Institute of Supernaturals: Savage

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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage Page 6

by J. E. Cluney

  He must be Dominic. I’d been expecting someone older as a butler, but I guess if Tristan was screwing him, then this made more sense.

  The thought of those two gorgeous men getting their dirty on made my body react.

  Sharp intakes of breath surrounded me, and I bit my lip. Supes could smell and sense arousal. Witches were one of the few that couldn’t.

  “The offer of sex still on?” Wesley asked, and I just stared dumbly at the toddler. He was giving me the strangest smirk.

  “Not like that,” Tristan snorted.

  “Sorry Wes, wait until you’ve grown up,” I chuckled.

  “Well, you’re going to have to stop giving off that scent if you want us to leave you alone,” Wes grumbled.

  “I never said I wanted to be left alone,” I smiled seductively.

  My eyes moved up to meet Tristan’s, those dark pools filled with desire.

  I’d be getting some time with him for sure. Hell, if I wasn’t about to meet this Mr Oxley and get some answers, then I might ask him to pop around the back of the building and do me right there.

  The thought of him nibbling on my neck as he thrust into me made my legs squeeze tight as my panties dampened.

  “Fuck,” Damien growled from up the front. “Kitsunes,” he muttered.

  “Well, guess this’ll make things interesting,” Leon chuckled, but his azure eyes were dilated as he gave me a once over.

  Yep. There would be some naughtiness in store for us. I hope they didn’t mind sharing, or doing me all at once. That was a personal dream of mine. I’d only successfully gotten into a threesome once with two werewolves. That had been a highlight of my life. Until I’d had to put them down of course. They’d been murdering young girls in town, mauling their bodies for fun.

  “C’mon, father’s waiting,” Tristan said, drawing my focus back to the here and now rather than my dirty thoughts.

  “Right,” I breathed.

  Damien climbed out in a huff, and Tristan lifted Wesley out of the vehicle and set him on the ground.

  Leon was around to my door quickly and helping me out, surprisingly. He’d been funny towards me at first, but I guess he was accepting how things had turned out.

  Hell, here I was with a bunch of supes and no need to kill them either. That was a major change for me.

  “So this is the kitsune,” Mr Oxley said as he descended the steps with a grace unseen by any other man his age. He flowed like a sleek cat in his movements, but those golden eyes shone behind his wire framed glasses.

  “Her name’s Savage,” Tristan beamed as he rounded the car with Wesley waddling after him in bare feet.

  “I see poor Wesley suffered an ill fate,” he sighed.

  “Sorry,” I apologized.

  “There’s much to talk about, child. It seems you lived a life far from the one you were meant to lead. You must be seeking answers, understanding,” Mr Oxley said as he rested both hands on the carved dragon head of his cane to peer at me.

  “Apparently,” I growled.

  “Dom, can you deal with him, he needs his diaper changed, might’ve shit himself,” Tristan walked up to Dominic and indicated back at little Wesley.

  “Must you talk about him like that?” Mr Oxley sighed in annoyance.

  “On it,” Dominic said. His voice was high and flirty as he smiled at Tristan. Yep, I could see their thing going on right there.

  Dominic strode down and gave me a soft bow.

  “Nice to meet you, Savage,” he nodded. He was shorter than Tristan with an angular face and perfect nose. His jade eyes were focused and alert, and he moved quickly to pick up Wesley.

  “Don’t get any ideas,” Wesley muttered as Dominic carried him upstairs.

  Dom just chuckled at this and shook his head.

  “She has a kitsune blade,” Tristan added from the top of the steps.

  “Interesting, makes me curious about your lineage. I’ll have Dominic help me look into your heritage, as I’m sure you’d like to learn more about it as well,” Mr Oxley gave me a warm smile.

  I was still caught trying to figure out just what kind of supe he was.

  “Here’s your phone, it’s been going off a lot,” Leon said as he stepped up beside me and offered me my phone.

  Sixty-two missed calls from my father, and over twenty from my brother.

  No, they weren’t family. They were just strangers now, Thomas, the man who’d pretended to be my father figure, and Jackson, my fake brother. The last name I’d worn like a medal was nothing but a lie. I was not a Harlow in any way.

  “Don’t worry, I made sure your laptop and phone can’t be tracked, don’t need them coming after you,” Leon said. I caught his eyes as I thanked him. Guess the divinely handsome man wasn’t so bad. He reminded me of the golden boy who was trying to keep everything in order. Whereas Damien was just a sulky, grumpy turd.

  Speaking of, he tromped past me and up the steps to the mansion, carrying my bag.

  “You can call me Mr Oxley, Johnathan Oxley. There’s much for you to learn, Savage,” Mr Oxley said as he ushered me up the steps.

  Leon walked up with me, and Tristan grinned brightly at me, mischief dancing in his eyes from the top of the steps.

  “I think we should get some breakfast first, I’ll go get Dominic to get some pancakes started,” Tristan said as he winked at me.

  “Good, Leon, can you show Savage to her room? I’ve had Dominic make up the spare room beside yours,” Mr Oxley’s voice was smooth despite his aged appearance, and his skin was remarkably unweathered. He really didn’t show his age despite his white hair and cane.

  I got a sense from him that he was older than he looked, and wise way beyond his years. But maybe I was overthinking it.

  “Right, follow me,” Leon nodded as he took charge. Tristan had already disappeared inside the mansion, and I followed Leon through the opened door, awing at the intricately carved wooden door with a stained glass window in it.

  We stepped into a beautiful high ceiling grand foyer with an ornate wooden staircase that split midway up. The floor was polished stone decorative tiles, and the wooden decorative trim all around only added to the grandiose feel. The walls were a mix of cream paint and deep mahogany wood.

  I eyed the high-end furniture around the room, my mind moving into thief mode. So much of this could be fenced for a chunk of money.

  I shoved the thought aside. It was hard to not automatically judge things. I was used to stealing as a way to help Thomas buy his place and to afford being a huntress.

  “Do kitsunes have issues being caught on cctv?” I asked suddenly.

  “Their eyes flare, enough that getting a facial recognition is impossible, you can’t see their face,” Mr Oxley said thoughtfully. “Why’s that?”

  “Thomas made me steal to pay for my lifestyle and to help them with theirs,” I admitted. No use hiding my life from them, they were the ones who were going to give me answers.

  “Understandable. And if you’ve never been caught, your prints wouldn’t be in the system,” Mr Oxley mused.

  “Bet you’re thinking there’s a lot here you could fence, huh?” Leon remarked, and I narrowed my eyes at him. He put a hand up in surrender. “Meant no harm, just an observation.”

  “There’s no need to feel out of place here, you’re among others like you, we’ll teach you what you want to know, and about who and what you are,” Mr Oxley said.

  “And what’s in it for you?” I asked bluntly. No point sugar coating it.

  Mr Oxley’s chuckle rumbled through him as those eyes lit up with intrigue.

  “Nothing. I just like to see everyone reach their full potential. I know what it was like to grow up not knowing exactly what you were or anything about yourself. I don’t want anyone else to suffer that. So when I hear of supernaturals, special supernaturals, orphaned normally, I try to take them in, like I did with these boys, and perhaps, I can offer you a place to stay and learn as well,” he smiled softly at me, his eye
s crinkling at the edges.

  For some reason, I believed him too. I believed that he meant me no harm. There was just something sincere about him.

  “Go, Damien’s left your things here, Leon will show you to your room. Make yourself at home, and I’ll send one of them to fetch you when breakfast is ready,” Mr Oxley indicated up the staircase.

  “Thank you,” I murmured. Despite what they all knew about me, the boys had been quite kind to me, mostly, and Mr Oxley was quite welcoming. I felt like an imposter.

  But deep down, I knew I wasn’t.

  I was raised a huntress, under the belief that all supes were bad. That wasn’t right. From what I had seen of the boys, I’d been fed so many lies. Not all supes were monsters, killers.

  Where did that leave me?

  I had found myself on the run from my supposed family, homeless, and now here I was, suddenly being offered a home and answers.

  It seemed too good to be true, too much of a coincidence.

  “We don’t believe in coincidences here,” Mr Oxley said as Leon picked up my bag and headed for the stairs.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  Had he heard my thoughts?

  “Telepathy is a gift to my kind, but I don’t normally intrude like this, you just happen to be thinking quite loudly,” Mr Oxley chuckled.

  What was he?

  He turned away as he headed off down a side hall, and I just stared after him in shock.

  He was telepathic?

  What else didn’t I know?


  “So Mr Oxley can read minds?” I said in disbelief as I followed Leon to my room.

  “Yeah, an ability of his. Don’t worry, he’ll teach you how to ward your mind against future reading from all supes, as there are a few supes with the ability,” Leon said.

  “So you’ve forgiven me for killing Wesley?” I changed the subject as we headed down a long hall with a high ceiling. There was beautiful patterning on the ceiling that gave it an embossed effect.

  So fancy.

  “Well, he doesn’t stay dead,” Leon shrugged. “And maybe you’re not as bad as we thought. If Mr Oxley deemed you as a threat after checking your mind, we would know. I trust his judgement of you, he’s never been wrong before,” Leon gave me a soft smile as we came to an open door.

  “This’ll be your room while you’re here, it’s got a bathroom, as do most of the rooms in the left wing here. I’ll be next door on your right, then Damien, then Tristan, and Wesley will be taking up residence in not the next room, but the one after. He has two rooms, one for when he’s normal, and another for when he’s a toddler/child. It’s not the first time this has happened, he can be reckless,” Leon sighed.

  “So just like that, you trust me now?” I smirked.

  “Mr Oxley can see into your deepest thoughts if he chooses too, and he doesn’t deem you a threat,” Leon shrugged, giving me a charming smile in return. “Trust might be going a bit extreme, but you’re a kitsune, you’re meant to be protected.”

  Those vibrant azure eyes pierced into me, and my breath caught.

  Damn, he really was a gorgeous specimen. With those high cheekbones, perfectly straight nose and side-swept blond hair.

  And being a supe, I had no doubt he had a killer body to boot.

  Almost all supes did.

  “You’re an interesting mystery, Sav,” Leon murmured as his eyes bore into my own.

  “Guess you might just have to unravel me then,” I shot back, smiling seductively.

  Yep, my little lady downstairs was at it again, drooling at the mouth and begging for a quick screw. Guess it was in my nature apparently.

  Leon’s jaw set as his eyes dilated at my arousal.

  “Kitsunes, you’ll be the death of us,” he breathed as he stepped closer.

  Strangely, I actually wanted to know Leon and the others. They’d come to my aid and had brought me here, and they piqued my interest. I’d never really put much thought into supes, as they were just a job. But now, now it was a whole other ballgame, and I wanted to know so much more.

  “I know we don’t know each other, but there’s one way to start,” I purred as I leaned closer.

  “You wanted to kill me,” Leon smirked, but he didn’t back away.

  “Nothing personal,” I said as I bit my lip.

  He had rather thin lips, but they suited him well, as did those lips on his brother.

  Wonder if we could get the moody ass to join us?

  I’d enjoyed my last threesome with werewolves, and these guys were part angel apparently. I’d never tasted angel before.

  “You do this with all the men you meet?” Leon chuckled, but those eyes were drinking me up like water in a desert.

  I just stared at him. I wasn’t going to answer that, cause the honest answer wasn’t overly flattering.

  “C’mon, we can have some fun before breakfast,” I winked as I leaned up on my tiptoes.

  He didn’t get a chance to respond as I caught his mouth with mine. A soft spark shot through me at the connection of our lips, and I relaxed against him.

  A piece of me felt bare, knowing my dagger wasn’t within easy reach. But he had no weapon either, and I could kick his ass if needed.

  Not that that was what I wanted to do to him right now.

  Hell, I’d thought Tristan would be the one I’d get to first, but I’d take any gorgeous male right now.

  All this new stuff had gotten me worked up, and the perfect way to get rid of some tension was by getting off.

  Leon set my bag down as he kissed me back, his hands moving to slide down my arms and then behind my waist. His hands left a delicious trail of golden warmth in their wake, like his touch had ignited every area it danced across. Was this an angel thing?

  Damn, I so wanted to know what he’d be like to fuck.

  I nibbled on his bottom lip, running my tongue along it in request.

  He obeyed, opening his mouth so we could deepen the kiss.

  Heat raced through me in anticipation, and my body screamed to hurry up and get some action going.

  I was never one to take it slow.

  I pushed him into my room, breaking the kiss to drag my bag in with me and closing the door behind me.

  Then I was at him again, ravishing his mouth as he moaned against my lips.

  No guy could resist me. Maybe that was a kitsune thing, I’d have to ask. I’d never been rejected in my life.

  I barely had time to acknowledge the huge room with the same high ceilings as the rest of the mansion. There seemed to be more mahogany and red in this room, but I didn’t really look. All I cared about was the giant king sized bed that had been made up.

  It looked like it belonged in a castle, with the red leather headboard and mahogany wood frame with intricate carvings.

  Not that the look of it was my priority right now.

  I pressed my body against him, rubbing myself against his erection straining against his jeans.

  I wanted him badly, wanted to feel him inside me. To find my perfect bliss as he screwed me.

  “Doesn’t take long to make pancakes,” he murmured as I broke the kiss to draw in shaky, hot breaths of air.

  “Better be quick then,” I purred as my hands fell to his waistband.

  I unbuttoned his jeans with expert fingers, and he was back kissing my neck as his hands slid up under my shirt.

  Ugh, he wanted to drag this out. I certainly didn’t.

  I walked us towards the bed, shoving him onto it which earned me a surprised look. But it turned to complete lust as I yanked my shirt over my head and unclasped my bra quickly.

  “Fuck,” Leon groaned as I shimmied out of my jeans.

  I stood before him now in just a pair of black lace panties.

  “Take them off,” I ordered, pointing at his jeans. It fell on deaf ears for a moment as Leon just stared at me in shock, but then he was pulling his jeans down for me. Too bad his grey shirt was still on.

  “Shirt off to
o,” I instructed, and he did as asked. Who could resist the offer of sex?

  Not even an angel hybrid.

  Now he was mostly naked, lying before me in a pair of white briefs.

  I froze momentarily, taking in his heavenly body. Golden, sun-kissed skin all over, and that hairless chest was ripped to perfection. Fuck, I could stare at him all day, probably orgasm just from the sight of him. And that delicious, lustful smile he was giving me was driving me nuts.

  He licked his lips, and that pushed me over.

  I climbed onto the bed, snaking up his body as those bright blue eyes watched me in disbelief. Guess he hadn’t expected me to jump him. Was he more of a goody-two-shoes? Well, I’d change that.

  I kissed along the edge of the waistband of his briefs, nuzzling that firm stiffness in excitement.

  He moaned as his hand fisted in my hair, and I slid up his body to claim his mouth. I removed my panties, loving his moans against my lips as his hands explored my body.

  I’d like to explore his too, later. For now, I wanted a nice fuck before breakfast.

  I ground down against his briefs, and he pushed up into me, his arousal grinding into my wetness.

  Fuck this.

  I reached down and yanked his briefs down with a little more force than needed.

  “I’m going to ride you so fucking hard,” I growled as my hand wrapped around his delicious length.

  Leon was just staring at me, drawing in short bursts of air as I guided him inside me.

  As soon as the tip of his length sunk into my wet walls, his head lolled back with a deep moan.

  Electricity surged through me like never before, and I arched my back as I gasped, the room brightening around me with a soft glow.

  Leon was looking at me now, mesmerized by my naked body. His hands moved up to play with my breasts, and I began riding him, loving how his length fit so perfectly inside me, caressing my walls sweetly.

  I ducked down to capture his mouth, and his arms wrapped around me as he kissed me hungrily.

  I bounced on top of him rhythmically, making sure to grind myself in a way that stimulated my clit as well. Fuck, those blond pubes only added to the sensation.


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