Leaving Home

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by Chase, T. A.

  you being here.”

  Wasn’t that offer exactly what Chaz wanted? Hiding away from the world for another

  week or two before he headed out to Tulsa for the next event? It would give him a little time


  LEAVING HOME T.A. Chase 27

  to cut back on the pills. He tried not to take too many of them each night while he worked. So far, he’d been doing a good job of disguising his problems.

  “I appreciate the offer, and I accept.” He gritted his teeth as he pushed his battered

  body to his feet. “I think I’m going to hit the hay now. Haven’t got a lot of sleep lately.”

  Peter didn’t say anything, simply watched as Chaz shuffled his way out of the living

  room. Chaz made sure Peter couldn’t see him before bracing his hand on the wall and taking a shallow breath. He needed to find the Vicodin fast or he wasn’t going to be able to move within the next day or two.

  Maybe you should’ve listened to your doctor and had the surgery. It would’ve helped with the pain. Matthew’s voice taunted him with its logic.

  “Then I wouldn’t be able to do my job, jackass,” Chaz muttered as he continued down

  the hallway towards his room. “They wanted to fuse some of my vertebrae, making it

  impossible for me to move the way I need to be able to save the riders.”

  You’ve always been so stubborn.

  There had been no truer statement than that. Chaz got into the room without anything

  terrible happening. He didn’t even think about brushing his teeth or stripping out of his clothes. In spite of the pain, his body demanded rest, and Chaz wasn’t going to argue with it.

  He’d work a plan out in the morning, when he wasn’t so tired.


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  Chapter Three

  “Will your friend be getting up for breakfast?” Margie asked as Peter walked into the


  He brushed a kiss over her cheek as he passed her to head to the coffee pot. After

  getting his morning coffee, he shrugged. “I have no idea. I’ll admit he’s not really a friend.

  Just some guy I met yesterday while I was in Cheyenne.”

  “And you thought it was a good idea to bring him here?” Margie sent him a quick

  glance before turning back to tend to the eggs on the stove.

  Peter sat at the table then set his cup in front of him. He frowned, staring at the plate of toast. “I’m not sure what I was thinking when I did it. I just knew I wanted to be home, and I didn’t feel like wandering around with a sick man, trying to find his hotel.”

  Margie snorted, and Peter looked at her, surprised that such an unladylike sound had

  come from her.

  “He wasn’t sick. He was going through withdrawal. Did you find any kind of drugs on

  him?” Margie scooped the eggs onto the plate, then added some bacon before bringing it

  over to him.

  “Yes. I gave him two before we went to bed. I think he’s in a lot of pain. He’s a

  bullfighter for the rodeo, though he said he does mostly PBR events now. Maybe Chaz is

  recovering from an injury.” Peter waited until Margie had joined him before he started to eat.

  Peter loved the fact that Margie ate with them instead of taking her meals in the kitchen when the rest were in the dining room. Les told him that there were several families out east who treated their housekeepers and maids like servants.

  It didn’t make sense to him to treat people like that. Just because they worked for

  someone didn’t mean they were less than the people paying them. Margie was more like a

  mother to all the men who lived or worked on the ranch.

  “I’m a little surprised he didn’t need more than two to stop the withdrawal. He didn’t

  look good when you arrived.” Margie seemed to be thinking about something.

  “Maybe he just wanted to take the edge off. He might not be as bad off as you think,”

  Peter suggested.


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  Margie tilted her head in silent disagreement. She chose to change the subject. “Are you

  working today?”

  “Yes. I have to call a few companies to get some information from them. I need to pay a

  couple of bills as well.” He remembered something. “I also have to make sure I order some more feed to be delivered.”

  “Well, finish up your breakfast and get to work. I have to clean the master suite today. I warned Master Les and Randy I was going to do it while they were away.” Margie pushed

  her chair back before she stood.

  Peter laughed. “I hope they hid their supplies.”

  “You are bad.” She slapped him in the arm, but smiled as she took her plate to the sink.

  After eating everything, he climbed to his feet. Peter carried his plate over to her. She took it from him, but he stayed there.

  “As soon as Chaz is up and moving, I plan on running him back into Cheyenne to drop

  him off at his hotel.” He wanted to reassure Margie that Chaz wasn’t going to be staying

  there much longer.

  Margie rested her hand on his arm. “Peter, I’m not worried about Chaz being here. Not

  really. We can take care of ourselves. I’m worried about you getting too caught up in saving him. Some people don’t want to be saved, no matter what they say.”

  Peter took a deep breath. “I know, but I couldn’t just leave him there, Margie. What if

  someone had robbed him, or worse?”

  “You’re a good man, Peter. Do what you feel is necessary, and if it means you offer him

  a room for as long as he wants, then I’m fine with it. As long as you get permission from Master Les about it,” Margie qualified.

  “Thank you, Margie, but I’m pretty sure, once I drop him off at the hotel, that’ll be the last I see of Chaz O’Brien.”

  Margie hummed, and Peter wrinkled his nose at her before he left to head to the office.

  He shared it with Les, which actually meant it was pretty much Peter’s personal space. Les liked to work outside on the patio, if he was doing paperwork. Most of the time, though, he was out in the arenas, working with riders and horses.

  Peter was happy to see Les’ new business, training showjumpers and their riders, was

  going strong. It kept Les in the sport he’d grown up loving—once he’d been one of the best


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  show riders in the world. Then an accident had taken away the chance to compete, and Les

  had come out west.

  Of course, it was the best thing that could have happened for a lot of people, and Peter

  was one of them. Les was one of the best men Peter had ever met, and he wouldn’t risk doing anything that might hurt Les or the people he cared about. So if he decided to ask Chaz to stay longer, he’d talk to Les first.

  Before Peter could reach the office, he spotted Chaz coming from the guest wing. He

  waited at the intersection of the hallways. Chaz looked good after a full night of sleep, though his eyes were still pretty bloodshot and he moved stiffly as he headed towards Peter.

  “Good morning, Chaz. I hope you’re feeling better.” He smiled at Chaz.

  Jumping slightly and grimacing like he was in pain, Chaz glanced over at him.

  “Morning, man. I’m doing better than I was yesterday, that’s for sure.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Peter motioned towards the kitchen. “Margie should still be cleaning

  up. If you’re hungry, I’m sure she’d make you something. I know she folded your clothes

  and left them in your room.”

  “Yeah. I saw them. I hope the coffee’s ready.” Chaz yawned slightly. �
�I need it to wake


  Peter chuckled. “This is a ranch. Of course there’s going to be coffee. Randy can’t

  function without it first thing in the morning. Margie makes a good strong brew.”

  “Good.” Chaz turned to head down the hall. He paused, then glanced back at Peter.

  “I’ll come and find you when I get dressed. We can go back to Cheyenne, and I’ll get out of your hair.”

  Nodding, Peter said, “I’ll be in my office. Margie can show you where it is when you’re


  Chaz continued on to the kitchen, and Peter made his way to the office. After shutting

  the door, Peter leaned against it, congratulating himself on not staring at Chaz’s ass as the man had walked away.

  He had to remember that Chaz had problems, and Peter still had his own issues to deal

  with. He’d been in Cheyenne to try to visit his mother in hospital. A family friend had told him she had been diagnosed with cancer, and he’d hoped she would’ve been willing to see

  him, since the illness was so serious. Yet he’d been turned away at the front desk.


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  Peter took a deep breath when he realised he’d forgotten about his mother for a little

  while. Maybe it was a good thing that he’d run across Chaz. Helping Chaz had allowed him

  to push away the hurt and sadness that had been threatening to swallow him when he’d

  stopped at that alley.

  The phone rang before he could start freaking out about what to do about his family.

  He dashed across the room, then answered it.


  “Hello, Peter. How are you doing this afternoon?” Les’ voice came over the phone.

  “Afternoon? Maybe where you are, but for me it’s still morning,” he joked as he sat at

  the desk. He turned the computer on while waiting for Les to speak.

  “Oh right. You’d think I’d remember that, as many times as we’ve come over here.”

  Peter could hear the smile in Les’ voice. He watched the computer screen light up.

  “Shouldn’t you be at a horse show or something?”

  Les sighed. “Yes. We’re actually on our way to the show grounds. Juan’s last class of the day is in about a half-hour, so we want to get there in time to see that.”

  “How has he been doing?”

  Juan was Tony’s nephew, who’d come to live with Tony when he was sixteen. The boy

  had come out to his family and they had disowned him, just like they’d done with Tony.

  Thank God, Juan had Tony and all the people who had become Tony’s family to support


  “Really well. He’s placed first in two classes, and second in a third. This class has the stiffest competition for him, but I think his horses are good quality, so he has a chance to win.

  As long as he doesn’t get too cocky.”

  Peter loved listening to Les discussing different classes and horses. It was clear the man knew his horseflesh and the people who rode them. He wasn’t Juan’s trainer, but Juan

  could’ve done worse than choose Les.

  “Well, he is Tony’s nephew, so you might have to keep an eye on him about that,” Peter

  reminded Les.

  Les chuckled. “True. I’ll make sure to let Tony know you said that.”

  “Thanks. Throw me to the wolves.” He brought up some of the spreadsheets he needed

  to go over for the ranch. “I’m planning on paying the vet bills, and the farrier ones as well.

  Plus I’ll be placing the feed order.”


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  “Fine with me. Just email me the totals for all of them.”

  It was something Peter always did. Les trusted him to make payments and orders, but

  he liked to look over the numbers when he had the time.

  “I’ll do that.”

  “How did your friend enjoy the guest suite last night?” Les’ casual question caused

  Peter to jerk slightly.

  “Oh. Chaz says he had a good night’s sleep. I’m running him back to Cheyenne today

  to grab his truck.” For some reason, Peter felt nervous, wiping his hand on his jeans.

  “Isn’t he staying for a longer visit? Seems strange to stay for one night.”

  He’d never really lied to Les, and he discovered he didn’t want to start.

  “Actually, I ran across Chaz in an alley in Cheyenne.”

  “Peter, you know what we’ve told you about going into alleyways. You weren’t hurt or

  anything?” Les’ concern vibrated over the phone.

  Peter shook his head, forgetting Les couldn’t see him. “No, I’m fine. I couldn’t leave

  him lying there, Les. He needed a place to clean up and sleep.”

  “Doesn’t he have a hotel room or something? What was wrong with him?” Les was

  going into worried older brother mode.

  Sighing, Peter leant back in the chair and stared up at the ceiling. “Yes, but at the time he couldn’t remember where it was and he didn’t have a key on him. I’ll admit I wasn’t

  thinking very clearly myself. I’d just got some bad news. All I really wanted was to get home and lick my wounds.”

  “What bad news? Peter, do you need us to come home? We will, or, at least, Randy and

  I can fly home tonight if you need us.”

  Les’ offer touched Peter. It reminded him that he was part of a special family who

  would do anything to help him, even if it meant flying overnight from Germany to be there for him.

  “There’s nothing you can do. Stay there and cheer Juan on. I’ll talk to you about it when you get back next week.” Peter didn’t want to ruin Les and Randy’s vacation. “I can deal

  with it for now.”

  Les was silent for a few minutes, then said, “If you think Chaz should stay at the ranch, then you offer him the guest suite. I’m sure you had your reasons for bringing him there. I trust you, Peter, and you won’t let anything happen to Margie, or any of the other guys.”


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  “Thank you, Les. To be honest, I think it might be a good idea for Chaz to stay here.

  Maybe he needs a friend or two to keep an eye on him.” Peter wasn’t sure how he was going to help Chaz, but he wanted to try.

  “Everyone can use a little help once in a while. We just have to be willing to ask for it.”

  Les sounded like he spoke from experience, and Peter knew how difficult it had been for Les to come back from his injury. “Now that’s settled, I have to go. We’re almost at the show grounds, and I know you have things to do as well.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sure I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Peter didn’t mind Les checking in every


  “Tell Margie I’ll call her tomorrow as well.”

  “I certainly will, and tell the guys I said hi. Hope they’re all having fun.”

  “Will do. Goodbye.” Les hung up.

  Peter set his phone down, and got the email ready to send to Les. The spreadsheets and

  bill payments were sent, then he placed the feed orders. When he thought of the amount of money going to an out-of-town supplier, his heart sank. If his grandfather hadn’t been such an asshole to Les, he would have been banking all of it, and the family wouldn’t be


  But being gay was enough reason for Grandfather to deny Les service, and it didn’t

  matter how much that hurt his grandfather’s business and his family. He looked at his

  phone, trying to decide if calling the hospital would be worth the trouble.

  He knew his mother wouldn’t answer the phone, or tell him anything, but maybe he

  could call the nurse’s
desk and find out what her status was. Shaking his head, Peter figured it wasn’t important at that moment.

  After working for another thirty minutes or so, Peter glanced up when the door opened.

  Chaz strolled in, holding a cup of coffee. Peter watched as Chaz sat with a sigh.

  “Did you eat something, or have you just been drinking coffee?” Peter was pretty sure

  filling his stomach with simply caffeine wasn’t the best idea for Chaz, especially after the rough day he’d had yesterday.

  “Yes, I did. Margie made sure I ate two full plates of breakfast.” Chaz laughed. “She’s

  quite a nice lady, very insistent, but I can tell she cares about you, and the other guys who live here.”


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  Peter laughed as well. “Margie is a wonderful lady. She has to be to deal with all of the people who come through this ranch. I heard Tony describe this place as a human Humane

  Society. Les has a habit of collecting strays, housing them for a while until they get on their feet, then letting them back into the world.”

  “Is that what’s going on with you? Is that why you’re living here? You’re a stray Les

  picked up off the street?” Chaz sipped his coffee.

  “Yes, though he’s told me several times I’m more than welcome to stay.” Peter wrinkled

  his nose while he thought for a moment. “I like it here.”

  “You’ll stay until you get a better offer? Or have a reason to move on?” Chaz asked,

  seeming really interested in Peter’s answer.

  Peter took some time to think about what he was going to say. “To be honest, I’ve never

  thought about leaving here. See, as much as I love my family and would’ve done anything

  for them, I knew the moment I told them about me, they would throw me away like a used


  “Very descriptive, Peter. Why did you tell them about yourself? Couldn’t you have

  lived without saying a word to them, especially if you knew what the consequences would

  be?” Chaz looked puzzled.

  Peter stood up before walking over to the window. He propped his shoulder against the

  wall next to it as he watched some of the ranch hands going about their business. Their


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