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Archaic Page 11

by Lexy Timms

“You know something,” Sebastian says as he morphs back. “You gave that ring to that boy’s father.”

  “Nothing but a present.”

  “I doubt that,” I say.

  “He knows more than he’s saying. And nice ass, Rover.”

  Penny comes running up to us, her clothes still intact as she stares up at Merti. I watch her eyes grow wide, sending Merti into some sort of trance. Sebastian looks down at her as a grin spreads across his face.

  Does he know what’s going on?

  “Please, Merti. What do you know about the ring?” Penny asks.

  I watch the man squirm in Sebastian’s grasp as he tries to divert his gaze.

  “Nothing,” the man says.

  But he’s struggling.

  Is Penny doing something to him?

  “Please,” Penny says as she takes a step closer. “I’m begging you. I really want to know about that ring. It was so pretty and so shiny. And the design! Oh, I fell in love with it.”

  Her eyes are growing bigger, and even I can feel myself falling into the trance. I know opossums are manipulative, but I never assumed it to be an actual power. A sense that can be exploited under the right circumstances.

  Suddenly, I hear it. Clarissa’s cries. Heaving sobs dripping from her lips. Sebastian turns his head and loses his grasp on Merti, and he takes off. Pushing us down and knocking us off balance.

  But he’s soon back. Pinned at the neck by Clarissa’s strong grasp.

  And in her hand is a picture.

  “Where did you get this?” Clarissa asks.

  Merti’s smile is positively disgusting.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Where. Did you get it?” she asks again.

  I move around her, angling myself so I can see the picture.

  “What is it?” Sebastian asks.

  “It’s a picture of her and Kyle,” I say.

  “How do you have this?” Clarissa roars.

  The ground above our heads begins to shake, and I can feel the walls starting to give way. She’s too powerful to be buried. Too angry for us to be underground. Her voice alone will cave us in like a Dragon’s fierce breath, and we will all die before we have any answers.

  “I am Igo’s second-hand man at Council. You cannot harm me if you want answers.”

  “Igo. Did you just say Igo?” I ask.

  “Who the hell is Igo?” Sebastian asks.

  “Good question, pup,” Penny says.

  “Who took this fucking picture?” Clarissa asks, her fangs bared and her claws protruding from her hands.

  She really is a sight when she begins to change. I’ve been enjoying watching her discover this side of herself.

  “Not the right question,” Igo says with a grin. “So fixated on him and not enough on the rest of you.”

  The picture drops from Clarissa’s hand, and she pins Merti up onto the wall. His feet are dangling, and he’s gurgling on his own blood. She’s crushing his windpipe with her bare hands as her eyes begin to flicker through colors. Green and gold and brown and blue. Purple and red and yellow and white. She can’t kill him. Not in this kind of rage. She would never be able to forgive herself.

  But Sebastian beats me to the punch.

  He thrusts himself into Clarissa, and she turns her anger onto him. She’s swiping at his face and clawing at his chest. Burying her hands into his skin as he howls in pain. Penny is backing away from everything, her eyes wide with fear. Opossums aren’t meant for things like this. They aren’t built to take on fights of this magnitude. They are manipulators. They play with their minds.

  They aren’t physical creatures.

  I can hear Clarissa and Sebastian battling one another as I stalk toward Merti. He’s so entranced by the fighting that he doesn’t even see me approaching. I wrap his arm around his back and bend him forward, pressing the top of his head into the dead-end wall.

  Then my lips lower slowly to his ear.

  “Igo will never get away with this,” I say. “None of you will.”

  And before he can say another word, I run his body into the wall, snapping his neck on impact.

  Chapter 17

  ~ Sebastian

  Ipress Clarissa into the wall as her fangs are bared to me. She swipes at my face, and I back away, trying to dodge her claws.

  The fire in her eyes is unmistakable. She’s clouded by the anger of her Wolf. I press my hands into her shoulders and shove her back into the wall, hoping the jarring of the rock behind her back will knock some sense into her.

  I don’t want to hurt her.

  But she can’t kill Merti.

  “Get out of my way!” Clarissa roars.

  “No,” I say plainly.

  “Look at what you’re doing, Clarissa. Take a good, hard look.”

  “Out of my head. Now.”

  She charges past me, but my hand wraps around her wrist. I slam her back into the wall, and she whimpers. The sound breaks my heart. I’ve hurt her. The one thing I promised I would never do.

  Never cause her. But she’s out of control, and I can’t let her do something I know she will regret.

  I watch her eyes flicker as her claws retract. She slides down the rock wall, her body dropping to the ground. I fall to my knees and gather her in my arms, holding her as she morphs slowly back into her human form.

  I can feel blood trickling from the back of her head, and it makes me sick.

  “Oh, my gosh,” Clarissa says breathlessly. “What have I done?”

  “Nothing. You did nothing,” I say.

  “I’m a monster.”

  “No, you're not.”

  “What did I tell you about being in my head?”

  “Not this time. I won’t allow you to believe something like that about yourself.”

  I pull her body closer to mine as the two of us stand up. No more blood is trickling down her neck, but a nasty crack resonates from behind me. I press Clarissa’s face into my chest and stroke her hair as I turn my head, and all I can see is Toshi holding a lifeless Merti in his arms.

  What the hell has that Cat done now?

  I can feel Clarissa shivering in my arms. With every stroke my fingers fan through her hair, she pushes herself closer to me. I know I’m leveraging her feelings. Taking advantage of the bond I forced on her by licking her wounds clean. But the electricity I can feel coursing through her body is settling her raging mind down.

  She’s no longer screaming at herself.

  She wraps her arms around me, and I turn us toward Toshi. He’s eyeing us curiously, watching my movements carefully. I couldn’t give a shit less what that mangy fur ball thought. He’s the one holding our only lead dead in his hands. He drops Merti to the floor, and it kicks up a wind. A wind that flutters the picture on the floor over to my feet.

  I drop my hands from Clarissa and hear her whimper as I pick it up from the floor.

  It’s a picture of her and Kyle. From their wedding ceremony.

  Clarissa is wearing her beautiful white dress, and she is staring lovingly into the eyes of Kyle. A pang of hurt rushes through my heart. I’d come to somehow accept the presence of a feeble human in my life. He was a good one. A trustworthy one. One I’d vowed to keep safe from the world Clarissa had been thrust into.

  But it’s the look in her eyes I can’t shake.

  The look of pure love. The look only one true mate could give another.

  A look she would never give me.

  “Where did you get this picture from?” I ask.

  Clarissa’s eyes are volleying between Toshi and Merti.

  “What happened?” she asks.

  “Clarissa, pay attention. Where did you get this?”

  I thrust the picture into her view and watch the anger boil behind her eyes again.

  “There’s a side room off the main corridor. Hiro’s still in there,” she says.

  “Then that’s where we go,” I say. “And as for you, Toshi.”

  He stands tall and stron
g, ready for me to pounce. And I have half a mind to.

  “What the fuck were you thinking? I stopped Clarissa from killing that Cat, and you go and do it yourself?”

  “Trust me. There is nothing he could have afforded us,” Toshi says.

  “And I’m supposed to take the word of a traitor?” I ask.

  I watch Toshi’s cheek twitch as I turn back to Clarissa.

  “Show us this room. We need to see it,” I say.

  But her eyes are still trained on Merti. I reach out and cup her cheek, forcing her gaze to mine. There are so many emotions running behind her eyes. Fear. Anger. Loneliness. Hurt. I can smell her want for revenge, and it energizes my body. Wolves live off anger. Thrive off fear. We use what most species consider weaknesses to the very best of our strengths. I resist the urge to run my thumb across her pouted lower lip. I resist the urge to

  fist her hair and bring her lips to mine. To indulge in the mesmerizing aroma of her strength.

  “Back away before I can’t.”

  She takes a step away from me as I bury my animalistic urges. My groin is pulsing and my veins are bulging at my hips. Flooding my pelvis with blood and a need to seek out her heat. Toshi and I follow her down the corridor toward the room Hiro is still occupying.

  A room torn to shreds by the scavenger looking for answers.

  “Found anything useful?” I ask.

  “There are documents here I’m still trying to decipher,” Hiro says. “It might take me a few more minutes.”

  “Hopefully, Penny’s been more useful,” I say.

  “Hey, Hiro’s been plenty useful,” Toshi says.

  I shoot him a look as a growl rumbles in my chest.

  “You don’t want to start that fight now,” I say.

  “Or what? You’re going to kill me?” Toshi asks.

  “That’s more up your alley, judging by the state of Merti back there.”

  “He isn’t going to get away with this. And killing him might pull Igo out of whatever hidey-hole he’s in,” Toshi says.

  “Who’s Igo?” Penny asks.

  We all turn our heads towards Toshi as Clarissa heaves a heavy sigh.

  “It’s a good question,” she says. “One that needs answering if we’re going to go from here.”

  I see Toshi look at Hiro before I reach out and grab his hair.

  “Start talking,” I say.

  “Down boy,” Penny says.

  All eyes are on Clarissa, waiting for her to bat me down. Waiting for her to step in and give the command that I stop my tactics.

  But she doesn’t.

  All she’s doing is staring at the wall.

  “You really should keep your anger at bay, dog,” Toshi says.

  “Your jealousy is showing.”

  “There’s no jealousy here. Only a searing hot anger at you killing our only lead.”

  “So you’re completely over Theo marking Clarissa?” he asks.

  I wrench his head back before I force him into the wall.

  “Sebastian, stop it!” Penny exclaims.

  “The two of you need to leave the manly displays of strength for another time,” Hiro says. “I have something.”

  My nostrils are flaring. I can smell the mockery wafting off Toshi’s form. He’s grinning at me, and his eyes are narrowed. He knows something he’s not telling us. And I’m not in the mood to play games.

  “I’m not letting you go until you tell me who Igo is. Otherwise, I might kill you myself.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  I whip my head over to Clarissa and find her tired eyes staring into mine.

  “And she finally tugs the leash,” Toshi says, grinning.

  I put the Cat back down onto his feet, and he clears his throat.

  “Igo is a very old Cat. Very wise, very cunning, and very quick.

  He disappeared from the Council a long time ago, but no one knew why. There were rumors of someone replacing him, but beyond, that I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t until Merti said he was Igo’s replacement on the Council that it made sense.”

  “What made sense?” Penny asks.

  “Igo’s beliefs have always been less than honorable. Cats are the superior race, but he feels Cats should be the only race.”

  “Cats are hardly the superior race,” I say with a growl.

  “Says the wolf whose chain is yanked by a woman,” Toshi says.

  “Enough with the bickering,” Clarissa says. “Or you’re all going home.”

  “We have a problem,” Hiro says.

  “Of course, we do,” I say, murmuring.

  “These documents of Merti’s, they’re written in a fusion of old Chinese and current Japanese. It took me a while to figure out

  when he was switching between the two, but now that I have it, it’s not good,” Hiro says.

  “Get on with it,” Clarissa says breathlessly.

  “And get out of my mind, Sebastian.”

  “You’re getting better at sensing me.”

  “It’s not hard when you won’t stop staring at me.”

  I force my eyes over to Hiro as I cross my arms over my chest.

  “So? What is it?” I ask.

  “The documents claim that Merti is not working for Igo.”

  “Does it say who he’s working for?” Toshi asks.

  Hiro’s eyes raise to mine, and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  “No, he isn’t,” I say.

  “It’s right here,” Hiro says.

  “What does it say? What does it say?” Penny asks.

  “We need to see Lord Wesley, and now,” I say.

  “Why?” Clarissa asks.

  “Merti’s working for Lord Wesley. That’s what it says, doesn’t it?” I ask.

  “According to these documents, yes. Merti was getting close to Igo and feeding Lord Wesley information,” Hiro says.

  “A Cat working with the representative of the Wolves on the Council?” Toshi asks.

  “Why would a Cat be working with a Wolf?” Clarissa asks. “I can’t keep you and Toshi from killing each other half the time.”

  “I can’t believe it, either. It’s a pairing no one would have thought,” I say.

  “Which is why Merti probably formed it,” Toshi says. “Cats are cunning to their core. Merti would’ve known Igo would’ve never suspected an allied force with the representative of the Wolves.”

  “Where would we find this Lord?” Clarissa asks.

  “Oh, no. You're not going on this one,” I say.

  “What? Why not? This Cat has pictures of Kyle and me in some den underground in the middle of Egypt, Sebastian.”

  “Lord Wesley is ruthless. I know his son, Vlad. And he isn’t any better.”

  “So what?”

  “The moment they sense you’re different, they’re going to pounce.

  Word of this has trickled through the community, I’m sure.”

  “There’s got to be a way. I’m not letting you go alone, and I sure as hell am not allowing any of you guys to take the reins on this,” she says.

  “And why not?” Toshi asks.

  “Because you killed Merti without a second thought, and I’m not so sure there isn’t an ulterior motive,” she says.

  I watch Toshi’s heart shatter right before my eyes. I can smell the putrid scent of sadness dripping from his body.

  “You’re not going with me.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Yes, I am,” Clarissa says.

  “I know there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “You’re not going to like it.”

  “Try me.”

  A growl rises up my throat as my eyes lock onto Clarissa’s.

  “If you walk into that den of Wolves, and you’re unmated, they’ll pounce. Lord Wesley’s an alpha, and his son is as well. If you’ve been bred to mate with any species, then I have to assume you’re always bred to mate with an alpha. And if you're not attached to an alpha already, you’re fre
e to be claimed by them.”

  I watch Clarissa’s shoulders slump as my words swirl through her mind.

  “The only way you can come with me safely is if you pose as my mate,” I say.

  “Told you you weren’t going to like it.”

  Chapter 18

  ~ Clarissa

  I’m growing tired of planes. Jetting around the world and landing on continents Kyle and I always spoke of traveling to together.

  He promised me I would see the world. That as long as he existed in my life, I would see all of the wonders of every single continent.

  I had no idea it would be while I am avenging his death.

  Yes, this is for all of us. Keeping all of us safe from a betrayal in the highest offices of the Primal. But for me, this would always be personal. They are responsible for taking the love of my life away. They are responsible for turning the happiest night of my life into my worst nightmare. They are responsible for leaving my husband behind with no face, no skin, and barely any organs to keep his heart pumping.

  Kyle died in agony.

  And I will make sure they all die the same way.

  I stare at the clouds passing us by as we jet from Egypt to Russia. It seems like a lifetime ago that Kyle was murdered, but it has only been a month. I lean my head against the window and sigh, thinking about all the times Kyle spoke of going to Russia.

  He always teased me. Saying he would take me in the middle of the winter just to be snowed in with me. We would pack out the kitchen and buy up all the alcohol and wrap ourselves up in blankets and watch the snow fall for days.

  I blink away the tears along with the memory as I heave a heavy sigh.

  The plane is creaking as we hit turbulence crossing the barrier into Russia. It’s like the country senses our arrival. Senses us coming to rip it to shreds. I am ready. Ready to pose as whatever I need to be to get the answers I’m seeking. Though part of me is battling the idea of posing as Sebastian’s mate, I know it’s the only way to be safe in the country. To keep me in this mission so I can keep finding the answers I seek.

  And if acting like his mate gets me closer to avenging mine, then so be it.

  “How are you feeling?”

  I look over and watch Toshi drop down into the seat next to me.

  “Do you ever make a sound when you’re walking?” I ask.

  “No. And if you try, you probably won’t either,” he says with a grin.


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