The Celestial Rose BoxSet

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The Celestial Rose BoxSet Page 61

by Annalee Adams

  “We don’t need the light, Adam.” I said, “We have each other.”

  “But how do I protect Elysium?”

  “With the people. Arm the souls, give them a fighting chance.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Release them from their rooms and give them the chance to fight back for all that was taken from them.”

  “What, the human souls? Those that died?”

  “Yes.” I said.

  “But they’re supposed to be at peace.”

  “They can’t be at peace with a war looming.” I said.

  Harland stepped forward. “She has a point, mate.”

  Joey piped in, “Yeah, an all those rotting corpses in the ticket station, they haven’t got ought better to do. May as well let ‘em fight for their right to live.”

  “But they’re dead.” Adam said.

  “Then grant them life.” I said.

  “I can’t, it’s a process.”

  “No, Adam. Forget the red tape, we need as many fighters as we can muster. All the people awaiting their fate can help seal it by helping us win the war.”

  “They aren’t all good, though,” Gabriel said, walking in.

  I smiled. It was good to see him again. “Yes, I know, it’s a chance we have to take.”

  “Elysium will be in chaos if I grant them all entry.”

  Gabriel nodded. “You don’t need them to enter here, we can go to the ticket station and raise them up from there. They are the foot soldiers at the gate, then, our first line of defence.”

  I smiled. He was right, we could make our stand from there if we had to.

  “Okay,” Adam nodded. “I think we have a plan forming.”

  I grinned.

  “Now, isn’t it time for a celebration?” He asked.

  “Really, you think celebrating now is a good idea?” I questioned.

  “Well, have you any better ideas little sister? It’ll take time for the human transfer to complete, we need to wait for the rose to rejuvenate, then we’ve got to keep the gates closed until the souls of the fallen are out of their sleep states and geared up ready to fight... oh and we can’t go back to Earth until daylight hits the planet, tomorrow, can we?”

  “He’s right” Lucian said. “I think we could all do with a drink!”

  “Speak for yourself” I smiled, patting my tummy.

  “Ah...” he grinned. “Well I’ll have one for the three of you then.”

  “Yes! We really doing this? Gonna get me some celebrating on.” Joey said punching the air. “Mmm hmm, I’m a feelin’ lucky tonight.”

  We all laughed. Lucian and I interlinked hands and headed over to the plateau to start the festivities early.

  CHAPTER 87: Taylor

  Showered, dressed, and changed, I was ready to go. The dress I’d chosen was one that even Elisha would approve of. It was a silk, ivy gown that caressed my larger bosom and cradled my babies beautifully. The twisting of ivy clung to me as it draped over my body in an elegant, classical style. Lucian was in a shimmering, pale green shirt and fitted cream slacks; pulling off the smart yet not-over the top image.

  “Taylor, you look stunning.” He said, walking into the room after he’d fitted his cufflinks.

  “Why, thank you, young sir,” I curtseyed, smiling.

  He walked over, took my arm, and out we headed. Ready to enter the celebration of light, hand in hand with my lover, a smile was brought to my face and a twinkle in my eye. The love we shared was the soppy type, the cheesy lyrics to an old love song and the type where rainbows and unicorns really did exist. The majority of mythological creatures are based on some truth... unicorns, well, they were just horses with magical horns. They were creatures of the light, but after Lilith’s lust for magic three centuries ago, she had carved off all the horns from every magical beast on Earth, and now we only had the horse part of them. Rainbows are just a reflection of light amidst the rays of light and the doom of darkness. They represent the balance, and so I’ve been told, hold the key to entering the watchtowers. Had I ever found the end of one, though? No, it didn't exist, so how it showed a pathway forward, who knew?

  “What are you thinking about?” Lucian asked as we stood before the entrance to the huge marquee.

  “Oh, just rainbows and unicorns.”

  He laughed. “Well, aren’t we chipper today.” He grinned.

  “Hey, it’s not every day you save the human race.”

  “Well, there is that,” he said, turning to face me. Cupping his hands at the side of my face, he kissed me. “I’m so lucky to have you, Taylor.”

  “I’m the lucky one, Lucian.” I said, kissing him again.

  Withdrawing gently, he said, “and that’s why I love you. You think I’m better than you, when in fact I was born from darkness, and you from light.”

  “Hey, it’s not a competition.” I grinned, pushing him sideways.

  “Oh, it’s like, that is it?” he smiled, pulling me over and draping his arms around my shoulders.

  “You know it is.” Jeez, if only he knew how lucky I was. Did he not see the good in him like I did? He may have followed the darkness, been born with it within him, but with all that and to still follow the path of light? That took purity. He was the strongest and most dashingly handsome man I had ever had the pleasure to meet. If only we’d met sooner.

  The babies twisted and turned in my stomach, wriggling about, playing together. Lucian knelt down on one knee and kissed them. “Daddy is looking forward to seeing you both.” He said, smiling before standing back up.

  “I’m sure they are eager to meet their daddy, too.” I said.

  Mother walked out of the marquee. “Are you two coming or not?” she smiled.

  “Yes, I, err...” Lucian said.

  “He was having a moment with his babies.” I said and laughed. Lucian winced, awaiting a joke to pop up from somewhere.

  “Well, by the looks of it, it won’t be long before he can hold them,” she said.

  “Huh?” I paused “Why?”

  “You’re ready to pop, my love. They’ve dropped into position.”

  “But I can’t.”

  “No, she can’t,” Lucian said, stepping backwards. I laughed, his fear was admirable.

  “I’m only six months along.”

  “Honey, you’re over eight months and ready to drop out those babies any day now.”


  “Shit.” Lucian said. Mother laughed.

  “Don’t tell Adam, mother, he won’t let me go down to Earth.”

  “I’m not sure, Eve. I can’t lie to him.”

  “No, don’t lie, just don’t bring it up.”

  “Okay, that I can do. I’ll be with you, so you’ll be fine. We can deliver my gorgeous grandchildren if we need to.”

  “Shit.” Lucian said. “Taylor, you need to go lie down, stay in bed, do nothing. Shit. I’ve got loads to prepare! Where will we live? We haven’t even got a nursery.”

  I laughed. “We don’t need any of that, Lucian. As long as we have each other, it’ll be fine.”

  He nodded, wincing.

  Mother laughed. “Okay, are you to ready for your grand entrance?”

  “Err... no” Lucian said.

  I took his hand, kissed it, and led him in. “We can do this.” I said, leaving daylight and entering into the night.

  Entering the marquee was like walking on to the set of a Midsummer Night’s Dream. The stage was set, night time was cast. A tremendous centre piece stood as an exquisitely crafted tree adorned in rows of crystal bunting, shimmering through the light of the fireflies that drifted around it. It was magical, the perfect way of displaying all of our light in one dramatic place. Even in the shadow of darkness, our light always shined the brightest. The walls were dressed in hundreds and thousands of candles and stars twinkled through the silken fabric, creating a fairy tale of romance in the room.

  Adam walked over raising a glass of sparkling champagne with a glittered fi
nish that swept its shimmering nature over the rim of the glass. A lady came over and handed us a glass each. “To happy couple,” he said as the venue erupted in cheers. I smiled, thanking him.

  “Err... why do I feel like I’m at a wedding?” I asked.

  Lucian shrugged. “Who knows? But that wouldn’t be a bad idea.” He grinned.

  “We need to set a date!”

  He nodded. “Indeed, we do.”

  “I would love for our children to be at our wedding.” I said.

  “That would be perfect. Let’s plan for after they’re born.”

  I nodded, leaning up to kiss him.

  Elisha strode over, dragging Harland behind. “Let the games begin!” she exclaimed, taking my hand and dragging me away from Lucian.

  “Help,” I mouthed at Lucian, who was laughing at me being whisked away.

  “Oh mate, it’s your turn, too.” Harland said, pulling Lucian over, too.

  “Damn,” he said, placing the empty champagne flute on the lady’s tray as he left.

  The room was full of an absurd amount of magical beings. Not just humans, but every heavenly creature we had ever met. They all resided there, it was their version of heaven, their forever home. Centaurs and elf types, fairies and firefly’s, even the odd pagan witches were casting a fruitful number of spells. These must be the good types, I thought, walking past them and smiling. The pixies bounced by as a centaur lifted me up and cheered. “She is the future.” He boomed, and the crowds cheered.

  “Put her down!” Elisha demanded, crossing her arms, tapping her foot. “We’ve got a plan to follow, you know.” The centaur held up his hands and backed off, patted on the back by his fellow comrades as they all disembarked and rode off to the bar.

  The bar, blimey that felt tempting. When was the last time I went out with my friends for a few drinks? Oh yeah, that would be my eighteenth and look how that ended. Jeez I wanted a drink. The travesty we’d both been through in the last few years was tremendously tiresome. But even though I wanted it, I couldn’t even bring myself to share the wine I’d been given, let alone a crate full of spirits. I needed my body healthy and safe for my unborn children and didn’t want to risk potions and lotions, as well as alcohol and drugs. Who knew what those things were made of? Not that anyone there wished me any harm, but I’d rather be safe than sorry; being Lilith’s sister had taught me that. Lucian, however, was on his third glass as Harland dragged him over to me. Jeez, the boy could drink. Then again, his metabolism wasn’t like that of a mortal, so who knew? Perhaps he needed the courage of a few extra units of alcohol, especially considering none of the Dark Ones had had any blood since they’d been there. They had to be thirsty.

  Elisha stopped abruptly, so I banged into her. “Watch it.” She declared. “Damn, you annoy me like my kid sister used to.”

  “What’s wrong?” She seemed mad.

  “I never liked you, Taylor, not really. But when you and Lucian went and got yourselves killed... or so I thought, I missed you. You're family now, and one of us.” She declared.

  “Thank you,” I said, flinging my arms around her.

  “I love you being around, Taylor, so don’t go disappearing on me again... and you best get used to being bossed about, as I’m the alpha here,” she grinned.

  I laughed. “Of course!”

  Harland and Lucian caught up. Harland grinned. “Now that the reunion’s over, can we get this party started?”

  “Oh yep, mates!” Joey exclaimed, jumping in the middle with his arms around Harland and Lucian.

  Harland growled.

  “Oh my, look at those fancy yellow eyes. Did anyone ever tell you that you look kinda sexy that way?”

  Harland backed off.

  I laughed. “He’s after a mate, Harland, I’d watch yourself.”

  “Best get those vampire teeth away from me... mate.” He said.

  Joey laughed. “Mate, you stink of wet dog, I’m not that desperate yet.”

  Harland puzzled. I doubted he knew how to take that. I laughed. Well he had called him a vampire, and I knew how Lucian hated that word.

  Elisha stood tall, hands on hips. “Right, the first game is for the baby shower.” She said, taking my hand and pulling me over to a large board with a baby’s face on it. “Pink or blue?”

  “Err... one of each.”

  “That’s cheating.”

  “Actually it’s not, I have two babies.”

  “Fine.” She said, passing me two dummy shaped pins. “The aim of the game is to place the dummy in the baby’s mouth. The closest person wins.”

  “That’s easy,” I said, stepping forward.

  “Ah no,” she said, whipping out a blindfold and covering my eyes.


  After she’d tied the bow, she proceeded to spin me around and around. There were giggles around me, even Lucian laughed. Well... I’d make sure it was his turn next, then who’d be laughing? I grinned. I stopped spinning and stood wobbling, blinded to the area around me. My other senses heightened. I could smell blueberry pancakes, freshly made with lashings of cream over them. That had to be coming from the buffet table. Following the scent, I could tell it was in front of me. I’d passed that on the left as we walked in, so I turned to the right, meaning that the board should have been forward and to the right slightly. I stepped forward and lunged out the pin with my right hand.

  “Eek!” someone yelled. Clearly, I’d stabbed them.

  “Whoops, sorry.” Okay, maybe it wasn’t that far to the left. Trying again, I lunged forward and hit the board, at least I thought it was. I was sure the board shouldn’t be that squashable. Two hands grabbed my arms, pulled me in, and the scent of cologne wafted up and into my nostrils. Lucian. His lips touched mine as he lifted the blindfold and revealed the pin sticking out of his chest.

  “Ah,” I said.

  He nodded, wincing as I pulled it out.

  “Well, it’s a good job you’re a quick healer.” I laughed, kissing him.

  Elisha clapped. Harland had his hand over his mouth laughing, he was clearly about to burst into hysterics.

  “Your turn, Lucian.” I said, handing him the bloody pins, kissing his lips as I placed the blindfold that covered his eyes. After spinning him around, he stopped. Dizziness was clear and apparent as he teetered over to the right, but jeez did he have a good sense of direction as he headed straight over to the board next to me. Leaning forward, he caressed my baby bump, kissed me, and used his left hand to place the pin on the face of the baby.

  “How?” I asked, pulling off his blindfold.

  “Oh, I’m just that good.”

  “No cheating, Lucian!” Elisha said, stomping over.

  Lucian laughed. “I didn’t cheat, I knew exactly where my girl was from the beat of her heart, and the board was on her right.”

  “What, that’s not fair.” I said.

  “No, but you’ve got to give me credit, it was good.”

  I nodded, laughing.

  Elisha frowned. “Well, that games over, time for the wishing tree.”

  “The what now?” I asked.

  “Oh, Taylor, play along.” My mother said, appearing beside me.

  My brow raised. “Okay... if I must.” She laughed.

  “So what’s the wishing tree, Elisha?” I asked as Elisha took my hand pulling me over to the centrepiece. The tree before me was magnificent; the fireflies lit each crystal as they danced about, swarming around as though they were on parade.

  “This is the wishing tree, Taylor. Everyone writes their wish down and the witches will embed them into the crystals the tree births.” She handed me a pink piece of paper and a quill from beside a pot of ink. “Write your wish down and off it’ll go.” So I did just that. Well, I started to but when putting pen to paper, I stopped. What did I want? If I could have one wish in the whole of the universe, what would it be? Would it be selfish of me to want to protect my loved ones, or should I wish for life after devastation? Had Earth survived
Lilith’s wrath?

  “I don’t know what to put?” I said, looking at Lucian. “There’s so much I should wish for, but what’s more important than everything else?” I asked. Lucian stood watching me, un-answering to any of my questions. Instead, he stepped forward, kissed my lips, and placed his hand on my stomach. He was right, he knew. Family. That was what was more important than anything else. My family. So that was what I wrote. “I wish my family was safe from Lilith.” Rolling the paper up, I placed it down and, as the quill returned into its holder, the scroll rose up and into the air, drifting gradually over to the tree, dancing along beside the fireflies as one of the red crystals opened up to absorb it.

  “My turn,” Lucian said, grinning.

  “What are you choosing?” I asked.

  “Ah ha, I can’t say, otherwise it won’t come true.” He grinned.

  “Really?” I asked. Was he being serious? I laughed as he bent down and scribbled over the paper, watching as it rose and was absorbed into one of the green crystals. “That’s so unfair, you know what I wrote.”

  “Actually, no I don’t, but I can guess... you’re that transparent.” He grinned, laughing as I punched his shoulder.

  “I don’t mind being transparent with you.” I said taking his hand.

  Music drifted from the other side of the marquee and the lights above twinkled. Lucian led me away and over to what appeared to be a dance floor. A raised platform levitated a foot off the ground with lights beaming out from under it illuminating the pathway forward. Stepping up the drifting steps, I took Lucian's hand as he lifted me gracefully up and into the air, swirling me along at a gradual, calming speed. He was clearly being careful, watching that I didn’t twist or turn too much, ensuring the babies and I were still okay. Pulling me in close, we swayed to the music, my head on his shoulder as we danced the night away.

  Later that evening we sat outside on a picnic blanket under the cosmos. We’d escaped the events, played one too many games when Mother came over with a basket of food and a handstitched blanket, giving us time together as just us. It was perfect; a night under the stars sat amongst the feathering trees as summer turned to autumn, just as it did back on Earth. I was lent back into Lucian's arms, drifting into a blissful sleep as he lent down and kissed the tip of my nose. “Happy birthday, Taylor Lane.” He said. I opened my eyes.


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