Institute of Supernaturals: Savage

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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage Page 2

by J. E. Cluney

  “Start with all the motels, right?” Tristan said as he folded his arms. “That’s where most hunters stay while on their hunts.”

  I nodded, ignoring his sly smirk. He was intrigued to meet this huntress and learn more about her.

  Hell, even I was curious.

  We headed back to the black Jeep, Damien taking the passenger seat while I climbed into the driver’s seat. As I started up my trusty little steed, I wondered just what would greet us when found this huntress.


  I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair with the towel as goosebumps prickled my skin. Tonight was a little chillier than I would’ve preferred.

  I wrapped my hair up and strutted out into my room, completely naked as I let myself air dry.

  I sat down on the end of my dingy bed, flipping my laptop open.

  I had a police scanner app installed on my phone thanks to my dad, so I switched it on. This town wasn’t small, and the next one over was even bigger. Supes were getting careless lately, more and more of them popping up on the radar, murdering and leaving a trail. I was lucky, my father had said I came from a special line of hunters, which meant I could see the aura of supes. And depending on the color, I could distinguish what they were.

  Black was normally a vampire, although if it had some ugly yellow streaks in it, that could also mean a ghoul. Yellow pulsing auras were werewolves, and all other shifters had a similar aura but less vibrant. Werewolves were the true shifters of the world. Occasionally I’d find a witch with their purple hue, but they were fairly harmless, so I ignored them. My father had even worked with them on occasion.

  I trawled through deaths in the area, looking through police reports for any alarming notes.

  Nothing so far, but the night was still young. I preferred to sleep during the day, what little I did sleep. The night was the best time to have fun.

  And I wouldn’t lie, I had a sex drive on me that made me wonder if I was addict. I could never get enough.

  The thought of capturing myself a vampire and chaining him up somewhere was tempting, but I chuckled and shoved the naughty thought away. Vamps were fun, their bites added to the euphoria, but all supes had their own special effect on me.

  I wondered if it worked like that on other humans too?

  I hummed softly as I continued my reading, only stopping to throw on some underwear and a tank top before sitting back down.

  I shot my brother a quick text to see how his hunt was going. If he was having trouble, maybe I’d make the drive to help him out.

  I bounced my foot impatiently as I flicked from report to report, praying for something to show up.

  A drowning, a murder suicide, a gunshot wound to the head, hit by a car.

  Mauled by a dog.

  Finally, this one could be something.

  I eyed the report, finding myself deflating when it stated the attack was seen by a neighbor. Their own doberman had turned on them, a pet for years. So unlikely to be a shifter.

  I scowled as I closed my laptop and pursed my lips. Maybe I’d head out and find a nicer bar to pick up someone fun. He’d have his work cut out for him, I liked to go for the whole night if I could.

  I smirked to myself at this. Rarely had I found a guy who could continue going with me, round after round of utter bliss.

  Yep, I was definitely an addict.

  We all had to have hobbies.

  Mine was sex.

  Well, that and combat, if you could call it a hobby. I loved practicing and training in deserted areas, such as skate parks at night. They were a favorite of mine.

  My family, cousins of my father and brother, were renowned hunters, skilled and powerful. Apparently they had witch lines in them, giving them more of an edge. Not that I’d ever met a witch who could out power me.

  I frowned as footsteps sounded outside my door, and I stiffened when they came to a halt outside my room.

  Maybe fangy wasn’t alone.

  Good. Maybe I could seduce them for a round before I killed them.

  My eyes flicked to my dagger on the bedside table. I’d just given it a clean before my shower, but hell, if it had to be done, it had to be done.

  I just watched silently, a smile playing on my lips as I heard someone trying to pick my door. Twatnugget. I hadn’t even locked it.

  It swung open as the dashingly handsome, tall supe tested the handle, smirking down at the glowingly gorgeous blond who was crouched down with his pick tools in hand.

  All eyes fell on me, and I glanced down at my lack of clothing. My tank top was rather revealing, and my lacy black panties left little to the imagination.

  Well, what’d they expect? Breaking into my room at night.

  “Um…” The blond model looked completely surprised as I sat with my legs crossed on the end of the bed, watching them curiously. I sensed four of them before I even spotted the other two when they stepped into view.

  Hell, I was under attack by some sexy band of porn stars. Yep. This was definitely a dream coming true.

  How would they feel about a five-some? Was that what you’d call it?

  “Should’ve tried it first,” I said as I stood up. “I rarely lock the door.”

  “That’s pretty stupid,” the dark-eyed devil in the back said. He looked the slightest bit similar to the blond standing at the forefront, although he was taller than the blond.

  Related maybe?

  The fiery redhead with them was ogling my bare, slender legs, and the tall, dark and handsome man was undressing me with his eyes.

  Yep, totally a fuckable bunch.

  “You’re telling me this little blonde thing is the huntress?” the tall, dark and handsome guy smirked. Damn, he was a devilish sight to behold. His dark brown hair was slicked back and cut short on the sides. He was clean shaven, pulling off the one pierced ear look like a daring young biker from hell. And that slightly upturned nose only added to his hotness. A quick glance into that black and red aura revealed a tasty little treat.

  Demons were monsters in bed. How fun.

  Blondie and his dark-haired relation were ‘wolves, going by their vibrant yellow auras, although there was a strange white glow in there, something I hadn’t dealt with before. Interesting. They were both utterly delicious to look at. So different and yet so similar.

  But it was the fiery redhead that I struggled to place. His aura was a golden burst with flickering flames. Now that was intriguing.

  Just who were this merry band of supes?

  “Of course it’s her, it’s her scent,” the raven-haired man growled to the blond.

  “She’s small,” the redhead murmured, and I scoffed.

  “That’s what she said,” I muttered to myself, and all four of them looked at me with a range of amusement to confusion. The demon was amused, his companions were more confused.

  “So, before we get to the fighting and killing, anyone down to fuck?” I got right to the point.

  Blondie choked as the demon snorted and muttered ‘I knew it’, while the raven-haired man looked out of place, and the fiery little guy couldn’t decide how to take my proposal.

  “You screwed the vamp?” the demon asked.

  “Why not? Vamps are good at sex,” I shrugged, noting how the demon’s dark chocolate eyes slid to the bite-mark on my neck. It would be healed up by the morning, I healed fast from supe related things. A special hunter line I guess.

  “You killed him though,” the redhead said. He was the shortest of the bunch, with the demon being the tallest, then the raven-haired man, then blondie.

  “He was killing, it’s my job,” I shrugged. Just like it was my job to kill them. Ugh. Four against one was going to be a pain. If I could lure them into bed, then I might even my odds a bit. Kill them off slowly.

  “I can’t take you seriously with no pants on,” blondie said as he shook his head.

  “I can take everything off.” I smirked, and the demon grinned widely at this. Yep, he’d be a lot of fun.

/>   “I don’t understand what’s happening,” the raven-haired man said.

  “Call me Sav, I’m a huntress. I’ll probably have to kill you all, but we can fuck first if you’d like?” I said as I sat back down on the bed and inspected my nails.

  “What the fuck?” the redhead muttered.

  “Name’s Tristan,” the demon said, earning him a punch in the arm by raven guy.

  “So we’re sharing names now with the chick who wants to kill us?” blondie groaned, but he was frowning at me with the most stupefied look on his godly face.

  “And fuck,” I shrugged as I caught blondie’s mortified eyes. Such strong facial features too. A perfectly straight nose, high cheekbones, strong jawline, clean shaven. Those bright blues eyes were whirling with utter disbelief at the situation. Yep, he’d be a good one to play with.

  His dark-haired counterpart had the same facial features, but thinner lips than his blond companion, and he wore a sexy as hell stubble line along the edges of his jaw. His hair was a ruffled mess, while blondie’s was side-swept. And he looked like he was lost, uncertain as to what to do.

  “So, you rape your victims before you kill them?” the red-haired man said. He looked to be the youngest of the bunch too, probably a year or two younger than me. I was twenty-three, so he had to be roughly twenty-one.

  I scoffed as I shook my head. “Rape? Ha! As if they don’t want it. I’d never force it, but I will admit, I’ve never had a guy turn me down,” I smirked.

  “I can’t believe you fuck and kill,” the redhead murmured.

  “Most just fuck and run,” Tristan chuckled.

  “Why the fuck are we talking to her?” Raven man growled.

  So many fucks to give. I could enjoy these guys.

  “So, any takers on the sex? My last guy tried to kill me before we could do a whole lot,” I sighed. “I promise not to kill anyone until afterwards?” I said with a soft pout. I doubted I’d keep that promise, as I’d like to even the odds, but sex with one of these guys sounded good. Hell, all of them would be amazing.

  “How about you don’t kill us at all?” blondie shook his head in shock.

  “Hey, I’m keen,” Tristan said as he pushed through the doorway and into my room.

  “You dickhead,” Raven-haired man reached out to catch him by the back of his collar.

  “What are you?” Blondie asked as he stepped into the room as well.

  “I swear they all ask that,” I said as I shook my head.

  “You’re a huntress?” the red-haired guy said, and I gave him a dumb look.

  “You’re not human,” blondie said matter-of-factly.

  “I am, I just come from a special line of hunters,” I shot back instantly. As if he’d understand.

  “No, you’re supernatural, I can tell,” blondie argued as he crossed his arms.

  “I think I’d know if I was,” I said with an eye roll. They were trying to get me on their side.

  Like that would work.

  Guess I wouldn’t be having sex tonight at this rate. Best to get this over and done with then.

  “Let’s just kill her and go home, she’s murdered too many innocents,” raven-haired man said.

  “Innocents,” I smirked. “You supes are killers, all of you.”

  “That’s rich coming from you,” raven man growled.

  I played with the hem of my tank top, hiding my eyes under my lashes as I glanced at my dagger. I could get to it before any of them crossed the room.

  “We don’t kill innocent people, only rogues,” blondie said.

  I flicked my eyes back to blondie curiously. Rogues? What was that?

  Raven man started towards me, and I decided not to fuck around anymore.

  I rolled backwards quickly, snatching up my dagger as I stood up on the far side of the bed, holding it at the ready.

  The red-haired guy was moving towards me now, flames swirling off his hands as he leapt onto the bed.

  Raven man was coming around the bed, while blondie was watching, and Tristan looked saddened by my supposed upcoming demise.

  As if they could beat me, let alone kill me.

  I shot towards raven man at speed that took him by complete surprise, planting my right foot on the ground as I brought my left foot up to land a brutal kick to his ribs. He rocketed backwards and into the wall, stunned and confused.

  Damn, he looked sexy as hell like that.

  My eyes flicked to the incoming fiery mess on the bed. An elemental perhaps? I’d never dealt with one before, but the flames surrounding his hands indicated as such.

  I ducked backwards, bending hard at the waist as he shot out a fiery fist.

  I brought up my dagger with swiftness that he barely managed to block, then followed it with a kick to the knee.

  He cried out as he crumpled off the bed, and I spun back as blondie soared over the bed with a blade in hand.

  I sidestepped quickly and landed a heavy blow to his ribs, hearing the satisfying crack as I busted them with my fist.

  Red-haired guy was already on his feet, and I turned on him as he shot a fireball at me.

  I cursed as I barely managed to dodge the flaming attack, the burning orb singeing my side and setting my top alight.

  I patted at it as I leapt over the bed, scowling as I got down low.

  Fire boy was already readying another fireball, and I took the opening with speed they couldn’t comprehend.

  I flipped my dagger in my hand and hurled it at him with devastating precision, my lips curving upwards as it penetrated his chest. The flames in his hands died out, and he stood staring at me, surprised and shocked. He slowly glanced down at the hilt jutting from between his ribs. That should’ve hit him right in the heart, or damn near close.

  And yet he was still standing.

  He sputtered as he collapsed to his knees, and raven man snarled as he shot towards his friend.

  A strange pang of pain tore through me, and I frowned. I’d never felt such a thing before. Hell, I’d almost even hesitated in throwing the blade.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” Tristan said cooly, and I spun around with a snarl as his hand closed around my upper arm.

  His hand gripped my arm like a vice, and I stared up at him with fury. I was just doing my job.

  I quivered as his eyes flooded black, and a hellfire glinted in his pupils.

  Oh hell no.

  An energy wave pulsed through my body as he tried to possess me, but I fought him off.

  I’d never allowed a demon to get so close to me that they could potentially possess me. I’d screwed up.

  I shrieked as I pulled free from his grip, fear and adrenaline surging through me as I bounded over to the table and snatched up my keys. My skin seethed from his attempt to possess me, but somehow I’d dodged it. How? I had no idea.

  Everything was moving so quickly, and the air had a faint hum and glow to it as I moved.

  I was outnumbered, there was something about these boys that was throwing off my game.

  I rocketed out of the room, dodging Tristan’s outstretched hand with lightning speed. At least I’d gotten one of them.

  I’d deal with the others when this strange sensation wore off. It must be from Tristan trying to possess me.

  Everything felt enhanced, strange.

  I flew out to my motorbike, not caring that I was only in a tank top and my underwear.

  I threw on my helmet, not bothering to clasp it up. Ugh, my clothes, hopefully I could come back for it all, my jacket, my heels.

  The motorbike engine roared to life, and I shot a wild look at Tristan and raven man as they tore out of the room.

  I winced as I put my bare foot down and spun my little black Ninja around, before hurtling it out of the parking lot and off into the night.

  Energy pulsed through me, and I struggled to shake it. What was going on? What had that demon done to me? Everything was so vibrant now, I could see everything, every little detail.

  I needed to
go home.

  My father would know what to do.



  I’d never seen such a gorgeous woman before, so sassy and full of fire. But holy hell, was she quick on her feet, and deadly.

  We’d seriously underestimated her, and poor Wesley copped the brunt of it when she stabbed him.

  I recognized the kitsune blade, something our father had taught us about.

  It gave me an idea as I drew up behind her. Time to find out just what she was.

  She snarled as she turned on me, and I gripped her arm as I willed my inner demon to take over her body.

  I was stunned when it got rejected instantly, a fiery pink and white energy blocking me out and searing through her.

  Those blue eyes flickered, a vibrant deep pink speckling through those icy blue irises. She tore out of my grip, and a faint glow surrounded her as she moved around the room frantically.

  I focused my mind, honing in on her aura.

  Tails. It was tails I could see. Four of them, glowing a dazzling white and pink as they whipped around wildly behind her.

  Holy fuck.

  I’d never thought I’d meet one.

  Leon and Damien were just as shocked, and I barely managed to drag my eyes from her to glance at Wesley, who had disintegrated into a pile of ash now.

  Damn. That sucked ass for him.

  She flew past me, and I attempted to catch her on her way past, but she dodged me with speed I’d never seen before. No other supe had moved as fast as she could, well, maybe vamps, but this was a different kind of speed. Like she was sensing my plans before she saw it, rather than dodging it.

  I took off after her with Damien, leaving Leon to deal with the issue of Wesley.

  Seeing the half naked woman climb onto her motorbike and hurtle off into the darkness would’ve been amusing and hot as fuck if I didn’t have a million questions floating around in my mind.

  At least it explained the whole sex thing, but why the hell was she a huntress?

  We had to inform father of this. He’d definitely have something to say about it.


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