The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset Page 16

by Chrissy J

  “Damn baby it smell good in here,” Eddie said walking into the kitchen he gave me a kiss then grabbed himself a beer then walked to the living room me and Ashley made eye contact before she followed her brother in to the living room.

  “Diva what can I help you with?” I asked picking up my phone knowing who it was from the ringer

  “I want you in my bed with your legs up in the air,” Barkeem said laughing causing me to blush“Your nasty, but I see what I could do. What you doing?” I asked walking to the sink

  “I’m in the crib chilling, waiting on you to come wrap those sexy legs around me,” he said making my panties wet I told him I was going to call him once I knew if I was coming out or not, I didn’t hear when Eddie walked back inside the kitchen until I felt him wrap his arms around my waist pulling me to him;

  “Who was that?” Eddie asked I laid my head against his chest

  “That was Mary she wanted to know what the kids was doing.” I said standing there I felt his hard on and grind my ass into him, I told him to make his FAM a plate while I went upstairs to check the kids. I walked out the kitchen after washing my hands Ashley looked at me then rolled her eyes I did the same thing. I went up to the babies nursery Fantasy was wide awake with her big Gray eyes looking every bit like Kevin and Harmony, it was hard to bring Fantasy to be around Kevin but I didn’t want him to feel left out of Fantasy life so I did what I had to do for him to be in his daughter life; There were already rumors going around that my twins weren’t Eddies and Eddie was just waiting for me to slip up so he can light my ass up; “What Mommy’s Princess doing up?” I cooed to her she smiled showing me her gums I changed her pamper and checked Lil man pamper which was still dry. I took her down stairs with me and seen Teddy coming out the living room he smiled real big when he seen Fantasy, she was the apple of Teddy and Hershey eyes.

  “What’s up Lil mama, give me my Lil Princess,” he said taking Fantasy from me then walking back towards the living room

  “Why you didn’t bring Lil Eddie down?” Ashley asked looking at Fantasy like she was poison, I knew Ashley and their mother didn’t like my baby girl cause they had doubts about her;

  “Because he was sleep and I wasn’t waking him up that’s why,” I said rolling my eyes at her evil ass,

  “I didn’t ask all that,” she said trying to jump bad I wanted her to do some fly shit so I could rag her ass up in down the block “But I’m telling you,” I said standing my ground she rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth

  “Whatever, Teddy do Fantasy look like us cuz I don’t see it,” Ashley had the nerve to say my blood started boiling, I wasn’t trying to go there with this Lil trick but she was pushing me to the limit

  “Ashley you need to stop it, Eddie not going to always be around to stop Diva from getting in your ass.” Teddy warn her she still was yapping at the gums talking about she didn’t need Eddie to stop anything, Teddy just shook his head. I stood there waiting for her ass to make one step in my direction,

  “Bitch I would mop the floor with your Lil ass, that’s your problem you need some fucking respect,” I said Eddie walked in the room and heard what I said to his sister and jumped on her side like always

  “Diva what I told you about my Lil sister? She off limits,” he asked giving me the evil eye I sucked my teeth and folded my arms over my breast “So I’m not off limits when it comes to her, she can say and do anything she wants to me? I don’t think so she need to rise up outta my crib with her disrespectful ass,” I yelled making the baby jump Teddy stood up walking over to where I was with the baby in his arms, “Yo Eddie listen to your girl, Ashley be fucking with her and you act like that shit cool, she always got some fly shit coming out her mouth,” Teddy said giving me Fantasy

  “Look everybody calm the fuck down, y’all scaring my daughter.” Eddie said walking to me to check Fantasy,

  “Are you sure that is your daughter?” Ashley asked walking out the house.

  The night Ashley threw the question in the air Eddie started acting different towards Fantasy, and that was the last time Ashley was allowed in my house. I notice every time his mother called the house she had an attitude, she didn’t ask me how the kids was doing like she normally would do. I really didn’t care my babies had my father, Mary and my mother to love them Eddie family can kiss my pretty back ass. Sitting back and looking back at all the shit Eddie put me through all I could do is shake my head, at the time I was so naïve I thought I needed Eddie to make me happy but I didn’t.

  May rolled in when my world came crashing down, the babies was six months and getting big, Kevin and I made arrangements for him to see Fantasy so everything was smooth with that. I was in the house by myself one night Eddie had to make a run to Brooklyn so the kids was in my room with me in their bassinet, I got up to check on them Lil Man was up staring around like he always did but Fantasy wasn’t moving or making any sound which was strange I picked her up and notice my baby girl wasn’t breathing and she was starting to turn blue I almost passed out I was so scared I called 911 and they told me they was on their way I called my father next he answered on the first ring “What’s up Princess?” my hands started shaking and I was having a hard time holding the phone “Daddy Fantasy not breathing and she turning blue,” I cried in the phone the EMS and fire department was at the front door I walked downstairs to open the door “Diva calm down, Fantasy what?” he asked yelling panic filled his voice “She not breathing, I’m on my way to the hospital.” I said hanging up.

  Once we got to the hospital I answered all the doctors questions they rushed Fantasy to the back, my father and uncle Mike came five minutes after we got the hospital they took Lil Man so I can get some air I felt like I was going to faint Hershey drove in the parking lot she jumped out the Benz Teddy brought her and ran to me

  “Is it bad?” she asked hugging me I cried harder

  “My baby not breathing, why this is happening to me? And this fucking nigga not answering his phone,” I said

  “I called Teddy and your pops called Tammy and your mother, she going to make it chica. Did you call Kevin?” she asked wiping her own tears I shook my head no she pulled her phone out and called him it seem like he flew to the hospital he was there five minutes after Hershey called him, he grabbed me in a bear hug

  “Calm down baby she going to be alright,” he said rubbing my back

  “Kevin we can’t lose her like we lost Jordan,” I said trying to calm down,

  An hour passed when the doctor came to us the look on his face said it all

  “Ms. Woods, your daughter is in very bad shape. Her lungs collapsed and the small hole in her heart grew bigger, she’s not breathing on her own she hooked up to a machine that is helping her breathe.” everything the doctor said was like a blur, Kevin held me as I cried my father and uncle didn’t say anything,

  “What’s going on? Goddess where our baby girl?” Eddie asked walking up to everybody Kevin grip on me tighten my father nodded at Kevin to let me go and I ran to Eddie coking on my words as I told him what was happening to our daughter; Kevin looked on with fire in his eyes. Eddie peeped the look on Kevin face and grilled him

  “You got a problem nigga?” Eddie asked Kevin walking towards him, I pulled Eddie arm but he jerked away from me; Kevin stood there with his signature deadly smirk. Eddie might’ve went to jail and fucked some niggas up but Kevin was a certified killer he didn’t care what the person did, if my uncle needed someone dead he called Kevin Because he knew Kevin would get the job done without anything tracing back to neither him or my uncle.

  “Eddie drop it,” Tammy said looking at my father and uncle for help but they wasn’t moving they both knew this was going to happen one day;

  “Yo E I think you better listen to your mother you don’t want no problem’s,” Kevin said

  “Are y’all niggas for real? My daughter is fighting for her life and the only thing y’all worrying about is if the other one want problems,” I yelled looking at both of th

  “Why every time something happen his ass the first one there, you still fucking him? Is that his fucking daughter in there?” Eddie yelled looking at me, I froze the look both Eddie and Kevin was giving me sent a chill down my spine. I knew if I spoke the truth now Eddie probably would’ve killed me

  “Eddie you need to chill with all that yelling, now is not the time nor place for y’all to be airing out dirty laundry,” Hershey said

  “Hershey Ann I got this, you and everybody keep asking if Fantasy is my daughter well,” I stood there shaking Kevin was really about to spill the truth about him being Fantasy father, my father looked at me with a raised eye brow

  “K drop it homie, now is not the time.” uncle Mike said throwing his arm around Kevin shoulder and walking out the waiting area. I was finally able to breathe a little better I went up to see my baby girl, leaving Eddie stupid ass right where he stood. When I got up to the NICU I didn’t have to give the nurse my name or show id she already knew who I was from when I had the twins she was the nurse who took care of Fantasy after Lil Man got discharged; she looked as she was going to cry as she hugged me and brought me to Fantasy she was hooked up to a lot of machines I knew I had to be strong for my baby she laid there looking helpless.


  Chapter 6

  Lying dogs/grimy bitches

  A month passed since Fantasy was in the hospital, she went under heart surgery to repair the hole and it was a success, Eddie stayed in the crib with me most nights but he didn’t go back up the hospital since the night Fantasy was admitted he wanted to know if the rumors were true about Kevin being Fantasy father I told him no and went on my merry way; Kevin on the other hand was at the hospital almost every day. My father took Lil man with him and Mary so I could get my rest I was running back and forth from the hospital to the house, Eddie was acting different towards me, so I asked him one day while we were lying in bed. I asked why he was acting different towards me like I was the cause of our daughter being in the hospital, Eddie grabbed me in his arms telling me he would never look at me like that, he told me I was a great mother and it wasn’t my fault that Fantasy was sick. He told me I had to stop beating myself up over things we had no control over;

  “You look at me different, do I make you happy? Are you bored with me?” I asked looking into his green eyes with tears in my own ocean blue ones Eddie wiped my tears with his thumb,

  “Ma stop, I’m happy with you. What made you ask that question? I love you more than life itself and no Goddess I’m not bored with you; how can I be? Can you stop questioning yourself?” he asked kissing my lips

  “Yes baby,” I said kissing him back this was the first time we were together after everything went down, Eddie undressed me and I did the same to him. He laid me back on the bed, he took his time licking me from my head to my pretty little kitty. When his tongue made contact with my clit I purred like a cat

  “Baby just put him in,” I moaned he climb up and slid himself inside me while he kissed and sucked my lips, he kept hitting me with the deep strokes and he knew he was driving me crazy. We made love then fucked all night into the morning, Eddie phone kept ringing off the hook but he ignored it and kept hitting me with the death stroke. We laid in each other arms all morning“Goddess you know I love you right?” he asked I had my eyes closed

  “Yea boo I know you love me, I love you too.” I said kissing his six pack. What Eddie and I had was a love hate relationship that some people didn’t understand, we loved each other but we couldn’t stand each other at the same time. Eddie had moves to make so he got out the bed and took a shower while I stayed in bed

  “Ma its four stacks in the night stand, go shopping and make sure you get that wig done. I should be back around eight,” he said giving me a kiss I went right back to sleep. I woke up three hours later the room looked a hot mess and so did I, after cleaning up the house which wasn’t that nasty looking like my room I jumped in the shower then I was off to the salon. Pam been my hair dresser since I was five years old her and my father had a fling that’s how she got the money to start her business she wasn’t dumb she knew all about Mary so she got what she got and left with no hard feeling between she and my pops. I drove to her shop that was on Park ave and East 116th street the salon was packed I thought about going to Rita’s shop but I knew it was going to be the same since it was a Saturday and every bitch wanted their do fix, I walked inside and every eye was on me I looked at myself in the mirror near the door to see if I spilled my ice coffee on my shirt as I drove but there wasn’t nothing on me, I wore a plain Blue guess shirt with some dark blue skinny jeans and my Gucci 5’ heels so I knew I was looking good but I knew something was wrong because everybody stopped talking once I walked in and I knew why Asia was sitting in one of the stylist chair running her gums;

  “Look at my Diva, I’m sorry to hear about the baby,” Pam said hugging me once she was near,“Thanks, she doing better now, are you busy?” I asked her walking further inside the salon

  “For you no, come on,” she said pulling me to the back where the wash bowels was at, I grilled Asia and she turned around like the scared bitch she is

  “What’s going on around here? That bitch was talking about me or something because everybody got real quiet when I walked in here,” I asked sitting down

  “Girl don’t start, you don’t need the drama. But yea she was running her gums about your baby father, you need to leave that sneaky nigga alone he taking both y’all for a ride,” she said telling me straight up, Pam is one of those older chicks that didn’t bite her tongue and told you what it was even if you didn’t like it;

  “What she was talking about?” I asked her she put the cape around my neck

  “That E was taking her back to the Bahamas and they was leaving tonight, he just left five minutes before you got here. I don’t know if he know I’m like family to you but they was up here smiling and acting like a happy fucking couple you know I had bite my damn tongue so I wouldn’t go Ham on both they dirty asses. Talking about the dog look at what the wind blew in here,” she said pointing to the door, I turned to look and sure nuff my man was walking in the shop Asia was shitting bricks. She couldn’t stop moving thank god Pam didn’t start washing my hair. I watched Eddie walk up to Asia and kiss her the way he kissed me not even three hours ago my heart was beyond broken, I wanted to kill that nigga I got up took the cape off and walked to where they was.

  “Today must be my lucky fucking day, so I see you still fucking around with this trash ass bitch?” I asked grilling them Pam was already on the phone with my father Eddie turned around with the dumb face

  “Diva what you doing here? I left you in the crib,” he said “I know where you left me, so you can broadcast this bitch around Harlem! My stomping grounds nigga you must’ve bumped your fucking head,” I yelled by now everybody was staring at us Asia looked like she was going to piss on herself

  “Diva lets go home and talk,” Eddie said grabbing my arm I snatched my arm away from him giving his the death stare if I had any super powers his lying cheating ass would’ve been dead on site, he really didn’t know my pedigree I didn’t like to be made a fool out of and he was constantly making me look like one for the whole Harlem to see; “Don’t touch me, Asia didn’t I tell you to stay the fuck away from my man?” I asked I didn’t give her a chance to answer I pulled her out the chair and started beating her ass I didn’t notice her small belly until Pam and Benny one of the barbers pulled us apart,

  “D you can’t be fighting that girl like that, she pregnant and you can go to jail” Pam said Asia was still on the floor I kicked her so hard in her stomach that blood started running down her jean leg Eddie grabbed me by my neck choking me I spit in his face

  “I hope that bitch die, you can have him Asia cuz I’m done he not even worth my time,” I pushed Eddie away from me and walked out the shop I jumped in my car and drove home confuse
d and hurt ‘what that bitch have that I don’t got?’ I question myself wiping the tears from my face, I looked in my mirror to check for any scratches but there were none just my swollen puffy eyes from all the crying. I kept asking how Eddie could do this to me after what we just went through with our daughter being in the hospital fighting for her life, I looked down at my ring finger to see the big Diamond he brought me when he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife; it wasn’t worth it to me I put up with too much of his lying and cheating. I had a son and daughter to think about and if I had to raise my son and daughter on my own then so be it, I didn’t care if I was seeing Kevin the whole time me and Eddie was together it was totally different with Kevin and Eddie they didn’t know each other until I brought Eddie up to Harlem; Asia was my friend someone I chilled with and smoked with talked shit with and shared secrets with and for both of them to betray me like this was tearing me into pieces; “Hello,” I hit my blue tooth as I parked my car in front of my house,

  “That nigga choked you?” both my father and uncle asked yelling through the phone

  “Daddy it’s nothing I got this, did Pam call you?” I asked chuckling as I got out the car, I grabbed my Hermes Vintage Birkin bag locked my car doors and walked up to my front door.

  “Pam and half of Harlem been blowing my fucking phone up, Princess I’m going to take your word and fall back but if that nigga disrespect you, you better call me.” he said “Yo I’m not feeling that Mel, that Lil nigga been getting real reckless lately,” Uncle Mike said “Uncle Mike I got this,” I said hanging up on both of them, I got inside the house and smelled Eddie everywhere, I ran upstairs to my room and started grabbing all his shit I threw half of his shit inside Garbage bags Eddie was history in my book there was no us no more. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on fucking me;


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