The Celestial Rose BoxSet

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The Celestial Rose BoxSet Page 6

by Annalee Adams

  How could someone feel so known to me? It was as though Lucian had been a part of me all my life. Thinking back to when the three Darkwaters first walked in, it was as though they had awaited my arrival, but why? How had they known about me? Then again, the receptionist at the academy had said they rarely got any new starters. It appeared our family was the talk of the town, so of course they knew about me.

  Maybe I should have just accepted it, whatever it was. Be happy for a change. But I couldn’t help thinking that something deep inside was urging me to be careful, look behind me, watch what I was doing. That savage instinct had become a part of me since London, never trusting of anyone or anything. Christ, I rarely trusted my own eyes, until yesterday. Yesterday made sense. Even with all the talk of the supernatural, the monsters of the night. Somehow it made me feel safer. How was that possible? But then, knowledge is a powerful thing.

  In fact, who was I sitting in the car with? What was he? He briefly explained it. A darkened protector working for Lilith. Whoever that was. And what was with the icy hands? Nothing made sense, I’d seen too many horror films to know this wasn’t going anywhere nice. But I couldn’t help it. I liked the guy, and for some reason, trusted him. He made me smile again, and that was good enough.

  We arrived at the academy in plenty of time, pulling up in his own VIP space next to the rest of the Darkwaters. How did a student have their own space saved? Perhaps their leader had donated a lot of money to the school, bought the space for their classic cars? I had a lot of questions teeming around my mind, yet no answers to the meandering thoughts.

  Breaking me away from the puzzlement that he was, Lucian spoke softly.

  “We're here, Taylor. You've been lost in thought for quite some time. Anything you would like to share?”

  “No, nothing that can’t wait,” I replied, smiling. “One question, though.”


  “Do you think the shadelings will attack me again?”

  “Honestly, no, not after we discouraged the ones that went against you. They tend to follow us around, but they know you’re not alone now.” He smiled “Come on, we must make our first class,” he said, holding out his hand as we walked through the bustling array of students and headed to chemistry with Mr. Benwin.

  Science class was intriguing. The teacher was accommodating and enjoyed showing me the properties of burning magnesium. His mannerisms were quite multipolar with his diminishing attitude and then his fanatical triumphant shouts of praise and joy. The whole session was enough to leave you feeling dazed and confused.

  But it was fun all the same. I paired up with Lucian, who showed me the knack of lighting a piece of magnesium and mixing chemicals. They sparked and shot fireworks into the air, like a magical spell created in the land of fantasy and fame. His smile was contagious as he took my hand, helping me hold the chemicals at the ready, pulling me away just in time when the bubbling conceal flask sparked with dazzling delights. Mr. Benwin clapped and praised the creation Lucian had come up with and I laughed at his bewildered smile while he politely accommodated Mr. Benwin's manic episode.

  When we left, Lucian pushed me along, mistakenly into the arms of Harland. Lucian growled under his breath and Harland squared up, tensing his jawline and ready to fight. I stood there in between them both, apologetically laughing for bumping into him.

  “Well, Taylor, feeling human today, are we?” Harland snarled.

  “Erm, yes. Thanks... and thanks for your help the other day.”

  “Yes, you did look agonised by the event. Be careful where you rest,” he said, staring directly at Lucian.

  Lucian remained quiet in a defensive stance, and I wasn’t entirely sure whether he was ready to defend me or himself. His eyes glistened with hatred as he fought Harland in his mind. Harland, on the other hand, used all his might, growling at Lucian like a rabid dog ready for the slaughter.

  “Well, remember what I told you, Taylor. And come find me should you need any help,” he remarked as he backed off slowly.

  “Thank you. I will,” I shouted after him, smiling naively.

  Lucian turned to me, took my hand, and smiled, pulling me along to the next class of the day.

  The rest of the day passed uneventful as I spent the time beside Lucian, who even shared the table with Rowena and my newly found friends, rather than alongside his consanguineal family. He was trying hard to fit into my lifestyle, listening to the stories my friends told, laughing alongside my jokes, and soothing my trials and tribulations.

  That night I would be heading over to the Darkwaters for a meal with Lucian's family, a few blood tests, and hopefully a barrage of information.

  Lucian drove me home as Dad greeted me with a ruffle of the hair, he still saw me as his baby girl and I believed he always would. Lucian walked in behind me and respectfully smiled. Dad and Lucian exchanged words, both pleasant and respectful in manner. They got on to a conversation of the local jocks playing Cutley in the next competition, upon which I departed upstairs to get changed for our evening with his family.

  I stood brushing my hair through, watching my reflection in the mirror. I finished off with my strawberry lip gloss and swept my hair up into a cute little ponytail.

  Dressed to dine, we headed out. Lucian complemented my attire as he stepped on the accelerator and we drove off through the country lanes over to his family home. I would catch him watching me every now and again with a warmth in his eyes.

  Arriving, the darkened trees cradled the way forward. Shadows loomed ahead as we trailed up the hidden path and over the rocky bridge. The driveway was long, twisted, and turning into a maze of shadow.

  As Lucian pulled up, a faint silhouette moved in the top window. Its structure reminded me of Stonebridge Academy, with a raw Gothic feel that was somewhat disturbingly inviting. Lucian opened the car door and helped me out of the classic. We headed up to the significant front entrance and the door creaked open before it came into full view. A tall elegant figure, I guessed about forty in age, appeared in the doorway. With his long, slim, black cane and dark classic business suit, he looked as though he had recently stepped out of an old 1940’s cinema flick. Lucian led me forward towards the tall figure and as we came to stand one in front of the other, the man took my hand kissing it gently in a respectful manner.

  “Taylor, I presume?”

  “Yes, and you must be Lucian’s father,” I said, “or leader.” I corrected as he laughed deeply.

  “Well, yes, but none of us here are tied by blood. We are all family here and will always be. We protect our own. So, do you have family?” he asked as he led me through into a large elegant hallway.

  “Yes, it’s just my father and brother now.”

  “Ah, yes, I heard about your mother. I am sorry,” he said sympathetically, placing his hand gently on my shoulder.

  “Thank you,” I answered, my voice soft.

  He led me through to the sitting room, an elegant room with deep red furnishings and cream walls. There were French shutters wide open, breathing a sigh of fresh air through the room.

  “Make yourself at home here. We will be eating out under the stars tonight.”

  Outside, a long, modern black table was situated in the centre of an old English garden full of roses, which were beautifully in bloom, full of life and happiness. The setting was adoring with lanterns lit around the table, bringing a touch of dark, Gothic romance to the area.

  Lucian sat down with me on a chaise lounge where I was resting.

  “Are you okay, Taylor? You seem stiff,” he said as I stretched my neck and shoulders.

  “Yes, just achy from the attack.”

  “I can take that away from you, if you’d like.”

  “How?” I asked, wary.

  He laughed as he moved to kneel behind me. Carefully, he swept my ponytail to the side, his cold hands caressed my shoulders. My heart beat faster. Breathing faltered. Sitting upright, I took a deep breath.

  “There, that’s where
it aches” I said, as he soothed the pain away from the base of my neck, massaging out the knots, easing the discomfort.

  “There, how does that feel?” He placed my ponytail back and put his jacket over my shoulders.

  “Thank you, much better!”

  “Keep it warm, it’ll ease soon.” he said as I smiled in thanks. Sitting beside me again, he took my hand.

  “I do enjoy feeling your warmth.”

  “Why are you so cold, Lucian?”

  “My heart does not beat; my body no longer lives.”

  “But how is that possible?”

  “Everything is possible somewhere, Taylor.” He smiled.

  Nic came bounding into the room.

  “Hey, Taylor. Nice dress. What’s with the jacket?”

  “She’s still recovering,” Lucian answered as I smiled.

  “Ah, yes, those things are nasty! Not as nasty as the beast, though. You saw it, did you see my killer moves taking that thing down?”


  “She doesn’t know what you are, Nic.” Lucian said.

  “Oh, right. Shifter, mate.”

  “A what?” I asked.

  “A shapeshifter. You know...”

  “What, like someone that turns into a werewolf?” I asked as both Lucian and Nic burst out laughing.

  “No, jeez no, I’m not one of those mutts. Give me some credit! I’m a bona fide shifter. I can change into any creature whenever I want. Ain’t got to wait for no full moon. Ha! Imagine that.” he laughed, walking on muttering about werewolves.

  Nicholas passed Elisha as he left. She was clearly annoyed with me.

  “Leave her be. I want to know about the laser show we saw!” Elisha exclaimed. “You could have killed us, you know!” She smirked.

  “I, I don’t know what happened.”

  “She’s joking, Taylor. I very much doubt you could kill any of us.” He grinned.

  Lucian led the way over to the table and then pulled out a chair for me out a chair for me.

  Opposite, sat a chair covered in ice, frozen solid, as Julian sat down. He was quite big, bulky and scary looking. What was he? Wherever he went, he left a trail of ice. How did no one notice that? Especially at the academy. It’s like the kids were blinded to anything supernatural.

  “Ice Demon,” Nic said, sitting down next to me.


  “Julian, he’s an ice demon.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “It doesn’t make sense, does it?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Demons are hot, yet he’s icy cold. He’s the only one of his kind left, too. They all melted.” He laughed hard at his own joke.

  “What?” Julian boomed.

  “Nothing mate, nothing,” Nic laughed as I blushed, wanting to hide behind anything at that moment. Julian glared at me, he clearly didn’t like me.

  Lucian sat the other side.

  “Is Nic causing trouble again?” He smiled.

  “Always, mate. You know me.” Nic was still laughing.

  “You’ve quite the family, Lucian.”

  “Indeed, I have.” He chuckled.

  Dinner became a time for family, a time where the Darkwaters came together and discussed all number of things. The dishes served were an exquisite collection of meats served with a decanter of red wine. My glass never emptied. The Darkwaters could sure drink. After a few glasses, the garden swayed, it was as though the family smiled ravenously at my tipsy nature. Lucian excused himself to make a phone call, leaving me alone with Elisha and Lawrence. The father was gentle in nature, a little odd in dress sense for the era, but quaint and quite knowledgeable.

  Listening to Elisha and Julian discuss the effect rock music had on youth today was rather a dull, retiring subject. My eyes wandered across the garden and over each rose. There must have been hundreds of varieties. Every colour one could ever dream of. As the wind breezed through the garden, each stem shifted, dropping a few petals which drifted across the air and landed beside me on the table.

  The silence stung the air for a few minutes as I toyed with the rose petals in my hand.

  “It’s a Maritim, Taylor,” Lawrence said. He noticed my blank stare “The rose, it’s called a Maritim.”

  “Oh, yes, thank you. It has a beautiful name.”

  “Yes, indeed it does. There are many varieties here, would you like me to show you some of the others in our collection?”

  “Yes, thank you, that would be lovely, Mr. Darkwater.”

  “Please, call me Lawrence.”

  “Thank you. I will,” I said, pleased and feeling a little more accepted as he held out his hand to aid me in standing up from my seat.

  We walked towards a vast collection of roses; masses of purples and pinks, deep crimson and golden yellow.

  “They all have many beautiful names, such as the Queen of the Night,” he said pointing over to a beautiful lilac rose with shimmering pink edges. “Here,” he leant over to pluck the rose for me.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t,” I said as he cut the delicate rose to pass to me. As he held it out, a drop of blood dripped from the stem.

  “Oh darn,” he said, suckling it as the blood flowed down from the prick of a rose.

  Lucian ran in.

  “Everything alright?” he said, immediately noticing the blood.

  Lucian watched as I took the rose from Lawrence, sweeping my finger over the blood coated stem. Why was I drawn to it? What was wrong with me? Hadn’t I seen enough bloodshed?

  “Hmm, interesting,” Lawrence said as I gave him a puzzled look. “You desire the blood of another. It’s okay, Taylor, but perhaps not the best idea to be tasting what we call ‘dead’ blood.'”

  Lucian continued his phone call as Lawrence and I talked.

  “Pardon?” I asked.

  “The blood, its sweet substance is like a drug to humans, but you’re not entirely human anymore, are you?”

  “I have no idea anymore. What is dead blood, though?” I asked.

  “Dead blood is blood that is not connected to a living source, it is blood that has left a living body and been cultivated by your air. It loses its warmth, its taste, and breeds madness. Dead blood is forbidden in our race. You’ve seen what happens to us if we drink it. I believe the shadelings attacked you, or so I heard,” he said with suspicion, eyeing my expression. Silence reigned between us as he clearly pondered the thought. “Perhaps it isn’t blood, but the energy it brings.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like the shadelings, you desire energy, the life force. This is also part of the blood we keep within ourselves. It could be that you look for, not the blood itself,” he paused. “After all, your heart beats, so you’re not a Dark One.”

  “Isn’t that what Lucian called himself?”

  “Yes... and how much do you know of their kind, Taylor?”

  “Next to nothing. He doesn’t want to talk about himself.”

  “He rarely does... but I can see that one day he will share this part with you.”


  “Pardon?” he asked.

  “How can you see?”

  “Oh, young girl! I’m a seer, of course. I foretold of your coming many years ago. I sought you out and kept watch on you since. Your mother, may she rest in peace, knew of your nature.”

  “My mother?”

  “Yes, did she not tell you?”

  “No, my mother was quite normal, really. Well, except her art, that was rather strange.” I laughed.

  “One day you will see, but for now, this isn’t the time... but yes, I do agree your mother’s art was quite different. I believe our resident doctor bought the final pieces.”

  “Really? I’d love to meet the doctor.”

  “And you will, all in good time, Taylor, all in good time. How are you feeling now, anyway?” He paused, reviewing my uncomfortable expression. “Ah, do not worry. I used to be a doctor by trade, well, more of an artistic surgeon some might say. So please, g
ive me your woes, let us find out what is happening to you together.”

  “Well, you know about London, I presume?” He nodded. “Okay, then there’s the shadelings attacking me again.”

  “So you can see our kind, shoot the light of an angel from your body, you died, been attacked by shadelings, and all this happened since you turned 16 or 17?” he asked.

  “16, but when I turned 17 it only got worse. We moved here, and they attacked me again.”

  “Hmm,” he laughed.

  I laughed, too. After all, it sounded stupid beyond reason. If anyone had told me any of this a few years back, I would I laughed till I cried. So why would he believe me? Then again, I was still unaware what they all were. What was Elisha? They all seemed very interested in me. With that thought, I shuddered.


  “No, thanks, I’m fine.”

  “Let’s head over to the lab and do some tests.” With that, Lucian returned from his phone call. “Any news, Lucian?”

  “No, it’s not them. They swore on the elders. They don’t understand what’s happening.”

  “Okay it may be a good idea, Taylor, if you have a guard with you until it is caught.”

  “What’s caught?” I questioned.

  “The beast, its followed us here. We have been searching for it over the last few weeks, but the trail ran cold.” Lawrence said.

  “It looks like it’s here. There have been animal sightings in the forest near Lake Meed.” Lucian said.

  “Anyway, do not worry, we'll keep watch. For now, let’s adjourn to the lab. Lucian, show the way please.” Lawrence wasn’t fazed by the animal sightings that had taken place in Elvington and surrounding villages. Perhaps it was his obvious disregard for mortal life that scared me, or when I stepped into his laboratory.

  As a lab, it was a well-lit room, clean and crisp with a white tiled floor and plug holes to the side. It reminded me of a wet room, and I shuddered again at what type of ‘surgery’ Lawrence did.

  On the left stood a table with conical flasks and measuring cylinders. On the right, another table with a large microscope and shelves above filled with bottles of strangely coloured liquids. Beside the microscope there was a stack of aged journals dating back years and years, too many to count.


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