The Celestial Rose BoxSet

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The Celestial Rose BoxSet Page 11

by Annalee Adams

  He had said Jessie would be fine and she wouldn’t remember the speed or strength the Darkwaters embodied. Instead, she would remember a mere wolf attacking Pearce and him surviving with nothing more than a few cuts and bruises. Pearce wouldn’t be around for a few weeks after Lucian had done something to him to save his life. He wouldn’t say what, but I could guess. Watching all those reruns of Buffy helped.

  In the morning, Rowena stopped by.

  “Hey, it was a good night last night.”

  “Last night?” I questioned fearfully, recalling the deadly attack of the beast.

  I must have looked scared.

  “Err, yes, Taylor. The fair?” She replied.

  “Oh, yes! I had a lovely time. How about you and Ricky?”

  “Well, I’ll tell you all about that if you tell me what’s really bothering you.”

  “I, uh, nothing. It’s okay, we just had some car trouble last night.”

  “What do you mean? Is everyone okay?”

  “Yes, well, Pearce had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing that won’t mend. He’s at the hospital.”

  “What? Now that’s the opening conversation you should have started with, Taylor! What happened?”

  “A wolf,” I said, recalling what Lucian told me he had put into Jessie’s mind.

  “Jeez! That’s scary. No wonder you’re on edge today. Is Lucian keeping an eye on you?” she smirked.

  “You could say that.” I smiled.

  “Right, time for coffee,” she ordered, pulling me out the door.

  We drove to the local coffee shop in the centre of town.

  “Anyway, enough about me... what were you saying about Ricky?” I asked when we sat down.

  “Yes, I was, wasn’t I?” She warmed. “It went well last night, didn’t it?”

  “Well, you two seemed to hit it off, once you’d got over the stuttering first conversation.” I ridiculed.

  “Ha! I like him, and I think he likes me,” she paused, “well, I hope he does.”

  “Yes, he does. It’s obvious, even before you two engaged in conversation you were swooning over one another!” I said as I nudged her, smirking. “Give him a call, set that date for the cinema.”

  “Do you think?”

  “There’s no time like the present.”

  “Fine, I’ll call him now!” she exclaimed, with a look of excitement.

  While she was gone I sat listening to the talk of the town. The whispers told the story of the disappearance of the two girls. Gossip trails streamed amongst the patrons as the buzz line of fact and fiction blurred beyond comprehension.

  The past few months had been a maze of anticipation for me. What would happen with Lucian? What was he and what was I? I was afraid; the thought of what I could have scared me. Was I good? Evil? Would I lose my humanity? Not only that, but while I sat there listening to Rowena ramble about the date she’d set with Ricky, I wondered how safe I was. Sitting there in the little coffee shop in the middle of Elvington centre, with no one to help me if the beast attacked.

  But what if the shadelings came back? How would I, a fragile human, defend myself against them? What if the beast returned? Didn’t it have my scent now? It could have easily taken me. In every shadow, in every dark area, I did not feel safe. I never felt safe anymore.

  Almost as though he heard the fear ticking through my veins, the bells jangled on the coffee shop door and Lucian walked in.

  “Ah, there you are!” He smiled.

  “I hope you’re taking care of her,” Rowena remarked. "I heard about the wolf last night.”

  “Ah, yes. She’s always safe with me.” He sat beside us and casually placed his cool hand over my own. “So, are you ready for tonight?”

  “Oh, what’s tonight Taylor?” Rowena smirked.

  I laughed.

  “Lucian's promised to teach me Taekwondo.”

  “What? Really?” She laughed “Is that code for something else?” She winked as we joined in her laughter.

  Later that day, training commenced, and as the days rolled by, I became more and more exhausted. Classes at the academy, training afterwards, and then going straight home to bed. My life was a merry-go-round of fictional delight. Time with Lucian was always nice. He was a good trainer and always knew when best to steal a kiss or a cuddle. We were good together, and through him I was learning more, getting stronger, gaining control.

  Rumours kept circulating over the following weeks about the missing girls. As each day flooded into the next, the families' of those taken were forever lost, forever mourning. Their grief poured out from their veins, flowing through the air like the sweet smell of Kerosene, sickening to the lungs of many.

  Days turned into weeks, until the day the Darkwaters didn’t turn up. Lucian rang to say they were tracking the beast across the moors and he would be home as soon as he could. I’d learnt a lot in the past few months. His training had started to really help. I could throw a punch, dodge a hit, and use my auric energy to direct a light beam in any direction. It still wasn’t accurate, and I’d even say I was a liability to anyone mortal nearby. But should the need arise, I could hold my own... well sort of.

  The weeks ticked by and I spent my time with my friends. Rowena and I had grown closer and the gang at lunch time always kept me entertained, especially Chase’s obvious devotion to Jessie. Jessie was any girl’s best friend; she was complimentary, self-sacrificing, and beautiful inside and out. Even though most of the boys had a thing for her, she never batted an eyelid. She always acted compassionate, graceful, and gallant. The problem was Pearce. He had been missing since the beast attacked, but no one seemed concerned. I wondered if the Darkwaters had controlled their thoughts, implanting suggestions into the minds of Pearce’s parents, so they would put everyone else’s minds at ease. I could only presume he was shacked up with the Darkwaters, learning how to control his bloodlust, Buffy style.

  The twins had invited us all to their cabin for the weekend. It was a weekend to remember, one where each of us got together, nestled in pyjamas like a family of siblings, and snuggled in duvets beside the roaring open fire. It was nice being with the group again. No one expected anything from me, I could just sit happily as I was, drinking the night away like a true, human girl.

  Then there was Harland, the mysterious boy with a haunting look in his eyes. Rowena had warned me off him, but I followed my instincts and found Harland to be surprisingly fun. Granted, he had a devastatingly dark exterior and always put up a barrier so no one could go near him, but for me, he let loose a little. We had become quite good friends, the laughing and joking type, with the occasional hair ruffling and shoulder punch.

  The next month ended with a cool breeze hitting the campus. It would soon be the Yuletide ball. Rowena and I had planned to take a trip dress shopping the next week, something to look forward to as the nights grew longer and the days shorter. For the upcoming weekend, however, Harland and I were taking a time out. The countryside had a lot to offer, miles and miles of moorland with beautiful masses of purple and pink heather.

  “Are you cold Taylor?” Harland asked as I shivered from the autumn winds while we walked along the moors.

  “A little,” I replied, and with that he yanked me forwards.

  “Race me then,” he shouted and took off.

  Here’s me thinking he would offer his coat. Laughing, I ran to catch him up.

  “That’s not fair, Harland! You had a head start.”

  “Wouldn’t have made much of a difference, rooky,” he said laughing, tripping me over.

  “Jeez, Harland,” I said, landing beside a burrow of heather.

  “This stuff’s lucky, you know?”

  “Yeah, I could do with some luck.”

  “Me too. I’ll fight you for it,” he said tickling me.

  “Get off!” I yelled.

  “Your hearts beating fast. You need to work out more.”

  “Yeah, thanks for that. I’m working out far too much as it is.”
  “Woah, too much information there, girl!”

  I blushed.

  “What? No, not like that! Lucian's been teaching me Taekwondo.”

  “Hmm, if that’s what you want to call it.”

  “What is with you guys always presuming?”

  The sky turned from day to night as we sat laughing and joking around about life in general. Later that evening, we returned, back to the safety of my Elvington home.

  A few nights after, the weather began to turn. Nights became darker and autumn cast aside its throws. Leaf by leaf, the trees bared their branches to bring winter along its bay. October had passed, and November threatened to close.

  As we entered the academy, a chill swept through the air, leaves rustled, and raindrops fell. The crowds dashed inside, and I turned as four classic cars pulled up. The leaves began to dance once more, parting their way for the Darkwaters arrival. As each one of them left their vehicles, then they glided towards the academy, towards me.

  Pearce was with Nicholas. He saw me and came bounding up. He was different, hesitant, almost.

  “Taylor, I’ve missed you!”

  “What happened? Where were you?”

  “I best let Lucian tell you that, but once he has, we can catch up!” he said as he waved goodbye, running into the academy, ready to start the new school day.

  Then there was Lucian; full of allure and depth. His character shone with an aura of deadly beauty, encasing his most handsome desires. He leapt up the steps towards me, appearing more intense and magnetic as the pull of his demure shone through.

  My friends had already gone in as Lucian stopped before me, with a twinkle in his eye. The aromatic allure surrounded me once again as my body remembered the intensity of our bond. I was mad at him, mad at myself, as I realised I was deeply in love with him. No matter what he did, nothing would change that.

  “Where were you, Lucian? You can’t do that! You can’t just disappear, it’s not fair,” I said.

  He stepped closer, held me tight and spoke softly.

  “I’m sorry, Taylor, I truly am. We had to destroy it, make sure it couldn’t hurt you. It had your scent.”

  “Did you find the beast?” I asked, cuddled in his arms.

  “No,” he paused, “but it has left the area. Gone South, we believe.”

  He took my hand and brought it to his heart.

  "Taylor, I need you to understand what you’re getting into with me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know I’m a Dark One, but do you know what that is?”

  “I have an idea.”

  “I was once human like you were. Then Lilith made me her own, changed me to a Dark One, revered me as her Disciple. I have lived over a thousand years, seen over a hundred lifetimes. I've loved and lost too many times to count. I’ve gone by many names, moved though all countries. I’m an original, Taylor, the first of my kind, and because of that, I’m hunted. We all are. Being with me is dangerous. I fear I have endangered you already.”

  “No, you’re not the reason we met on the subway. You tried to save us all. It’s the beast that killed my mother.”

  “But I cannot be with you, not like that. I want to, but I’m scared I’m putting your life in danger. The beast is after you because of me, because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

  “I don’t believe that. I believe in destiny and fate. You said you thought I was something more, someone special.”

  “And you are, you always will be, to me.”

  “Then let’s live in the moment.”

  “But can you accept me as I am? I am darkness, after all. Evil lives inside of me.”

  "Then show me, Lucian, show me what you are."

  Jumping up on the side railing, he balanced impeccably, grinning with mischief.

  “I can tease you, teach you, lust over you, and give you the thrill of a lifetime. Being with me will never be easy, but it will be a love story told for centuries to come. I’m a born-again carnivore, a monster, a killer. But to me, you can be the beat to my heart, the life I yearn for, and the love I hope to gain. I cannot stop thinking of you and no matter how far we are apart, I know you also consider me as your own. So, will you have me, Taylor Lane, will you be the light in my darkness once again?”

  And with that he jumped down, landing beside me. Seduced by his words, I found myself leaning forward to kiss him, answering his question. He was mine and I was his. He returned the kiss seductively, gripping at my waist, pulling me closer, tighter still. He cradled my body, holding me up as a weakness trembled through my knees. His body thrust against me as his hands traced across the crease of my spine, up my shirt, pulling tight on the strap of my bra.

  He smelt so good as his cologne embraced my senses, woody with a subtle hint of sandalwood. I lusted over his touch. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, leaning in to kiss him deeper. I could feel life rush through him as my own heart skipped a beat for us both. He pulled my hair back, releasing me from his intensity, sweeping his arm around me and transferring me to his back with ease. As he held me tight, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he took off high into the sky.

  Leaping through the air above, gliding gracefully across the side of the academy, we flashed over the rooftops with a speed so deadly it made my heart flutter. We reached a canopy of trees, which Lucian sailed over with the balance and awe of a ballet dancer pirouetting on ice. We landed briefly on the tip of Fire Peak, then soared through the sky as he leapt over to an aged water mill, bounding off the side, and running at full force across fields of hay and corn.

  The wind swept through my locks and ruffled my clothing as we leapt from tree to tree, flying like a bird, leaping like a kangaroo. The pressure was light against my cheeks as we danced across the clouds. I no longer knew what area we flew above except the feeling that if this was a dream, it was one I never wanted to end. I was back in the arms of my protector, soaring high, bounding from structure to structure, flying at a speed faster than any I’d seen before.

  Lucian slowed to stop on a meadow beside the lake, with its high-pitched hills in the distance, surrounding us, closing us in and away from any wandering eyes. The brisk rays of the sun escaped through the clouds above, cascading across the lake like a dance of fairies and firelight.

  I looked up at him as we sat on the meadow, taking in the beauty of the lake before us.

  “You’re not a monster, Lucian.” I said.

  “How do you know?”

  “You have more heart than any person I know, even if yours doesn’t beat.” I paused. “How can you even consider yourself evil, a killer? You’re not the angry type.”

  “Would a killer be angry though?” he asked.

  “I would have thought so.”

  “But surely the refrained killer, who took pride in their work, would be one to fear the most?”

  “That’s not you, Lucian.”

  “No, but it used to be. I was a Dark One before a Disciple.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “Control. I can control the bloodlust as a Disciple. I still need fresh blood, but I don’t have to kill to get it.”

  “So, you are a vampire?” I asked.

  He laughed.

  “The things you see on the screen warp your mind, none of that’s real. It’s a fairy tale, in comparison.” He looked at me, his face serious. “We are all predators in this world. We all hunt, even humans do, and they make a sport of it, whereas Dark One’s only hunt out of necessity. But, it’s not to say we don’t enjoy it. It’s the thrill of the chase, the intensity of the capture, and the fulfilling nature of the feed. Dark One’s are born cannibals, feeding on the world around them, acting out in their way through the bloody support system that preserves our livelihood. But you need never fear me.”

  “I don’t, but I can’t say the same for what I am,” I said smiling.

  He laughed.

  “Indeed, what you are is something a lot scar
ier than I.”

  He propped himself up and looked deep into my eyes, studying my expression, and then kissed me. The kiss passed through me like a bolt of lightning surging through my veins. The passion ignited my calm exterior, turning on my inner seductive nature as I devoured the kiss. Whatever he was, whatever he had become, and whatever I was, it didn't matter. What mattered was how tight I held him, how close our bodies were, and how much he kissed me right then.

  Lying on the soft meadow, he laid beside me. My temperature rose, heart thumped. I wanted more, needed him right at that moment. Holding my hands above my head, he climbed on top. His physique covered my own as he pulled off his top, pressing against me with his cool exterior. My lustful desire sizzled as my inner succubus came out to play. Roses caressed the air. He kissed my neck, tracing his tongue down and over my bosom.

  Freeing my hands, I held on to him, pulling him closer, kissing him harder. Growling in an animalistic manner, my pretty pink nails dug in. His body tensed, arched as he groaned in arousal as I held on tighter.

  Holding my neck, he kissed me harder, deeper still. I wanted to move closer, lose myself to him. He pulled me in, tempting me further like an offering of something sweet, delicious, and necessary. He growled, ravenously ripping off my blouse. The buttons pinged across the meadow while the soft grass tickled provocatively at my back, cushioning me as I took all his weight while he bared down on me. The wind bristled through my hair, sweeping across my torso as I sensed a dramatic change in direction. Leaves rustled across the grassland and danced together as Lucian took his scarf and lowered it over my head. It trailed over my face as he covered my eyes, creating a darkened illusion before me.

  “Taylor, listen. Engage your senses.”

  I listened in awe as a flock of birds flapped their wings with the wind that wailed past them. Winter's sun rayed down on my soft supple body, as a slight trickle of sweat slipped across my bosom. Then something light, and delicately soft, stroked across my stomach. The immense feeling of this sensation sent my mind whirling in a thousand different directions. I bit down on my bottom lip when I felt Lucian's torso collide with my own. Skin on skin as he whipped off my bra, tracing a line of butterfly kisses over each breast.


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