “Damn. I have no talent, though.”

  “Too bad for you.”

  “No kidding.” I sighed sleepily. “But as long as I have my chai tea, it’s not so bad. We have a pretty sweet setup. If I tell Madeleine I’m groggy because I spent the night with a rock star, she’s hardly gonna be mad at me. More like jealous.”

  He chuckled again. I just loved that sound.

  When did he start laughing so much?

  Now, I supposed. Right now, in bed with me.

  After he made me come so hard I glimpsed the secret of the universe. Even though I just made him bleed…

  I groaned inwardly and relaxed into his heat, the rhythm of his breaths, his heart beating lazily in his chest against my back. His heavy, tattooed arm wrapped around me.

  When I was on the brink of what I was pretty sure was about to be the coziest, awesomest sleep I’d ever experienced, he spoke in the dark.

  “I like guys.”

  Just three little words that clung in the air, that clung to the nape of my neck where I felt his warm breath.

  His arm tightened around me. “You awake?”

  I was definitely awake, but… disoriented. My heart beat heavily in my chest.


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