The New York Intellectuals (10th Anniversary Edition)
Page 63
Moscow trials, 5, 12, 20, 81, 87, 101, no, 128–63 passim, 179, 244, 257, 269
Mumford, Lewis, 131
Muste, A. J., 62, 89, 97, 102, 106, 123, 259, 325, 326, 327
Naison, Mark, 9
Nation, 106, no, 132, 135, 156, 345, 346, 349, 360
National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners, 54, 56–64 passim, 68, 90, 91, 103, 104, 271
National Organization for the American Revolution (NOAR), 304
National Review, 12, 359
National Sacramento Appeal Committee, 105–6
National Student League, 53, 57, 134
Naville, Pierre, 131, 166
Nazism, 6, 45, 204, 211, 270
Neoconservatism, 7, 8, 10, 293, 310, 332, 349–65 passim
New Criterion, 360–62
New Critics, 219, 221
New Freeman, 135–36
New International (organ of the Workers Party), 152, 178, 183, 199, 203, 204, 236–37, 315–16, 320, 323
New International (organ of the Workers Party of the U.S. and the Socialist Workers Party), 17, in, 114, 116, 118, 119, 134, 147, 171, 175, 200, 202, 280, 361
New Leader, 5, 6, 9, 155, 192, 276, 277, 287, 316, 332, 360
New Left, 24, 257, 304, 313, 328–34, 343, 348, 356, 367, 369–70
New Masses, 9, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 55, 57, 61–63, 66, 77, 78, 87, 90, 97, 103, 177, 178, 222, 249
New Militant, 105, 109
New Politics, 295, 361, 418 (n. 75)
New Republic, 29, 88, 89, 90, 132, 140, 156, 362
News and Letters, 304
New York intellectuals: characteristics, 5, 6–7; studies of, 6—11; autobiographies and biographies of, 7; integration into American culture, 8, 10–12; origin of the term, 11; and party intellectuals, 21; Jewish origins, 27–45 passim; deradicalization of, 193–225 passim, 226–63, 366–68; and the Cold War, 267–310
New York Review of Books, 8, 212, 361, 370
New York Student Federation Against War, 319
Nicaragua (and the Nicaraguan Revolution), 344, 350, 357, 380
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 210, 251
Nin, Anäis, 135
Nixon, Richard, 4, 8, 190, 191, 270, 352
Non-Partisan Labor Defense, 4, 101–6, 109–10, 130
Novack, George Edward (born Yasef Mendel Novograbelski; pseuds. John Marshall, William F. Warde), 7, 49, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 83, 102–3, 104, 106, no, 130–39 passim, 146, 153, 154, 175, 192, 253, 259; on Jewish identity, 43; biographical sketch, 304–8; “Passports to Utopia,” 305; Who’s Whooey, 305; Introduction to the Logic of Marxism, 306; Pragmatism versus Marxism, 306–7; Democracy and Revolution, 307; “A Representative Figure Dies,” 384 (n. 31)
Novak, Michael, 421 (n. 59); The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, 363
Oehler, Hugo, 106, 108–10, 182, 186, 325
O’Flaherty, Thomas J., 168
Oko, Adolph, 30
Olsen, Tillie: Yonondio, 96
O’Neill, Eugene, 71
O’Neill, William L.: A Better World, 8, 9
Orwell, George, 343, 358; 1984, 268
Pablo, Michael. See Raptis, Michael
Paine, Lyman, 203
Parker, Dorothy, 66, 132
Parrington, Vernon, 154, 279
Partisan Review, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 74, 75–97 passim, in, 139–47 passim, 154, 161–63, 190, 199, 203, 204, 207, 237, 241, 247, 248, 269, 274, 275, 279, 288, 315–16, 319, 324, 360, 361, 370
Pass, Joe, 57
Pells, Richard: The Liberal Mind in a Conservative Age, 8, 9
Peretz, Martin, 362
Perle, George (pseud. George Saunders), 303
Permanent Revolution, Theory of, 19, 186
Petras, James, 303
Phillips, Edna, 17
Phillips, William (pseud. Wallace Phelps), 7, 17–18, 20, 78–97 passim, 139–47 passim, 163, 199, 208, 272, 274, 279, 370, 387 (n. 5); A Partisan View, 16–18; “Categories for Criticism,” 77; “Class-ical Culture,” 77; biographical sketch, 77–78; “Criticism,” 78; “Three Generations,” 78
Pitzele, Merlyn, 279–80
Plastrik, Stanley (pseuds. Sherman Stanley, Henry Judd), 321, 322, 323
Plekhanov, George, 120
Pochoda, Philip, 347
Podhoretz, Norman, 7, 12, 270, 294, 332, 333, 347, 350, 352, 354–58, 362; Making It, 354, 359; biographical sketch, 354–57; Breaking Ranks, 354–57; “The Culture of Appeasement,” 355; “J’Accuse,” 355; Why We Were in Vietnam, 355
Politics, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 220, 221, 247, 269, 285, 320, 323, 350
Popular Front, 9, 20, 39, 60, 65, 80–81, 94, 95, 97, 129, 149, 162, 193–94, 223, 249, 271, 275, 291, 351
Pound, Ezra, 75
Poyntz, Juliet Stuart, 149–50
Pragmatism, 118–27, 228, 229, 230, 252
Proletarian culture, 20, 76, 78–88 passim, 92, 119, 220, 227
Proust, Marcel, 66, 86, 88, 96, 250
Public Interest, 352, 353
Putnam, Phelps, 55
Raab, Earl (pseud. Perry), 350
Radosh, Ronald: The Rosenberg File, 348
Rahv, Philip (born Ivan Greenberg), 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 66, 77–97 passim, 139–47 passim, 167, 199, 208, 212, 217, 229, 238, 240, 267–68, 274, 275–76, 277, 318, 324, 330, 364–65, 368–71; biographical sketch, 76–77, 369–71; “Open Letter to Young Writers,” 77; “Criticism,” 78; “A Season in Hell,” 78; “Trials of the Mind,” 162; “What Is Living and What Is Dead,” 206; “Ten Propositions and Eight Errors,” 207; literary criticism, 218–22; “Twilight of the Thirties,” 219–20; “Proletarian Literature: A Political Autopsy,” 221, 227–28; “The Culture of Experience in American Writing,” 231; “Paleface and Redskin,” 231; “The Great Outsider,” 371
Rapp-Coudert investigation, 119
Raptis, Michael (pseud. Michael Pablo), 307
Rauh, Ida, 114
Rauh, Joseph, 277
Rauschenbusch, Walter, 55
Reagan, Ronald, 4, 7, 8, 44, 270, 352, 353, 354, 364
Rebel Poets group, 77
Reed, Evelyn. See Horwit, Evelyn Reed, John, 113, 169
Reiss, Ignace, 397 (n. 50)
Rice, Elinor, 49, 60, 61, 102, 104, no, 259, 305; Mirror, Mirror, 408 (n. 25)
Rivera, Diego, 18, 60, 132, 138, 144
Rizzi, Bruno: The Bureaucratization of the World, 181
Robeson, Paul, 311
Robinson, E. A., 78
Rodman, Selden, 140, 147
Rollins, William, 80
Rorty, James Hancock, 11, 50, 58, 59, 61, 62, 102, 103, 105, 271, 274; What Michael Said to the Census Taker, 54; “When We Dead Awaken,” 54; biographical sketch, 54–55; Children of the Sun, 55; McCarthy and the Communists, 272–73, 357
Rorty, Mary (born Lambin), 55
Rorty, Octavia (born Churchill), 54
Rorty, Richard, 55
Rorty, Richard McKay, 54
Rorty, Winifred (born Rauschenbusch), 55
Rosenberg, David, 222
Rosenberg, Harold, n, 218; biographical sketch, 222; “Couch Liberalism and the Guilty Past,” 279
Rosenberg case, 270
Rosenfeld, Isaac, 11, 248; Passage from Home, 246, 248; “The Party,” 247–48
Rosenthal, Henry, 33
Roskolenko, Harry (born Roskolenkier; pseud. Ross), 7, 146; biographical sketch, 180–81
Rosmer, Alfred, 285
Rossi, Peter, 212, 282
Roth, Henry, 97, 132; Call It Sleep, 96
Rovere, Richard, 273
Rubens case, 149
Ruehle, Otto, 136, 138
Rukeyser, Muriel, 97, 141
Russell, Bertrand, 342
Russian Revolution, 6, 19, 23, 24, 143, 157, 163, 169, 281, 371, 374
Rustin, Bayard, 328
Ruthenberg, Charles, 170
Sacco and Vanzetti case, 46, 55, 88, 138, 170
Sacks, I. Milton, 312
Sagarin, Edward, 286
St. John, Vincent, 169
Salemme, Attilio, 169
Sandburg, Carl, 78
Sampson, Geoffrey: “Censoring 20th Century Culture,” 362
Sanes, Irving, 341
Schank, Richard, 303
Schapiro, Fanny (born Adelman), 213
Schapiro, Lillian (born Milgram), 213
Schapiro, Meyer (pseud. David Merian), 11, 38, 49, 53, 54, 59, 61, 62, 153, 175, 192, 194, 210, 222, 226, 249, 259, 285, 287, 324, 368, 406 (n. 69), 418 (n. 75); biographical sketch, 212–17; “The Romanesque Sculpture of Mosaic,” 213–14; “The Social Bases of Art,” 215; “The Nerve of Sidney Hook,” 215–16; “Art and the State,” 217
Schapiro, Nathan Menachem, 212–13
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 274; The Vital Center, 8
Schneider, Abraham, 104
Schneider, Helen, 58
Schneider, Isidor, 46, 58, 63, 86; The Judas Time, 68
Schoenman, Ralph, 342, 418 (n. 75)
Schrumpter, Joseph, 22
Schwartz, Delmore, 7, 96, 214, 221, 364; biographical sketch, 209–10; “Far Rockaway,” 230
Scottsboro case, 49, 57, 60, 61
Seaver, Edwin, 46, 66
Selznick, Philip (born Schachter; pseud. Sherman), 185, 312; biographical sketch, 282–83; The Organizational Weapon, 283
Serge, Victor, 131
Shachtman, Max, 21, 53, 60, 102–12 passim, 123, 130, 152, 164–92 passim, 203, 246, 253, 255, 277, 295, 304, 306, 308, 313, 317, 321, 327, 328, 332, 340, 350; biographical sketch, 172–75, 190–92; Behind the Moscow Trial, 175; “Intellectuals in Retreat,” 183, 280–81; view of World War II, 199; “Under the Banner of Marxism,” 283–84
Shanker, Albert, 191
Sharistanian, Janet, 67
Shermanites, 282–83, 350
Siegel, Paul N. (pseud. Paul Shapiro), 303
Sillen, Samuel, 87
Sinclair, Upton, 62, 337
Slaiman, Donald, 328, 334
Slesinger, Tess, 33, 52, 59, 259; The Unpossessed, 39–40, 64–74, 382 (n. 37); biographical sketch, 65; “Missis Flinders,” 65; screenplay for A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, 65; screenplay for The Good Earth, 65; Time: The Present, 65
Sloan, John, 55
Slobe, Laura (pseud. Laura Gray), 302
Smedley, Agnes, 108
Smith Act, 195, 249, 253, 254, 274, 287
Social democracy, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18, 60, 61, 80, no, 125, 294, 311–43, 372
Social Democrats U.S.A., 258, 294, 328, 399 (n. 2)
Social fascism, 16, 17, 59, 61, 77 Socialist Appeal, 109, 146, 149, 202, 279
Socialist Labor Party, 111, 256
Socialist Party, 17, 50, 54, 61, 94, 106, 108, 109, no, 123, 130, 148, 165, 167, 169, 174, 181, 182, 203, 212, 215, 217, 256, 282, 312, 327, 328, 345, 350, 360, 361
Socialist Union, 300
Socialist Workers Party, 17, 18, 148, 166, 180–92 passim, 195, 198–99, 203, 204, 211, 216, 236, 246, 249, 253–57, 274, 278, 295–310 passim, 313, 325, 327, 399 (n. 2) Socialist Youth League, 283
Solidarnosc (Polish Solidarity), 344, 350
Solntstev, Eleazer, 113, 114
Solow, Herbert Sidney (pseuds. Henry Storm, Harry Strang, Junius), 13, 17, 33, 43, 44, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65–74 passim, 102–12 passim, 123, 128–39 passim, 148–51, 154, 156, 248, 259, 274, 305, 408 (n. 25); Jewish identity, 37–38, 40–41; biographical sketch, 37–42; critic of Zionism, 41–42; “Camouflaging Zionist Realities,” 42; “The Realities of Zionism,” 42; “Program for Intellectuals,” 103–4; “Class War in Minneapolis,” 105; Union-Smashing in Sacramento, 106; “Stalin’s American Passport Mill,” 149; “Stalin’s Great American Hoax,” 149
Solow, L. J., 37
Sontag, Susan, 344–47, 349; Visit to Hanoi, 345
Spanish Civil War, 62, 76, 81, 87, 101, 129, 313, 367
Spero, Sterling, 153
Spiro, George (pseud. Marlen), 108
Stalin, Joseph, 6, 19, 24, 66, 73, 113, 114, 125, 128, 129, 131, 162, 179, 201, 267
Stalinism (Soviet Communism after the 1920s), 5, 6, 10, 12, 18, 121, 151, 269–70, 296–98, 345–47, 367–68. See also Communist International, Communist Party (U.S.A.), Popular Front, “Third Period,” USSR
Stamm, Thomas, 104, 173
Steffens, Lincoln, 29, 57, 58, 129
Stein, Gertrude, 75, 88
Stein, Sol, 271–72
Steinbeck, John: Of Mice and Men, 87
Steinfels, Peter: The Neoconservatives, 8
Stevens, Wallace, 96, 364
Stolberg, Benjamin, 11, 135–36, 137, 148; biographical sketch, 135
Strachey, John, 78
Surrealism, 79, 144
Swados, Aaron, 334
Swados, Bette (born Beller), 335
Swados, Felice, 334, 335; House of Fury, 334
Swados, Harvey (pseud. Dancers), 372, 418 (n. 75); Celebration, 261, 342–43; “The Amateurs,” 334; biographical sketch, 334–343; Out Went the Candle, 335; On the Line, 335–39; False Coin, 339; Nights in the Gardens of Brooklyn, 339; A Radical’s America, 339; A Story for Teddy and Others, 339; The Will, 339; “The Myth of the Happy Worker,” 340; “Why Resign from the Human Race?,” 340; Standing Fast, 340–42
Swados, Rebecca (born Bluestone), 334
Sweezy, Paul, 132, 328
Symposium, 48, 86, 87, 140, 176, 178, 200, 222
Tampa Committee, 109
Tarcov, Oscar: Bravo My Monster, 246
Theatre Union, 151
Third International. See Communist International
“Third Period,” 17, 80, 95, 249
Thomas, Norman, 16, 109, 123, 195–96, 212, 217, 256, 259, 277, 283, 326
Thompson, Dorothy, 135
Timerman, Jacobo: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number, 353
Timpanaro, Sebastiano, 125
Totalitarianism, 268–70, 348
Trachtenberg, Alexander, 49, 174, 511
Tresca, Carlo, 104; assassination of, 150–51
Trilling, David, 35
Trilling, Diana (born Rubin), 7, 15, 16, 49, 57, 59, 61, 63, 102, 103, 259, 262, 274, 305, 357–58; “Lionel Trilling, A Jew at Columbia,” 231–32
Trilling, Fanny (born Cohen), 35
Trilling, Lionel Mordecai, 7, 11, 15, 16, 32, 33, 38, 43, 49, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 72, 102, 112, 214, 218, 227, 229, 267, 273, 274, 305, 332, 355, 356, 357–58, 368; Matthew Arnold, 11, 35; biographical sketch, 33–37; and Jewish identity, 33–37, 381 (n. 31); “Impediments,” 35; “Chapter for a Fashionable Jewish Novel,” 35–36; “Notes on a Departure,” 36–37; The Middle of the Journey, 227, 239, 243–45, 248, 252; The Liberal Imagination, 228, 238; The Experience of Literature, 228–29; “Of This Time, Of That Place,” 231–34, 237, 239; Trilling’s fiction, 231–49; “The Other Margaret,” 234–39
Trotsky, Leon, 1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 50, 53, 57, 66, 74, 91–97 passim, 112–15 passim, 127–47 passim, 151, 159, 162, 163, 166, 175, 177, 179, 188, 192, 209, 215, 226, 248, 260, 296, 301, 325, 367–68, 370, 371, 374, 400 (n. 10); The Revolution Betrayed, 19, 187; The Real Situation in Russia, 53; Literature and Revolution, 73, 83, 92, 142, 220; The History of the Russian Revolution, 87, 134, 135, 176, 292; Problems of Everyday Life, 92; The Case of Leon Trotsky, 139; “Art and Politics in Our Epoch,” 143–45; Trotsky’s view of Partisan Review, 143–47; “Manifesto toward a Free Revolutionary Art,” 145–46; “Their Morals and Ours,” 147; assassination of, 150; “Criticism of the Draft Program of the Communist International,” 170; views on USSR, 179–80, 268; In Defense of Marxism, 187; “Lenin and Imperialist War,” 196; view of World War II, 196–97; on Kronstadt, 200–202; and literary criticism, 219–20; The New Course, 319
Trotsky, Natalia, 304
Trotskyism, 73, 211, 361, 367; and New York intellectuals, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 27, 52, 54, 60, 61, 62, 64, 91–97, 157, 164–92 passim; and Jewish identity, 15, 45; membership figures of U.S. Trotskyist organizations, no, 165, 300; and Partisan Review, 140–47; Trotskyist view of Soviet agents, 150. See also Communist Leagu
e of America, Fourth International, International Left Opposition, Socialist Workers Party, Workers Party of the United States
Tumin, Melvin, 312
Tyler, Gus, 315
United Communist Party, 169–70
Urbans, Hugo, 187
USSR, 10, 19; disillusionment with, 5; Trotskyist dispute over nature of, 20, 23, 50, 165–66, 179–92, 328–29
Van Doren, Mark: “Jewish Students I Have Known,” 38–39, 382 (n. 37)
Van Heijenoort, Jean (pseuds. Loris, Logan, Gerland, Jean Vannier), 133, 254, 256, 285, 289
Vanzler, Joseph (pseud. John G. Wright), 192, 201, 304, 307; biographical sketch, 300–302
Vietnam, 24, 191, 270, 296, 327–31, 355
Voice of America, 271, 272–73
Vorse, Mary Heaton, 170
Wald, Lillian, 132
Waldorf Peace Conference, 279–80
Walker, Adelaide (born George), 56, 57, 104, 133, 151–52, 408 (n. 25)
Walker, Charles Rumford, 58, 64, 133, 136, 148, 151–52, 225, 408 (n. 25); biographical sketch, 55–56, 151–52; Bread and Fire, 56; Our Gods Are Not Born, 56; Steel, the Diary of a Furnace Worker, 56; American City, 151
Walling, William English, 120
Warde, William F. See Novack, George
Warren, Norman, 49
Warren, Rose, 49
Warshow, Robert, 35, 274, 276, 324
Weber, Max, 132
Wechsler, James, 273, 274
Weinstein, Allen: Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case, 348
Weinstein, James, 23
Weir, Stan, 341
Weisbord, Albert, 108, 180, 186
Weiss, Neil, 316–17
West, Nathanael, 97, 132; Miss Lonelyhearts, 95; Day of the Locust, 96
Wheelwright, John, 146, 209
Wheelwright, Philip, 47, 48
White, Morton G., 107
Whitehead, Alfred North: Science and the Modern World, 88
Whitman, Walt, 54, 170
Widick, B. J., 325, 341
Wilder, Thornton, 55
Williams, Raymond: Marxism and Literature, 339, 369
Willingham, Calder, 303–4; End as a Man, 304
Wills, Garry, 346
Wilson, Edmund, 7, 55, 58, 61, 62, 68, 74, 86, 91, 96, 102, 112, 117, 194, 223–27 passim, 259, 368; I Thought of Daisy, 67–68, 88, 223; “The Men from Rumpelmayer’s,” 88; Axel’s Castle, 88–89, 225; biographical sketch, 88–90, 223–25; “An Appeal to Progressives,” 89; To the Finland Station, 89, 116, 157–61, 224, 225, 398 (n. 79); The American Jitters, 90, 225; Travels in Two Democracies, 157; The Triple Thinkers, 157; The Wound and the Bow, 223; The Cold War and the Income Tax, 224; Europe Without Baedecker, 224; Memoirs of Hecate County, 224, 239–41, 273; Patriotic Gore, 225