by Alan M Wald
Eisner, Dorothy, 133
Eliot, T. S., 75, 77, 78, 80, 88, 94, 142, 176, 195, 209, 221; The Waste Land, 219
El Salvador, 7, 344, 345
Encounter, 16, 277, 312, 349, 351
Engdahl, Louis, 174
Engels, Frederick, 95, 116–27 passim, 159, 160, 306, 344, 369, 374
Enquiry, 350–51
Epstein, Jason: “The CIA and the Intellectuals,” 363–64
Erber, Ernest, 283–85, 289
Facing Reality, 304
Fadiman, Clifton, 33, 49, 61, 68, 131, 156, 259; “How I Came to Communism,” 49
Farrell, Dorothy (born Butler), 82
Farrell, Hortense (born Alden), 83, 141
Farrell, James T. (pseud. O’Neal), 7, 11, 87, 91, 130–39 passim, 141, 148, 175, 192, 194, 211, 216, 236–39, 249–63, 272, 273, 277, 304, 313, 318, 388 (n. 23); biographical sketch, 82–85, 252, 256, 258–59, 261, 263 —individual works of fiction: Calico Shoes and Other Stories, 82; Young Lonigan, 82; Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, 82; Gas-House McGinty, 82, 96; Judgment Day, 84–85, 88; Tommy Gallagher’s Crusade, 246; The Face of Time, 249–51; Father and Son, 249–51; My Days of Anger, 249–51; No Star Is Lost, 249–51; A World I Never Made, 249–51; Bernard Clare, 250, 251–53; The Road Between, 250, 251–53; Yet Other Waters, 250, 251–53; Sam Holman, 259–61; The Dunne Family, 261
—nonfiction: A Note on Literary Criticism, 83, 220–21, 262; The Fate of Writing in America, 223; “The Value of Literature in Modern Society,” 263
—series of books: Studs Lonigan trilogy, 82–85, 96, 241, 261, 263; O’Neill-O’Flaherty pentalogy, 249–51; Bernard Carr trilogy, 250, 251–53, 258, 260; “A Universe of Time,” 259–62
Fascism, 12, 60, 151, 193–225 passim
Fearing, Kenneth, 46, 97
Federal Writers Project, 81
Fellow-travelers, 5, 20, 92–93, 129–30
Ferguson, Duncan (pseud. Duncan Conway), 303
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 46
Fiedler, Leslie, 7, 312, 370; biographical sketch, 278–79
Field, B. J. See Gould, Max
Finerty, John, 138
Fischer, Louis, 46, 110
Fishman, Sam, 328
Fitelson, William, 287
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 88
Ford, Robert, 61
Fortune, 140, 151, 152, 156
Foster, William Z., 51, 122, 170, 259
Fourth International, 123, 145, 171, 255, 295, 296–300
Fourth International (journal of the Socialist Workers Party), 256
Fowler, Robert Booth, 267
Frank, Waldo, 30, 57, 58, 116, 118, 131
Frankel, Jan (pseud. Glenner), 133, 248
Frankfurt School, 223
Freeman, Joseph, 49, 51, 54, 77, 78, 87
“French Turn,” 106–22, 133
Freud, Sigmund, 28, 126, 134, 235
Friedman, Joseph (pseud. Joe Carter), 15, 182, 183, 187; biographical sketch, 181
Fuentes, Carlos: The Death of Artemio Cruz, 342
Gandleman, Morris, 134
Garfinkel, Herbert, 282, 283
Garland Fund, 54–55
Garrett, Emanuel. See Geltman, Emanuel
Garson, Barbara, 313
Gates, Albert. See Glotzer, Albert Geldman, Max, 401 (n. 25)
Gellert, Hugo, 55
Geltman, Emanuel (pseud. Emanuel Garrett), 15, 108, 321, 323
Geltman, Max (pseud. Max Glee), 182, 187; biographical sketch, 180–81
Geras, Norman, 91
Gershman, Carl, 328, 332
Gide, André, 131
Gilbert, James, 23
Girschick, Meyer “Abe,” 57, 61, 63
Gitlow, Benjamin, 169
Glaberman, Martin, 185; Wartime Strikes, 304
Glass, C. Frank, 108
Glazer, Nathan, 5, 8, 274, 276, 332; Beyond the Melting Pot, 359; The Lonely Crowd, 359
Glee, Max. See Geltman, Max
Glotzer, Albert (pseud. Albert Gates), 15, 135, 138, 139, 173, 183, 204, 317, 323
Gluck, Elsie, 104
Goetz, George (pseud. Victor Francis Calverton), 3, 62, 64, 69, 72, 90, 93–94, 102, 105, 360; The Liberation of American Literature, 111; The Newer Spirit, 111; Sex Expression in Literature, 111; biographical sketch, 111–12
Gold, Mike, 51, 55, 77, 78, 94, 95, 118; Jews without Money, 46; The Hollow Men, 68
Goldman, Albert (born Verblen; pseud. Morrison), 135, 136, 137, 184, 198, 253–57, 283, 284, 286–87, 289, 295, 361; biographical sketch, 253–54, 286–87
Goldwater, Walter, 327
Goodman, Paul, 210
Goodwin, Richard, 340
Gordimer, Nadine: Burger’s Daughter, 339
Gorky, Maxim, 63
Gornick, Vivian, 9
Gotesky, Ruben: biographical sketch, 119
Gould, Esther, 107
Gould, Max (pseud. B. J. Field), 107–8, 182, 186, 301, 322
Gould, Nathan, 183, 283
Gramsci, Antonio: Prison Notebooks, 23
Grant, Ted, 254
Gray, Laura. See Slobe, Laura
Green, Philip, 346; The Pursuit of Inequality, 8
Greenberg, Clement, 5, 7, 194, 208, 218, 222, 249, 273, 276, 318; “Avant-garde and Kitsch,” 207; biographical sketch, 207
Greenberg, Noah, 303
Greenberg, Sol, 207
Gregory, Horace, 58, 87, 97
Grudin, Louis, 61, 63
Gruen, Will, 61, 63
Gruening, Martha, 104
Habermas, Jurgen, 223
Hacker, Louis, 11, 153; biographical sketch, 154; The Farmer Is Doomed, 154; The Triumph of American Capitalism, 154
Hall, Rob, 57
Halper, Albert, 7, 33, 47, 259; Union Square, 68
Hammond, John Henry, Jr., 61
Hansen, Joseph, 299; biographical sketch, 302
Harries, Owen: “A Primer for Polemicists,” 358–59
Harrington, Michael, 7, 191, 295, 328, 329, 330, 332, 353; The Twilight of Capitalism, 289
Harrison, Charles Yale: biographical sketch, 152; Generals Die in Bed, 152; Meet Me at the Barricades, 152
Haskell, Gordon, 291
Haston, Jock, 254
Hathaway, Clarence, 59, 168
Hearst, William Randolph, 246; campaign against Sidney Hook and James Burnham, 4
Hegel, G. W. F., 80, 116, 159, 161; Logic, 160
Hellman, Lillian, 132, 311
Hemingway, Ernest, 66, 179
Henson, Francis, 153
Herberg, Will, 13, 102, 153, 286
Herbst, Josephine, 57
Heritage Foundation, 358, 363
Herron, David, 57
Herron, Elsa-Ruth (born Cohen), 57
Herron, George D., 57, 61
Hicks, Granville, 58, 141
Higham, John, 29
Hillman, Sidney, 6
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 282, 312, 350, 351; The Idea of Poverty, 359
Hindus, Maurice: “The Jew as Radical,” 46–47
Hiss, Alger, 270
Hitler, Adolf, 15, 59, 80, 129, 136, 166, 198, 200, 208, 212
Hitler-Stalin Pact, 65, 187–88, 195, 203
Hobson, Wilder, 86, 140
Hofstadter, Richard, 334
Hollinger, David, 410 (n. 10)
Hollywood Ten, 311, 366
Holocaust, 277, 362, 383 (n. 48)
Hook, Isaac, 50
Hook, Jenny (born Halpern), 50
Hook, Sidney, 29, 40, 41, 42, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 80, 102, 104, 105, 112, 116–27, 130, 132, 147, 148, 153, 178, 181, 193–94, 199, 209, 211, 212, 215, 216, 253, 257, 259, 260, 270, 271, 273, 274, 277, 285, 290–94, 295, 324, 332, 333, 350, 351, 353, 367, 368, 372, 394 (nn. 59, 60); overview of political career, 3–16 passim; on Jewish identity, 28; biographical sketch, 50–54; on Kronstadt, 202
—books: Heresy, Yes—Conspiracy, No, 4, 290, 291; The Metaphysics of Pragmatism, 51; Toward the Understanding of Karl Marx, 119–27 passim, 178, 228, 290, 291; Marx and the Marxists, 290, 291
; —essays: “The Philosophy of Nonresistance,” 50–51; “Philosophical Dialogue,” 51; “The Failure of the Left,” 210–11; “The New Failure of Nerve,” 210–11, 231; “‘Bashing’ the Raj,” 294
Horowitz, David, 348–50; Empire and Revolution, 348; The Fate of Midas, 348; The Free World Colossus, 348; Isaac Deutscher: The Man and His Work, 348; “Goodbye to All That,” 349
Horwit, Evelyn (pseud. Evelyn Reed), 302
Howard, Sidney, 58
Howe, Irving (born Horenstein; pseuds. R. Fahan, R. F. Fangston, Theodore Dryden), 7, 12, 13, 15, 20, 91–92, 191, 210, 226, 237–39, 275, 276, 282, 283, 295, 312–34, 340, 343, 360, 372, 418 (n. 75); on World War II, 199
—books: A Margin of Hope, 23; Walter Reuther and the UAW, 324; The American Communist Party, 325; World of Our Fathers, 332
—essays: “The Culture of Modernism,” 318; “Literary Criticism and Literary Radicals,” 318; “The Lost Young Intellectual,” 320; “This Age of Conformity,” 324; “Authoritarians of the Left,” 328; “The Campus Left and Israel,” 329; “The New ‘Confrontation Politics’ Is a Dangerous Game,” 329; “Political Terrorism: Hysteria on the Left,” 329; “The Middle-Class Mind of Kate Millett,” 330; “Images of Socialism,” 331
Howe, Quincy, 123
Hughes, Langston, 58
Hurwitz, Henry, 30, 41, 42, 44, 47, 380 (n. 9)
Ideology and literature, 228–49 passim
Independent Communist League, 113
Independent Socialist League, 166, 175, 192, 215, 216, 274, 275, 277, 283, 290, 291, 295, 322–23, 361
Institute for Educational Affairs, 363, 364
Instrumentalism, 29, 121–22, 126
Intellectuals: radicalization and deradicalization, 4–5, 8–9, 13, 22, 267–310, 367–74; definition, 22–23; party intellectuals, 23; and Marxist parties, 92–94, 101–27 passim; and Marxism, 366–74
International Federation of Independent Revolutionary Art, 146
International Labor Defense, 56, 58, 60, 170
International Left Opposition, 18, 57, 112, 113, 123, 170, 253
International Socialists, 295
Isaacs, Harold (pseud. H. F. Roberts), 148, 192; “I Break with the Chinese Stalinists,” 108; biographical sketch, 108–9; The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution, 109
Israel, 258, 330, 332, 344, 355, 358, 359, 371
Isserman, Maurice, 9
Jacobs, Louis (pseud. Jack Weber), 216, 256
Jacobs, Sarah (pseud. Sarah Weber), 216, 256
Jacobson, Julius, 280, 291, 327, 416 (n. 42), 418 (n. 3)
Jacobson, Phyllis, 417 (n. 55)
James, C. L. R. (pseud. J. R. Johnson), 185, 204, 304, 319; The Black Jacobins, 190; World Revolution, 190
James, Henry, 37, 86, 228, 251
James, William, 29, 251
Jeffers, Robinson: “Apology for Bad Dreams,” 55
Jerome, V. J., 97, 120, 122, 123, 211, 394 (n. 59)
Jewish Daily Forward, 6
Jews: and radicalism, 3, 13, 14–15, 27–50 passim, 226, 383 (n. 48); and New York intellectuals, 6, 9–10, 25, 27–50 passim, 67, 74, 101; Jewish names changed, 15
Joe Hill Unit of Young Peoples Socialist League (Fourth International), 282
John Reed Clubs, 17, 47, 49, 54, 76, 77, 80, 81, 152, 214
Johnson, Alvin, 52
Josephson, Matthew, 58
Josselson, Michael, 278
Joyce, James, 66, 75, 80, 86, 88, 96, 175, 250, 251
Kadushin, Charles: The American Intellectual Elite, 8
Kadushin, Max, 33
Kahlo, Frida, 133, 138
Kahn, Tom, 328, 332
Kaldis, Aristodimos, 107
Kallen, Horace, 29–30, 36, 380 (n. 6)
Kaplan, Jeremiah, 282
Kaplan, Mordecai, 33–34, 380 (n. 6)
Karsner, David, 170, 171
Karsner, Rose (born Greenburg), 170, 171
Kautsky, Karl, 121, 125
Kazin, Alfred, 7, 11, 88, 266, 269, 290; New York Jew, 231; biographical sketch, 360–61; On Native Grounds, 361; An American Procession, 361–62
Kempton, Murray: Part of Our Time, 64, 68, 72, 74
Kent, Rockwell, 132
King, Alexander, 301
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 328
Kluger, Pearl, 130, 135
Knei-Paz, Baruch, 91
Koestler, Arthur, 268, 316–17; Darkness at Noon, 316
Konikow, Antoinette, 114, 301
Konikow, Edith, 301
Korsch, Karl, 52, 125
Kradar, Lawrence, 312
Kramer, Hilton, 332, 361, 362, 365; biographical sketch, 359–60
Krehm, William, 107
Kreymborg, Alfred, 58
Kristol, Irving (pseud. William Ferry), 7, 8, 10, 185, 273, 274, 276, 282, 312, 324, 338, 358, 361, 364; biographical sketch, 350–54; “Letter to the Pentagon,” 354; “Memoirs of a Trotskyist,” 354
Kronstadt, 135, 200–202
Krupnick, Mark, 370, 371
Krutch, Joseph Wood: The Modern Temper, 80 Krylenko, Nikolai, 114
Kunitz, Joshua, 78
Kunitz, Stanley, 305
Kutcher, James, 216, 275
Labor Action (American Workers Party), 178
Labor Action (Workers Party and Independent Socialist League), 183, 203, 314, 320, 321, 322
Labor Defender, 175
La Follette, Suzanne, 57, 135, 137, 148; biographical sketch, 135–36
Lamont, Corliss, 57, 153, 154
Landau, Kurt, 166
Lasky, Melvin J. (pseud. John Melvin), 7, 312, 334, 351; biographical sketch, 277–78
League for a Revolutionary Party, 107
League for Cultural Freedom and Socialism, 18, 146, 199, 215
League of American Writers, 80–81
League of Professional Groups for Foster and Ford, 58, 90, 383 (n. 23)
League of Professionals, 58–59, 68, 103, 214
Lenin, V. I., 6, 78, 79, 90, 115, 116, 124, 126, 159, 168, 178, 179, 201, 202, 217, 291, 292, 371; “Suppressed Testament,” 133; left-wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder, 329
Leninism, 6, 18, 23, 60, 192, 195, 216, 320, 333, 348; and Stalinism, 119, 155, 181, 184, 186, 190, 201–2, 218, 268, 281
Lens, Sidney, 325, 326
Lerner, Max, 132
Levin, Meyer, 49
Levine, Schmarya, 41
Levitas, Sol, 274, 276, 287
Lewis, Sinclair, 78, 135; It Can’t Happen Here, 246
Lewisohn, Ludwig, 34, 36, 37 Liberator, 14, 175
Lichtheim, George, 116
Liebick, Abraham, 247
Liebman, Marcel, 121
Liebowitz, Samuel, 60
Linn, James Weber, 83
Lippmann, Walter, 89; A Preface to Morals, 48
Lipset, Seymour Martin (pseud. Martin Lewis), 7, 185, 240, 282, 283, 312, 359
Lore, Ludwig, 113, 193–94
Loumos, Peter, 316–17
Lovestone, Jay (and Lovestone group), 62, 73, 102, 112, 153, 154, 170, 215, 272, 278, 286, 315
Lovett, Robert Morss, 61, 62, 83, 132
Lowitz, Robbie, 137
Lozowick, Louis, 46
Lukács, Georg, 95, 125, 218–19, 221, 290; Lenin, 121; History and Class Consciousness, 121–22
Lundberg, Ferdinand: America’s Sixty Families, 196
Luxemburg, Rosa, 28, 124, 190, 195, 285, 314
Lynd, Robert S., 132
Lynd, Staughton, 303
Lynn, Kenneth, 360–61
Lyons, Eugene: biographical sketch, 149
McCarthy, Joseph (and McCarthyism), 195, 267–310 passim, 351, 369
McCarthy, Mary, 7, n, 40, 87, 194, 210, 226, 227, 269, 273, 278, 330, 368; The Oasis, 67, 239–43; biographical sketch, 141; “Portrait of the Intellectual as a Yale Man,” 156, 261
Macdonald, Dwight (pseud. James Joyce), 7, 14, 18, 86, 141, 143, 146, 175, 182, 185, 194, 200–210, 211, 220, 221, 226, 240, 249, 267, 273, 277, 285, 318, 319, 320, 330, 348, 350, 368; biographical sketch, 140; “Notes on
a Strange War,” 200; “They, the People,” 200; “Off the Record,” 202; “Sparks in the News,” 202; Trotsky’s Influence on Macdonald, 205; “Ten Propositions on the War,” 206–7
McDonald, John, 49, 58, 61, 105, 106, 109, 133, 136, 154, 259
Macdonald, Nancy (born Rodman), 140, 208
McKinny, Ernest Rice, 341
MacLeish, Archibald, 55, 240
McWilliams, Carey, 132
Magil, A. B., 46
Magnes, Judah L., 42; biographical sketch, 382 (n. 44)
Mailer, Norman, 261, 275, 370, 411 (n. 26)
Malaquais, Jean, 275
Malraux, André, 145
Mandel, Ernest, 189
Mangan, Sherry (pseuds. Sean Niall, Terence Phelan), 146, 276
Mannheim, Karl, 22
Mansfield, Katherine, 66
Margolies, Albert, 104
Margules, DeHirsh, 301
Marshall, Margaret, 139
Marshall Plan, 256, 321
Marx, Karl, 19, 28, 44, 90, 92, 95, 116–27 passim, 159, 161, 182, 188, 344, 374; “Preface to the Critique of Political Economy,” 124; Communist Manifesto, 285; Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, 336–37
Marxism: and intellectuals, 8–9, 10, 13; and method of this book, 21–24; and literature, 78–82, 92, 94–97, 139–47, 217–25; and philosophy, 116–27 passim; “Crisis of Marxism,” 373
Marxist Quarterly, 152–54, 215, 287
Mass culture, 222–23
Masses, 14, 113, 115
Masters, Edgar Lee, 54
Mattick, Paul, 13
Medvedev, Roy, 6
Mencken, H. L., 32
Mendelsohn, Nat, 107
Menorah Group, 27–50 passim, 57, 63, 64–74 passim, 83, 104, no, in, 214, 305
Menorah Journal, 27–50 passim, 57, 66, 260, 276
Menorah Society, 30, 31
Menshevism, 6, 210, 281
Meyers, Marvin, 282
Middlebrook, Samuel, 61
Militant, 61, 103, 114, 171, 198, 299, 302
Miller, Henry, 135
Mills, C. Wright, 210, 277, 326, 327, 335, 343; The New Men of Power, 275; The Causes of World War III, 326
Mini, Norman, 105–6
Minneapolis Teamsters, 103, 104, 151, 164, 180, 249, 300, 367
Minor, Robert, 170
Miscellany, 86, 87, 140
Mizener, Arthur, 134
Modernism, 7, 75–97 passim, 119, 162, 176, 218–22, 226, 371
Modern Monthly. See Modern Quarterly
Modern Occasions, 370
Modern Quarterly, 3, 62, 64, 72, 90, 93, 111–12, 193–94, 301
Mooney, Tom, 131, 138, 170
Morris, George L. K., 140, 141
Morrow, Felix (born Mayorwitz; pseuds. George Cooper, Cassidy, John C. Wilson), 15, 33, 39, 41, 42, 43, 52, 60, 61, 63, 64, 102, 104, 106, no, 112, 130, 134, 154, 192, 213, 214, 253–57, 286–89, 295, 383 (n. 10); biographical sketch, 47–50; “Higher Learning on Washington Square,” 48; “Religion and the Good Life,” 48; “The Yiddish Theatre in Transition,” 48; Life in the United States in This Depression, 49