Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1)

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Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1) Page 11

by Brenna Harlow

  Kora nods, deep in thought. "Is that really how you see me?"

  I shift my head to the side, and my brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

  Like this. Do you really see me this way?

  Vivid images invade my thoughts. Kora’s back illuminated by the moonlight. Her eyes as they glint under the rays of the sun. The blush on her cheeks when she's embarrassed. Her body underneath mine as we make love.

  Yes. You are everything I could have ever wished for, all packaged into one bewitching female. I brush my hand over her cheek in a gentle caress.

  Kora smiles, and it feels as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. She doesn't hate me, at least not completely.

  "Hate you?" Kora looks from my head down to my chest, and then lower. "After the night you just gave me, I don't think I could ever hate you."

  I throw my head back and laugh. Kora swats me on the arm, and then she giggles. It is the first time I have heard her laugh in such a way. I tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  Kora glances down and crosses her arms over her chest. "Um, not to be a prude, but you owe me some new clothes."

  "You can have my shirt. It's," I gesture to my hand in the far corner, "there."

  As Kora rises, her stomach growls again, this time loud and demanding.

  "I've been a terrible male. Let me start your fire, so you may feast like the queen that you are." I stand and cross the room to the small heap of glowing embers. A bundle of sticks lie abandoned by the tunnel, and I stack them.

  "Lighter, my mate?" I sneak a glance over my shoulder just as Kora pulls my long shirt over her head. It falls down to her knees.

  She smiles brightly and grabs her pants, pulling the lighter free from its pocket. Her finger flicks against its metal nub. "Already on it."


  Okay, so I don't crave blood. At least I don't think so, because this can of beans tastes really fucking good.

  Aldeon sits on the other side of the fire, staring at me as I eat. And I don't even have to wonder what he's thinking. I just know. And that... makes me feel pretty damn good. Like somehow, we're equals.

  Aldeon tosses a rock to me.

  "What?" I plop another spoonful of beans into my mouth.

  "Test your theory. Smash it."

  I nearly choke on my food. "Um, I'm sorry, what?"

  "Break it. If you have my strength, it should be easy, like squashing a bug."

  I eye the rock. It's no bigger than the palm of my hand, and is smooth all over. I sit my can of food to the side, fishing the rock into my fingers. "Just smash it? Just like that?"

  Aldeon smiles, and his fangs glint against the flames of the fire. "Just like that."

  I grip the rock in my hand and squeeze. And then squeeze harder, and harder, so hard that my face constricts into a grimace. I sigh and drop the stone back to the ground. "No dice."

  Aldeon shrugs. "No worry. I told you, you are not dhampir. You are just my mate."

  Just his mate my ass. "Actually, I'm more than that. I'm a badass."

  Aldeon's brows lift. "Really now?"

  I pick my can back up, raking my spoon across the bottom. "Mhm. A badass. You see any other girls around here surviving the apocalypse, meeting a vampire, and then seducing him into her bed?"

  Aldeon smirks. "No. You are right. There is no other female on this plane as skilled as you." He begins to scoot around the fire, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  "Damn right." I sit my empty can on the ground at my side.

  Now he's beside me, and those dangerous eyes are doing naughty things to my insides. And if I know that, he knows that.

  Aldeon tsks. "It'd be a shame if that shirt got demolished like your others." He tugs on the sleeve of his oversized shirt, the only thing I'm wearing at the moment. "You better remove it, and quick."

  I lick my lips. "Or what?"

  Aldeon’s eyes narrow, and then I'm lifted from the floor. My breath whooshes from my lips as he lays me on the bed. Yep, still not used to his superhuman speed.

  Aldeon's face lowers to mine, claiming me with a searing kiss. My hands thread into his hair, gripping tightly. He catches my lower lip between his teeth and bites, his fangs not breaking the skin. I arch my hips.

  Heat pools between my legs. I want him, and I want him now. I slip my hands in between us and stroke his cock with one hand. He's fully exposed, not bothering to get dressed this morning. My finger circles over his head, smearing his precum. Aldeon moans into my mouth.

  You are going to be the cause of my undoing. Aldeon's voice is loud in my mind, as if being broadcast with a loud speaker.

  Bet. I stroke him faster.

  He growls and pumps into my hand, before grabbing my wrists and relocating my hands above my head. He pierces me with one thrust, and my wetness coats his length. Oh fuck. Not a single one of those college losers could get me this wet.

  Aldeon squeezes my wrist, and slams into me again. You are not meant to think of other men while I am inside of you. You are mine.

  I lift my hips to meet him on his next pump, and his mouth parts. And you’re mine. From now on, it's me and you, baby.

  He loosens his grip on my wrists, and I pull free, threading my hands into his hair again. His hands move to my shoulders, pulling me down as he thrusts. I can feel the heat rising, the tingle in my core peaking, and I bite Aldeon's shoulder to muffle my scream. He growls again, and his hand moves to my clit.

  "Aldeon, are you here?"

  Aldeon goes rigid, and I lift my head. Someone else is inside of our cave.

  Before I can even piece together what is happening, Aldeon dislodges himself and pulls my shirt down to cover my privates.

  The intruder stands in the tunnel, concealed by the darkness. I can see the tall outline of his body, and his eyes as they shine red in the dark. Oh shit.

  Aldeon starts blabbing in his language, words that are sharpened and fueled by hate. I look to his mind for a translation.

  I told you not to bother me while I am with my female. Do you come to steal her away? Is that it? Aldeon makes a terrifying noise, a mix between a hiss and a guttural growl, and I fold into myself, clutching my arms against my chest.

  The creature stalks forward, revealing himself by the light of the fire. He isn't what I expected. No foaming at the mouth, no teeth bared for my consumption. Only black eyes, flaked with red, just like Aldeon’s. His hair is shoulder length and auburn in color. Hands are raised in surrender.

  Aldeon shoots across the room, his manhood swinging between his legs as he tackles the other vampire to the floor. I move, stumbling across the bed as I reach for my bag. Guns. If I can shoot him, maybe he'll get frightened and run away. Or at least distracted enough for Aldeon to take him out.

  Grunts sound off in the corner, and the vampire speaks. I use Aldeon as a translator.

  Hey! I came to warn you of the others! I am not here for these savage games, warrior!

  My gun reflects the orange flames as I lift it. Aldeon is pinning the other vampire down, and he leans back, as if knowing what I'm about to do. I exhale and shoot, once. The bullet slaps against the vampire's chest and falls to the ground, barely leaving a mark. Shit. Aldeon pushes the vampire back down to the ground and speaks, this time in English.

  "You have five seconds to explain yourself. What do you mean, you came to warn us?"

  "I've been trying to tell you for days! You would not listen!" The vampire's face contorts into a grimace as Aldeon's elbow digs into his stomach.

  "What's he talking about?" I'm still holding the gun up, level and ready if the need arises. My hands shake. One minute, I'm getting ruthlessly railed by my vampire boyfriend, and the next, I'm fearing for my life. Great, just fantastic.

  "I've been calling for you. There's another, one who is herding the mad ones, rallying them to find her." The vampires arm shoots out, pointing straight at me.

  Oh, fuck.


  I pin Brone back onto the stone floor. "
Who is rallying?"

  "Let me up. I am on your side, brother. Would I have come all this way to be dishonest?"

  No, he wouldn't. But he would come all this way for another reason. To steal my female away from me, so he could keep her for himself. Brone's eyes narrow.

  "That is blasphemy. You know that it is a death sentence to try and steal another's Fated."

  "And yet, here you are." My fangs ache in my mouth, eager to tear into flesh.

  "Yes, I am here, trying to save her. The others are mad, but their leader... He is full of the darkness, feeding it. He is the one who has scented your mate."

  "And how do you know this?"

  Brone bucks underneath me, but my hold is strong. He will not be able to escape my grasp. If he is truly here to help, then he owes me an explanation, especially after interrupting my mating with Kora.

  "After you began to ignore me, I tried to reach out to others. He is the only one who responded... But his thoughts are dark, tainted with madness. He scented you with your mate, and is herding the mad ones this way."

  My heart quickens. "Show me."

  Brone furrows his brows, but then I am seeing through his eyes. A mental image appears, of the mad one as he walks past the window of the store holding a rag scented with my female. As he passes by the shop doors, I see his form in the reflection. White hair, with blood caked in the tips. Red eyes rimmed with black. Awareness as he rambles about his plans to conquer me and feed from my mate.

  I release Brone and rise to my feet. He watches me cautiously, a pained expression on his face. It is clear that Brone is not the enemy, and he is most certainly not a warrior. I reach out my palm, and he grasps it firmly as I pull him to his feet. I pat him once on the shoulder.

  "Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on? How do you know him, Aldeon?" I center my attention back on my mate.

  She stands in the corner of the room, shivering, still gripping the fire spitting gun with white knuckles. I pull her into my arms, hugging her to my chest. "Brone. Go outside while I comfort my mate."

  The dhampir mutters before dusting off his pants and exiting the way he arrived.

  Kora pushes away from me, bends down, and tosses up my pants. "Put those on and tell me what's going on before I lose my mind." Her icy blue eyes pierce me as she hardens her gaze.

  "Fine." I slip the stiff material on. "I don't think you are safe here, Kora."

  "Yeah, but why does the vampire want me?" She crosses her arms over her chest. "And how come you never mentioned your little friend out there?" Her finger shoots out, stabbing in the direction of the tunnel.

  "He was no issue. Just a dhampir I met before you came along. He was supposed to stay away." I narrow my eyes. Brone has ruined many things for me on this day, and yet, I am grateful. Though I haven't shown him kindness, he still looks out for his people. I will have to speak with him in private to show my thanks. "His name is Brone."

  "And Brone doesn't want to eat me? He isn't crazy like the others?" Kora shivers.

  "He is harmless. A Scholar, probably. But his warnings are true." I hold my breath, waiting as the realization truly sinks in. "We will have to leave this place. Run from the maddened ones. I cannot fight off as many as this dark male is bringing."

  Kora shakes her head. "No. Where are we going to go? I can't stay out in the open. It's to dangerous and-"

  I pull her to my chest and press my lips to her forehead. "You will not have to worry. I have vowed to protect you."

  Kora makes a distressing sound. "Yeah, but how can you know that? What if they catch up to us? Or what if this is a trap, and they don't even know where I am?"

  Hm, she is right. This could be a trap. But I have seen into Brone's mind, and I know what he saw through the dark one was truthful.

  "We have no other choice. If the dark one has manipulated Brone, he doesn't know it. And if we stay here, your life is threatened."

  Kora's hands wrap around my chest. "You promise you won't let them take me?"

  My heart breaks and rehardens in my chest. This sweet-smelling female is mine. She has given me her body, bonded with me, seen through my faults. I'm not ready to let her be stolen away from me by a vile dhampir.

  "They will never take you from me."


  As Aldeon holds me to his chest, I look over his shoulder at my home. I've been here for so long that it's become more than just a cave. It's become my sanctuary. My refuge, the only place where I was ever truly safe.

  But Aldeon squeezes me, and I know that no matter where I go, he will be there. I wrap my hands around his neck and lift my head, catching his mouth with mine.

  All I ever wanted to say to him is encapsulated within this action, as my lips part and I suck in his warm breath. Aldeon's forehead touches mine. "You'll be safe with me, always."

  I hope so, I think.

  I know so. His words float to my mind, reminding me that he can hear everything that filters through my thoughts.

  "I don't doubt you. Not really." A small smile plays along my lips, and Aldeon's hand moves down my back.

  "Of course you don't." His hand moves lower, cupping my bare ass and giving it a small squeeze.

  "Okay, big guy, that's enough of that. We have company, remember?"

  Aldeon's smile turns down into a frown. "How could I forget?" He leans in and grazes my ear. "We will finish what we started very soon."

  I clear my throat. "Why don't you go and talk to the vampire while I find my pants?"

  Aldeon nods curtly before turning and exiting the cave. I exhale and glance around the room. My pants are on top of the pile of scraps that used to be my clothing. I sweep them into my hands, and then pull them on.

  I cross the room to my box of clothes. I only have a sweater and a tank top left. They're the clothes I was wearing when Cece and I made our way into the city, foolishly thinking we'd find safety. The black tank top is stretched at the hem, with threads hanging loosely at the frayed bottom. The sweater is no better, but alas, I don't have very many options. I curse Aldeon for destroying my new clothes as I pull them both on.

  It’s time to pack. We only have two bags, and I have months’ worth of trinkets stored up. Piles of fabrics, water canteens, glittering geode slabs that I took from the cavern gift shop. I can't very well take everything with me.

  Aldeon reenters the room, and upon seeing me fully dressed, calls out to Brone. The other vampire follows behind him.

  Brone doesn't look as dangerous as I previously thought. He carries himself in a way that seems almost proper, which is made more evident as he bows down to me, hand outstretched.

  "I apologize for approaching under such circumstances." When he rises, his lips are lifted on one side. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

  I wave my hand in dismissal. "No need to be so formal. I'm Kora, which you already know."

  Brone's head dips once, a single nod. "Yes, and I am Brone, Advanced Scholar of Azure."

  "So you're a teacher?" I grab one bag and toss it across the room to Aldeon. He catches it midair and begins to grab cans of food, shoving them inside.

  "Teacher? No. That is a job for the junior Scholars. I spend, spent, my life studying and documenting the history of my people."

  "Hm. So like a historian? Or scientist or something?" As I talk, I fill my other bag. Aldeon's book, my camping stove, the rest of the medicines.

  Brone strokes his chin, deep in thought. "I have not heard of scientists, but history, yes. I would love to learn more of your species, to document-"

  "Here, why don't you help out? You can wrap some food up in this blanket and carry it." I toss the bundle of fleece his way, and he catches it.

  "Very well." Brone begins to lift cans of food, but examines their labels before tossing them onto the blanket.

  After all of the bags are stuffed, there's nothing left to do but leave. My cave feels empty, bare. I wish that I had a camera, so I could take a photograph of the stalactites. Melancholy hangs in t
he air like a dark cloud.

  Aldeon's hand traces my back, and the warmth of his fingertips seep in through my skin. "Are you ready?"

  I sigh. "No, but doesn't look like I have much of a choice."

  Brone stands in front of the tunnel entrance, looking at a hanging column of limestone. I guess not all vampires are bloodthirsty monsters.

  "Clearly," Aldeon adds, reading my mind.

  I slap his chest. "Hey. Stay outta my private thoughts."

  His lips form a tight line, as if he's trying not to smile.

  With one last look at the cave, I leave through the tunnel, grabbing Aldeon’s suncatcher on my way. I stuff it into the side of my bag.

  "Okay. I'm ready." The bitter cold slaps against my cheeks as I push the door aside. I take a step into the murky outdoors, ready to face whatever dangers may come.


  I follow Kora out of her cavern. She’s pained from having to leave her home, but maybe we can reclaim what is being stolen, when the time is right.

  "Where is this mystery dhampir located?"

  Brone walks a few steps behind us, his head raised as he gazes at the gray clouds overhead. "He is near the town center, sniffing out your mate. The last I spoke to him was this morning, while he rounded up more dhampirs."

  Kora's back straightens, and her heartbeat thumps in my ear. I place a hand on the center of her back as we march down the dirt roadway.

  "Why must he gather the mad ones? Why not come and fight me himself?"

  Brone shrugs. "Maybe he saw what destruction you caused to those who tried to feed from your bonded."

  So he fears me, as he should. Once he shows his face, I will be sure to rip it off with my teeth. I rub a circle over my mate’s back. She has nothing to fear, not when my fierce urge to protect her is rising by the minute. My seed has spilled between her legs, and already a kit may be growing within her womb.

  We reach the end of the dirt path, and the pavement stretches out before us.


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