Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1) Page 9

by Michelle Hercules

  Rufio’s plan is diabolical and seemingly foolproof, but the feeling of doom hanging over my head tells me things are not going to pan out as he plans. But nothing I can say will dissuade him from his idea. And if I jolt his memory and tell him what he did to Daisy in Unearthly Desires, it’ll only make matters worse.

  “Challenge accepted,” Phoenix says. “So whoever gets Daisy to say ‘I love you’ first wins.”

  Rufio shakes his head. “Girls lie all the time. She has to show her love, not tell.”

  Phoenix rubs his chin. “And who’s going to be the judge of that?”

  They both turn to me.

  “Oh fuck no,” I say.

  “Come on, dude. With your perceptive nature, you’re the only one who can tell for real,” Phoenix argues.

  “Ask Bryce.” I cross my arms in front of my chest.

  “My brother lives mostly in his head rather than out in the real world. It has to be you, Morpheus,” Rufio insists.

  I drop my chin, focusing on the pattern on the blanket still wrapped around my shoulders. “Shit. You’re not going to stop pestering me until I agree, are you?”

  “Nope,” Phoenix replies.

  “Fine. I’ll be the judge of your idiotic game. But you’d better make it happen fast. I don’t want to waste half a semester paying attention to some Norm chick.”

  Especially when I have to study twice as hard as everyone else to get good grades. All this Idol power didn’t guarantee a brilliant mind. I wonder if my struggles with academia are punishment for what my mother did. It’s definitely the reason my father looks at me as if I were anathema. Never mind that he’s a level five Fringe and should kiss the ground I walk on. But it’s me who grovels for his affection.

  More often than not, I hate being an Idol. But that’s a secret no one will ever know.



  “So, did you find out anything?” Toby asks before he takes a huge bite of his sandwich.

  I drop on the bench across from him. We’re having lunch outside at one of the picnic tables. It’s another hot day, and we’re the only fools here. Not even the oak tree’s shade is helping much. But the school cafeteria is as safe as a war zone. Despite the absence of Phoenix, Rufio, and Morpheus—the three Idols who hate my guts—the hostility vibe was still off the charts. If I thought Idols in Hawk City were bad, the students at Gifted Academy are ten times worse. I wouldn’t put it past someone making me choke on my food.

  Toby was the one who suggested we sit outside. I’m still trying to figure him out. He’s a Fringe, but he’s nice. Not all Fringes are assholes, but I’m not sure if Toby’s niceness is genuine or not.

  “No. The nurse thought I was nuts for asking about Alicia. She said no one had come to see her today before I showed up, which means Morpheus didn’t take her there.”

  I only told Toby about the part where I asked Morpheus to take the girl to the infirmary. I never mentioned that the dark-eyed boy tried to choke me to death after. I don’t know Toby well enough yet, but he’s the only friendly person here. I don’t want to scare him away by disclosing that I’m on the shit list of the likes of Morpheus and Rufio. He already knows about Phoenix—sort of.

  Toby chews his food slowly while his eyes turn calculating. After he swallows, he says, “I think I know what Alicia’s problem was. If I’m right, Morpheus would never take her to an authority figure.”

  “What’s your theory?”

  “She must have taken Silver-voltage.”

  “What’s that? A drug?” I pluck a potato chip from the bag.

  “Yup. A highly potent drug that’s super popular among Idols. It’s extremely dangerous for anyone else. Fringes aren’t powerful enough to handle the substance, and it’s deadly to Norms.”

  “Is that fact well known? I mean, could she have taken it without being aware of the side effects?” I take a sip of my freshly squeezed orange juice. It’s a luxury to me.

  “Are you kidding me? Of course it’s well known. Sometimes Idols will dare Fringes to take Silver-voltage. But often, the idiots get the drug themselves.”

  “What does the drug do?” Norm kids take drugs as well—marijuana, cocaine, heroin—but those wouldn’t affect Idols at all.

  “Well, since I’m not a moron, I don’t have firsthand knowledge, but I’ve heard people say it’s like they’re floating. Others will tell you they get euphoric and hyper. I think the side effects are different for each Idol, depending on their abilities.”

  I nibble on my lower lip. “Why would anyone choose to get high in the gym alone? Don’t you find that strange?”

  Toby nods. “Oh yeah. Definitely strange. I’d bet a limb she wasn’t alone. Alicia is a level four Fringe.” Toby stops suddenly and cocks his head. “Are you familiar with the classification of Fringes and Idols?”

  I know them inside out, but very few Norms do. All they care to know is to stay away from Idols and mistrust Fringes. My knowledge comes from Dad’s diary, so I can’t tell Toby the truth.

  “I know a little.”

  “Right. So basically all Fringes and Idols have demigod blood running through their veins, but the lineage is stronger for Idols; therefore, they’re more powerful. The closer they are to their demigod forefathers, the stronger they are.”

  “So, what’s the strongest level for Idols?” I ask.

  Dad’s diary said the strongest level of power recorded was eighteen, but he wasn’t sure if the Idol was truly an Idol or actually a demigod. He said the most powerful Idols were usually in the fourteen range.

  “The Idol history books say eighteen, but no one has ever seen an Idol that powerful. So I’d say for sure seventeen.”

  “Really? I don’t think I’ve ever come across an Idol stronger than the fourteen range.” That’s what I peg Rufio and his friends to be, at least.

  Toby drops his half-eaten sandwich on the food tray and gives me a droll stare. “What are you talking about? Of course you have.”

  “Who?” My stomach clenches painfully. I can guess who he’s going to say.

  “The Magnificent Four.”


  “Rufio, Morpheus, Phoenix, and Bryce. Man, I think I’ve been too focused on showing you the ins and outs of the school. What you need is a lecture on Idol hierarchy. Rufio, Morpheus, and Phoenix are all level fifteen and the kings of school.”

  Crap on toast.

  “What about Bryce?”

  “Oh, he’s in a league of his own. He’s a fucking seventeen.”

  My jaw drops to the floor. I can’t believe I went to complain about noise to such a powerful Idol. He could’ve obliterated me with a snap of his fingers. Lucky me that he didn’t. But still, I’m on the shit list of not only the most powerful Idols in school, but the most powerful Idols ever. Damn, why do I have to be such an overachiever?

  Toby’s gaze travels past my shoulder. “Ah, fuck. Here comes Dreadzilla and her posse.”

  “Who?” I turn.

  A tall redhead is marching in our direction. She’s flanked by two other girls, including the one I almost came to blows with yesterday. Great.

  “Her name is Drusilla Dharma. Nasty to the bone. She’s a level twelve Idol. The blonde to her left, the one you pissed off already, is Cherise Blake, a level nine Fringe. And the other chick is Renata Pomme, a level ten Idol. You can ignore her; she’s too stupid to be an issue.”

  The three girls stop right in front of our table, all full of smirks and attitude.

  “So, you’re the new bitch Norm.” Drusilla gives me a once-over. “I’m kind of disappointed. I thought you’d be more… menacing-looking.”

  Queen bee cuts a chastising glance in Cherise’s direction. The girl flinches.

  “Do you want anything?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I do want something.” She leans forward, bringing her mouth close to my ear. “I want you to pack your measly belongings and get your skank Norm ass out of my school.”

e straightens up with a big plastic smile on her face.

  “Seriously?” I scoff. “You guys have nothing better to do than threaten me? How miserable are your lives?”

  “Our lives are not miserable,” Renata replies indignantly.

  With a huff and a glower, Drusilla turns to her friend. “What did I tell you, Renata? No talking unless I tell you to do so.”

  The brunette shrinks in on herself, keeping her gaze downcast.

  Who needs enemies when you have friends like Dreadzilla?

  I glance at Toby, who’s visibly tense.

  Long and sharp nails dig into my skin when Drusilla grabs me by the chin and forces me to look at her. “Leave Gifted Academy, or we’ll make your life hell.”

  My blood reaches boiling temperature. I yank her hand off me and stand up. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  Drusilla’s green eyes widen, but the gesture only lasts a second before her gaze narrows to slits.

  “Kneel,” she says, only her voice sounds different, almost as if several people are speaking through her.

  My knees buckle under me. I fight the compulsion as hard as I can but end up stooping in front of the bitch anyway.

  “Drusilla, cut it out.” Toby forgets his lunch and stands.

  Shit. I don’t want him to get in trouble with these girls because of me.

  “Shut up, Fringe, or you’re next,” Drusilla snaps.

  “Let me go,” I say through clenched teeth.

  She laughs and her minions follow suit. “I think not. I like seeing dirty whores where they belong.”

  I’m shaking and sweating, but no matter how hard I try to break free from the Idol’s power, I can’t.

  “What’s going on here?” a masculine voice asks from behind the mean girls.

  They turn, allowing me to see who’s standing there in all his cruel beauty. Rufio. Fuck. The last thing I wanted was for him to witness my humiliation. Even so, my stomach begins to spiral out of control and a strange feeling hits my chest, taking my head for a spin. He’s hateful, so my reaction to seeing him is nothing but idiotic.

  In my defense, now that he’s not leveling me with a murderous stare, I can really pay attention to his looks. His hair is dark with long bangs that are styled in a messy way. His cheekbones are high, and his lips are full—and very kissable. Damn it. Why does he have to be so attractive? His friends are all too good-looking as well. It must be their closeness to the gods. No wonder they’re called the Magnificent Four. It’s almost as if their godly beauty is an attempt to hide their ugly hearts.

  Rufio’s tie is loose around his neck, and the top buttons of his shirt are undone, which just adds a devil-may-care vibe to his image. As if he needs extra sexy points.

  “Oh, Rufio. I’m just putting the Norm in her place,” Drusilla replies. Her tone has grown sweeter to the point that it might give me a toothache.

  “Let her go,” he replies, hard and cold. It leaves no room for argument.

  The compulsion keeping me on my knees evaporates. I quickly jump back to my feet and wipe the dirt from my legs, but my tension has doubled. Rufio’s presence here is even more reason for concern.

  Against my will, shakes rack my body as I wait for the Idol who wishes me dead to strike. I didn’t buy his kindness during math class for one second.

  Drusilla sashays toward Rufio, stopping only when she’s in front of him, invading his personal space.

  “I haven’t seen you around lately.” She places a manicured hand on his chest.

  Rufio drops his gaze to Drusilla’s face. Then, with a tsking sound, he pushes her off him and walks around her toward me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks as if he’s truly concerned. There’s nothing in his tone or expression that shows his duplicity. Even so, I’m wary. He may have an excellent poker face, but I know he can’t be trusted.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I turn to my tray. I was only able to eat half my lunch before Drusilla showed up, but I’m no longer hungry.

  “Why are you asking if the Norm is okay? I don’t get it,” Drusilla’s friend asks, the one who Toby said wasn’t very bright. I’m beginning to agree with his assessment.

  Instead of answering her, Rufio simply looks over his shoulder and focuses on the ring leader. “You are to leave Daisy alone.”

  Drusilla’s eyebrows rise. “Uh, what?”

  “You heard me. Now move along.”

  Her eyes flash with so much hatred that I can feel it in my bones. Fuck. I just added another enemy to my ever-growing list. I really need to stop collecting them like they’re trading cards.

  With a huff, Drusilla turns on her heels and strides back into the building, followed by her friends.

  Rufio switches his attention back to me and gives me a crooked smile. His eyes are intense but devoid of animosity. It doesn’t matter. He takes my breath away whether he’s being truthful or a snake. As a matter of fact, his appreciative stare is worse than his murderous one. It dissolves my simmering rage, which is always on the surface like a steely armor, protecting me. I can’t let my guard down; always being on edge is what kept Rosie and me alive all these years.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “I’m fine.” I cross my arms over my chest and then immediately drop them to my sides. Can’t show any sign that I’m afraid of him. “You didn’t need to intervene.”

  He arches one eyebrow. “Is that so? So are you telling me you were about to break free from Drusilla’s compulsion?”

  “I was working on it.”

  Toby clears his throat, and I turn to face him. He’s trying his best to tell me something with his eyes. Probably that he wants me to bite my tongue. I should. Rufio is powerful and obviously up to no good. No one goes from wanting to kill you to knight in shining armor in a matter of days.

  “Hi, Toby,” Rufio says, his tone as easygoing as a summer breeze.

  “Hi. Uh, we need to go or we’ll be late for class.” Toby grabs his tray and urges me with his eyes to do the same.

  “What class do you have now?” Rufio asks.

  “PE,” I reply.

  “Oh, goodie. I’ll tag along.”

  “You don’t take PE.” Toby furrows his eyebrows, watching Rufio with suspicion now.

  Rufio shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs. “It’s a free period for me next.” He glances at me. “I have a feeling this will be an interesting class.”

  What the hell does he mean by that?



  It doesn’t take long to understand what Rufio’s game is. He obviously didn’t grow a heart in the span of two days. No, sociopaths like him don’t know the meaning of the word empathy.

  First, he lent me his tablet yesterday, no doubt betting I wouldn’t be able to solve the math problem. Today, he’s taking a cue from Phoenix’s book: reject the queen bee in my favor and paint a bull’s-eye on my back. The glares and sneers I receive from every single female student I encounter on the way to the gymnasium is just a prelude of what’s to come. So he’s not only an asshole, he’s a lazy asshole. He can’t even bring himself to exact revenge for a slight I didn’t commit; he’ll just use his many admirers to do his dirty work for him.

  Well, bring it on, bitches.

  He’s walking next to me, exuding all the confidence someone with his power and looks is born with. He didn’t have to change since he’s not in our class, but he waited for Toby and me to do so. I was lucky that the girls’ locker room was empty when I had to use it.

  I don’t glance in his direction, and I don’t fall for his attempts to strike up a conversation. I actually want to see how long he’ll keep up the façade before he caves in and shows his true colors.

  “You’re not a very chatty person, are you, Daisy?” he asks loudly when we’re walking by a cluster of girls.


  “Considering the first time we met, you wanted to kill me, no, I’m not in the mood to talk with you.”

  “Ouch. I guess I des
erve that.” He chuckles.

  Gosh, the sound is aggravating and alluring at the same time. You can’t fall for his bullshit, Daisy. This is a trap.

  “We’re here,” Toby announces in front of the metal double doors. There’s a note attached to one of them.

  Rufio reaches over, getting into my personal space, and plucks the sheet of paper from the door.

  “It says students should head to the tennis court outside,” he says.

  “Let me see that.” Toby yanks the paper from Rufio’s hand. It seems he’s forgotten who the guy is already, or maybe he’s buying into Rufio’s fake friendly ways. “I can’t fucking believe it. They want us to exercise outside in this heat?”

  “It’s not going to be that bad,” I say. “Come on, or we’ll be late.”

  We retrace our steps, and less than two minutes later, we’re back in the scorching heat of Saturn’s Bay. A group of students is already gathered on the tennis court. They switch their attention to us when we approach. Animosity is rolling out in waves from the group, even from the guys.

  “Ah, Miss Woods and Mr. Macintosh. I’m glad you could finally join us,” a stocky woman in beige shorts and a white polo T-shirt addresses us.

  “Sorry for the slight delay, Miss Piccolo. We didn’t know the class’s location had changed,” Toby replies.

  The PE teacher focuses on Rufio. “And what are you doing here, Mr. Kent?”

  “I have a free period, Miss Piccolo. I was just showing Daisy the grounds. You know, being helpful.”

  The woman narrows her eyes. Yeah, she’s not buying Rufio’s garbage either. Unfortunately, her female students are eating up every word he says, which means they’ll be gunning for me as soon as I turn my back to them.

  “Fine. If you want to suffer under this bloody heat with us, so be it. Miss Wood and Mr. Macintosh, get in line already.” She motions to where she wants us to go.


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